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Investing Advice: Should you DIVERSIFY? (Kevin O’Leary #AND Mark Cuban)

but I’ve learned that works if you’re an
investor no matter how much money you’ve
got whether it’s five thousand dollars
or 500 million diversification is what
saves you from disaster having
investments in a wide range of
businesses and sectors there’s always
something working when something else
isn’t so today I can go to bed tonight
knowing that I have one objective I want
to go to bed richer than I woke up and
the only way that’s gonna happen to me
is to be invested in a lot of different
things because every day one thing works
while three others don’t but sometimes
that’s why you get richer in 2008 and
2009 I put everything into M LPS and M
rates the mortgage-backed security ones
that I thought were the better companies
um and I just piled in and I also piled
into Australian bonds because I thought
the economy was good next to China was
my way of playing China so you make
one-way bets this isn’t portfolio
balancing your dog yeah all that asset
management you know diversification
that’s for idiots right because you
because you can’t you can’t diversify
enough to know what you’re doing thank
you guys so much for watching
I made this series because I wanted to
promote understanding and awareness I
wanted you to see that it’s not always
looking at it as one thing or the other
but if you embrace the genius of the end
and bring those two seemingly opposite
points of view together that that is
where the true genius lies I want you to
see that you can learn from both of the
people that are profiled in the video
especially probably from the person who
don’t immediately agree with if you can
understand their perspective and apply
it to your life chances are it’ll help
you get to where you want to go a lot
faster so let me know what you think
leave a comment below I’ll join the
discussion continue to believe and I’ll
see you soon
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