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“LIFE Begins OUTSIDE of Your COMFORT ZONE!” – Camila Cabello (@Camila_Cabello) – Top 10 Rules

I would definitely didn’t think of it as
a career that was literally just like
five seconds of bravery that changed my
life and I wanted it so badly and they
were like honestly you shouldn’t come at
all anymore because I don’t want to see
your family disappointed if you come
tomorrow there’s not gonna be any room
for you to audition I honestly think you
should just go home and try again next
letting the core of who you are and kind
of letting all your walls down in front
of the world and in front of other
people is the greatest thing that you
could do need motivation watch a top ten
with belief nation what’s up at seven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see exploded
onto the world so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
on today’s lessons from a woman who went
from dropping out of ninth grade in
school with dreams of becoming a singer
to having her first solo studio album
debut at number one on the Billboard
charts led by its lead single Havana
she’s Camila Kibeho and here’s my take
on her top ten rows of success enjoy
alright let’s kick things off with rule
number one
take a shot I initially was not trying
to do music at all I mean I came to the
United States my family came and my
parents made that choice my mom came
over to Miami and her main thing was
just like we don’t have money to get you
into college so you’re gonna have to get
a scholarship and you’re gonna have to
study your butt off and so that was
always my main focus was just I was like
a book nerd that was just like studying
studying studying so I didn’t really
think of it as a plausible thing even
though it was always my escape you know
I would always sneak off into my room
when my parents went to Walmart and I
would just like sing but yeah I would
definitely didn’t think of it as a
career that was literally just like five
seconds of bravery that changed my life
where I decided to you know try out for
a show we asked Camila what do you want
for your quinceanera party and she told
me I want you to go with me to an
audition what do you do when you’re not
singing I would love to say something
interesting but all I do is think
karaoke and watch like One Direction
videos rule number two my personal
favorite be persistent I went to the
produce around of The X Factor and after
that they send you to perform for the
actual judges and so when they wrote me
the letter basically they said that I
was a what’s that called alternate write
and alternate and alternate which means
that you’re not guaranteed a spot to
audition in front of the judges and if
they have time at the end of the show
then you can audition but that’s never
again you’ll sit there and wait wait
wait so the auditions were all the way
in North Carolina and so my whole family
and I traveled to North Carolina to see
if maybe I could audition so the
auditions the judges auditions are three
days the first day I get there and I’m
about to go on the stage and sing and I
have my microphone in my hand and a
producer comes and says sorry we don’t
have enough time I do keep going
throughout the days your name keeps
going down and down on a list because
there’s different alternates for every
day so anyway so that so then I said
okay like I’m just gonna try it like to
come the next day so the next thing I
come same like same basically the same
thing happened and I’m a crying like
backstage and the producer like my
grandma’s there that my grandma’s crying
cuz we were all like this sucks like I’m
not gonna get a chance to audition and I
wanted it so badly and they were like
honestly you shouldn’t come at all
anymore because I don’t want to see your
family disappointed if you come tomorrow
there’s not gonna be any room for you to
audition I honestly think you should
just go home and try again next year
yeah and so Simon Cowell luckily walks
out like behind the stage and I was like
you were a really tight white shirt yeah
and I was like I was like Simon they
won’t let me audition could you please
let me audition Simon and all the judges
on the show they have no idea what the
alternate process is actually like they
just see people walk out on stage
give them a s whatever and so he was
like oh yeah for sure you can audition
and I turn over to the executive
producer and I was like don’t like see
he’s Simon Cowell and he’s telling me I
can’t addition can’t move I like yeah
thanks and like can I please just come
back tomorrow and so basically to sum up
the story they saw how persistent I was
and how much I wanted to be there
because I ended up like just crying to
the producer I’m being like honestly I
don’t even have to you don’t even have
to put me as an alternate amaro I just
want to be in the building to know that
I did that I did everything that I could
to know that if there maybe is a 1%
chance that I’m allowed to audition that
I’m here that I’m still here for it and
so they saw how persistent I was and the
ended up letting me audition rule number
three find true success probably one
fifth harmony started merging next
pac-man the show takes off and you guys
it’s a group you know better together
reflection yeah did you feel like you
made it was this feeling of
accomplishment like what were you going
through as the group start to take off
and you’re a part of that it felt really
great from a level of a man we’ve worked
so hard our families have sacrificed so
much but I definitely felt like I work
from home became like a really big song
there when you know songs about started
to get played I wanted to like feel more
what I heard on the radio if that makes
sense I learned so much I’m so so
grateful for that whole experience I
don’t even think that I would have felt
like that yearning to even start writing
to express myself it weren’t for the
fact that you know I was singing songs
that I didn’t really connect to I I did
a song with Sean and as I did I know we
did last time and that song was not
nearly as successful as work from home
if it came on and the radio I was like
whoa like this is about something that
happened to me like you know what I mean
and even though it wasn’t as successful
it just I just felt more rule number
four is be yourself I think for me just
being yourself and kind of letting the
core of who you are and kind of letting
all your walls down in front of the
world and in front of other people is
the greatest thing that you could do
that’s also what I try to do with my
music as well as just be as honest as
possible and just kind of share the
vulnerable parts of myself because I
think that that’s very relieving when
you can do that because then you’re just
yourself you don’t have to try to be
anything else
rule number five push yourself I have a
lot of moments where I’m like shy and I
don’t want to be you know I want to be
like away from people but I think
challenges always make me have to step
it up and so I push I push myself a lot
you know life begins outside of your
comfort zone and you know sometimes it’s
good to push yourself and do the
unexpected and you never know what you
might find rule number six be consumed
by passion I just feel like advice that
I would that I would give is just like
let yourself be so consumed in in your
art or whatever your passion is it’s
literally the greatest feeling in the
world it’s like love like it’s you know
to just let yourself be just like
swallowed whole by what makes you feel
alive and what connects you to you know
the universe and that inner voice it
there’s nothing more more beautiful than
that and it’s such a it’s such a
selfless thing to share that you know to
share that with the world because I
think I love that there’s and there’s
this quote I can’t remember it word for
word but this guy’s has something like
share your share your talent and share
your dreams of the world because what
the world needs is more people who come
alive something something along those
lines but yeah because you know by you
just expressing yourself
you kind of ignite you can you know
ignite a fire in somebody else
sure to express themself in some way you
know like and that was just in your said
I would just make us all like so much
happier as people you know what I mean
like just do everything do everything
for love and you’ll you’ll feel so
fulfilled rule number seven start small
when you Instagram you posted about
writing music in the hotel room that is
totally 100% you I would get
instrumentals from songs that already
existed so I have these demos where you
hear like the music is from like born to
die by Lana Del Rey and I wrote like a
whole other songs over it and that’s how
I basically started to develop my voice
as a songwriter when I got into the
studio to really for the first time to
work on this album which was January
everybody was kind of they came in with
his eyes would look like oh I have an
idea for you like play it for me and I
let’s do some scratch and they were like
oh you actually write like you actually
have a point of view you actually have
something that you want to talk about
today like I’m so happy that I that I
started writing those like demos on the
road because if it weren’t for that I
wouldn’t have even had the confidence to
be like oh I I want to do this today
guys and as opposed to just taking
something but I wouldn’t have even know
where to start
rule number eight express emotions I’m
just trying to connect with my heart and
with my soul and kind of bare my soul to
people I feel like that’s kind of my my
goal as an artist whether it’s in my
music or you know in a photo shoot I
want to make sure that I’m able to bring
out my emotions whatever it is that I’m
feeling when I go into the studio I want
to write about the scary places in my
heart I want to write about the feelings
that are can be kind of sad and
uncomfortable like the the real human
parts of us when I was younger I would
have never imagined that I could be able
to do this for a living like music was
always something that I’d love to do and
it was my form of escape I hopefully can
create that form of escapism for other
people when they listen to my music so
that’s kind of what I’m what I’m trying
to create rule number nine is expect the
worst what is that feeling for you that
there that that’s solo debut it’s uh
it’s intense hearts racing hands shakin
my mom has always told me when you make
your when I made that decision she was
like just you know don’t expect anything
like expect expect the worst and you
know if you still obviously still want
to do this then go ahead and do it and
you know I really did expect the worst I
was like you know what if nobody cares
if you know my first album flops follow
my songs flop I don’t care I’m still
gonna do this because I want to do this
for me and so I was perfectly ready for
none of it to happen and I you know so
it’s the fact that you know people
connected to Havana and that people are
connecting to never be the same and
people are just connecting to my music
is super it’s like the best feeling ever
and rule number 10 the last one before
the bonus clips have fun the discussion
is from Michelle she
to know if you can like rap from the
songs bad things rap a few lines is that
bad hey if it feels good you come back
like I knew you would
we’re both wowed right I love you say
wild wow I’m like and we’re both wild
dream now scratching my backside do some
kind of bad things the remix
now I’ve got some special Camilla bonus
clips for you but before that my
question of the day is around her rule
number nine expect the worst
do you expect the worst do you expect
the best what’s better or worse I want
to know leave it down the count’s below
thank you guys so much for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever you’re
one where it is much love I’ll see you
soon and enjoy the bonus clips
having your mom travel with you and be
here today and that is the second time
I’ve met your mom the second time I met
you really face to face so I know she’s
with you all the time yeah that’s
obviously when you were growing up in a
huge part of your upbringing was you can
be as talented as you want but at the
end of the day unless you make an
impression on people that is positive
then you’re setting yourself up to fail
I mean for sure and I feel like it’s not
even thinking about that with that
intention because I feel like you can’t
just be nice because you know you don’t
want to fail you want people to like you
I feel like she’s just always taught me
that more important than anything than
being talented then being you know all
these qualities that are great being
brave being smart being talented you
know being you know not working yeah all
of that stuff nothing is as important as
being kind like I think being kind is
the most important thing you can be and
she’s always you know told me that’s the
most important thing in people period no
matter who they are raise your standard
at the core it’s core value passion not
one drop of most self-worth depends on
Europe it’s supposed to mean
I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead
or completely incapacitated hey believe
nation if you want to see my all-time
favorite top ten most a success I have a
very special secret video for you these
are the individual Clips that I have
personally learned the most from and
applied to my life and my business check
the link in description for details
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