good morning believe nation if you are
trying to launch a new product or
service and you’re trying to figure out
how do I make this something that my
customers are really going to love then
I’m going to share with you a clip from
Martha Stewart that I think well I have
always said ever since I started working
that I am my customer I want to appeal
to me what’s missing in my life what
void can i fill that will fill the voids
for everybody that’s like me and my
mother would always said nobody’s like
you Martha forget it and I always said
mother I am like everybody else and you
know I have chickens I have a garden i
scrub the floors i vacuumed my house I’m
just like everybody else and so she
finally got to understand what I was
talking about because I always want to
please me with what we do do I want to
buy it do I need it so it’s the need of
the one so many entrepreneurs going the
business because they think there’s this
great opportunity ahead of them and even
though they know nothing about the
industry they’re going to need to they
think they can make a lot of money at it
that’s the fastest way to failure and if
you are not your own customer if you’re
not making something that you are proud
of and that you’re actually going to use
then how can you expect to sell other
people on it one of the best ways to
start a business is to look at the
problems in your life the pains that
you’re going through solve them for
yourself and that will help you solve it
for other people who are going through
the exact same challenge people will be
able to relate to you because you’ve
gone through the same thing that they’re
going through now look at why I’ve
started this morning series it was
because I felt there wasn’t enough
inspiration for entrepreneurs in the
morning I wanted something myself
selfishly that I could watch every
morning for a quick hit the little
espresso shot to give me some energy
ideas motivation to go out and have a
great day as an entrepreneur there
wasn’t anything out there and so I was
so frustrated that i thought i’m going
to just make it myself and the results
have been amazing so far so if you want
to design a product or service that you
think customers will love start with
design is helping that
you will love and build around your
personal needs and desires because other
people have those same problems and if
you solve it for yourself you can help
solve it for them believe thank you guys
for watching my question of the day
today is how have you built your
business around something that you love
what problem that you faced and how did
you turn that into an opportunity for
your business I love to hear from you
leave it in the comments below and as
always if you like this video and you
want to see more don’t forget to
subscribe to the channel and the
newsletter thank you so much for
watching go out and have an amazing day
and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow
morning to start your day off with
another entrepreneurial energizing
inspirational video
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