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KEEP FAILING AND YOU WILL SUCCEED – Powerful Motivational Video for Success (Belief Changer)

most people don’t reach their dream not
because of failure most people don’t
live their dream because they give up
you see it’s not the failure that stops
us but that most stopped at their first
those who succeed don’t stop that one
failure they don’t stop at ten failures
they don’t stop at a hundred one
thousand or million
they say this is Michael and I will do
whatever it takes to achieve it I will
learn the lessons from any failures I
will learn faster I will work harder I
will work smarter and I will not quit
until my dream is a reality that’s the
difference between success and failure
failure makes winners stronger failure
makes winners hungry but it makes most
give up it makes most feel worthless
winners don’t enjoy failure but they
would never let failure stop them next
time you encounter failure you’ve got to
remember every great thing on this
planet is here because the Creator learn
what did work
but learn more from what did not work
when we are kids we don’t stop at
we first learned to ride a bike it’s
failure after failure we get knocked
down time after time but we get up and
push forward and so we’ll achieve our
goal of riding the bike but then
we get old
and most of us get weak we are too soft
to get back on the bike we come up with
excuses it must not be for me you know
you just saw no you just lazy tell
yourself the truth get back on the bike
learn why you fail and make sure you
don’t fall again make sure you are
stronger for having the lesson
failure is not the end of your story it
is the start of your comeback story if
failure was the end of your story there
would be no great greats like Jordan
greats like Einstein like Edison like
Oprah Winfrey
if these people stopped at failure the
world would not be filled with their
greatness as it is today
failure is nothing but a lesson to the
winner failure is nothing but motivation
to the winner failure is fuel no one
likes to fail but the difference between
those that win and those that lose in
life is the winner decides a better
meaning for their failure they decide
never again they declare I will be
better next time don’t let failure stop
you let it grow you let it develop you
failure is not the end it’s just the
the start of your comeback story
the only way you can call it a failure
is if you quit if you keep going it’s
only a hurdle one you will overcome the
only way you can fail is if you quit
never quit keep pushing you will get
there in the end
failure doesn’t exist in the mind of a
champion all it does is push him to a
higher level are you a champion
will you accept failure or keep going
let me listen
I plan to listen come out stronger than
before and keep going
some people feel failure so much they
never try they never even start some
people give up right when they’re about
to succeed they were so close when they
threw in the towel
don’t let that be you Thomas Edison
didn’t fail he found 10,000 ways that
did not work guess what he only needed
one way that did what Einstein said
failure is success in progress failure
is just one more way not to do something
keep going and you will succeed keep
going and you will succeed
failure is not the end of your story it
is the start of your comeback story
if you use failure as fuel you can’t
really fail if you use as motivation you
cannot be defeated in the long term if
you use it to try use to make it can
never break if you never accept defeat
you can never fail refuse to be defeated
refuse to be defeated learned the lesson
find a new path in a different way to
your goal
there’s always away
the strongest trees grow in the thickest
jungles where they have to fight for
every drop of water every inch of
sunlight but that is how greatness is
made this is how you will conquer all of
life’s obstacles will be the channel a
champ is someone who refuses to give up
nothing bad in failing nothing bad
nothing to be ashamed for today’s
champions are yesterday’s failures
today’s failures are tomorrow’s
don’t forget that don’t get discouraged
just because you fall down pull yourself
together and get up again
either way you decide what you want
either you work hard or you don’t work
hard but you can be the game changer if
you decide to be the game changer
embrace the fighter in you embrace the
warrior in you and you will enjoy the
journey nothing can stop you nothing can
stop you because you decide when you
give up and not the obstacle if you let
it and will if you let it it will win
but you have the choice
laughs about decisions you choose them
you gotta live don’t be like 99% of
people out there spending their money
time and thoughts about rubbish about
things that do not concern them don’t be
passive be active be proactive dream
your life dictate life what you want it
to be be tough be rough follow your
desires follow your dream be a creator
be the lead actor in your story makes
your life a movie a movie you would
enjoy watching decide the ending
yourself play it out yourself believing
yourself because otherwise no one else
will most people give up just when they
are about to achieve success they quit
on the one-yard line
they give up at the last minute of the
game one foot from a winning touchdown
so never give up you don’t know how
close you are to your goal look at
yourselves tell yourself that you can
make it happen
but you won’t surrender that you won’t
take any prisoners don’t depend on
anyone else when times get tough your
own rock you can lean on to trust in
yourself you won’t have to trust in
anyone else get started and get the job
done I don’t care what it is just follow
your dream and everything will fall into
its place everything will be fine you
will be fine don’t lower yourself don’t
lower your expectations claim the things
you want in life
nothing will no one can tell you what
you can or can’t have in life you are
the captain of your ship in this big
dangerous uncertain ocean that can
swallow you with these if you let it you
are the captain on this magnificent ship
you possess this ship man and of the
hardest of woods withstanding the
harshest weathers you set the sails in
the direction you want you look into the
mirror look into your eyes what do you
see I see hope I see change
I see force I see brave I see everything
you want to be
I see everything you wanna be you decide
look into your eyes it is all in there
you possess the power to create your
heaven on earth you create the power
inside of yourself to go after your
dreams you possess the power in yourself
to create beauty to achieve any goal you
want and that is the reason why you’re
here on this earth cause your Creator
you create with your dreams and then act
out the dreams in real life trust me
you can make it happen just get started
good start it today
there’s never a better time to start
them now deep down in your heart you
know what you have to do just get
thanks for watching and stay blessed
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