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“Manage Your MIND!” | Will Smith | #Entspresso

your knees are knocking and your teeth
are chattering just a little bit least
then you’re not playing big enough rise
and shine it’s an expresso time what’s
up elimination it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right together
grab your tea and sip on today’s message
face your fears over to you Will Smith
also if you want to know what Will Smith
and others have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below
I was excited about taking a shot the
fact that it was so strange you know as
an artist it was it was a fun to get out
on that on that limb and hoping it
doesn’t break under your feet something
that probably a lot of people don’t know
about me
I don’t quit the ocean the ocean is like
the ultimate woman she’s beautiful and
she will nourish you but she will tear
you to shreds also
the ocean is my worst fear I don’t know
what it is or where it came from but
there’s something about not being able
to breathe
I’ve tried snorkeling before and I was
hyperventilating my 50th birthday is
this year I just wasn’t gonna go into
the back nine of my life without having
attacked my fear of the ocean so we’re
about to scuba dive the Great Barrier
yeah I’ve never scuba divin scoubidou
scuba I’ve never been scuba divers
before so we’re taking a boat ride out
probably 25 years old in my mind I would
be here one day so I’m ready I’m ready
this is stupid hi I’m not going is it
okay to punch sharks in the face back up
with your shark ass back up with your
shark ass shucks ass back up the
question isn’t can you handle the
situation the question is can you handle
your mind can you manage the thoughts
and the emotions that are trying to
poison your progress
forget managing the situation
manage your mind training your mind to
sit calmly
in the eye of the storm you know so many
people look at fear or even doubt but
they look at fear as if it’s the
emotional enemy you know it’s the enemy
emotion like oh I can deal with
compassion I can do it love I can do it
understanding but when fear comes oh my
god bad thing No
first of all change your relationship to
fear I’ve said this before fear is not
the enemy the feeling of fear is just
like any other emotion fear is actually
informing you fear is telling you that
you need to do something either do more
research get some support get some
insight study a little more slow down
fear is actually feeding you so then ask
yourself the question what do I need to
do think or go get to dissipate this
fear because remember fear as fear
becomes present when you’ve made up
something that could happen in the
and it makes you afraid right now like
oh my god I’m afraid I can get hurt in
this relationship oh my god I’m afraid
I’m losing my money well you’re just
projecting a story that you made up then
back into that fear go okay wait then
what do I need to do to minimize the
fear that I might get hurt what do I
need to do to minimize the fear that I
might lose my money what do I need to do
of course you can’t a 100% eliminate the
possibility but you can greatly reduce
the chances by asking what am i afraid
of what am i afraid that’s gonna happen
and then secondly recognize that fear
doesn’t mean stop people think oh I’m
afraid let me stop okay that’s a choice
to stop fear doesn’t necessarily mean
stop fear might mean proceed with
caution or proceed with more strategy
fear does it whenever I’m feeling fear
it doesn’t tell me this I don’t you
think now
– stop with the fear I do think to slow
down go get some help go get some inside
voice my fear so that it’s not just all
in my head
recognize that fear is going to come in
when you’re playing bigger than you’ve
ever played before I say if your knees
aren’t knocking and your teeth are
chattering just a little atleast then
you’re not playing big enough the bigger
you play the more you’re gonna feel your
knees knock and you don’t hear your
teeth chatter and I’m always playing big
I’m always filling my knees knock and
I’m always hearing my teeth chatter but
I’ve created a relationship with that
fear to go hold on let’s say fears right
here fear what are you telling me
because fear really is its it’s a story
it’s it’s something you think could
happen and could it happen yeah but
could it not happen yeah so don’t try to
outrun fear
don’t try to outrun doubt and definitely
don’t wait until doubt and fear are gone
before you move find out what doubt and
fear needs to dissipate into the
nothingness that it always was what does
it need and then understand that action
brings clarity so the more you move
forward the more action you’re in the
more clarity you get because action
breeds clarity and clarity comes with
action so many times you’re sitting on
the sidelines waiting waiting to get
completely clear before you take any
action and clarity is waiting for you to
get in action to create clarity so be
willing be willing to play full out a
little nervous raise your standard Apple
at the core its core value
is that we believe that people with
passion can change the way people not
one drop of myself work depends on your
it’s something sir man if you liked this
video and want more Will Smith check out
the top 50 rules video I made on him
it’s right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there you got to take a
shot you have to live at the edge of
your capabilities you got to live where you’re almost certain you’re gonna fail
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