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Marketing Tactics: How to Build a $1 Million Business Through Marketing

you have to have a great portfolio you
have to have a portfolio yeah no you say
yes of course lots of people don’t have
portfolios okay right you’re just
starting what is it like great as much
as stuff in there as you can you have to
have credibility okay so does your
website represent itself well yeah and
your brand do we talk about your brand
your website do you are there is there
anything that would lead someone to
believe that you don’t exist yeah and
and this is like really tactical stuff
down to the point of do you have an
about Us page does the about Us page
have your photo or you show your team is
your address there yeah if people don’t
know that oh there’s a company like an
address even this is your apartment yeah
oh there’s no photos of these people
yeah I don’t think you’re real Yeah
they won’t call you yeah so are you
credible do you have a portfolio do you
represent yourself well welcome I
believe nation this is a 10 part series
on how to build a million dollar
business in the marketing agency biz
she’s bored she doesn’t want to build
the market EQC but for people who want
to build the market this is this is the
mark Drager built Fanta I keep one see
Fenton media built Fanta 2 million plus
in revenue with 12 people full-time a
whole bunch of freelancers around him
and I want to suck out of his brain how
he did it to help you guys do it too if
you want to build a market eg this is a
series pre attention to we’re on episode
7 you should have said that 7 episodes I
got you all the other ones today we’re
talking about marketing tactics what do
we need to know what marketing tactics
mark Drager are you guys that’s my
question it’s not a question ok great we
talked for 15 minutes about we’re gonna
talk about and you lead with we’re gonna
talk about this go marketing tactics ok
listen we ended our last video on this
huge cliffhanger insane cliffhanger
talking about should somebody focus on
the branding and the font leadership and
like I’m gonna be an expert and I’m
gonna I’m gonna bring people to me I’m
gonna be a magnet or we’re gonna focus
on going out and being a networker and
using my connections and going
one-to-one there meeting people right
and so yet both can work right but I’d
like how do I make the decision
so this tons of marketing tactics of
course the folks everywhere anything can
work so like I need often to work and
that’s overwhelming and so as an
entrepreneur how do I then find a tactic
that will work for me so I can build a
million dollar business of course mark
bigger okay so what you want to start
with yeah is understanding the two or
three ways people will be introduced to
you okay okay so so you need to try and
get yourself in front of people who
don’t know you and okay so let start
with the hardest thing people who don’t
know you yet and don’t even know that
they need you okay do I even want those
people that’s really hard right well
wanna convince advertising well we
talked back before but I don’t know how
to I don’t how to close we need to mark
adversity so I’m saying I’m saying it’s
it’s the hardest okay okay so maybe I
should rephrase I said you want to okay
that that’s what exists okay people who
don’t know you and don’t even know they
need you is hard people who don’t know
you but are looking for your services
it’s pretty easy okay people who do know
you and I’m looking for your services
like the best heck right that’s amazing
right right so when shorty nobody start
thinking about this way yeah you can
start to think about the the tack is
that feel right to you okay if you are
an introvert yeah who does not like to
talk to people yeah who will never stand
up on stage yeah never be a public
speaker not very fond of social media
there’s still a place for you in this
world like you know you can even still
grow a great agency but you but but
being the thought leader who is standing
up on stage and speaking panels uh-huh
he’s not gonna help it’s not gonna help
you you’re not gonna be good at it
you’re gonna hate it okay right so so
once we understand these three levels
right the people who don’t know you
don’t only need you you can reach them
through like an awareness campaign
through an interrupted Facebook campaign
you can go and speak at a at an industry
if you’re rid of this you can go speak
at an industry you know a conference for
doctors we can teach them about new
business and I never thought of that
right the next level down the people who
don’t know you but are searching for
your businesses right this is where the
tactics of getting in front of these
mmm-hmm where are they are they going to
Google do you want to do AdWords or
pay-per-click and drive them to a
landing page and introduce you it’s a
pretty good way to generate leads and
you can kind of get into that do you
want to do
a Facebook campaign we’re actually
advertising it’s a pretty good way to
get in front of those people or are
there more roundabout ways you know are
they people who are interested in
marketing and learning about marketing
but don’t know that they need a marketer
yet and so is being a youtuber something
that’s going to connect you is right
it’s doing social media post something’s
going to connect to you is starting or
being a connected to your the American
Marketing Association and being involved
with that chapter something rise gonna
get you there is it sponsoring events or
awards right so there’s a million ways
but I don’t know what’s right for me
it’s it’s based on you and your skill
set and what you’re good at does my
personality type I know you’re huge in
the Myers Brigg and you have everybody
on your team do Myers Brigg and your
what I’m an INTP what am i you mailed it
to me I wasn’t II know you’re not Annie
I was a need your Annie now isn’t he I
was what you thought I was but I was in
Enon and I ain’t really that make sense
hello Annie mtj yeah maybe
he’s emotional I’m more emotional than
no it’s an extroverted that’s well no
that’s not true I am I yeah there was
one though that you weren’t sure on
about the emotional caring versus okay
whatever we’ll figure it out we’ll flash
on the screen here is what I am good
okay don’t worry about it forget it
forget it
John is that yours not alive on camera
no no I wanna go I want to get to the
like it doesn’t matter what I am no no
I’ll wait for it are you ready oh you
said you sent me an image and the image
isn’t in the email and I wrote mine oh
wow that’s amazing I guess I n I am
today but I thought you were too sis for
your mark we’re an INF you’re an infj
perfectly this matter INF J so you love
you love personality tests especially
that one mm-hmm everyone on your team
does it it’s what you recommend for
entrepreneurs like find your one word
and find your myers-briggs so does that
apply to does your personality type like
I’m trying to give value to the people
watching yeah there’s no marketing how
do we figure it out like what what am i
besides like what are you good at okay
but like is there is there is there
something else can I do a personality
test and then because I’m this I’m more
geared towards doing this kind of work
like you said introverts shouldn’t go
onstage you know I’m an introvert I can
I go a stage but is there anything I can
maybe maybe I’m paddling down the wrong
Creek I’m so nervous anything Wow I’m
hitting warm eyes I just like bringing
up a little hot guard which I don’t know
I just want to find a way for for people
who are struggling to identify the thing
because they may not even know what they
could be good at like maybe maybe
Facebook Ads is the thing but I haven’t
tried it yet and so they’ll say I’m not
good at this but like what do you need
to be good at Facebook ad seem to be
very analytical so you want to you want
to play to your strengths right so how
do I find my strengths so is it
personality type is gonna tell me it’s
not gonna tell me ya personality will
apparently but where we started with the
type of company that you want to build
back to episode 1 alright back to
episode 1 yeah like if you are a
creative agency yeah
then and and when we said hey when
you’re building your brand it better be
a creative brand yeah you want to find
marketing channels that allow you to
express your creativity right so
sponsoring an event yeah where you can
actually put your work up on display in
front of everyone right wow people with
how creative it is right is a great
tactic yeah right but it’s not if you’re
an analytical company right tranny local
company you could help that event invite
more people but unless you stand up and
do a case study and you’re like oh guys
let’s top the event right
we improved you know we improved ticket
sales by 8% people are any like who
cares right right so that’s not gonna be
great thing but but business
intelligence and analytics I spoke I
spoke at a government business
intelligence analytics conference right
where one of my clients insisted that I
come and help rather then I was so out
of my depth yeah
you know it was Police Department’s
talking about this and this and I came
from marcom and I’m like okay well this
is government and it’s all very
technical but I’m still interested eight
eight or ten people I mean there were
100 people sitting at the conference
little local thing put on by the
Business Bureau or whatever but so so if
if you are leaning more towards lead gen
and analytics yeah then you’re gonna
want to go towards case studies you’re
gonna want to maybe try and do like a
sponsored post you’re maybe more I want
to do blogging you’re gonna maybe want
to just allow create areas and go to
places where people could put that work
on display if you’re more creative yeah
maybe you want to do behance maybe you
want to do Pinterest maybe you want to
do scram Behance be hints see Hans’s
it’s a community it’s a portfolio
community where designers can go and
poke a put stuff okay lots of people go
there to source there were companies
forget okay specifically maybe you want
to go to your local art gallery and you
want to actually print you actually want
to print your work and you want to put
it up and you want to go pop up I want
to double down on this what personality
testing we’re gonna double down sure to
see how it works
Lars Briggs let’s go letter visit this
will either or for each letter right
yeah let’s go letter by letter great so
you’re assuming that I have it like
really well memorized Julie you got love
it I love it okay letter by letter I can
give me my best marketing tactic for
each letter that’s the goal that people
want mark so so the first one is er I
read you can’t do this introvert
extrovert right sure this first one so
if I’m an introvert what’s what’s one
thing I should be looking at as a
marketing tactic okay look sorry will go
extra work first I think what you said
on the last episode or two episodes ago
is is one of the best thing to do if
you’re an extrovert talk to everybody in
your taiga okay like that I can do okay
I can do okay
if you’re an extrovert yeah and you love
people so being an extrovert means that
not like I’m an introvert you’re an
introvert yeah we’ve just been talking
for hours yeah
doesn’t mean we can’t talk it because
I’m an extra rain do i do what do i do
oh you’re an extrovert you love people
you send off people spend more time with
people what’s my marketing tactic what’s
your marketing tactic have had five
coffees a week yeah and after each one
sign a thank you note and mail it to
them I took that from my friend Nicky
Pat okay she does it all the time
great Jesse the queen of literally
making me pay now I want that for every
letter what am i doing as an i if you’re
an introvert then I would well you’re an
introvert so what do you do I know but
but it’s not what I do now it’s what did
i do what did I do
sure what did I do pay-per-click ad
words to a landing page okay people
phone you okay I don’t mind answering
the phone I thought of talking to people
when they’re asking me questions come on
they come to me now use the questions I
don’t really I’m not very good at going
out to you nice to Gold tactics down
what’s next what’s the next letter
what’s next letter yeah it’s uh it’s N
or oh okay I know it’s n RS one is
observant and one is intuitive great
what are we doing good you like this is
good this is becoming increasingly
impossible now okay hold on a second I’m
observant or I’m what intuitive
intuitive yeah so what is it it what
does the observant person what should
they be doing this is becoming them
literally the myers-briggs B yeah yeah
yeah you’re bringing believer
myers-briggs I am I am but but
myers-briggs isn’t usually parsed out to
each individual component because well
let’s say you add more value tomorrow’s
a great day but it’s a collection of
four I know if you’re an I in an S it’s
different than if you’re an AI and
here’s the thing you’re giving them four
different strategies and and there’s
gonna be some line I know but they’re
like 64 different combinations okay Lisa
but but like in these eight strategies
we’re gonna they’re gonna find something
that they can use okay so as we’re
talking through these eight gold
strategies that are coming out of Mark
draggers mouth yeah thanks just think
all of them can work what do you because
at the top of this whole thing mark said
you got to do the thing that feels right
you have to do the thing that’s for you
but finding that is difficult so by
going to the personality test we’re
gonna get eight different strata
jeez see which one feels the most right
to you and double down on that strategy
instead of trying to do all eight I
don’t want you to do all eight pick the
wine under the eight that feels the most
rain we’re building up a lot of
anticipation for these eight said we get
gold beautiful okay okay observant or I
bought you a lot of time on that one
yeah observant versus intuitive right
yeah so someone’s observant so what
should they do from marketing to build
their branch so I use sixteen
personalities calm yeah which is a free
service and so that’s what I did
yeah and that’s where I recommend it to
you so based on some of their stuff what
they’re saying is that is that energy is
the next level so intuitive versus
observant okay so that’s the second
scale okay and what that allows for okay
you’re asking me to like break this down
well the other four scales determine how
you interact with the world make
decisions schedule your activities or
react external feedback yeah the energy
scale actually determines how you see
the world that kind of information you
focus on okay okay but listen pause like
this is important because no don’t pause
the camera okay pause because a lot of
people will go and look at a
myers-briggs yeah well read it or do it
and then they have no idea what to do
like what do I do with that information
I guess so I mean if you do the test
properly gives you strengths weaknesses
your relation my business right I’m
trying to build a million-dollar agency
I just spent 20 minutes of these
questions and get this thousand page
report what am I supposed to do to
market my company play your strengths
look that’s so tell me look this is what
in myers-briggs is like videos good but
people ask people do these personality
tests yeah and then they don’t know what
to do from there the tactics like break
you down my next step what am I supposed
to do so if I’m observant is how I see
the world what do I do with that I know
that I don’t think we can pursue this
the whole way because when I mean prey
played your strengths
yeah what I mean is well this brainstorm
if it’s not perfect sure you know I just
have to know much better like how these
things actually boil down to the really
individual let’s do it this is on the
spot okay and servant
it’s how is how you see the world yeah
it’s how you absorb information how you
absorb information
so part of marketing has been able to
absorb information right before you act
on it he’s reading yeah she likes speed
this part up it’s gonna take a while to
go through yeah okay but think a lot
even it’s not perfect we need eight
I know everyone you’re looking for this
is super abstract okay if it listen if
it’s abstract it’s not helpful like
myers-briggs needs to lose a second
letter if it’s not helping me what it
does it’s not helpful because the way
you’re trying to take the tool isn’t
helpful what I’m what I’m what I mean by
plate what you’re trying to do is you’re
trying to parse out each individual
letter that have a trait related to it
exactly right
I need actionable information if you can
I mean if you know information make it
actually I wasn’t the one who suggested
we dig it to Mars nobody really wanted
to put their now pista myers-briggs like
make it actionable you want to help
people here’s here’s where it’s
actionable so for example if you are so
you are an infj I don’t want to go
through 34 DIF I’m not asking you to
what I’m saying is what I mean play to
your strengths is you have certain
things that you’re better and weaker at
rest but I want to know what my
marketing tactic should be I want to
make this tactical I want to make this
helpful review teens are people who are
looking to start a marketing agency
yeah marketing company but there’s a lot
of ways to market and grow it so how do
I figure out there’s a lot of marketing
strategies everybody says you know look
at what you’re good at I don’t even know
what I’m good at yeah I’m still trying
to figure stuff out how do I figure out
based on any kind of knowledge that I
have what marketing tactic I should are
you just saying try everything once no
so you see what sticks so here’s here’s
how I break it down this is it the new
myers-briggs better than myers-briggs
has nothing to do with myers-briggs
because it’s better and here’s that has
nothing to do with Mars break ok good
how do you break it down at the end of
the day we’ve talked about the suit
we’ve talked about this before
ok in previous videos the relationship
is everything mm-hmm right so yeah the
the marketing tactic is hopefully to
increase your awareness hopefully more
people know about you more people see
you more people want to talk to you more
people see your work they want to call
you they want to work with you they
bring you the project they say hey I
want to work with you and here’s the
budget and please PLEASE they beg you
just work with me yeah that’s the dream
and that’s the goal in a marketing
agency whoever whomever owns the
relationship whoever owns a relationship
wins 100 right yeah that’s all that
yeah so when I say that you have to play
to your strengths
yeah it’s all about what are the things
that you are good at to be able to put
yourself in front of people so that way
they can get to know you and what you’re
introvert okay you’re not gonna go out
to the world yeah if you’re not great at
these things huh then you need to get in
front of people when they’re looking for
your type of service okay
and you need to build a really great
portfolio or have really great
credibility or have a really great
landing page okay something to convince
them to pick up the phone and call you
or send you an email right if you’re an
extrovert if you’re good at meeting
people and if you just love the hustle
and you have that work yeah then you go
out to the world yeah and is it tactic
picking up the phone maybe is it
sponsoring an event maybe is it being a
speaker is it being a thought leader is
it going on social media is it okay all
those things great
maybe but but the first thing to think
about is it’s all about building the
connection and the relationship right
all right and so are people coming to
you or are you going to them right next
level down from that yeah right yeah
okay so people are coming to you yeah
your marketing tactic can’t end at the
phone call all right this is where brand
and personality and said I know okay I
want I want to back up I want people
coming to me I want I want more specific
on people coming to me so so we did
introvert extrovert awesome what else
like if I’m analytical versus not
analytical mm-hmm is there something I
can do that’s different
like if I’m if you’re not analytical and
you’re doing pay-per-click campaigns
you’re dead right if you hate analytics
and numbers just I would just hire
someone who’s good at it to do that for
you sure starting point which is what we
do as a starting point your first move
should not be hire somebody to do PPC or
it your very first move should be
hire somebody through PPC for you well
that’s why I was getting into like PPC
is like a next video but yeah if I meet
a guy says yeah so okay so but but save
your strengths would then be but I gotta
hire somebody you have to have a great
portfolio you you have to have a
portfolio yeah no you say yes of course
lots of people don’t have portfolios
okay right you’re just starting what is
it like great as much as stuff in there
as you can you have to have credibility
so does your website represent itself
well yeah and your brain do we talk
about your brand your website do you do
are there is there anything that will
lead someone to believe that you don’t
exist yeah and and this is like really
tactical stuff down to the point of do
you have an about Us page
the about Us page have your photo or to
show your team is your address there
yeah if people don’t know that oh
there’s a company like a address even if
it’s your apartment yeah oh there’s no
photos of these people yeah I don’t
think you’re real yeah right they won’t
call you yeah so are you credible do you
have a portfolio do you represent
yourself well right so faster that’s for
everybody that’s for every business
that’s ever been invented but marketers
especially do it better right so because
they’re so with worried about the front
but it’s not picking that’s not picking
a market these are what like everybody
has to do yes where everybody doesn’t
doesn’t have to be a thought leader so
everybody has to have a portfolio they
have a portfolio have an about page with
pictures they have to represent
themselves as real whatever I got looks
like you maybe it’s a video of you maybe
it’s walking around your your office
maybe it’s linking to your Instagram
account something that shows something
that shows that you’re real people
mission real and what you’re doing I
like your story address and address
address we’re real place right if it’s
your apartment say you can come by my
apartment studio okay right I work from
my shed in my backyard like that those
are those are core yeah whatever you
need to have all your social henna set
up no you don’t Instagram it’s okay if
you’re good at it do it no they don’t
really like it but do I need to have it
set up no no okay so I need those three
things so so to be an agency and to
succeed you need that website you got
credibility you need your portfolio
right do you need youtube or not website
is the about page yeah look at yeah yes
yes yes do you need you to burn out yeah
only if you’re gonna be good at it and
do write and like it okay so then don’t
need Instagram or not yes only if you’re
gonna be good at doing Facebook right
for you’re gonna be I like this so we’ve
got the three factor that everybody has
to have you have to if you don’t have a
portfolio don’t worry about going to
youtube yet build your portfolio yes
don’t blow your Instagram account build
your portfolio yes build your about page
yes right you’re sorry
awesome great so that’s like for
everybody that’s those are for people
who are coming to you right so there’s
three things that you need to add
everybody absolutely has to do then
there’s a million other things you could
do right so how do we pick which one so
when you start to layer on top of so
that’s your that’s your home base right
like yes that’s a thing of people who
are coming to yet right as you’re going
out to the world they’re checking to
make sure you’re real and all of those
other things yeah okay so the next
tactic above that yeah is either yeah
you are going to go to every
you know right tell them what you are
doing right set up your coffees right
set up your lunches yeah share what
you’re doing yeah and like literally
blast every connection you have
interpret extrovert and I say you should
do this or that but I think you should
actually both so you should you should
do that
okay and on top of that you should
decide how you’re gonna get people who
don’t know you to find you
so that Katie AdWords alright that can
be YouTube yeah I can’t be in like being
a thought leader on Instagram yeah it
can be social media yeah it can be going
to your local Chamber of Commerce uh-huh
like you need one activity of each right
you need to go out to all your
relationships right you need to meet
with these people and you should do
those things whether you’re introverted
extroverted cuz even introvert it’s a
one-on-one conversation you should still
push yourself to do that right you need
to find one tactic that’s going to
introduce you to people who don’t know
Google AdWords Instagram Facebook okay
let me ask you this if you’re if you’re
say introverted we’re gonna do we’re
gonna do some of the extroverted stuff
but do I want to lean heavily on the
uber say one-on-one conversations and
coffees with people is an extroverted
thing to me an extroverted thing is like
I’m gonna go speak on this panel
I’m gonna go sure it’s more the how do I
get that person cuz going up to somebody
at your church who you don’t know and
say hey I heard you are that’s more
elevating sorry what I mean when you’re
just starting yeah I mean I I am
literally gonna go through on to my
personal Facebook and say hey guys I’m
starting this company I would love to
meet people that are like this right or
you’re going through your LinkedIn
profile cuz you just quit your job and
you’re literally scrolling through and
you’re writing down a list of every
person that you may want to ask for
coffee for one-on-ones whether you’re
introvert or extrovert everybody has to
do it I think you should okay because I
do ideation I do it once a year this is
part of our three things now it’s the
fourth thing is the next layer up all
right you’ve taken care of your home
base you’re representing yourself with
you about us but this but you seen
there’s no option everybody has to do it
sure no but I don’t put words in the
mouth I think you should whether your
introvert extrovert it’s all about the
relationship okay I got it
how do you form and how do you nurture
and how do you build those relationships
if you can’t if you’re not so any times
people it’s not about spending time with
me at least what I’m thinking is not
about spending time people it’s how do
get that initial conversation to happen
is it to your point before I want I want
to have a system that makes my phone
ring because I’m happy to talk to people
then go meet with them or I’m gonna be
out networking and shaking hands and
meeting new people and going on mystery
events right I’m not saying that that’s
the introvert versus extrovert right
what I’m saying was everyone should do
though yeah tap into the people that
they know in their lives right so it’s
right that’s a core this is okay so it’s
literally you know home base we talked
about the woman at the church yeah I
should go out for coffee with my pastor
right at the church who knows everybody
and say I’m trying to do this is there
anyone you think I should be connected
with right
regardless I’m going to my cousin
because my cousin is in this company and
saying hey does your company can you
connect me with anyone right so
everybody has to do this yes great and
you should do it at least once a year
awesome keep you doing it yeah I mean
those I mean it so here’s your green
rose and there’s only 1200 people that
you that you’re talking to and whatnot
that’s where home base gets you split up
yeah this is your first tactic and
everybody must do this tactic everybody
needs to have their website their about
page their portfolio if you want to be a
successful agency you need to have those
things your website your bow feed
remotely honest about your address how
to count it your address your story like
phone great like no like hello alright
great that’s that’s foundation home base
next your first step everybody’s first
step after that from a marketing tactic
should be to reach out to everybody you
know and say you started this business
and you’re looking at targeting go back
to video around customers who define I’m
targeting people in the automotive
industry and do you know anybody I’m
certain this company can you make
introductions everybody has to do that
so like it’s our next path great but but
yeah but when you’re doing that yeah
just send out like an e-blast don’t just
go to Facebook and make it easy
awesome awesome like the next video but
in the day I put in the time I love it
I’m looking at the next tactic so cuz at
some point that it bridges out two
million different versions yeah and yep
and you can’t do everything so I have to
do these three things and I have to do
this one thing then it starts to bridge
what how do I pick so if I’m extroverted
I’m gonna go out the conference’s I’m
gonna be meeting people I’m gonna go to
as many events as I can in my industry
if I’m introverted I’m gonna be doing
PPC and we’re doing Instagram posts I’m
gonna be doing analytical
behind the scenes does it break out more
than that so I can the extroverted side
do you want to host a podcast or a radio
show do you want to is your dream to be
on television do you want to write a
book do you want to become the industry
leader right can we help them make that
decision because if you say are you more
introverted or extroverted people can
usually as some people fall in between
but most people can lean one way or the
other then it’s great then we cut off a
whole bunch of options that they don’t
to worry about and like you can still
win focus on these things yeah so if I
picked I’m an introvert awesome don’t
worry about going to as many conferences
and events
you could win there but you probably
won’t win is hard go do these things
yeah okay if I now identified as well
trying to do with the myers-briggs if
not identified as the I great is there
any other way to split up those things
are you just saying test everything or
just see what feels right or can we give
more context to people to help them make
a better decision everybody should know
what they like and don’t like doing
let’s say that you may not know what
you’re good at and bad at you know what
you like doing and don’t like do but you
haven’t tried it how do you know if you
haven’t tried doing the paperclip like
how do you know I’m not saying
pay-per-click what I’m saying is
computer work you can build your
business off of and lead-generation off
of producing a passion project okay
right so so if you are a creative agency
that’s into design you can choose to
design posters and pour yourself into
that and then put that into a design
community forum right and then that will
get your name known and your agency will
start to become known or if you’re into
video you go to Vimeo and you can get a
Editors Choice Award for a passion
project and that could be the way for
the introvert to build their business
through their work right through
becoming known and through lifting your
way up and it’s not like a long shot it
happens to a lot of people where they
let their own self sell them do we then
just refer back to the the other video
on how to make the right decisions space
off of your gut feeling how to trust
your gut more but it’s not just gut it’s
it’s taking advantage of like really
going into your strengths so I like
helping people you like helping people
yesterday I was having a meeting with
someone where I spent three hours with
them I don’t think they’re gonna move
okay I gave them every way that they
could they could run their business
without us yeah because I don’t think
really we’re a great fit and they kept
apologizing by the time I said no no
like I will invest time so I chose long
ago to hire people to do different
things so I can free up my time because
me spending time with people is lead
generation and I’m an introvert but me
spending time with people me having a
long conversation with them me getting
them thinking is the way that I actually
generate business and generate work and
generate leads because I am good at that
but if I was much better at my work like
the actual design the actual programming
the actual whatever it is I would come
up with amazing things and I would or I
would write up if I was a better writer
I would write a blog on that because
because I’d be so inspired by the work
we’re doing if I was really into
analytics I would want to crack the code
for the most analytical way to go about
something and build my business off of
that there are lots of at your desk
things you can do where you want to try
and carve out your space and your niche
through your work I choose to use pay
per click because people are calling me
and then I give them tons and tons of
advice in time yeah everything for free
I will pour myself into them they’ll
move ahead or they won’t move ahead
that’s my lead generation sales it still
becomes like how do I pick I still don’t
know how I pick I’m an introvert and
there’s still a million things I can do
how do I pick pay per click instead of
but if you’re a marketing agency you
should be able to pick for yourself I’m
starting I don’t know then I need to
figure it out but you but you have an
idea of the type of marketing agency you
I’d like like I understand if you’re a
bricklayer yeah I’m saying you’re a
bricklayer he doesn’t know how to pick
to grow his business cool
he’s a bricklayer we’re talking to
marketers here we’re talking to creative
people these are web people these are
video people photo people design people
like these are people who have an
inherent skill right if if you’re if
you’re a if you’re the conductor of a
symphony would you not use that talent
to market yourself would you not go like
I’m gonna design four different songs
for the four different seasons and
release them I’m gonna write like like
you would use your skill right yeah I
mean the website Nene the portfolio
people who are trying to get there and
they don’t know yet they’re trying to
figure it out I’m just trying to look at
their path right you’re saying if you
don’t know you suck basically you know
I’m saying look within yourself but it’s
not great advice like yeah it’s it’s
ultimately the best advice but I don’t
know what
you with that how do I look within
myself if if you can figure out if you
could hack yourself when I’m trying to
get to do is hack yourself because yes
you could you could randomly meet
somebody at the airport and that could
be the person who ends up blowing up
your business but if you’re an introvert
like that’s not a great strategy to to
put yourself in situations where you
have a low percentage of what instead of
a high that’s all
I just want to increase the people’s
percentage of winning to a higher one
but so I guess the reason why I’m not
being super specific about it is because
because we are not really speaking about
sales and what we’re talking about for
marketing techies should flow directly
into sales and so if you’re such an
introvert that you don’t want to have a
conversation or don’t really want to get
out there or talk to people or even one
on I want to come to me know I’m a
I love 101 since what I get off on the
most so I’m the same way but I’m at I’m
a magnet instead of going out right and
wrenches which is why you set up a
landing page and you have Adwords and
you drive traffic to it but yeah I think
like and then once you build that up as
you look in the marketing crayon I as an
introvert yeah who built a YouTube
channel and does a lot of speaking and
does books and all that I don’t have any
pay-per-click advertising very good
right but if we look back through your
YouTube channel yeah we have your one
with I’ll do it for you live will your
one with this growth yeah your two with
this growth yeah your three with this
growth and you take off at the at the
end of the day yeah your greatest
ability is to work with the people you
already know who or who are warm leads
or to be introduced to people who are
looking for exactly what you have to
offer go back and watch their video
through ad work a like that those are
your core elements listen we didn’t go
as far down as what I wanted in my mind
but but I think we still provide a lot
of value I think at the core people have
to have a website they have to have it
about us and our tell our story and have
your portfolio right you have to have
those three things then you have to
everybody reach out to everybody in your
network and say you’re starting this
business and here’s the type of client
that you want to reach if you don’t know
who your client is go back and watch the
video from before cuz we helped break
that down it was awesome then you can go
in extrovert and introvert and we talked
about different options from there
you’re on your own
but we
gave you tons of value that can really
sell if you get that far and hopefully
that helps because that alone gets you
to the point where you should be making
money in your business yeah even the
even that first step those home base and
then reaching out to everybody should
get you some business coming in and then
we help make the next decision and at
some point now you’re on your own in our
next video we’re going to talk about
we’re gonna go three or five let’s let’s
figure it let’s go three in our next
video we’re gonna talk about the three
biggest mistakes that marketing agencies
make when they are marking themselves
you do not want to make these go click them that video will see you there
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