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LEFT FOR DEAD – Develop An Unshakable Mind – MOST Motivational Speech

after I’ve been shot and I eliminated
that thread I didn’t know what to do so
I were to grabbed a rock and I reached
out as far as I could and I drew a line
in the sand I was like I’m gonna crawl
to that to my feet hit it because I’m
still alive and do it again that’s what
I did I did that for seven miles and
that’s when I finally found out got to
water found a waterfall because I know
what I’ve done in my past I have a
pretty good idea what can’t stop me in
the future
he was a Vietnam veteran and he he just
had a training camp if you will out on
this property and well before we got
there I mean all the older kids were
going out there and he would get people
ready to go into the Special Forces so
it was was a you that was a unique
experience that was one of those things
I wish I could have quit because it was
tough not a bad job as he didn’t when he
first started he he didn’t care about
you he didn’t like you um you were more
of a nuisance to him when you first got
out there because you were behind
everybody else so you really had to I
remember I think it’s probably the first
tomb and a half three months I was there
I was the worst one in the bunch I was
the weakest I was the slowest and good
lord he would I would pay the man I mean
he would he would lay into me he left me
to die twice that I remember and told me
he’s like I hope you die and just walked
off and I was like and how old are you
14 15 years old when I started and then
I did it all the way till I finished you
know I was 22 out of college with this
guy saying mmm
and then even after I got into the SEAL
Teams when I would come back off leave
or something like that I’d bring some of
my teammates home with me and we’d go
over there and Billy would work us out
and try and get us ready to go back over
was that even as difficult as buds in
some ways or or not I was just tense it
was different and I would say harder in
some regards because I was young I
didn’t I didn’t know I mean my dad he
was he was a Yeller and a violent man
and he kind of threw it on me and my
brother pretty regularly so I can handle
it whooping yeah and I can I can bleed
just like anybody else you know that
doesn’t bother me but it would got to a
point to the to where if I when I
literally couldn’t do the things he
wanted me to do it was affecting me
mentally and emotionally because I was
just I just thought I was weaker than
everybody else I don’t like that right I
don’t like the fact that and I’m not
saying I’m a Superman or anything like
that but if I see somebody who’s
stronger than me and something that I’m
trying to do I’m gonna work harder till
I’m stronger than they are and that
that’s what he taught us he’s just like
you want to be here do you want what I
have you want this and you need to work
you can push yourself I mean there were
days where I literally would have to
late just completely sit down in the
shower just to wash my hair and I think
my mother tried to take me to the
hospital a few times because I was just
so beat down it’s like no I’m good I’ll
heal up I’m just gonna get a get back in
and that’s what he preached he was just
every day you only have you’re only here
for a little while so like take full
advantage of it because when you slide
up to the pearly when he goes when you
like when you get up there and head and
you’re checking in he goes you can
either walk in there with a perfect
pristine body and and I’m sure they’re
gonna look at you go and you didn’t take
advantage anything I gave you he’s like
Mike boys Billy way the other two of us
it’s his boys he goes when y’all get up
there y’all gonna slide in there
sideways they’re gonna go good lord you
took advantage of everything we gave you
bailing wire holding us together
Shiseido growing up in a family like you
did not to get too detailed but would
you say generally to encourage people
like they’re looking at you going like
man I I mean my father my mother their
this their that mean what you say sure I
mean your parents are there to mold you
and guide you and if you don’t have that
or whatever I my brother and I molded
our our character and the way we would
live our lives as a direct opposite of
what my father was so you can learn you
know what not to do right I don’t run a
cop-out to people as I go out my father
beat me and this yeah I’m a serial
killer yeah
my father beat me every day mm-hmm and
the first time I ever got knocked down
was by my dad so I I don’t I don’t
believe in that and I don’t have anger
issues well when I was working there was
a different story
yeah like I hate to do that but anyway
that I don’t put my I’ve never even
raised my voice my wife she’s never seen
me angry I’ve never cussed out or
anything I’ve been she’s the most
important thing in my life so were my
kids great and I don’t believe in that
so I mean that right it’s great if
they’re dealing with that is just to
stay focused and keep the course and
know that you’re you’re better than that
and I mean sure anybody can cop out and
be like well I had a bad I was dealt a
bad hand
yeah so what everybody has life stuff
suck it up that’s right and just you
know push forward and think that’s one
of the things that makes the training so
tough is just knowing that that in the
back your head like any second now I
could be gone for whatever reason the
injury they don’t like me they wanna
whatever it is I’m out of here and if
you want something so bad I mean you
know you were literally
this planet to do that job and it’s in
the hands of somebody else no matter how
hard he took it I told it first I mean I
made a point to go up to the instructors
I said you’re gonna kill me to get me
out here I’m not going anywhere and
they’re like well alright well try and
get that done and they did so they tried
to kill me he told the instructor that
yeah I don’t know what I was thinking
I you know I was new I was young okay
I’m beating on my chest yeah kill me get
me out of here I was a stupidest thing
I’ve ever done in my entire life
Marcus that was hilarious in your book
when you talked about cuz you said
you’re not a natural runner the distance
and running and that was with the sand
and the boot it just man yeah what’s
hilarious I had a lot of crosses to bear
when I know the thing about budge
training is that no matter who you are
or what kind of athlete you are don’t
they’ll find the weakness they’ll find
it and they’ll exploit it I have plenty
of them okay what were your weaknesses
Marcus obviously we know yeah other
stories the only thing I had going for
when I got in there is I could swim like
a fish and now where did you learn how
to swim in East Texas well my father was
a collegiate swimmer okay all that stuff
so apparently I don’t remember this but
when we were young and my dad took my
brother and I by the back of our shirts
and threw us in this river slash pond
and my brother drowned and wound up in
the hospital and I somebody pulled me
out that was his way of saying sink or
swim kind of deal and
look we learned how to swim and that’s
what I work is though so you had how
many people in your buds class started
the class how many people started with
buds and how many made it 164 started
and ten made it
my brother had 254 I think and 16-minute
and you you broke your femur I did how
did that happen
it was after Hill week and we were doing
a evolution called the Monster Mash it’s
kind of a who you a type deal yeah I
think you run six miles you come in and
jump in the ocean you swim a mile on
half you come back you read a no course
you do the 80-foot rope climb and
everything well something happened and
I’m trying to figure out what it was but
I did something to upset one of the
instructors I think and he made me carry
a car tire so I had this car tire around
my neck and I did the whole thing and I
tried to swim with it I would swam out
through the surf and was swimming
through the ocean and I only made I
didn’t make it the whole whole mile and
I started to sink
so I towed that thing in and I came back
and I had to do the 80-foot rope climb
so I put my tire back on and had water
in it and I climbed to the top of the
rope with a tire yes sir and when I
reached up to grab the you got to hit
the top of the i-beam that’s when you
yes and I started to slide and I fell
and I fell from the top of the rope all
the way down I land in the sand on my
feet and I rolled over and that tire was
kind of propping me up and the
instructor was saying you want to quit
you’re gonna quit get out of here and I
was like no I’m not gonna quit and I got
up on the rope and I climbed back up
well by the time I got to the rope
because I was caring that everything was
really the rostral real slippery and wet
sandy and I called up again I got to the
top I hit the road the i-beam and I fell
again I started to slide I actually
wrapped my arm around it so I wouldn’t
fall straight down and it just kind of
degloved my forearm and then I my arm
finally fell out of the rope and I fell
and when I hit the ground I fractured my
femur and my pelvis so I kind of I just
limped off on it I didn’t tell him
I felt that it felt like I had pulled my
groin is what it felt like and I said
you know I’m okay
he made me you know they serve tortured
me because I fell and then I ran on it
for another two weeks we wouldn’t the
second phase in a dive phase and when
our first four mile time to run I was
waiting in the back I was always the
back but I was way back you know yeah I
think I had hit three miles in 45
minutes or something and I had it was it
was pitch-black I couldn’t see it was
still dark outside and also these
headlights come up and the instructors
are who are you I was like it’s luttrell
yeah what are you doing back here I
think I pulled my groin
they were like getting up and ambulance
the suburbs omelets and they’re like
wait a minute
first go get wet and Sandy and I was
like all right sided go get wet and
Sandy down the ocean I get back in there
and take me in the hospital I get a bone
scan and I had a 13 inch vertical crack
down my femur at 11 stress fractures on
this leg seven on this one and I my my
pelvis had been cracked and they were
like we’re gonna have to roll you and I
was like you can’t do that I can’t be
rolled I can handle it they’re like no
I’m sorry so they double rolled me no no
when I was there healing up I was on
crutches I was oh yeah but I was still
getting beat now I mean I would crutch
up into the compound it started be like
go get in the surf so I was laying out
in the ocean and the surf my crutches up
like this it was just
it’s terrible but they finally said when
it was time for me to class up again
they’re like we’re gonna send you to the
hospital get another bone scan if your
femurs not healed up then we’re gonna
drop you I said no it’s fine I’m good
and some of the instructors they had
started to take a liking to me
I was like no I’m good and I clapped I
passed my class up run and I got back
into the class started and we we got all
the way to around third phase and it got
to a point to where at night I would
take a straps and frozen peas and my bed
was elevated at the foot and I would put
frozen peas from my ankles to my to my
hips and ace wrap him and I’d sleep like
that and then I was just chewing the 800
milligram motrin and they would have to
my sweet mate would have to wake me up
35 to 40 minutes earlier before
everybody else just to pick me up so to
start walking so my legs would work and
then they would carry me up to the
compound and when we do runs they would
actually push me or they’d one time they
tied a rope to my my belt and pulled me
through the run and I just I would fall
down and they would pick me I was the
whole team thing we were a small class
now so I got through it but it wasn’t
because I did it I did it as a teammate
we did it as a team if they wouldn’t
help me I couldn’t have made it through
I was my legs were too badly damaged and
I kept showing I mean I’ve almost died
in training more times than I died in
combat so really yes sir I just don’t
never they don’t think about it try just
be laying in the hospital and get me out
of here heal up I’ll be stronger every
time you heal up you’re stronger
that’s the way you I mean you can just
feel yourself getting stronger when
you’re when you’ve been hurt and you’re
laying there and you’re healing up I
mean you can actually feel your body
getting stronger and and I don’t know I
just kind of takes on that superhuman
form you’re just like okay I’m back
let’s go and then I’m gonna go harder
and faster than I did this time
and works talk to me about when you were
wounded in how you made it out crawling
and all just a little bit about that
didn’t tell us I just I wasn’t dead
horrible fight everybody’s been killed
your closest friends yeah like I said I
wasn’t dead so I wasn’t just gonna lay
there and to get out of there
keep fighting that’s what I did I just
started crawling out of there and they’d
find me and we get into a fight
I won and I just keep crawling I’d fall
down these mountain sides and whatnot
get back up
crawl back on the other side and there
was a point where you could even feel
anything right from the chest down for a
while or I’ve been shot in the back and
for the second time that I rolled down
this hill and it was everything was
pretty much gone from the chest down
the marm still worked you crawl the
and then you were you were taken
you were taken and these people to the
best of her ability helped you and then
we we sent 16 people in on a helicopter
to rescue you is that exactly my correct
and then there were we were shot down
twelve-year-old boy shot an RPG in the
back of it blue now this guy 12 year old
you made it home through a long crazy
turn of events
so the injuries Marcus that you had
after Operation Red Wing not only like I
cannot imagine emotionally using losing
your family members losing people that
you were so close to words can’t
describe it but you physically what what
did you have to deal with physically
after Operation Red Wing as far as you
you were shot in the back why had
multiple injuries out of 11 through and
throughs through my calves and quaza
shrapnel hanging out of me everywhere I
had broken my back in multiple places my
shoulder been torn my knees were damaged
maxillofacial damage had bitten my
tongue in half and swallowed it on top
of everything else but I once I got back
like I said I was they had taken me down
to bare bones to nothing that was
physically weak and I had been broken so
I just laid there in the hospital
healing and I healed up had surgeries
and they did the Taliban kind of
destroyed this hand so I’d have a
reconstructed and then once they put me
back together I went back over got some
more okay and and also too how about the
the water and stuff that you ingested I
mean there used to are cute are you
still aren’t you still dealing with some
of that even to this day yes sir oh
she’s still with me yeah it was the it
was the coldest water and and we’re most
refreshing drink of water I’d ever had
my entire life once I got into that
village but I’m still paying for it to
this day yeah but it’s such a it’s a
part of my life now I don’t even just
yeah think about it
marcasite I’m gonna talk about
commitment and and this never quit
mentality not that we’re perfect I mean
I I mess up every day so that uses
everybody but I believe we serve a God
who is all about commitment even though
we’ve screwed up even though we’re
fallen infallible that he is all about
commitment any honors commitment I think
in fact I don’t think I know Marcus
there are incredible benefits to never
quitting everyone you said it can be
even humor looking back and going you
know I have a funny story well what
would you say are the benefits of never
quitting not just where you’ve been as a
Navy SEAL this hero but I mean just in
life to pedestrians normal people
looking at you like well I mean I’ll
never be this guy but what the thing
that goes back to what you’re saying
about the never quitting for it
I mean I’m nobody special I don’t have
some gift that you don’t have that’s
right so never quitting something allows
you to
I guess the best way to put it in a way
to say it was is because I know what
I’ve done in my past and I have a pretty
good idea what can stop me in the future
and if something does hit me that I have
an experience before then I’ll just go
down to that low gear until I overcome
it and then I just tucked that one down
like what else do you have for me so
most of the obstacles and adversity that
face the day-to-day life is it just
something that I just I don’t even
notice and I did shrug off there’s
something really hard hits me then I
have to go down without a little gear to
get through it and I do it
and Charlie Mike contains emission
benefits as you mentioned about
commitment would be discipline endurance
vision creativity you talk about
character all day long but if you don’t
have commitment if you’re not committed
to it are you gonna happen right I mean
you have to you have to see where you’re
starting anybody everyone can see that
and then you have to know what the end
game is
and then whatever it is it gets thrown
at you in the middle it’s just static
Marcus lured them in school this just
how far when you fell off the mountain
the first time did you fall how many do
you have you know how many feet you fell
probably 6,000 feet down
after I’ve been shot and I engaged they
just three guys who engaged me and after
I had eliminated that threat and I
didn’t know what to do so I grabbed a
rock and I reached out as far as I could
and I drew a line in the sand I was like
I’m gonna crawl to that to my feet hit
it if I’m still alive and do it again
that’s what I did so you kept me you
reached out nothing was really working
reached out except your arms here drew a
line with a rock crawl past the line and
they drew another one yeah I did that
for seven miles and that’s when I
finally found out got to water found a
waterfall inside his mountain got what a
metaphor again no one will ever find
themselves in the situation that you
have found yourself in but what an
illustration Marcus about whether it’s
school whether it’s about marriage
career whatever in life hey you know I I
feel like giving up this is a joke I
can’t do this or that draw that line it
could be five minutes it could be you
know a day I’m going to draw that line
if I get to there either than the next
day I’ll draw another line whether
someone’s battling with addiction you
know drug addiction alcohol whatever it
is I mean it that’s powerful because
that waterfall is out there I mean the
stream of water is out there life
actually it’s right
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