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“LEARN How to STRUGGLE!” – Steve Aoki (@steveaoki) – Top 10 Rules

for a long time I was I would do certain

projects but I would never finish them I

think that’s that case for a lot of

people it’s like you have this drive to

start something and then you don’t know

how to end it you don’t know how to

execute life isn’t easy and it shouldn’t

be and then you can’t if you can’t you

don’t learn to struggle you won’t be

able to deal with failure I’m 40 years

need motivation watch a top ten with

believe nation what’s up in seven my one

word is believe and I believe in you I

believe you have an amazing gift inside

you that I want to see exploded onto the

world so let’s get your motivation to

attend and get you believing in you grab

a snack and chew in today’s lessons from

a man who went from being bullied for

being Asian American growing up to

launching underground parties creating

his own record label at age 20 and being

one of the most successful EDM musicians

of all time you Steve Aoki and here’s my

take on his top ten rules of success

alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one my personal favorite focus on

creativity even to this day 2018 it’s

always been about creativity it’s never

been about money I mean at the end of

the day of course I am thinking business

now because I’m at a larger scale and I

have to think about the business but if

I put the money before the creativity

then the authenticity like almost gets

blocked you know so I have to really

because my business is all about

authentically being creative that’s my

business is like I just I want to be

authentically creative and share that

experience because at the end of the day

whatever I do is about I am I am making

creations whether its product fashion

this is not mine but like fashion to

music to a live experience I’m creating

something that that I’m sharing with you

now if I’m like I need money first

before you even see this you know if I

start thinking like that then I’m gonna

lose that that kind of disappears yeah

yeah a day you know like it’s you know

money will come I mean I’ve realized

that and it’s in it’s in some cases

money doesn’t come and now I’m okay with


and I have to go back to that and go

like this isn’t about money this is

about the love of what I do and

sometimes you have to stop and think

about that and as a businessman you know

you have to like take a step back or

like this isn’t about dollars and cents

this is more about just just the pure

love of creating and and sharing your

art rule number two execute on the

project oriented person and so whenever

I whenever I attack something I attack

it you know singularity but now also

with multiple teams so I mean obviously

I can’t do all this I’m doing alone you

know right but I need I need to focus on

one project at a time and see a

beginning an end I think for the most

part when I mean for a long time I was I

would do certain projects but I would

never finish them

in that case for a lot of people it’s

like you have this drive to start

something and then you don’t know how to

end it you don’t know how to execute and

you’re afraid of the product you’re

afraid how you’re going to be perceived

and it’s about overcoming that fear –

you know it’s like it’s it’s hard I

actually like to instill this just this

execution part of starting and ending a

product project with my team rule number

three learn how to struggle life isn’t

easy and it shouldn’t be and you can’t

if you can’t you don’t learn to struggle

you won’t be able to deal with failure

and deal with deal with things that are

going to happen and I’ve like you know

I’ve hit the pavement and scraped the

side of my face ten thousand times and

and let the only person that you know I

could pick myself up was me and so if I

didn’t learn how to do that I don’t

think I would have a business for 19

years with Dimock records you know

finally being successful self-sustaining

business or you know you know deal with

this very very grueling schedule which I

absolutely love and it’s not like no

one’s putting me in it like when I do

250 or 300 shows a year as a DJ it’s

because I want to be in it and I’m not

complaining you know no matter how tired

I am the last thing I want to do is

complain and that’s the one thing I’ve

learned is that you know if you figured

out yourself and how to get there you

will you will you know you’ll you’ll

you’ll understand that the glory of like

all the good stuff is coming your way

you’ll take the value and really cherish

it rule number four be hungry hunger

doesn’t also just come with with the

youth I’m 40 years old now and I’m

hungry as I’ve ever been seriously are

still lets tell me why because like I

just I look at like all the the things

that I still need to do and there’s

still so much more so as if I’m starting

from Lara

so that hunger is still there

on the belly and the more I travel the

more I learn that I know very little

about the world and I and I become you

know hungry to be become that student

and and embrace and absorb culture and

absorb and learn that I need to educate

on all these things and it’s all gonna

it’s all go reverberate into my business

whatever my business might be because

the way the way I am as a person I think

this is also part of my success is that

the minute I feel something that’s

that’s like really powerful

inspirational to me the minute I feel

that way I’m immediately going into my

head and how can i construct this in a

way to share it with the world and I

share I share that feeling in different

mediums through music through fashion

through the live experience through

different products so whatever it might

be that all come from this abundant

amount of inspiration and I can only get

that by being around people connecting

with people seeing different things that

just like enlighten me and and then like

I said it goes right back to you

yeah me going I need I still got so much

more to go you know and it drives me it

drives me it keeps me hungry rule number

five work hard toward the most out of

any GG on her list in the last year

something like 300 shows in 2012 how do

you how do you do that what I do in

Europe is I we do a private jet through

the whole tour and we knock out two

shows a day you really survive on three

hour and sleeps at the most to like 20

minute catnap so from like when you get

in the car I just literally just you

have my high mouse in my pocket ready to

go I’m prepared I put it on I’m just

like yo yo you’re here on stage I’m like


I like to meet up with a trainer like

whenever I’ve an hour and I work out

with him so it keeps my like blood

pumping and and in my body and shape so

because my show is it’s physical you

know and I’ve gotten hurt so from those

lessons I’ve learned to just take care

of myself eat healthy

I actually don’t do any drugs and don’t

drink you know smoke so like there’s a

lot of things my lap dog changed where

I’m it’s better for me as a human being

I’m happier and I can work with a clear

head and I could work you know with you

know I had maximum potential at every

show rule number six trust your gut well

at the end of the day if you really

break it down it’s all based on passion

it’s all based on how you feel I don’t

want to get involved into anything

unless I am you know emotionally

committed and connected to the project I

trust my gut I trust like how I feel

about something so you know if you ask

my business manager how I do my

investing he’ll tell you that it’s like

lopsided you know like I don’t I take

bigger risks and with the bulk of my

money instead of like putting my money

in like very conservative places you

know like I’m like well I like never

seen this much money before in my life

and I made it all myself so the best

part about it for me is I can make the

decision of where it goes sometimes it

might not be the wisest decision but I

made that money so I have every right to

do with it to you know whatever way I

would choose so that’s another thing

about the the idea of working for

yourself and and actually making your

own money you’re not owing anyone

anything about you so that way so for me

if I am going to invest my money in my

time into these projects I have to be

100% certain that I’m so emotionally

engaged and a part of the project that

if it fails it’s still you know it

doesn’t matter to me because I I feel

validity with the

of time and investment that I put into

it rule number seven

find your passion I think one thing I

learned especially when I was in high

school and I said this before many times

is the the hard course music scene that

I got introduced to that became my life

that became my lifestyle to the you know

every decision I made was all based on

the fundamentals of this hardcore scene

even the food I ate I became vegetarian

because that’s what they did and they

were talking about animal rights and I

got into that right and it was all

really based on passion and community

you know it’s like you have to be really

into what you’re saying and doing and be

educated on what you’re saying and doing

and and learn some instruments and play

the music you know and play the music of

that culture essentially you’re

ambassador of the culture and the way

you get respect in that culture is by

finishing your projects whether it’s a

song whether it’s playing a show whether

it’s putting on a show for other bands

so that scene can prosper and there’s an

ecosystem so it’s all about making this

the the ecosystem of that community

healthy and the more you do that the

more that you’re able to make it healthy

the the more respect you get so it’s not

about oh I just walked in with like the

shoes that no one else has or the bike

that everybody wants the more of that

element that you bring to the table the

the less cool you are no I think the

like you’re you’re cooler if you

actually go I’m I’m vegetarian I stop

wearing leather shoes oh you made a

statue it’s something that like a

sacrifice or I you know I’m putting on a

show and all these bands are coming in

wow you put on the show that’s awesome

I started a band I’m playing and I’m

representing the sound or I made a zine

I interview the four bands that I went

to Kinko’s and I made the zine I’m

passing them out to all the different

people it’s almost like a religion in a

way where you’re spreading that goodwill

and it’s not about financial reward as

well it’s like there is no financial

reward and what we’re what I’m talking

about here it’s all about believing

believing in a culture and and being


spreading that culture and building that

healthy ecosystem of that culture so it

is in essence that culture doesn’t have

to be music that culture could be in a

book club or in a chess club or in

something that’s like drives you because

you know another thing is as well as I

talked to some people they’re like I

don’t know who my passions are and I you

know I talked to Tom billion sidequest

about like how do you find your passion

like what what gets you there you know

if you don’t know what it is you just

have to keep trying stuff and and see

what what pulls you what’s pulling you

to a certain place rule number eight

have heroes I mean Bruce Lee was a huge

childhood hero running through like a

childhood theme hero running through my

idol essence just because Bruce Lee he

was loved by all communities you know

like there’s plenty of Asian people that

are in pop culture they’re just loved by

the Asian community but he was one of

the only ones that was globally loved by

everyone so I always looked up to that

kind of idea that like there’s that us

Asians have the capacity to actually be

part of popular culture and an influence

not outside not just our own culture

rule number nine do something different

you do gimmicky things right yeah so

like well throwing things right how did

that come about well um mm like I was

saying 2007 my first time playing

Coachella was a really big big platform

for me and then I got to play Coachella

two years later and by that time I was

thinking well I’m playing in front of a

big audience I want to do something

other than just staying behind the DJ

booth I want to like bring some

entertainment to the show and that’s

when I first introduced the raft to the

show where I bring our raft out and I

jump in it or friends jump in or crowd

jumps in and they raft over the crowd

and then two years later my show evolved

and I was okay we gotta do something new

so I introduced the idea of taking

someone in the face to the show that

someone in the audience yeah

just throw a cake get throw cake yeah

right in their face and no that doesn’t

why is that enjoy well I guess is your I

mean yeah it’s like how do you pick the

person you hit with the cake I only cake

people that are screaming for it oh they

want to be K oh yeah oh yeah yeah you

know I mean anyone that gets ambushed

caked would probably be upset with you

right so I wouldn’t do that it’s like

the whole point is to excite people and

Arno years ago Soupy Sales used to throw

pies in people’s face and people want

their french Sinatra went on his show to

get hit with a pie yeah yeah I want to

get hit with the cake oh absolutely

okay and rule number ten the last one

before some very special bonus clips is

go ahead and then we just started go

now I’ve got three very special bonus

clips from Steve on how to be present

engage your audience and follow your

dreams but before that I want to know

what did you learn from Steve today what

was a single most important lesson you

were going to apply to your life or to

your business leaving the comments below

when you write it down you’re much more

likely to actually do it because you’re

making a commitment so leaving the

comments below thank you guys so much

for watching I believe in you I hope we

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one word is much love I’ll

when you were growing up did you think

he would be in this position did you did

you visualize yourself in front of tens

twenties you know fifty thousand people

absolutely not you didn’t think about it

there’s no visualization of it’s not

like the secret where I’m like this will

happen I will make it happen

I never even imagined scenario bigger

than ten twenty thirty in your living

room yeah I just I it’s it’s also I

think there’s nothing wrong with

imagining and saying I’m gonna be there

I’m gonna be a billionaire I’m gonna be

influential in my field I’m gonna you

know there’s nothing wrong with that and

like I agree whenever I read about

different entrepreneurs and they talk

about you know their tips is to like

imagine that hey there’s nothing wrong

with that but it’s also a balance of

being pragmatic as being realistic and

also not forgetting about what’s in

front of you there’s like the the thing

is that you know you could be thinking

about this grand scale and forget that

the five people that in front of you are

there because they’d love to be a part

of that and if you’re not connected to

them they won’t be as connected to you

and why they came in the first place

so that’s why there’s times where I’ll

play a show and I feel that the sense of

disconnect because there’s a lot of

people just kind of aloof or not

necessary just not present they’re not

present and then I become not present

and then the people that are present

they don’t become president and all of a

sudden it’s a lose-lose for everyone so

I can’t I can’t look at these like let’s

say you have a tremendous show gosh it

was great

there’s all shows aren’t going to be

great and the shows that are doing that

aren’t great you have to actually get

more into the show and that goes back to

the very very beginning the question you

asked that’s another thing that that’s

important to remember is the beginning

and like those five people is ten people

or it could be those five or ten people

in the crowd while everyone out like

there’s like a you know where it’s not

such a great show just focus on the

people that care what makes a good DJ

what makes a good DJ you know like

even from day one to where I am at now

it the most important thing is is how

how you connect with the audience

because you have to I mean you’re you

having this conversation you’re you’re

playing music and you won’t go out

though or do they should be going well

the music is speaking because that’s how

I see it it’s like the DJ doesn’t talk I

mean it’s more hype right you know it’s

like you want to get the crowd hype but

really the music is the conversation so

it’s how you balance the music yeah it’s

how you get everyone interacting with

your music and if you’re able to keep

their focus and attention on what you’re

doing that’s that’s to me is what really

if you can really engage the audience

and make them remember your show and I

feel like that that makes a good DJ

you’re doing Madison Square Garden right

yes in August I mean damn have you done

the card you know Jay Z sells out the

garden you know yeah trust me this is a

Madonna gaga Liza Minnelli there now

Steve Aoki yeah this is the dream that

never like I never thought would have

ever happened the impossible literally

the impossible yeah happen I mean it’s

especially for the electronic dance

community we don’t get the opportunity

mm-hmm we never think that that’s that’s

actually something would be you know

trajectory at all yeah so you know to

get to that place I automatically just

bowed down on to all the fans that are

putting me there you know that are

buying hard tickets so that have bought

hard tickets to allow me to play in the

most prestigious place in the world

yeah raise your standard Apple at the

core is core value

is that we believe that people with

passion can change the way people now

one drop of myself work depends on

Europe it’s supposed to mean I don’t

ever give up I’d have to be dead or

completely infested hey believe nation

if you want to see my all-time favorite

top ten most a success I have a very

special secret video for you these are

the individual clips that I have

personally learned the most from and

applied to my life and my business check the link the description for details

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