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“INNOVATION is BORN from the STRUGGLE!” | Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) | #Entspresso

provision to truly be vision it should
feel unachievable when a small business
gets together it says here’s our vision
everybody goes like this now you need
now you need now you need now you need
and because you’re nowhere close to
getting those things that you need you
don’t do anything and you sit on your
couch and you plan and you daydream most
people have goals in life and we would
book think you got to be goal-oriented
that’s the first mistake rise and shine
it’s an espresso time what’s up believe
nation it seven my one word is believe
and I believe in you I believe you have
an amazing gift inside you that I want
to see exploded onto the world so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your coffee and sip on today’s message
have grand visions over to you Simon
sonic vision here’s the here’s the thing
that’s always boggled my mind right why
is it unbalanced unbalanced not always
but unbalanced why is it that small
companies tend to be more innovative
than big companies right small companies
that are under-resourced you can’t
necessarily get the best and brightest
they’re gonna go to business any day and
yet there’s they come up with brilliant
ideas and big companies full of
resources full of amazing people by the
little companies that come up with the
good ideas that’s usually how big
companies innovate they buy the smaller
ones right why is that why is it that
the most resource companies tend not and
I think it’s a question of reality and
what I mean by that is small companies
their vision is is more distant than
their grasp right they have delusions of
grandeur we’re gonna change the world
change industries reinvent this reinvent
that we have no money and no people but
so what my point is is the grasp is
shorter than the vision and I think what
happens is as companies get bigger and
bigger and bigger with more and more
resources what they start to do is one
of two things either their group their
visions become
well within their grasp and they don’t
rien or they actually bring the vision
back to put within their grasp s– right
make things very achievable difficult
but achievable for vision to truly be
vision it should feel unachievable when
a small business gets together and says
here’s our vision everybody goes like
this in big businesses really see who’s
a vision maybe goes alright yeah got it
we’ll do a back plan and I I firmly
believe that innovation is born out of
the struggle innovation is born out of
the the resourcefulness that you are
forced to figure out because literally
the vision is way beyond your grasp
regardless have many resources you have
it should always feel overwhelming and
take a group of people with tons of
resources to give them a vision they’re
so Simon here is talking a giant company
Google I want to talk to you guys
entrepreneurs entrepreneurs get having a
big vision for the most part I think a
lot of you watching us have a big vision
you want to change the world you want to
make a dent in the universe you want to
do the thing that’s gonna change the way
things are done right I think we’re
generally as entrepreneurs great
dreamers we’re good at doing that here’s
a challenge though most entrepreneurs
don’t ever come close to even
accomplishing it most companies have to
shut their business down because you’re
great at the vision but not great at the
execution and so what I want to
encourage you to do is think big and
think small think big and think small
think big in the big picture and small
in the small picture what I mean by that
is you need the big vision it’s
motivating since spiring we’re gonna
change the world it’s that it’s the
rallying call it’s the thing that’s
impossible to achieve that’s never gonna
happen but you’re gonna find a way to
make one small way to actually make it
happen right that rallying mission and
you have to do something today you got
to find some small way to actually take
action on a daily basis to move forward
towards that goal so what ends up
happening with a lot of entrepreneurs is
you make that big thing so big so crazy
so scary that you never actually take
action on it most of the time because
it’s too scary because yes it’s
visionary and yes it’s inspiring but
because you made it
big it can also be overwhelming and
scary at times and so to make that
happen now you need a team now you need
venture capital now you need a PR
department now you need now you need now
you need now you need and because you’re
nowhere close to getting those things
that you need you don’t do anything and
you sit in your couch and you plan and
you daydream we’re the most successful
entrepreneurs are the ones who can keep
both in mind at the same time you’ve got
your big picture you got your big vision
you know where you want to go ultimately
and you’re doing something right now
some small crappy tiny little way to get
started you want to start a YouTube
channel you start with your phone right
you don’t need a cameraman or lights or
gear or equipment or editing software or
anything you start your starting your
phone start today start now here’s where
I want to go this is inspiring people
are playing a big game out here that’s
the impact you’re gonna have and I’m
gonna start small and do something right
now and I’m gonna do it again tomorrow
and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
and keep getting better and slowly work
my way up
people want to take these giant leaps
but the leap doesn’t happen it’s not how
most things work it’s these tiny little
steps that when you look back look like
a giant leap but as a result of all
these tiny little steps and so have a
big vision but make sure it’s an
inspiring one and when you get scared of
it when you think you don’t have the
resources or capabilities or or
knowledge or backing or education they
go often do it and find the smallest
possible way to get started both huge
picture in little picture always every
single day I think about that the same
way with goals I’m not a big fan of
median term goals I’m not a big fan of
5-year plans I think it’s just too
impossible to predict for an
entrepreneur they have a five-year plan
five years ago I had I had what a
thousand subscribers on YouTube five
thousand subscribers on YouTube I didn’t
have books I thought I was never gonna
write a book like I can’t I couldn’t
imagine that I would be here doing what
I’m doing right now five years ago I
think as a default as soon as I come up
with a five year playing I try to crunch
that into three months how do I make
that happen three months five months six
months how do we take that five year
plan and put it in the five months I
think it’s great to have a big goal a
mission one that you will never
accomplish when it is forever and for me
it’s to solve the world’s biggest
problem untapped human potential
it’s the Buddha expression of going out
to the ocean every day and trying to
enter the ocean with a ladle
trying to empty the ocean with a ladle
everyday kind of empty ocean with a
spoon so we’re gonna happen every day
and make a little bit more progress I
spend all day long doing it make a
little bit more progress and I fill my
bucket but I will never empty the ocean
but that’s what I’m trying to do that’s
the big crazy possible thing human
potential is is infinite I’m never gonna
solve that for everybody I’m never gonna
let everybody unlock their inner Michael
Jordan it’s never gonna happen but I
want it to that’s the drive like the
impossibility is the fuel and then I
have short-term goals I know what I’m
doing in the next couple months I’m
going hardcore my YouTube channel still
I want to make this the single best
YouTube channel on the face of YouTube
I’m working from with my books I’m going
hard on Instagram right now just past
10k subscribers and building it up so I
have my immediate term goals and I have
my big mission and nothing in between
there’s no five-year plan ten year plan
20 year plan
there’s a three month due and a forever
ambition and that’s it and that works
for me that may not work for you but I
highly encourage you to at least think
about it have a goal that’s so big that
it’s never gonna happen but there’s
always something to do there’s always
something to accomplish always something
to strive for and get better at always
trying to empty the ocean with a spoon
and then your 3-month goals your
two-month goals your one-month goal what
am i doing right now you know I think if
you can predict where you’re gonna be in
five years
then you’re not dreaming big enough I
think you’re playing small I think if
you know where you’re gonna be in five
years to have that certainty means
you’re not trying enough stuff means
you’re living a pretty boring business
and so I expect massive transitions I
expect what I’m doing right now to look
nothing like what I’m doing in five
years apart from it’s gonna be helping
entrepreneurs it’s gonna be still
emptying the ocean with a ladle and so I
highly encourage you to have that big
dream big vision big mission something
that’s inspiring and focus on the
everyday making a small chip away at
making that happen because it’s only
gonna get there by action it’s not going
to come by thinking by dreaming by
waiting it’s gonna come by actually
doing something even though it feels
small even though it feels irrelevant
even though it feels like you’re not
making any kind of chip at all your
momentum you’re building skillsets
you’re building the drive you’re getting
better at this thing and you’re gonna
come out of your cocoon and explode it’s
gonna happen you stay consistent you
keep bringing value you have people who
keep sleeping on your YouTube channel
it’s not growing not growing not growing
little tiny impact and then you’re gonna
see as you get better it’s gonna explode
your thing will explode as you get
better but until you put in the reps to
improve every single day people aren’t
gonna care so think big in the big
and think small in a small picture every
single day now have a really special
bonus cut for you but before that I want
to know both big picture what’s your big
picture what’s what’s the ultimate dream
what’s the mission that’s impossible to
accomplish and what tiny seemingly
meaningful action are you gonna do today
to make a little tiny dent
forward on that mission put in the
comments below I want to see it thank
you guys so much for watching I believe
in you I hope we continue to believe in
yourself and whatever you’re one where
it is much love I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot of
most people have goals in life and we’ve
been broke think you got to be
goal-oriented that’s the first mistake
yes you need goals but there is
something far beyond goals which is what
all successful people have and that’s a
vision it’s a vision for the future see
but here it is you see things as they
are but not worse than they are
yeah which is what a lot of people do
yeah they say oh it’s so terrible they
tell themselves as wild story about why
they can’t take action and in truth the
story they tell themselves is exactly
what holds them back from being
successful oh great it’s that bookstore
that stops from acting like and they’re
all just so much the economy they play
the blame game they complain they
justify and it stops them from moving
forward so see things as they are not
worse than they are you know and then
see them better than they are
yeah and make them that way look at a
Gandhi right he survived hunger strikes
in the United the country not because he
had a goal for free and yet he had a
vision of a free India Nelson Mandela
all those years in jail on vision yeah
it’s Richard Branson who’s a friend of
mine who I know he sponsors me my
speaking to her
he’s a visionary Bill Gates they’re all
visionaries and the best example
consider were in Hollywood is a guy like
James Cameron now here’s the trap James
camera is probably the greatest
of all time in filmmaking that we do a
great Darren he was interviewed on Diane
Sawyer and they asked him a question of
what are you owe your success to and
what he said was this I said really
really high goals so even if I fall
short I’m still doing great and people
thought that was pretty profound and I
actually believe in that too it’s not
true those see what’s happening is this
James Cameron is not a goal setter he’s
a visionary he just doesn’t realize
because he’s running unconscious
strategy himself you said the traces of
James Caan was a really just the goals
with your vision for avatar he’d say oh
of course that well they didn’t get all
excited me tell you how nothing was
gonna stop him from making this movie
the fact that it took ten years and ran
200 million over budget he put money in
himself or that’s not what goal setters
do bowl setters will set a goal gets
tough and they abandon it and I can’t
overemphasize that distinction that’s
number one is vision
always go to something bigger than
I’m wondering if you’ve been defeated
because you have been giving yourself
wholly to something that was too small
to hold you have you thrusts yourself
into a glass of water have you leapt off
the diving board into a cereal bowl
person are you not guilty of immersing
yourself into things that were too small
to hold your vision oh my god that’s so
good I’m gonna get the CD myself Jesus
sent him to throw himself into something
that was bigger than his condition and
he had to go to get to it he had to get
out of his comfort zone not probably so
many times you’ve thrown big ideas as
small people
you’ve given big commitment to cereal
bowl people and you’re trying to get
your sight back from a source that’s too
small to support what you’re willing to
put in is your investment bigger than
the bank you should see the way you’re
looking at me is you’re it’s the reason
you keep being disappointed by people is
that you have wholly throwing yourself
Jesus sends him to something that is
bigger than himself
so he can wash his eye are you trying to
take a bath in a bowl the most important
word ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you Apple so it would be like
a little beacon hey believe nation if
you want to know what the most important
one word is for Tony Robbins Gary
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for details
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