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LOSE YOUR FEARS – Motivational Speech for Success 2017

to laugh is to risk appearing the fool
to weep is to a risk appearing
sentimental to reach out to others is to
risk getting involved to show your
feelings is to risk exposing yourself to
place your ideas your dreams before the
crowd is to risk their loss to love is
to risk not being loved in return
to hope is to risk pain to try is to
risk failure but risk must be taken it
absolutely must be taken because the
greatest hazard in life is to risk
nothing the person who risks nothing
does nothing and has nothing
you may avoid suffering and sorrow but
you simply cannot learn feel change grow
live or love chained by your certitudes
you will be a slave only the person who
risks is free
that’ll take on even more meaning as I
get into this lesson I have here a
letter a newsletter that come from a
very dear friend of mine he’s a minister
in Atlanta Jay Dishman and I used to go
and listen to Jay every weekend because
I liked his ideas I liked his way of
communicating his ideas he put them in
terms that you could take them and you
could use them he said recently I
visited Alcatraz prison once it housed
the most hardened of criminal today it’s
open for tours under the direction of
the United States Parks Department many
men have tried to escape Alcatraz but no
one is known to have succeeded as I
listened to the tour guide explained the
impossibility of escape I thought of
other prisons equally as confining his
Alcatraz but where the doors are never
locked no guards walk the walls escape
is encouraged and in fact possible he
said that prison is heaven I want to
really be consciously aware of what
you’re doing is that a habitual thing
you’re doing every day
that’s what’s controlling your life your
destiny where are you choosing and going
in the direction of your dreams he said
our habit of thinking about ourself and
our environment is either a jail or a
paradise we just have to look around us
to see people who are rich emotionally
and materially because they think and
feel rich we also see people who are
laden with emotional and material debt
because they think lack some are
inspired with vision others
unfortunately are encumbered by doubt
some are moved by ambition
others are paralyzed by fear some feel
free to change others feel safer in
monotony some reach for the mountaintops
others huddle in the pits some seek
opportunity others just wait for it to
knock the sad fact is that more people
are confined by their thoughts that are
freed by them negative thinking shuts us
in a prison but there is a way out Jay
goes on to say the Apostle Paul said be
transformed by the renewal of your mind
Paul knew a lot about prisons both
physical and mental he emphasized the
mental prison by knowing we get exactly
what we set ourselves up to experience
and that’s exactly what John was talking
about a moment ago now before I get in
to the real important part of this
letter or of this particular lesson I
want to go back and touch on something
that we covered a moment ago but I
didn’t go into it too deeply now let’s
stop and think
here’s your mind
most of us are conditioned and remember
what conditioning is nothing but a mass
of habits were conditioned to take all
of our information from our sensory
factors we have been programmed on a
physical level from the time we’re
look at me listen to this don’t you see
that and that’s how we’re trained and
conditioned to learn so it’s natural
that we should let our material or
physical or our results control our
thinking now we know there are two
polarities I pointed out on this side is
ignorant and it’s polar opposite is
knowledge now an ignorant person does
not understand that they can operate
with their intellectual factors they can
choose the picture and get emotionally
involved and they can see the results
come boat in their life they don’t
understand that they’re letting their
results control their thinking so they
set a goal but then they look for the
signals that it’s going to happen where
they start to look at the empty bank
account the wealth it’s no good it’s not
there we don’t know if we’re going to
have enough money to keep going and what
we do at that point we forget our goal
and we start to worry
and then we donor self and it’s a
negative experience
it’s a psychic disease that worried
instantly and automatically turns into
an emotional state called fear now keep
in mind you’re working with the central
nervous system it is the most incredible
electrical system in the universe this
can happen in less than a millisecond
and there’s a thousand of them in a
that energy that we call fear that
negative energy must be expressed
through the only medium it can be
expressed through and that’s this thing
that you live in your physical body and
it expresses itself in a negative
vibration that’s more commonly known as
anxiety I had someone talk to me here
just about an hour ago about anxiety
that’s the cause of anxiety where he
isn’t the cause fears not the cause
ignorance is the cause not knowing most
of us are afraid to admit arrangements
we’re all ignorant I admit my ignorant
freely when it come to doing some
plumbing yesterday morning at about a
quarter to 5:00 or something like that I
admit when it comes to tuning up a car
I’m absolutely useless like I’m ignorant
most areas I just know how to do what
I’m doing I don’t even wanna learn how
to do it Nels you do this well not even
hire somebody do everything else you
know develop your strengths manage your
weaknesses how do we eliminate ignorance
it’s very basic and very simple we study
we study and we develop understanding
and the understanding tells us quit let
your outside world don’t like your
outside world don’t let previous or
present results control your thinking
visualize what you want get emotionally
involved with it the understanding leads
to faith and the faith manifests on the
physical plane as health or well-being
you can literally transform the state of
hell that your body’s in I’ve seen
people that close to death’s door
changes I’ve watched people who are in
terrible state literally change your
length I keep telling people how much
I’ve changed and I know that some of you
if you just hear for the first time you
never knew me before you’d say wow he’s
saying that’s good coffee for the
seminary how’d you go talk to my mother
I got to the point where she was the
only one that had even any hope that I
ever wake up I was like the principal it
had two good reasons to go to school at
40 I mean I was 26 and I still didn’t
John was exactly the same just an
absolute mess beautiful person but he
didn’t know it I was but I didn’t know
it I want to take just a moment to
introduce John’s parents because they’re
here today they’re sitting right over
here they’re very good friends of mine
why don’t you stand up for me mister
miss canary let’s give them a real good
they are two of the nicest people you
ever want to meet and mrs. canary is not
at all reluctant to tell me to mind my
own business or keep my place me she’s
always given me hell for something but
you know something
she’s an honest person and so is he and
if you were to go talk to them
they would probably tell you that they
just can’t believe the change that’s
taking place in John and it’s done it
through these ideas and you know
whatever it is you can change and you
know the beautiful part they probably
enjoy the change more than John does no
they really do because they think when
changes like that take place in our
loved ones it makes us feel so good
inside so not only do you benefit from
the change so does everyone else benefit
from the change now we’re going to run
through a mental process that every one
of us have experienced I’m not going to
talk to you about something you do not
know about I’m going to talk to you
about something you do know them you may
not know how to stop what happens but
it’s happened to every one of us it’s
happened to you now let’s go back and
draw on the information that we started
with in our little life we had all kinds
of ideas programmed in here John talked
about that wait a while ago then we
began to think what kind of thoughts
would we think we would think thoughts
that were in harmonious vibration with
the conditioning we already had
yes natural for a person to think X like
thoughts X being the unknown factor so
it would apply for all of us if our mind
is programmed our subconscious is
program with X type conditioning yet
would make sense that we would think X
type thoughts why would we well by
thinking X type thoughts those thoughts
when they’re mixed with the conditioning
set up a vibration that were used to
that’s called the comfort zone it might
not give you the results you want and in
fact probably won’t but it’s comfortable
you know you can be comfortable getting
very inferior results you can be very
comfortable get a relationship you
totally dislike what do you think people
stay together that don’t even like each
other come come
it’s also done
why do you think a person stays on the
job they don’t like company they’re used
to it there’s no risk they know how to
do it going after the bigger job might
be scary keep thinking I don’t let’s
bring this ahead we said this was
bondage it’s prison now this is what we
call reason remember what we said here
we have sensory factors you can see hear
smell taste touch here we’ve got the
person with the X type conditioning X
type vibration that produces X type
behavior this produces X type results
let’s say the X type results represent
$18,000 a year income but where it was
isn’t it al you’ll remember we also said
we have the ability we have the ability
to choose thinking this way or this way
we can think of how we can get what we
want or we can spend time thinking about
we can’t we also said as long as an idea
was just here in our conscious mind it
would have absolutely no effect on how
we felt or anything we did because it’s
right here in our consciousness now this
is also called the educated mind or the
intellectual mind this is the part that
reasons that thinks now do you know you
could put a Y type idea in there Y being
much better much better than the old
conditioning see this conditioning
represents an $18,000 income I’m going
to use money because everyone can relate
now I’m going to ask al because we
talked about out here a little later a
little earlier l walked over at the
break and al gave me a sheet of paper I
haven’t asked L if he talked about this
because I don’t want this to be
spontaneous and I also want it to verify
something that I’m almost certain of
fact I’ll be shocked if I don’t get the
answers that I’m expecting I really will
because they know so much about how the
mind operates in the human personality
al let’s let the Y represent the
$500,000 income and the X state
conditioning represents the $18,000
income now al this conditioning caused
you to do what you were doing to give
you that income all right
did you like what you were doing out
worried I mean were you excited about it
not 100% no not a honey I mean you
weren’t really turned on with it Marge
we’re you excited about what L was doing
al had an escort service
that was really fair but that pretty
good head so I think they’ll go along
with that he still probably would even
of marriage wouldn’t in marriage how did
you like living on the $18,000 income I
didn’t you didn’t you didn’t take many
interesting trips on the 18 K did you
know none bet you cooked in a lot did
you all the time now he’ll let me come
back to you again how long had you
thought about changing before he
actually made the change what a few
years I like right here I was right even
writer than I expected quite a few years
I never thought it’d be quite a few
years but at any rate it was quite a few
years did you think of doing what you’re
doing now did they cross my mind but I
couldn’t get myself up to I couldn’t get
yourself up to do it good you’re doing
it you got a brother that had been doing
well for quite a few years doing what
you were doing now oh yeah that’s right
and what it was I believe was fear that
was holding me back from going up that’s
exactly what it was that’s what we’re
gonna talk about here now you see the
strange part about this is the guy that
I was praising for being the great
manager is his brother Nino is l’s
brother now I have known Nino for eight
years Nina was in the first seminar I
did when we moved from Atlanta to
Toronto and was in that situation it was
his birthday and his wife made him go
he’s told me in many occasions that he’s
not sorry he went wouldn’t be very nice
to him tell me anything else at this
point with it okay now I know what Nina
was done Nino is a risk taker no
question about it
you both have the same mother and father
L gave over there so you see we often
say a baby
is a born risk-taker here’s two people
from the same parents ones out there
taking the rest making the dough doing
the big deals the others doing something
they’re not really excited about an
18,000 a year has to cook in all the
time doesn’t go I didn’t like what he
was doing wasn’t excited about it he’s
thinking about doing what his brothers
doing for yours but he doesn’t do it is
that uncommon that is not uncommon at
all not uncommon at all you’ve probably
experienced that in your family I see it
happening every day now now if we could
keep focusing on this the Y type idea
represents what you’re doing now and
every time you thought about it you
probably thought about the compensation
that it would give you is that correct
exactly you never dreamed it would be a
half a million a year though never never
any idea how many years it would take
you to earn a half a million at 18 K
several anger hair wouldn’t be black and
curly my friend it would be long and
great now if you had any left don’t you
see it’s generally much better than you
ever even think it will be now I want
you to keep thinking about Elle’s
situation al is a real estate agent and
he we’ve already found out that there’s
only 13 out of 20 thousand that are
doing a job that may be a little
superior to his so you could say al is
one of the best in the world at what he
does but he had to think about doing it
for years know when he was thinking I’ve
already probably thought about the nice
cars the nice trips I was looking at
Marge oh smoke blinded by the ring on
her finger
I mean I don’t think he got that on 18 K
it had a couple years wages for low in
there now let’s come back again and
focus here here’s al X type energy X
type vibration it’s type behavior X type
results and he gets to the point where
he’s thinking I think I’m going to do
that but before you can act on a Y type
idea it must go through that part of
your personality
you’ll never act on an idea without
passing it through here it is the power
that do with the work remember that John
brought that out in the last lesson and
every time he went to impress that idea
the Y type idea on the X type energy you
know if that did that instantly and
automatically affected his entire
nervous system it set up a chaotic
vibration we’ll call it a foreign
vibration it’s an X Y type vibration
mental conflict and instantly and
automatically dope
fear and anxiety just zoom through his
system and it happened so fast he didn’t
even know what was happening
when that feeling took over he did not
know how to control it so he did what
Maslow said he stepped back in the
safety then he started to reason with it
who needs the big cars anyway damn
things just cost too much money which
Marge need that big brain for a little
band the gold is all she ever really
needed those prices in those rich the
restaurants are ridiculous anyway lights
go down place goes up kids are well fed
and looked after we’re well dressed we
have a warm home
besides Nina loses every now and then
I don’t really need it you’ve got to
justify staying here some way so you do
something called rationalizing that’s
rationing lies to your mind
could L break through this terror
barrier not only could but he did but he
did here’s the X type energy here’s the
Y type idea and he started to get
emotionally involved did he create doubt
fear anxiety I sure did but I’m gonna
tell you what’s different he started to
do it with understanding understanding
you know what that led to that led to
freedom I want you to watch here for a
moment what did L say
he said just after he made the change he
came to the seminar he started to use
the tapes
I met young Christina yesterday and
apparently their inundating her brain
with the tapes and I’m going to tell you
Central Christina it’s going to pay off
for you it’s going to pay off for you
john was mentioned about brian’s
personality i was happy to hear him say
that brian’s my son i was going to tell
john it’s in the genes but i know that’s
not right
do you know I started studying these
ideas just a few months before Brian was
born and a big change took place my life
just a few months after he was born but
zuker say there’s two classes no class
in first class I made up my mind that I
was going to program some ideas into
their little minds there were a lot
different than the ones I had programmed
into mine now this is saying nothing
against my parents they gave me
everything they had you cannot give a
person something you do not have we
traveled I had them fly in the front of
the plane first class
we would take them to nice restaurants
to eat because I had to learn after I
was an adult how to eat in a nice
restaurant I didn’t know which piece of
cutlery to pick up first I would be
asked if I wanted something when the
waiter or waitress first came I didn’t
even know what the word meant I would
take them to beautiful resorts I was
going into some into New York one time
and I took Bryan and Raymond with me
John and I had limos picking us up
stretches taking us everywhere you’re
gonna travel you might as well be
I had Joe the guy used to take us in New
York all the time I said y’all want to
keep it for the day bringing the boys
down I want you to take him around had
him Drive him all around it’s taking
down the battery wake him up so he took
them to all these places in the stretch
limo moved England moved to the United
States always traveling
they always read nice cars I don’t think
they know what a used car means nice
homes nice clothes
that’s all I get the homes they bought
they bought they are in the money and
they bought it somebody say oh well he
has Proctor’s Kitty afforded by a couple
houses there right he can and not
because he’s Mary kid says he’s got the
Ian Leslie studied all the time
Colleen doesn’t shoe arms Raymond does
what she wants I never went to college
nobody in her family ever went to
university so there was never much talk
about going to university Linda helped
me with that idea we didn’t talk to them
whether they were going to go we talked
to them where they were going to go see
we had to making a choice which one do
you want to go to not do you want to go
or not and if that’s all you talked to
them both they make a choice Colleen
chose Illinois State raymond chose of
Laurier now he tells me he wants to be a
lawyer he’s in his last year in Watford
learning so I guess we’re locked in for
another four years but I treat education
I treat education as being almost sacred
as long as he’ll go I’ll pay l didn’t
have the benefit of that kind of
teaching and neither did I do you know
what he did he did the same thing I did
he came to seminar and he got above
those tapes and he listened to them over
and over and over again if you’re
watching this video tape don’t think
just because you hear what I’m saying
and you can repeat a bit of it that you
know it you want to watch it over and
over and over again one of the most
magnificent tools in your hand you’ll
ever get your hands on now I want this
to represent X tape conditioning in your
life let it represent X tape
conditioning let this represent the Y
type idea now watch you’re watching with
your eyes
you don’t see any change do you mean L
do you see any change you don’t see any
change but your understanding tells you
that it’s not as dark as it was before I
put the clear water in doesn’t it you
see as you impress the bigger idea the
old conditioning becomes weaker as we
keep doing it
times weak it becomes weaker and it
becomes weakened but you see our eyes to
see this we can’t see any difference but
every time we watch the video every time
we turn on the set every time we review
the paragraph to the tape every time we
watch this idea being explained your
conditioning becomes weaker and weaker
and weaker and if we will keep
impressing it even although it appears
that everything outside is remaining the
same our inner eye of understanding
tells us it’s not same that it is
becoming weaker now I want you to think
I want you to think even although you
experienced some dopey fear and anxiety
you understand what’s causing that it’s
the change that’s taking place in the
mind that’s what Paul talked about the
renewal of the mind now through ro1
times said something that is so rich
with truth he said if you will endeavor
to live the life you have imagined
that’s the new idea the Y idea he said
any person who had been Cisco
and you’ve got to do it with confidence
and that comes with understanding
any person who advanced confidently in
the direction of their dream and
endeavor to live the life they imagined
they will meet with success unexpected
in common hours now watch this because
one day you’re gonna wake up and
everything will have changed just like
that and your life will never be the
same again
that’s way it works
that’s called awakening
that’s what eles what life looks like
now and Adele how did John start out
talking about Lea he said I couldn’t
give you what I’ve got because you got
too much of what you got but if you work
with it just a little bit at a time I
guarantee you’ll bust through that
terror barrier that we have written
there on page 49 and you will experience
the freedom that I might add you were
born into have you ever wondered why
you’re attracted to the baby it doesn’t
matter the race the religion the Creed
caught none of those things matter
if a mother a father standing in front
of you in the shopping line you’ve got
the strongest urge to reach out and
touch that baby sometimes you’ll want to
hold it and just kiss you will sometimes
you cannot contain yourself even though
you don’t know the people yo yo look
hesitantly at the parent just just so
you can touch the little baby’s hand and
let it hold your little finger why do
you think that is why do you think
you’re such a strong magnetic pole
come on
it was Kipling said that I love those
little people and it is no small thing
when they who are so fresh from God love
me you see we are created in a
magnificent vibration in an absolutely
magnificent vibration borne risk-takers
free that conditioning takes place after
you can change it takes guts takes goals
how do you know something you’re sitting
there watching this you’re thinking bike
I’m gonna change something I had a man
telling me to see her here today at one
of the breaks he’s I’m getting so
excited I can hardly contain myself
because I just feel so happy I said you
want to know something you keep watching
this you keep watching this you’ll get
happier and happier and you’re going to
get to the point where you think oh I
couldn’t get any happier and then you’ll
get happier that’s exactly the way it
abundance is our birthright now if
you’re gonna change you know there’s
only one time to do it right now right
now right now
you see else Missouri made a decision
regardless of the fear regardless of the
doubt regardless of the flack from his
buddies at work he made a decision and
he made the decision on page 50 at the
top of the page that Goethe was talking
about he said are you in earnest then
sees this very minute what you can do or
even dream you can do and begin it
boldness has genius power and magic in
it only engage and the mind will grow he
did begin and the work will be completed
Emerson said do the thing and you’ll get
the energy to do the thing you can go
busting through this and I’m going to
tell you with this understanding that
you’ve got then that you’re heightening
that you’re developing higher and higher
and higher again you can turn it into an
awareness and enthusiasm it does not
have to be a terror barrier it can just
expect the daylights out of you in our
company we have a plan we have a plan
and it’s a big one this seminar that
you’re sitting in is going to be
marketed throughout the United States
throughout New Zealand throughout
Australia throughout England do you know
that in the next I’ll say 14 months
taking into consideration the post
production of this particular seminar we
will have six thousand seven hundred
people selling seven hundred and fifty
people at six thousand seven hundred and
fifty people selling this throughout
North America alone
we have added approximately 70 people in
Canada since March good people really
good people that’s our idea does it
scare us sometimes do we doubt yeah
sometimes we experience them anxiety yep
sometimes some more than others but that
wouldn’t stop us because we understand
if we had bands comfortably in the
direction of our dreams and endeavor to
live the life that we’ve imagined
we’re gonna meet success unexpected in
common hours now you got to make a
commitment we made a commitment it’s not
an accident we attracted all these
people it’s not an accident we’re doing
what we’re doing it’s not an accident
this program is going to be in millions
of hands very very shortly this
particular program on video is going to
be one of the most professional
productions that is on the market today
the seminar already is there’s nothing
that will equal a seminar not in the
market today we’ve had doctors we’ve had
lawyers psychiatrists some of the most
senior executives and some of the
largest companies the world tell us
there’s nothing really clueless and I
know why I don’t why because we’re given
an understanding to a person of who they
really are
we’re not just giving them some
technique that’s intellectual or
physical or academic powers within you
you got to write out your commitment a
commitment is a directive to yourself
it’s a directive to yourself I remember
one time reading somewhere
the Demark of a superior performer is a
person that can give themself a command
and then follow it that’s what’s on that
page now on page 51 we say remember it
makes no difference whether your goal is
starting a new business buying a new
automobile a position at work setting a
sales record or earning an honors
American School whatever it may be
you must step out boldly and pursue it
look at the wind that else Missouri is
enjoying today and he is just starting
it’s like half sad and a knack in that
letter this show is only one small step
in the direction of greater things you
can do many of which are beyond your
wildest dreams
and I would imagine that Al’s sometimes
has to shake his head and I would
imagine Marg does too would you agree
with that 100% a hundred percent and you
know something al the beautiful part is
you are always capable of doing it you
are capable of doing what
doing now when you’re earning $18,000 a
year but you weren’t aware of it
give him another hand I mean he’s made
up big
what did we say right at the start of
the lesson motivation in education leads
to wise decisions and intelligent action
and enables us to enjoy the prosperity
which is our birthright now we say keep
reminding yourself that you have
tremendous reservoirs of potential
within you we’re on page 51 and
therefore you are quite capable of doing
anything you set your mind to you really
can I don’t care what the settings tell
you quit listening to some of your peers
once you’d a better ball golf game quit
golfing with your friends now all you
must do this figure out how you can do
it not whether you can or not just think
of how you can forget about whether you
can or not you know you can you just
have to find out how begin to visualize
yourself as a risk-taker and then
starting telling yourself that you are
one become fully aware of the good
vibrations you get simply by virtue of
practicing these simple exercises now
here we are at the page of top top of
page 52 I’ve been quoting William James
or James Allen through every lesson I
think I’ve given you this quote your
circumstances may not be congenial but
they will not long remain so if you
perceive an ideal and strive to reach it
I still have not figured out how Leslie
and Bryan even bought that first toast I
haven’t figured it because they if they
had any money they had it well buried
that was before they started earning it
any stage of work needle income
skyrocketed so I don’t even have to
think hard about the second one I’m not
quite sure how many they’re going to buy
they know one thing if you haven’t got
much and you want to get a lot real
estate you sit down doctor and they’ll
tell you you’re going to make some major
exciting moves you’ve been thinking
about them you’re committing yourself to
it what are you going to do it when are
you going to do it you’ve got to create
a sense of urgency
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