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LeBron James’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@KingJames)

To be the best you have to work the hardest it [can’t] be perfect don’t try to be perfect
It’s impossible. No one is perfect. I believe I can’t improve unless I want to improve
I want to be the greatest of all time and
That’s just mom I said
Nothing that [I] received individually is impossible without
Those 14 guys because of what they sacrifice each and every day as I continue to grow I want the guys around me to grow
Also, I’m Lebron James
from Akron, Ohio
From the inner city. I’m not even supposed to be here these kids have dreams
[I] remember me and my friends had dreams every time when I’m [not] playing. I’m if the lakers on TV
I’m watching them I guess so like you said, it’s me
I got so many different forms of leadership, and it just comes from [a] personality
He’s an American professional basketball player with the Cleveland cavaliers
He’s won two, NBA championship awards and four most valuable player awards. He’s the cavaliers all-time leading scorer
He’s Lebron James and here. Is top 10 rules for success
Basketball isn’t easy
All my life, I’ve been striving to make myself better. It’s a full-time commitment to be the best you have to work the hardest
You have to chase what seems impossible?
over and over and over again
Because giving up it’s not an option
When you feel like you reached your limit. It’s only the beginning
That’s when it’s time to dig deep to [find] the courage to push some more
because if you got the drive
The discipline and the resolve to do what it takes to make yourself great
In the rewards [our] illness
My there was no way that Lebron was going to be denied. He was dispersed [I]
Can’t be perfect don’t try to be perfect
It’s impossible. No one is perfect [if] you make a mistake
You have to live with it, and you have to be able to to grow from it
You can’t continue to make mistake after mistake at the mistake and then think that you’re going [to] be able to come back from
You can see that one coming a mile away barb David Jones
Don’t you just let [McGinnis] have the land one thing about myself?
I’m real critical of myself
[I] believe I can’t improve unless I want to improve and
ultimate I want to become the greatest basketball player or
the best pair of Lebron James can be now if that means I’ve become better than Michael Jordan or better than Kobe Bryant or
Oscar Robinson then so be it
But if not, I want to maximize my potential so the times of my rookie year where I was struggling
I found a way to get through it myself with the help of friends, and you [know] not having those
Yes-man around me because I wasn’t playing well
seven seconds left on a 24-second clock
Lebron against the [long-Armed] [Ariza] in trouble
but behind the backboard
what a shot an
Incredible shot by Lebron [James]
[I] don’t [know] how we even solve a basket much less put the ball in the basket for me
I understand that a lot gets thrown upon my plate and a lot gets thrown upon. What I do
so for me my personal goals is to win championships and
At the end of my career where I was able to accomplish will make me happy and make me satisfy
Because I don’t play [for] I don’t play [for] what people expect for me to do anymore
you know I want to be the greatest of all time and
That’s just my mindset
Wherever they lay me at the end of my career
And you know if it’s not 1 9 or 12 or whatever the case might be smitty I?
had a great time I’m playing this game that I love to put
Another scoring option and a different way to score coming off patient explain how [he] does it again
throws it right off of the
From the right corner. He goes right over lucas. It’s like a stepladder
Honestly you guys seen me sitting sitting in his chair and kept looking [over] at them
It’s because I’d rather be sitting [over] there with them. I
Know this is the individual award, but I would much rather be sitting [over] there in shorts and a t-shirt
Wondering what the hell they joking about?
Because I want to be a part of that joke and I hate being out of all the jokes
I want to know what was happening, okay guys. I would much rather be with my guys over there
Because that’s what it’s all about
Much rather be with those guys without those guys
This trophy is not possible
The Larry O’brien trophy last year is not possible
Nothing that I receive individually is impossible without those 14 guys because of what they sacrifice each and every day
You know the sweat and the blood and the time and everything [I]?
always know that
[what] team’s success becomes?
individual prizes individual Accolades, but
This really doesn’t mean much to me
I’m humbled, and I’m happy about it
But I wish it was 15 of these up here because I’m with a great group of guys [that] allow me to be the MVP
[each] and every night
kane’s going [faced] ride of it soaring
About gets this crowd going my goodness. That’s unbelievable
[our] game is more mental than it is your builders
How you apply that to the business world because that’s one thing that’s really big to you right now um
Just I just use my instincts I use my instincts
[one] thing I did a few years ago
Decided to part ways [with] my agent
Because I believed that I couldn’t grow as a man and as a business man having an agent
You know say well
You know this is what you need to do and this is how you need to do it
And I started my own company with for my with three of my good friends
And it’s called [Lrm] [our] [reach] our own marketing Company, I
Kind of judge you know by my own standards did did your friends that you hired have [experienced]? I mean
not right, so
[seemingly] not a wise business move but there there would be a reason that you would do that absolutely because as
I continue to grow I want the guys around me to grow also. You know so when Lebron James is done playing basketball
Now what do I have for my guys to fall back on? I don’t want them to be like okay?
Now what do we do you know my guys are being set up in a [position] now where when I’m done playing basketball
They can continue to go on and be respected walking into a business room
Be respected [on] having their own
Business ventures without but [on] me being there, and I can just sit back and collect the check
[news] to play it in
Bao James laprade to the hoop
[the] cavalier have won it you get booked this one to the cavaliers
Lebron James with Big slide
For the cavalier, we’ll listen uh for me. I can’t worry about what everybody say about me
I’m Lebron James from Akron, Ohio from the inner City. I’m not even supposed to be here
That’s enough
Every night I walk [into] the the locker room. I see at number six with James on the back. I’m blessed
So what everybody say about me off the court don’t matter I ain’t got no worse
And took me to the round
This is [Miss] [gunther]
situation Lebron James for those Brilliant parents
Let’s please understand and recognize that these kids are future
And without these kids obviously [we] have no future so let’s continue to inspire
I will I will do my part. I promise you that parents. I will be that
Second parent in your household if you’re a single parent mother or father
I will be that third parent of your household if you happen to have a mother and father at the same time
But you also have to do your part as well
These kids have dreams. I remember me and my friends had dreams. I seen Brandon twins here
Frankie Walker she on Cotton Dru Joyce Willie McGee Romeo Travis and the list goes on and [on] and [on]
when we grew up we had dreams and the reason our dreams [were] able to become reality is because we have mentors and
Family and Fathers and moms and people around us that allowed our dreams to become possible
Again a Smith screen Rosie will defend well
Do you gauge your game?
Against Kobe is that your larry bird no
It is honestly. I look at Kobe Bryant as that guy that um
Is the best one of the [best] in our league every time when I’m not playing? I’m if the lakers on TV
I’m [watching] them I’m watching him
I’m trying to learn from him and see how he may be attacking a certain team that he’s playing
Because a lot of teams kind of played me
The same way they may play Kobe with double and triple teams and you know making you have to facilitate to your teammates
[so] I definitely look at Kobe as that guy that you know he’s that guy? He’s that one
goes behind the back
Okay, this time at [1:04]. That’s too good right there
This is unbeliev. This is your desk
Walking it down [rog]
three change scars he has scored the last
25 points for
Cleveland this has to be considered one of the great postseason performances
It isn’t everyone’s not a leader, and we shouldn’t expect everyone to be a leader
I think it becomes something that you want to do or [you’re] born with it and
some people lead by example some people leave by a voice some people leave by
Both and for me I felt in order for myself to be as good as I wanted to be
and at the same time in order for our team and be as good as I wanted it to be I
Had to be both as well as we play last game and [ain’t] gonna be enough to win tonight
You got to get more dog
You got to protect one you got to help more you got to sacrifice more in order to get this win?
You have a lot [of] different styles list let’s throw some of them
You [likewise] teacher sometimes everybody else. I oh, man um I?
Got so like you said, it’s me
I got so many different forms of leadership, and it just comes from my personality you know at times I can be silly
Ladies beautiful got me [looking] like [iron] [man]
That times I could be serious [if] you know portugal you know teammates you throw it up to the Rim?
[that’s] like you [throwing] that st.. Pat’s check would you have to say you want throw that passage at?
Times I could be like a teacher and be like you know focusing in on all my students
[I’ll] come right here. So if I need to step once at least I’m only stepping right at times
I can be the student you know and to be able to have different forms of leadership has helped me because
You have different personalities in the locker
Everybody is not the same the way
I’ll talk to be way may not be the way I can talk to Chris on the way
I’ll talk to Chris may not be the way. I talk to to ud or to burn or to real
Everyone’s personality is different. So my leadership skills has different phases because I understand what I’m doing
Sometimes you know the smiling leadership sometimes to play for the brawn sometimes you use that as a formal you should yeah
Absolutely, I got that from being around my childhood friends. We used to have so much [fun] and
But we understood when that ball was tipped this is we’re gonna have the most fun here
And I just brought that with me to the NBA
When you’re doing something that way, and it’s working in you’re winning, and you’re not disrespecting the game right you did
This is what you feel like is how it’s supposed [to] be done
It’s giving me a sense of brotherhood in this league that is hard to come by
Moe Williams will fill in the shard Lewis play off the ball Lewis gets it to Lebron for free
Those kinds of shot
Thank you so much for watching we made this video for you devon. If there’s a famous entrepreneur
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And we’ll join the discussion. Thank you so much for watching continue to believe and we’ll see you soon
My expectation is always going to be [high]
Because how fill out the individual I feel like I continue to get better every year
I continue to bust my button off season to get ready for a season [that] going to June
So I look forward us competing for NBA championship this year
And every night I go on the court. I approach it that way on that’s trying to to get better for the long term goal
Short term goal. We want to just continue to get better every night
So how do you stay [motivated] and you do both off the court and on the court um?
I’m in a position where I?
can be the best I can be each and every night I have a
Organization I have a team. I have great coaches around me that
That can put ourselves in a position to be the best each and every year and then personally I
Hold myself up to a standard higher than anyone so that keeps me going as well certainly athletes are trained to say I
Just want to play and I want to win, and this is the most important thing to me
[and] [then] when you make a decision, and we saw it in the movie that this isn’t the most important
This is what I do, but it isn’t the most important thing to you
Is that a trend play the guys in your dressing room? Who don’t share the same value as you well?
that’s why you have guys in our league that’s
Superstars, and you have guys the stars and then you have all stars and you have [guidance] ok players
I mean, I accept the challenge every night every night I go on the basketball court in everyday Life [I]
Accept the challenge because I realize I’m not just representing Lebron James. I [represented] you know my two sons
I represent my family
I represent everybody in my household and also the city of cleveland and now I have an even brighter mind now
I represent the United States of America
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