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“It All STARTS With the IDEA!” – Ralph Smart (@InfiniteWaters) – Top 10 Rules

– We’re so caught up in the outcome
that we forget about the process.
To live better,
we have to tune into the process.
We have to tap into the present moment to let go of fear.
Because the power is in the now.
A lot of us, we just want this lifestyle.
But we don’t want to put in the work.
We don’t want to pay our dues.
We don’t want to be patient.
– What’s up, Believe Nation, it’s Evan,
my one word is believe and I believe
that you have the ability to do something special
that can change the planet.
So to help you on your journey,
today we’re going to learn from Youtuber, author,
and life coach, Ralph Smart,
and my take on his top 10 rules of success.
(softly swishes)
(softly thuds)
(dramatic bright music)
– Create value.
So long as you are creating value for the world,
you have nothing to worry about.
You will be living in infinite abundance.
It’s happened to me along my journey.
Because it all starts with the idea.
People like Steve Jobs, they have this idea for Apple.
Right, that idea is so powerful
because it impacted people all around the world,
billions of people.
So, create value.
There was a time where I used to reach into my pockets
and it was empty.
Then I got a job,
and I would reach into my pockets,
and guess what, it was empty.
Then I started to do what I love,
and, a big smile.
I’m breathing in that fresh prana, baby.
So, I’m balancing my mind which gives me clarity
which helps me become a better attractor.
Okay, because there are many celebrities
with so called a lot of money.
I think Kanye West once said,
“I sold my soul to the devil for a crappy deal.
“All I got was a few toys and a happy meal.”
You’ve got to listen.
Bob Dylan also tried to tell people.
You see because it’s not about what looks good on paper,
it’s what looks good to you.
Now, freedom is very important.
You see, when you are growing up,
when you are a child, when they say,
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Many of us, we don’t say, “I want to become rich.”
We say, “I want to do what the hell I want to do.”
So, freedom,
that’s what we think money is, okay?
Once you have a lot of money, guess what,
you can do whatever you want to do.
So, you have to ask yourself,
“Is money preventing me from doing
“what I really want to do?”
“Is money preventing me from doing
“what I really want to do?”
And then you’ve got to ask yourself,
“What are my core needs, my core desires,
“and how am I meeting and fulfilling them?”
For me, my core need is to get out into nature,
and that’s what makes me feel like a walking billionaire.
And guess what, I am.
I am wealth.
The good life, everyone wants the good life.
For some people, it may be relaxing on a beach,
for some people, it may be traveling.
Infinite freedom.
People spend thousands of pounds or dollars
to go to university to study to get a job.
So all of us, so many of us on the planet,
we are always striving for something.
We’re striving for the better life.
What’s helped me on my journey
is to see the secret.
Many of us,
we’re so caught up in the outcome
that we forget about the process.
To live better, we have to tune into the process,
which is the present moment.
Many of us, we’re working day in, day out.
But in the process, we are killing ourselves
and by the time we have what we want,
it doesn’t even matter anymore.
So, on my journey, I say, “I am already there.”
It’s fantastic, I don’t say, “I want happiness.”
I remove the I, which is ego,
the want, which is the desire.
I say, “Happiness.”
Stop multitasking.
Like, I used to do so many different things.
I used to actually work in different jobs.
Like, do this, do that.
See, the problem with multitasking,
some people can do it.
But the problem is, like whatever you’re doing,
those different things, they’re going to suffer.
You’re going to do lots of different things really badly.
So when I make videos, Infinite Waters,
I’m just doing this.
I do consultations, I just do that.
I don’t do a whole lot, but I have a lot
of concentrated focus on one thing
for a sustaining period of time,
which is why we bloom and blossom, baby.
But you don’t want to do that, do you?
You’re like, “I want to open up a gym, Ralph.
“A restaurant too.
“Now, I’m taking my kids for a walk,
“then I’m going cycling,
“then I’m going to the beach,
“then I’m doing this, then I’m doing that, then I’m doing–
Oh, my goodness, gracious.
You’re giving yourself way too much to do.
You’re making it harder than it has to be.
And that’s why you lose the enthusiasm
for what you want to do,
so you don’t end up becoming productive at all.
So, to become more productive, just do one thing.
And do it well, or just have fun doing it,
whatever you want to do.
How do we overcome fear?
Any fear, doesn’t matter what it is.
FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
My definition of fear is fear is a self-created feeling
emanating from an imaginary belief
based on the illusion of separation.
Fear is never in the present moment.
Fear is either in the past or the future.
Therefore, we have to tap into the present moment
to let go of fear because the power is in the now.
There are so many things to be afraid of
in the world we’re living in.
But we have to remember that fear
is the greatest energy vampire.
The more we are in fear, the more we lose our energy.
A great way I’ve found to overcome fear
is to face your fear.
Look your fear straight in the eyes,
feel the fear, and do it anyway.
You have to go for it.
We have to embrace this challenge fear is offering to us
because fear is always making us rise higher.
You have to ask yourself,
“Am I going to invest in my talent
“to produce enough passion?”
When I was making videos back in the day, guess what,
I invested in a really good camera.
I bought a Canon 5D Mark II and a lens,
which cost $1000.
Canon 1.2
Even I thought I was crazy, okay?
I thought I was crazy.
But deep down, I knew that
I was entering the law of exchange.
You’ve got to give something
before you get something.
A lot of us, we just want this lifestyle.
But we don’t want to put in the work.
We don’t want to pay our dues.
we don’t want to be patient.
We don’t want to read, we don’t want to study.
Love yourself 100%.
Not worrying what other people think
is the greatest form of self love.
When self love is absent,
you will always be worrying what other people think.
People that love themselves,
we see them all the time in the world.
And they’re smiling, they’re letting go of fear,
letting go, and they are soaring to phenomenal heights.
We’ve all gone into the streets
and we’ve seen people singing
or playing the guitar in the middle of the road.
The more your self love increases,
the more your self expression increases,
and that is the secret, hug yourself. (lightly laughs)
When we talk of living better,
what’s helped me is
being at one with nature.
Planting our feet, surrendering to nature.
It does wonders just to bring us back into divine alignment
because many of us on the planet,
we’ve become disconnected.
Not only from nature, but from ourselves
and from one another.
Nature, whether it’s a park near where you live,
whether it’s seeing the ocean,
the glorious waves,
you just get inspired, which is
the breath of life comes through you.
Right now,
you can do anything, you can be anything.
And yes, obstacles will come along.
But once again,
we are living in a whole new world.
Some people are making a living of just making videos.
One of my favorite Youtubers, Jenna Marbles,
genius, just a short video every single week,
but she is creating abundance.
What about Michelle Phan?
Makeup, she started way back in the day,
but now she’s created something for herself.
And once again, there’s always going to be obstacles.
This ain’t Paradise Island out here.
You’re in the jungle.
In the jungle, you don’t know what to expect.
There’s all kinds of creatures.
So you got to ask yourself,
“Am I surrounding myself with people
“that actually are encouraging me
“to follow my vision and my dream?
“Or am I surrounding myself with what Kanye West calls,
“these are the dream killers, right?”
Allow us to sit our ass down
and scratch our head to say, “What am I doing?”
We don’t want to do that,
we spend most of our time getting away from ourselves.
So, what’s helped me along my journey is
to actually see setbacks as a way
the universe is telling me I better sit my ass down.
Because what we often think
as an unfortunate event,
as an unfortunate event could be a blessing in disguise.
Mm, slow motion that way,
I had two laptops blow up in front of me.
Not nice, I had to buy new ones.
But actually, the newer ones
I got were a lot better, faster.
Seven-day vegan challenge alert.
I had a lot of setbacks,
growing up, sometimes, I would say,
“Gosh, why aren’t I in that place?
“What aren’t I where I want to be in the perfect career?”
And you see, how the law of attraction works is that
we attract what we are energetically to us.
So, look at it like this,
if you have a setback,
or a massive disappointment,
what is going to happen?
You are now going to start mirroring back
that same energetic vibration.
So, if you’re feeling really grumpy because of a setback,
it creates a snowball effect,
you’re going to be more grumpy, more grumpy, more grumpy,
and it’s even going to be a greater setback to you.
So, you got to become an alchemist,
which the secret of alchemy is making the best
out of the worst when you fall down,
and not allowing external events
to govern your internal condition.
– Thank you guys so much for watching.
I made this video because BigManTate7364 asked me to.
If there’s someone you’d like to vote on
for the next Top 10, check out the link in the description,
and go and have your say.
Finally, I want to make a quick shout out to Bhekisisa,
thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book,
Your One Word, and doing the review
that you posted on your website,
I really, really appreciate the support
and I’m so glad that you enjoyed the book.
So thank you guys again for watching.
I believe in you, I hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is.
Much love, I’ll see you soon.
(softly swishes)
(softly thuds)
– When you are really happy,
when you are feeling good,
what happens?
Some people say, “I feel like a million dollars.”
“I feel priceless,” that’s what you should be saying.
But when you’re really miserable,
when you are really tired, depressed,
someone might even give you money,
but you feel like your pockets are empty.
So, once you start realizing
the money we attract
is based, linked, and connected
to the emotions we are feeling in the present moment.
As soon as I started to love myself 100%,
what happened?
I came to realize that I was a walking billionaire, no.
I was priceless, yes.
There is no sum of money anybody can put on you.
So, start changing how you feel about yourself
to start changing what you attract into your life.
A lot of the times, we get lazy, we get tired.
But what’s helped me along my journey is to realize
sometimes a TV, which tells lies to your vision,
can make you more tired and lazy.
Sell your TV right now, mm,
slow motion that side, mm.
Actually, don’t sell it, keep it.
Just move to the other room. (chuckles)
That’s what helped me along my journey.
I actually got rid of my TV.
So sometimes, people come into my house and say,
“Gosh, you don’t have a TV in here!”
You got that right.
That’s why I’m creating so much, right?
That’s why I’m creating so much.
Because the TV is great if you use it in the right way.
Sometimes, there’s a program you want to watch.
But these days, a lot of the TV channels
are just more programming for you,
like mind control, and stuff.
You can just go on the internet,
watch whatever you want whenever you want,
however you want, and have more fun.
And also, be more productive
because you see, you don’t have to just sit down
and consume information on the internet.
You can actually create information, how about that?
And become more productive.
You can’t please everyone.
That’s another secret.
Many of us, we say, “Please like me.
“Please love me,” to everyone.
We have to remind ourselves
we are not in this world to live up
to other people’s expectations.
We are in this world to be ourselves.
In essence, tune into our authenticity 100%.
Some people love you one day,
then they hate you the next day.
Then they love you again.
What matters most to you, how do you see yourself?
That is essential.
Because people’s opinions of you are always changing.
However, how you see yourself stays with you forever.
The perception we have ourselves is greater
than the perception other people have of us.
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