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LISTEN TO THIS EVERY DAY! Affirmations for Success In Life and Business

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powered by mulligan Brothers I am
am who I wanna be I will achieve my
goals I’m a good person I dream big I
love my life I am on the right path
I am the hardest worker in the room I
never give up I will not take other
I am happy with the reflection in the
enjoy the hard work I trust the process
I was born a winner I am heading to
greatness I was born for greatness I
will fight for my goals I am a winner
I dare to be different I appreciate
happiness is within my hands
I am grateful everything will work out
for me I inspire others I will be the
best I am the one I am happy
I am courageous I will keep going I will
never stop I keep pushing nothing can
no hate can affect me everything I need
to succeed is within me already
I trust my ability I will pick people up
I always move forward I do not dwell on
always give my all I will be rich I will
be successful
I am healthy in mind and in body I will
give it my all
I will never stop I will keep going I am
grateful for the things I have I am
my commitment to myself is real I am
strong I never give up I always get back
up no matter how big the mountain I will
I will overcome our obstacles I will be
I do not bow to my fears I know my work
I was built for success they will
remember my name I deserved the best
life I deserve greatness my mind body
and soul are fit and strong I deserve
the riches I deserve everything I have
ever set my mind to I am worthy I have
I am prepared for whatever comes at me
all my dreams are within my reach I can
handle the hardest of times I can
capture the best of times my opinion
matters I execute on situations I make
it the deal having I control everything
it is all on me nothing is out of my
nothing is impossible for me the world
is my oyster I am brave I will never
back down I can be the top of my field
negative self-talk has no place in my
life I can compete with the best I have
all the skills are required I am
determined I will stop apologizing for
being myself it is time for me to shine
it is my time for success I will be
I will win I will not stop positivity is
a choice that I choose to make I
surround myself with great people I can
already see my vision I have faith in my
ability I own my success I have what it
I am powerful I am fearless I am
successful I am who I want to be I will
dream big I love my life
I am on the right path I am the hardest
worker in the room I never give up I
will not take other people’s negativity
personally I am happy with the
reflection in the mirror if I started I
will finish it I enjoy the hard work I
I was born a winner I am heading to
greatness I was born for greatness I
will fight for my goals I am a winner I
dare to be different
I appreciate where I am I am not afraid
to be wrong happiness is within my hands
I am grateful everything will work out
for me I inspire others I will be the
best I am the one I am happy I am
courageous I will keep going I will
never stop I keep pushing nothing can
no hate can affect me everything I need
to succeed is within me already
I trust my ability I will pick people up
I always move forward I do not dwell on
the past I always try my hardest I
always give my all I will be rich I will
be successful
I am healthy in mind and in body I will
give it my all I will never stop I will
keep going I am grateful for the things
I have I am powerful my commitment to
myself is real I am strong I never give
up I always get back up no matter how
I will overcome our obstacles I will be
great I do not bow to my fears I know my
work I was built for success they will
remember my name I deserved the best
life I deserve greatness my mind body
and soul are fit and strong I deserve
the riches I deserve everything I have
ever set my mind to I am worthy I have
worked for this I am prepared for
all my dreams are within my reach I can
handle the hardest of times I can
capture the best of times my opinion
matters I execute on situations I make
it the deal having I control everything
nothing is out of my reach nothing
that’s impossible for me the world is my
oyster I am brave I will never back down
I can be the top of my field negative
self-talk has no place in my life I can
compete with the best I have all the
skills are required I am determined I
it is time for me to shine it is my time
will win I will not stop positivity is a
choice that I choose to make I surround
myself with great people I can already
see my vision I have faith in my ability
I own my success I have what it takes I am always moving forward
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