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KEEP MOVING FORWARD | Motivational Video | Motivational Speeches Compilation | Morning Motivation

at some point you have to learn that
life is about what’s possible for you
right here right now it’s about how high
you can jump today not when you fell
yesterday if you’re going to live fully
this is the correct attitude right here
right now that’s all everything is so
what’s what’s the problem why do we run
away from the moment why does the moment
terrifies us it’s supposed to be simple
from this point right here right now you
can create the rest of your life
design everything about your life that
you want you to do that right now from
this point so what’s the problem it’s
supposed to be simple the decision in a
moment to change but it’s not that
simple it’s all that easy to just
capture the moment they used to say
carpe diem seize the day but what they
don’t talk about is what comes with the
day the reason it’s so hard to capture
the moment is because the moment is
always dragging along the past or
preparing for a future the moment for
most people is either depressing that is
when the past is tagging along
what’s riddled with anxiety as we
contrast addiction depression and
anxiety where you came from and where
you’re going are constantly spoiling the
moment you still have a dream of living
your perfect life but you fail at it
twice and you’ve lost some good friends
already in the process but it’s 2:00
a.m. in the morning and consignee
because that dream is still haunting you
you don’t know where it’s coming from
but you can still hear the whisper
you’re still here to tell you that you
can live your dreams you can hear it
what are you going to
it comes sometimes no rush to come
suddenly but when the moment comes the
moment comes what are you gonna do this
is what right here and right now he
looks like it doesn’t happen outside of
your fears your doubts or anxieties the
moment happens with your fears
it happens with your mm with your
anxieties and these things are asking
you what are you going to do the people
who make it miss wall are the people who
arrive at the moment they feel of here
and they step forward any way they feel
a doubt and they reach anyway they feel
the anxiety the anxiety of them is real
it’s engulfing but the take a leap
anyway do you know why because the
moment is all you get
right here right now there’s only four
you have you can run from it you can try
to hide but five years from now after
you’ve missed opportunity after
opportunity after more things are broken
in your life after pain has turned into
suffering you’ll arrive again at the
moment where it’s not about where you
came from what happen to you or about
the future you come control when you get
there again what are you going to do
what’s possible fleeing right here right
now whatever that is go after it now
today is an important day because you
have a decision to make right now in
this moment are you going to embrace the
unique gift that you’ve been given or
are you going to waste it away another
day another moment and another breath
are you going to honor those that came
before you
those that created this earth in this
world for you to experience or are you
going to do them a disservice and live
in a negative average mindset that holds
you back
and even worse holds everyone else
around you back take a moment to think
of your life as if you are the author of
your own story every day you are writing
your story that others will see and you
get to decide what type of character
you’re going to be despite all the
challenges that arrive in your life you
get to decide who you are going to be
and what you are going to be remember
you don’t decide what challenges arrive
but you do decide how you’re going to
react to them you do decide how you’re
going to show up every day and you do
decide if you’re going to step up or
step down to show courage or to be a
coward you my friend are the author of
your own story and you get to decide who
are going to be
become the hero you’ve always been
searching for you see you have an
opportunity you have a choice and a
decision to make and in every breath
that you take and in every heartbeat
that you make you can either move
forward towards your dreams or you can
move back and start slowly dying what
decision are you going to make you say
you don’t know the answers you say you
don’t have the experience you don’t have
the money the resources the
relationships that’s all you
have everything you need inside of you
you have all the wisdom you have an
abundant world of resources all you need
to do is get through the clutter in your
negative mind and open your world to an
incredible land of possibilities become
the hero you’ve always been searching
for because the world
more people like you the world needs you
to step out of your fear out of your
pain out of your frustration out of your
resentment and start loving yourself
start moving towards this passion this
creativity inside of you that’s always
been there but you’ve been holding it
back because of the fear of failure
because of the fear of what other people
are going to think about you because of
the fear of not making someone proud you
know what that’s BS you need to start
becoming the hero you’ve always been
searching for because everyone’s been
searching for you
now is the time to make a decision are
you going to step up today in this
moment and move towards the life of your
dreams or are you going to stay stuck
and move back and start slowly dying
what decision are you going to make who
do you want to become what is the legacy
that you want to leave behind now is the
time become that hero you’ve always been
searching for because the world is
looking for that hero in you
Aznavour avi Kant said the only way to
truly learn something is by doing it yes
listen to guidance but don’t wait that
is such a powerful idea and I know right
now you’re listening to this because you
want motivation you want to be inspired
but my greatest fear is that you’ll get
motivated you’ll get inspired and
that’ll just be a declining art for a
few minutes after you listen to this
video that ends with you doing nothing
and what I want what I really hope for
and the reason that I give myself over
to making these so completely as I know
some percentage of you on the other side
of this will ultimately be prepared to
take that first step you will realize
that the only thing that matters is
action and you will take that action and
it’s in that action that your potential
greatness waits and as Martin Luther
King said take the first step in faith
you don’t have to see the whole
staircase just take the first step
you’ve just got to believe that you can
learn you don’t have to believe that
you’re already capable of doing what you
want you don’t have to believe that you
can already build that thing that you
dream you don’t have to believe that you
already are extraordinary you simply
have to believe that if you take that
first step you put yourself on a journey
not of execution you put yourself on a
journey of learning so that you can
execute and that when you understand
that difference that’s when you really
will be on that path to greatness and
that is the thing that I want for
everybody listening to this please
understand the only thing you need to
know is that you have to take the first
step whatever the vision is that you
have for your life you absolutely can
make it come true and the process is
very simple the process is about
learning the process is about growing
and getting better it’s about
you’re not good at it’s about
recognizing what you have to learn it’s
about taking that first step on faith on
faith that you can get better not on
faith that you’re great on faith that
you can become the greatest of all time
once you have that faith once you know
that simply being a human being puts you
in this rare category of creature that
can get better through pressure through
pain through difficulty through failure
those are the things that are going to
be the building blocks of your success
but in order to begin on that road in
order to have your first glorious
failure you must first take that first
step so please don’t waste your time
being motivated or inspired spend every
second of your time moving forward
that’s how you’re gonna get where you
want to go
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