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Let’s Sell Some HUGS! – #LifeWithEvan

you gotta raise your margins listen you
always have to think about the display
when it looks better it sells better get
to work this is not place city this is
entrepreneur land we gotta hustle hard
that’s the question entrepreneurs have
to face all the time we’re gonna have to
do it happy we can’t believe nation how
the kids have a day off school and it’s
a holiday here in Ontario called Family
Day and so we have decided to make a
lemonade stand have the kids there are
some entrepreneurial skills and put you
guys on the journey with
so first step is we have to go to the
store buy some lemon juice and think we
have sugar and all the other ingredients
but we need to get some crystal board so
that the kids can make their signs you
guys excited who’s gonna make the best
lemonade hey didn’t tell me what the
slogan is for your lemonade stand well I
don’t think you’re gonna sell very many
glasses of lemonade with that tastier
than toes Havens lemonade okay let’s get
our supplies
okay so we need to make three signs we
need to make a sign for the lemonade how
much is our lemonade 50 cents 50 cents I
think it’s always you guys need to clean
you guys in to simplify things one size
one dollar that’s it you got to raise
your margins one dollar a glass one
sides where else somebody else need a
sign for cakepops how much of the cake
pops $10 cake now we’re talking a sign
for the cake pops and we’re free timo
yeah CDSs class happening Lilly’s
teaching go Lily okay
dollar starless buy some supplies what
does a bristol board look like wow we
really need to improve your arch pearls
here let’s go we need three you got to
make three signs here one two most team
Oh hugs lemonade
okay okay Hayden Hayden hold on hold
like at this look look look at that look
at that we keep we need we need crisp no
yeah all the green ones are garbage
no green remember you need something
that’s easy to draw on two Reds hard
yellow is good for lemonade right Teemo
and cake pops right white and then light
blue okay those are the three okay
perfect hold them don’t bend them keep
them looking good you want crisp signs
guys okay next we need cups guys I think
we need pictures that’s a pretty big one
I like I like the look of this one this
and it does get the blue one
hey Catherine okay there we go now let’s
get our cups oh look at these ones guys
look at these ones look at these ones
have little dispensed around them that
looks pretty cool I like to display
listen you always have to think about
the display when it looks better it
sells better let’s switch it up let’s
get two of these what color you want to
go with green green hold on make it
clear you can pick the top people don’t
want to drink green juice they want to
see through let’s pick clear clear clear
clear with a with a colored top there
you go blue and a pink okay you have to
pay attention to how things look Jeff or
you just hold the signs take care of the
signs hey look look at this look look
see how it’s bending look at that look
at that yellow thing did you do a good
job look at that look at that corner not
good mister things have to look good
we want to sell we want to make some
money selling lemonade let’s go okay we
got our cups let’s find some good cups
we need a big pack guys you get 18 cups
for a dollar fifty that’s just over ten
cents a cup this is practical math class
here guys these are three dollars for
how many cups thirty-six for three
dollars so it’s under ten cents a cup I
say we go with this we’ll go with one if
we have if we sell more than 36 we’ll
come back and buy another one you don’t
want to buy too much make sure you don’t
buy too many raw materials and it gets
stuck with them they are not open
tomorrow okay this means we have a
crunch time willing to have to do
everything tonight you got to do a
lemonade same tonight not tomorrow yeah
cuz they’re closed tomorrow which means
we’re gonna get no foot traffic foot
traffic by TDS because we’re gonna do it
at site TDS and we need foot traffic
many people walking by to be able to
sell them to there’s gonna be nobody
here tomorrow so you’ll be here people
here tonight for a dance party TDS so
we’re gonna sell it to them
how we’re gonna make it that quick
that’s the question entrepreneurs have
to face all the time we’re gonna have to
do it let’s go let’s go let’s check out
and buy all right our total cost here
was 1639 1639 we’re spending so far guys
16:39 that’s a lot goodbye TDS you see
you tonight we got to go get the lemon
juice from Loblaws downstairs pound it
okay lime juice lemon juice there we go
– lemon juice okay Hayden you’re holding
this there’s one we’ll get – okay that’s
it let’s go if you don’t have enough
Loblaws is still open tonight so we can
get more this is gold
okay Katherine’s got the dollar store
stuff Jeffrey’s got the bristol boards
Tina’s got the lemon juice let’s go home
all right so we got to make it up we
gotta sell some lemonade and team Oh
hugs are we gonna make lemonade yes sir
all right I like that hey BB get used to
that sir okay
okay okay okay we are home almost what
are we gonna do we have like two hours
to get ready who’s doing what work
hold on work I love that work okay okay
and I am going to supervise his
Stephanie is here to a ride gonna make
the lemonade stand together
Nina is busy doing meal prep for the
week already got some lentils going on
and while we’re out she made a cake so
we can sell pieces of cake to guys we
did a third sign for cake slices
see no we we have three we have three
things those kick pops pieces of cake
instead yeah okay let’s go go go go go
go go go go go come on let’s go many
entrepreneurs get the signs ready where
are my signs I want to see beautiful
signs you know why you feel right cuz
you are right let’s go we got two hours
not even let’s make it make it make it
alright here we go
kids are hard at work Haman’s making the
lemonade sign Geoffrey’s making what hug
the team Oh Stephanie’s making the cake
sign I like it I like it
we got to keep team away cuz you’re
gonna mess up the kids and Captain Andy
not gonna make the lemonade
tima what do you think $1 $1 for a hug
with Teemo is that word big how about a
high five with Teemo yeah high five with
Teemo that’s $1 right hey Catherine
get to work get to work this is not
place city this is an entrepreneur Lane
we gotta hustle hard
teemo’s locked out we don’t want you
messing up with the science mister
tima really wants to see what the kids
are doing sorry Kimo die mister so
you’re gonna have lots of excitement
tonight how are we doing over here
what Stephanie’s on her first letter
Jeffrey’s doing pencil hugs
I see the hug Haydon doing some big font
all right let it stand out yeah I think
I think you gave me bigger but that’s
okay the L in the ER good this starts to
get a little bit small down here but
that’s okay we got it all right you can
still make it bigger you got to make the
team Oh a little bit bigger there that’s
a pretty small team Oh
let’s see that’s better now we got to
make it thick make it thick put some
color on there so it stands out put the
price put a picture team oh good job
guys good job here’s the sample go go
finish your sign finish a sign and this
is it this is the moment of truth yeah
okay oh that is stropping whoo that is
strong whoo-hoo oh there has a little
kick there it’s girl twitchy
check back in on the kids but we got
lemonade it’s coming along
I see the hugs you want to make it
thicker so you can read it you can read
it from far away I think that needs to
be bigger though it’s hard to see the
one dollar there you go look at that
making it thicker now it’s gonna be
easier to read good job Jeffrey okay you
got to put lots of orange on this kick
sign here alright I like it so strong
whoa whoa
I see the hug hug for team oh wow look
at Stephanie she’s got a little piece of
cake look at that nice cake Hayden’s
making a green dollar bill kind of hard
to see that one though green and red
don’t have enough contrast there you go
there’s some thinking I like it like the
creativity this is professional lemonade
taste testing right here
name is taking a lot of lemonade give a
big smile on your face Lena that was it
bad oh all right there we go that’s our
winner does that taste like dollar a
glass lemonade yeah okay okay no I’m
good I’m good I believe you yeah yeah
it’s good I like it just the right
amount of Tang eNOS
good job guys okay now I got to make the
cake make the look yummy yeah
Katherine I wasn’t worried about the
muscles isn’t worried about if the lid
was on properly coming back in oh my god
that’s way too small hey you can’t read
that got to make that bigger
oh look at Stephanie’s like that
that’s a quality piece of cake are you
helping Katherine okay you gotta put the
icing on the cake get the icing what was
money are we making money here okay okay
go now you want to make money you want
to do your dance it’s gotta be based off
of something legit like actually doing
something to make money okay
there you go you got the muscles whoo
that looks really good actually oh my
god I want to eat that so much here we
go okay listen don’t eat our profits
here yeah just get used to it
there you go put on the cake see what
happened there yeah
gentle with the cake you zombie you’re
icing zombie and we’re done look at that
whoo good job the Katherine high-five
she’s eating the icing it’s coming along
it’s coming along get a slice of cake
here a dollar slice hmm the job guys
Nina’s gonna go to TDS we’ll see you
there soon Nina thank you for all the
love and help we love you okay bye Nina
have fun a class
Hayden is finish this sign lemonade give
me your sales pitch why should I buy
your lemonade
with a song – that’s pretty good hey
what do you think I like it alright cut
me in with that cute face – I am in
alright good job here is Stephanie’s
poster alright let’s hear your sales
pitch why should I buy your cake
Stephanie when in doubt eat cake alright
good job alright and last up is Jeffrey
with his one I like that nice sign mr.
Tim was cute okay give me your sales
pitch why should I spend a dollar around
hugging Timo he was cute and cuddly
Timo sells himself but that’s a great
sign I love it good job mr. Kauffman’s
clapping she likes you too
all right we’re ready to go I got Timo
Geoffrey’s got the lemonade Saffy’s got
the signs Hayden’s got the cake what are
we gonna sell stop come on Timo let’s
sell some hugs mr. show some homes all
right we made not PBS
you guys ready
everything’s set up all right I like it
wait for your first customer all right
she comes the kids are ready this
sitting down
thumbs-up from Katherine it’s a friend
Jeffrey there they are
the little entrepreneurs their
entrepreneurial project of the day we
ready Haven got his first customer very
the cake is moist Oh what else would it
be of course is moist when that’s
selling old cake kisses are extra Alex
yeah you broke the bank gives me extra
every case is an extra dollar attorney
two children our children how you doing
no change well that’s good it’s good for
the lemonade’s going away
don’t drink to that the business only
there’s leftovers only if there’s only
there’s leftovers
well I tried it so it’s good who is your
best customer
I like Suzy best customer how come you
bought everything did he give you a tip
– no he didn’t give you a tip Alex oh
that’s better kisser than Alex Alex Alex
is cheapening out come on Alex
nice what’s your strategy Haven six-six
always upfront how come how come what’s
the strategy
don’t count your money while you’re in
the middle of doing business
well that’s okay at the end you can sit
at home don’t count it up Frank hey good
job guys
how is it
good day sweet and sour combined it’s
strong it is time what are you doing
don’t you sell good job good job
Geoffrey boom good job Stephanie boom
good job Hayden good job captain
boom hey Alex we asked Hayden who our
best customer was and he said Alex at
the start but then he realized that
other people gave him a tip and you
didn’t give a tip so then he said it’s
not Alex yours it to pay me back how
much because I need to buy the lemon
juice I think was twenty overall overall
all right okay hey what was the lesson
you learned this guy Stephanie what did
you learn
advertisement for the games Mme
Catherine what did you learn
Geoffrey’s got a lesson what’s your
lesson would you learn
why not to say that nobody’s gonna come
by like that believe in yourself believe
what’s your other one okay celebrate
with cake I like it so thank you guys
for watching hope you enjoyed have a
great rest day weekend we believe in you
we hope to continue to
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