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Invention Ideas – Advice for Pet Bandana Invention entrepreneur – Ask Evan

I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to another
edition of ask Evan in today’s episode
I’m going to answer question from one of
my Twitter followers lady Abigail who
wrote in about a new product that she
created called an easy slide pet
bandanna invention and wanted for me to
let her know what I think so she
included the YouTube video that I loaded
up here and so just watching this
basically what it does is it allows a
collar for your pet if you have a cat or
dog to slide through the bandanna so it
makes it easy for pets to wear so I have
a dog I’ve had dogs my whole life from
big dogs like german shepherds and right
now we have a tiny dog which is a
Maltese and you know we’ve never used
bandanas but there are a lot of people
who do like to bend down a concept I
think for you the biggest thing to help
you launch this is try to build around
the customer and this is the same for
any new business it can be really hard
to sell new products right and
especially selling the consumer market
can be super tough so the best thing you
can do is try to build your product
around a paying customer who has a
problem and sees this as a potential
opportunity to help them out ideal you
can go after a business customer so I
try to find businesses who also target
the dog market and cap market and no
pitch this concept to them and see is
there a design that could work for them
where they could help promote it and
they would buy it you know maybe it’s
their logo on it or maybe a specific
designs that your partner up with local
artists or whatever it is I try to
partner up with brands who are already
selling to your market there you have an
established base and try to get them to
fly and Dancing’s in quantities so
approach them with the idea but to know
you know what the concept is all about
I see what they think about it see if
they have any logos or design or artwork
that they have in mind and see if you
can line up a deal through that you can
go after the consumer market it’s it’s a
tough slog you could do it through
social media and you know do more of
these videos show people using it try to
make them you know some fun videos and
hopefully that will help generate some
attention but it can be really really
tough selling to consumer market with
the new product and you can spend a lot
of money creating all sorts of different
designs that never fly off the shelf so
a better strategy in my view at least
would be to go out and try to make those
partnerships with bigger companies who
are against l into your market try to
find ways to work with them let them
pick the design get an order up front
and you know they can help help you
build your business and then later on if
you want you can go out to consumer
market with some fun designs its kind of
brand building and gets you out there
but you have money coming in from your
customer so find a big customer who you
can build your business around and
you’re a lot a lot closer to having your
business become successful so hopefully
that helped it’s a cool little invention
for those of you watching video if you
liked it please give it a thumbs up
below it it makes me want to do more of
these videos for you guys and I always
appreciate seeing those come in it makes
my day so thank you and if you have a
comment about this product or if you
want me to review one of your product so
you have another question feel free to
leave it in the comment section below
and I’ll definitely check it out and
we’ll see you on the next episode
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