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“MASTER the Art of SELLING!” | Mark Cuban (@mcuban) | Top 10 Rules

one of the greatest skillsets that an
entrepreneur employee salesperson can
have is reducing stress and I’m gonna
tell you something that a lot of people
99 percent of people disagree with me on
right everybody says follow your
passions I say this and all
these things were completely foreign to
the NBA and they just thought I was an
idiot but you know as I’ve learned over
the years that every time someone thinks
I’m an idiot
I’m good need motivation watch a top 10
with believe nation what’s that believe
nation in seven my one word is believe
and I believe in you I believe you have
Michael Jordan level talent at something
and I want you to find it embrace it and
use it to make a difference so let’s get
your motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and join
today’s lessons from a man who went from
selling garbage bags door-to-door so he
can raise enough money to buy an
expensive pair of basketball sneakers to
becoming a billionaire investor
entrepreneur author and TV personality
if he’s Mark Cuban and here’s my take on
his top ten Rose a success vol 5 also if
you want to know what Mark Cuban and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a 30
second to five-minute video to help you
build your confidence for free every
single morning the link to sign up is in
the description below the passion I’ve
always had for business and being an
entrepreneur the trend that transfers
into the Mavs I’ve always been
passionate some people thought you know
it’s a it’s more OCD than anything else
which i think is a great trait for an
entrepreneur well you know I mentioned
the stamp business I would stay up till
3:00 4:00 in the morning even though I
had to get up and go to school and read
Lynn Stamp news and Scott’s stamp
journals and have them all memorized and
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one learn how to sell
I’m gonna give you Mark Cuban rule
number one and whenever you forget this
rule you’re already out of business in
every business sales Cure’s all has
anybody ever heard of a business that
had zero sales sales that was successful
doesn’t happen yet a lot of people start
their business thinking I have a great
idea I’m gonna do this this is amazing
I’m gonna go raise money I just sold
this idea and then it comes back and
it’s like okay you gotta sell that
product or you got to sell that service
that’s the first and main key to a
successful business when you’re getting
ready to start you have to answer that
rule number two just do it the second
thing is don’t ask for help I think one
of the things that is challenging the
companies right now is they want to
mentor they want a tutor right get out
there ready fire and go when I go to
talk and colleges in particular it’s
like we you help me you help me will you
help me help you sell right and I think
that’s where we get caught up so just do
this do it
rule number three reduce stress be turn
entrepreneurs about being a problem
solver right you’re you know what a
selling selling is not convincing
selling is helping you know as tech
entrepreneurs here if you’re going to a
customer whether it’s consumer or you’re
a b2b you know either you’re making your
customers life easier
either you’re reducing your stress or
you’re making it harder and you’re
increasing their stress I mean over the
years I think some of the things I’ve
come to learn triggers like dealing with
some of these Shark Tank companies is
one of the greatest skill sets that an
entrepreneur employee salesperson can
have is reducing stress if you find that
when you go to work stress increases the
minute you walk in the door you’ve got a
problem if you have an employee
and the minute they walk in the door you
have a problem and they have a problem
and what I found is the best companies
the best employees that I have the best
investments that I have are the people
who reduce stress because those are the
people we don’t want to give up you know
they may not they don’t make the most
noise they don’t always get the biggest
paychecks then always close the biggest
deals but when there’s problems that
need to be solved they’re already
working on them before you’re even aware
of them those are the people that we
love and those are the things you know
reducing stress if you set in your mind
it goes as an entrepreneur for your
company one keeping your you know
selling and keeping your customers very
happy to stay ahead of the curve with
your competitors and three reducing
stress of everybody around you all your
stakeholders you’re gonna be successful
because if you think about all your
personal experiences would you rather do
business with somebody who creates
stress or do you want to do business
with the person who reduces stress it’s
easy answer but you’d be amazed at how
many people don’t follow through in that
rule number four follow your effort and
I’m gonna tell you something that a lot
of people 99 percent of people disagree
with me on right everybody says follow
your passions I say that’s
right I say follow your efforts it’s
amazing how we’re all passionate about
things we are all passionate about
something helping veterans helping this
organization helping this group that’s
great but no matter what at all Nets out
to where do you put your time because
when people put in their time you get
better at things and when you get better
at something and get good at something
then you have a chance to be great at
something and you know what I’ve learned
nobody ever quits anything they’re great
at and once you get great at it’s
amazing how passionate you become about
it follow your efforts right because
it’s not in the Dreaming it’s in the
doing well number five be driven another
quick story so I didn’t have money for a
car and my x19
with a hole in the floorboard had died
and so I literally the way I got my car
was I saw a call
that was stranded on the side of the
road this old Camaro and I forget
exactly how but I figured out which bank
had had put the money up for it for
somebody to buy and I called the bank
and I said would you let me pick up the
payments on this
you know only I need you to lower the
payments down a little bit and they said
yes so I had this you know nineteen
um Trans Am that I was able to use but
the point being that you just have to do
things you never think you’re gonna have
to do in order to survive and get
through it
um you know those first couple months I
remember thinking to myself I’m in
business in two months now you know I
remember getting to the point where I
had $15,000 in sales probably six months
into the company and I’m still living in
the show and thinking okay I can do this
I can do this and along the way it was
lots of trial and error you know there
were things that were new to me things
that were terrifying to me things that
would just I would break out into a
sweat but I always remember going into
my customers and just trying to be
brutally honest and say to them if I can
help you right if I can bring value if I
can make your company more competitive
more profitable will you work with me
and you don’t have to put money I’ll do
the work to prove it and if I get it
done then we’ll meet you know we’ll
figure it all out you know or they agree
to a price and then they’ll paid at that
point and one by one I just kept on
making customers happy and lost some you
know for every one I lost picked up
three and I got I was so nervous about
the whole thing that you know I just I
couldn’t imagine slowing down you know
and so people talk about you know life
family balance I hadn’t done I mean I
literally remember dating some girl this
is truth and it was like we’d been
dating a couple years like it mark
you’re so into your work I mean I want
to picket fence I want a house I want
kids you know I mean you it’s me or your
job and I was like or me and your me or
your company and I was like what’s your
name again
I’m like if you don’t know me well
enough by now two years to know that I’m
dribbling this I mean there was no
balance rule number six
be prepared to win there’s part of you
that either wants to create a business
or you off obviously already have
created a business the hardest part is
taking that first step right there’s
always that line like I was talking
about earlier that you have to take a
step pass but the thing people always
say well you know you’re not afraid to
start a business why aren’t you it’s
terrifying or you know you I just it
scares me to do it and my my attitude
has always been if you’re prepared it’s
not a risk right Bobby Knight who was
the coach at Indiana University used to
say everybody’s got the will to win but
it’s only those with the will to prepare
that do win and the same applies to
business we’ve all seen her friends go
out there and just wing it
you know it’s my passion we’re all
passionate about something I’m
passionate about basketball doesn’t make
me an NBA player
right it’s not just about passion it’s
not just about saying I’m doing it it’s
not even about incorporating it’s not
about the idea it’s about are you
prepared and are you willing to do the
work rule number seven my personal
favorite know what your product is when
I started with the NBA they thought
their product was basketball and this
applies to entrepreneurs
very much so you got to know what your
product is micro solutions my product
was profitability using technology to
generate profitability at broadcast comm
it was our ability to make the world
smaller even though we broadcast radio
stations those were proof of concepts so
that corporations could do you know we
Intel would pay us hundreds of thousands
even millions of dollars so that they
could broadcast stream their product
introductions in five languages around
the world things they weren’t able to do
prior to that so we made the world
smaller with the Mavs we didn’t sell
we sold fun we sold experience this and
I and I would go to the NBA owners
meetings and I’d say okay what was the
score your last game who you know do you
remember this jump shot from your last
game and like no then I’d say okay do
you remember the first game you went to
with your mom or your dad do you
remember the first game you took your
son your daughter your knees your
after you to that game you went to with
a girlfriend or your wife or your
buddies oh yeah
that’s what we sell we sell experiences
and those experiences have to be
affordable and those experiences have to
be made special and so you know I
brought him music because what I learned
early on was when a parent brought their
10 year old or eight year old that eight
year old is looking like this you know
whenever there’s not action going on and
so I had to keep them engaged and all
these things were completely foreign to
the NBA and they just thought I was an
idiot but you know as I’ve learned over
the years that every time someone thinks
I’m an idiot I’m good
rule number eight learn from your
mistakes you talked about having better
leadership style your leadership was
challenged recently Sports Illustrated
came out with the article about the
Dallas Mavericks you know you said you
were surprised you were ashamed you
hired a third party investigator in this
day and age is it okay for CEOs to say
you know I’m I’m so high up or owners
I’m so high up I’m so far removed I
didn’t really know what was going on you
know what happens in the newsroom I have
no idea right I mean but seriously I
mean you know every company grows the
scale and it’s difficult for someone to
know what’s going on and in my case I
wasn’t the CEO I had a CEO that I let
run and unfortunately he was one of the
people that that has been questioned but
at this point in time we have
investigators we’ll let them investigate
we brought in people that were
completely independent and so once the
investigation is over we’ll learn and
we’ll see what happens um I’m not making
excuses I’m glad that people spoke out
on you know you don’t hear me saying to
anybody don’t speak out when in fact
once I found out I stood in front of all
our employees and said say what you need
to say talk to you need who you need to
talk to if you want to talk to the press
go talk to the press because I’ve
whatever happened I want it all out now
I want to learn from it I have
learned that it wasn’t just about
treating people equally that you can you
can treat them equally but don’t
necessarily treat them the same women
might have a different perspective of a
situation than a man would and to think
that well this is how I think a man will
handle it so this must be how a woman’s
going to handle that was wrong on my
part and it was it was a tough lesson to
learn but I’ve learned it are you gonna
bring those ideas to your other
companies as well but more women at the
table I was just gonna say I went
through and had somebody at because I
was curious I didn’t know how many
businesses currently invested in that or
women-owned founded or operated and out
of the hundred Act of 46 were owned and
operated or founded by women which I
thought was not bad and so we created a
roundtable that were allowing them to
communicate and hopefully we’ll learn
from that communicate with all of us and
share ideas and so hopefully the
different perspectives will will make us
all better businesspeople rule number
nine find your path my dad did
upholstery on cars so if you got a rip
in your car seat you would take it to
where he worked
my mom did work odd jobs from wherever
and we you know we had we lived in a ok
neighborhood but we weren’t poor by
alongside but we were truly middle-class
and I over and over my dad didn’t go to
college my mom didn’t go to college and
so they would be done to me you’re going
to college and they used to make me work
at odd jobs so that I would learn the
value of work and and you know one I’d
go where my dad worked doing it with
cars and he’d make me sweep the hole and
this place was nasty
make me sweep all the time you know try
to get me a job in a mill but couldn’t
give me a job in a mill my mom wanted me
to lay carpet because she was worried
about me if I didn’t have a trade and so
she got a friend of hers to try to get
me to teach me how to lay carpet and if
you ever go there’s this little office
in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania if you trip
over the carpet
that’s where I learned how to lay carpet
and I was going through these things I’m
like this is just not me and and I
always had that that individual spirit
to say okay you know I can come up with
things that
can make me money I mean when I was nine
I would sell baseball cards when I was
12 I told my dad I wanted a pair of
basketball shoes and it just so happens
he was playing poker with his buddies
who are all probably two rip-roaring
drunk at the time and I just didn’t
realize it but I was like dad I want a
new pair of tennis shoes you know the
the new beta bullets were coming out or
whatever they were a new converse and
he’s like you see those shoes on your
feet they work just fine when you have a
job you can go buy whatever you want I’m
like dad I’m 12 I don’t have a job and
one of his buddies stood up it was got
stripped but he said hey I got I got a
job for you he had these boxes of
garbage bags and he’s like I’ve got
these boxes of garbage bags I don’t know
what to do with one you sell him I’m
like cool you know what do they cost me
and they literally were a box of a
hundred these blue garbage bags that he
was some to me for three bucks and then
I would I went door-to-door
it was like hi my name is Mark
do you use garbage bags
and now I learned I could sell is just
like okay six bucks you know I’ll drop
them off whenever you need them just
called me and I made some money bought
my shoes and you know and that just gave
me confidence and it took off from there
and rule number 10 the last one before a
very special bonus clip is have fun are
you ready to help us get the country
really hooked on our smoked fish dip is
good the ones that have made me the most
money have always been the craziest
don’t quit your day job did I get a
that’s a little bit too weird for me
this don’t wanna get into a pillow fight
now I’ve got a really special bonus cut
from Mark Cuban on how to make it happen
that I think you’re really gonna enjoy
but before that I want to make sure we
are moving from not just watching
another video but to actually taking
action in your life here in your
business so it’s time for the three
questions answer these for yourselves
talk about them with a friend or leave
the answers in the comments below here
we go question number one what is the
stress you reduce for your customers
question number two what is the biggest
lesson you have learned from a mistake
and question number three what is the
effort you are going to follow and make
happen this week thank you guys so much
for watching I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love I’ll
working in your business software it
actually went really good for a while
because I I didn’t have a tech
background and so it gave me the
opportunity to teach myself and I found
out that I like tech you know which was
shocking to me and so I would sit in
there and use the computers and teach
myself all the software from way back
when the word stars the word perfect the
you know the peachtree software is for
those of us that go way back when and
one day and in mind you I’m sleep I’m
living in a three-bedroom apartment with
six guys six 23 24 year old guys
however nasty you think it is it was
I didn’t have a closet I didn’t have a
drawer I had a pile and I wear contacts
I wore contacts though but I wear my
glasses at night and I didn’t have any
money so I broke my glasses that I would
get em up and they’d tear apart and I
one piece here one piece there oh it was
an adventure but um but so one day I’m
living in this hole and I get the
opportunity to close a big deal and it
was going to be $1500 commission to me
yes sir let’s go and I call my boss a
guy named Michael Hugh Mickey and I said
Michael I’ve got this deal and part of
my job responsibilities were sweeping
the floor it was a retail store sweeping
the floor making sure the windows were
clean and opening up and I’ve got you
know one of my fellow employees all set
to do all that I call him up and say
Michael it’s a $15,000 sale but I need
to go pick it up before before work I
won’t be there to open things up he goes
no I need you to open up the store I’m
like I gotta convert and I make the
executive decision that I’m gonna go
pick up the check and I’m gonna hand
them the check and he’s going to forget
all about it and we’re all gonna be
friends and I’ll make my commission
fired me for disobeying him I haven’t
seen him since but
that’s probably the best thing that
could have happened yeah right now but
in any event um but it may be realized
that uh I need to work to myself again
you know that I’m an entrepreneur at
heart and so I just don’t know it’s not
this is what it is and and so I couldn’t
take the $1,500 Commission it was his
company was his sale and and so I found
another customer that I had been talking
to a prospect a company called
architectural lighting and Here I am
sleeping in the stall with no job and
desperate um but I convinced this this
company architectural lighting there was
a piece of software that I wanted to
sell them for five hundred bucks and I
told them it cost me 250 and that I
would make it work and train them on it
and support them if they would loan me
the two hundred fifty to buy the
software upfront and if it didn’t work
for whatever reason I’d walk their dogs
clean their cars you know scrub their
toilets whatever it took to pay them
back and fortunately it worked and that
led to another customers led to another
customer that was a company called micro
solutions over the next seven years I
didn’t take a vacation taught myself out
a program taught myself you know more
about technology that of networking then
I thought I would ever know and we grew
to you know give or take 36 million in
sales 80 employees and I sold it back
you know 1990 I guess time flies for six
million dollars but for you know a
twenty nine thirty year old kid that was
real money and and so then it’s big
money and not that it’s not now it
really is but it’s just but it to get
from the time of getting fired to
getting to 80 employees in thirty six
millions in sales
literally not one vacation altruistic
world domination
honey Empire right I’m grateful I
understand why I’m here I think because
I am so open I wanted to think and say
it’s a bloody brief life
all of you have the potential for
enormous success if you want to know
what garyvee DJ khalid oprah and others
know about empire building that most
people miss check out the link in the description for a free bonus video
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