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Keep your brand STRONG – Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) – Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is keep your brand strong over
to you Magic Johnson TV go what do I
worry about I worry about Brian control
my brand is huge now right and one thing
I fight with every day I want to make
sure I don’t dilute the brand I don’t do
anything make any major mistakes because
any mistake or hurt your brand and so
those are the things that keep me up at
night just making sure my brand remains
strong and so that’s a good message for
all these young men and women watching
your show it’s make sure that your brand
is everything and you will always be
able to make money if your brand is
strong even if you go bankrupt if your
brand is strong you’d be able to still
make some money Donald Trump proof that
he bounced right back look look where he
is today you know he went through that
phase came right back because he kept a
brand strong and that’s important for me
it all comes down to authenticity and
actually running a business that you are
proud of and the products and service
that you’re creating and putting out
there the things you’re promoting you’re
proud of you would use yourself you’d
recommend to your mother you know you
you love the stuff that you’re creating
because there’s always an opportunity to
do something in the short term that’ll
make you faster money always but often
that comes at the expense of your
long-term success because you dilute
your brain because you’re promoting
something that that is crap that you
wouldn’t actually use that maybe you’ve
never looked at before I get chances all
the time on my youtube channel from
companies who want to work with me and
want me to promote their stuff meanwhile
I’ve never used it it hasn’t had an
impact on my life for my business and I
don’t want to talk about companies that
haven’t had a meaningful impact and what
I do I don’t use their products and
services I wouldn’t feel comfortable
recommending that to you guys if I don’t
get value from it myself and that’s
integrity to me
and I’m not so much worried about and I
don’t think of it strategically like oh
if I do this then it’s going to hurt my
brand and I’m going to lose money down
the line it just doesn’t feel right like
those short-term opportunities just
don’t feel right to try to sell somebody
on something that you’ve never used
before you can’t really get behind
should you should feel that in the pit
of your stomach like this doesn’t feel
right to do and I think as long as you
are embracing opportunities that do feel
right that you are passionate about that
you can get behind fully and recommend
wholeheartedly then that’s how you
preserve the long-term brand of your
business so the question today is I’m
curious to find out what short term
opportunity to do jump on that
negatively impacted your brand or one
that you thought about taking on that
you thought might then negatively impact
your brand curious to find out leaving
the comments below and I’ll join the
discussion thank you so much for
watching have an amazing day continue to
believe and I’ll see you again tomorrow
morning for another shot events vessel
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