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Jim Carrey – What The Meaning Of Life Is | One of the most illuminating videos

you’re on a spiritual journey period and
we’re all gonna end up in the same place
if there is such a saying
I used to be a guy who was experiencing
the world and now I feel like the world
in the universe experiencing a god all
we really earn for is our own absence I
don’t want anything that’s the craziest
thing and it’s the weirdest thing to say
where I have no ambition somewhere in
the middle of absolute confusion
absolute disappointment the fruition of
all of my dreams standing there with
everything anybody else had ever dreamed
you know it’s not it’s not Jim Carrey
who can walk down the street just just
you know doing anything he wants to and
get away with it because nobody knows
you you know after a while hopefully
it’ll be to the point where I can’t walk
where where it’ll be impossible to walk
anywhere without being recognized you’re
supposed to say yeah we’re important
who’s to say it’s all gonna be alright
you’re supposed to say whatever you
dream can come true
I do believe in manifestation power that
kind of stuff but I don’t believe that
any of it matters all spirituality is
about relieving suffering you know
everything was demonic there’s no
there’s no thing that isn’t to buy
everything is divine and I’m that you go
to the office you put a monkey suit on
and you act a certain way and you say a
certain thing and you lie through your
teeth at times and you do whatever you
need to do to look like a winner
and at some point of your life you have
to you have to go I don’t care what it
looks like
and I’m gonna face the abyss of not
knowing whether that’s gonna be okay
with everybody or not the feeling of
wholeness is a different feeling than
I don’t exist so
they’re all characters that I played
I clade the guy that was free from
concerns that people who watched me
just like the movie they try to drowned
you and then all of that abyss
now be the other guy you told us you
were this guy you know no one can live
with that forever
like I don’t want to be me either you
know and I’m and I go rolling grape cuz
you never had it I mean it looks great
you got a cool car and you got good nice
clothes and you’ve done something that
people admire it’s not it’s not we’re
having exception
everybody walks around they go like why
am I depressed most because you’re
trying to be something for the world
and as soon as you let that go better
things happen
and I wondered who is it that’s aware
that I’m thinking and suddenly I was
thrown into this amazing feeling of
freedom I was no longer a fragment of
the universe I was the universe
impression only happens when you’re
playing in character so when I tried to
go back and play June character I got
depressed you’re going to have to either
let that creation go
take a chance on being loved or hated
are you gonna have to kill who you
really are and fall into your grave
grasping onto a character that you never
were my father was not only the funniest
man in the room but he was a fantastic
saxophone player and before I was born
he had an orchestra in Toronto but you
know in order to be something special he
had to leave Canada and come down to the
States and prove yourself in the States
he was a little bit afraid of that
transition and and also he had a family
to take care of so he became an
and as time wore on it wore him down and
he got a little bit bitter especially
when he lost his job he was 51 that
really broke him not only was he
compromising to raise a family but when
you compromise and you fail it really
hurts it hurts even more and failing of
what you love so many of us choose our
path out of fear disguised as
practicality what we really want seems
impossibly out of reach and ridiculous
to expect so we never dare to ask the
universe for it I’m the proof that you
can ask the universe for it
I would visualize things coming to me
that I won’t want it or whatever at that
time all it really was for me was making
me feel better I would drive home and
think well I do have these things
they’re out there I just don’t have a
hold of them yet but they’re out there
but it’s important especially for me I
would never show up anywhere if I didn’t
understand that everyone was broken in
some way because ultimately we’re not
the avatars
create we are the light that shines
through a happy place is realizing that
your everything and that there’s no real
you involved in the first place they
have sadness and joy elation and
gratitude beyond belief but all of it is
wet it’s bends around the planet it
doesn’t sit on me long enough to kill me
how will you serve the world what do
they need that your talent can provide
that’s all you have to figure out as
someone who’s done what you’re about to
go and do I can tell you from experience
the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is
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