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Incredible Motivational Speech By Jordan Peterson

g’day I’m schedule and stick to it okay
so what’s the rule with the schedule
it’s not a bloody prison that’s the
first thing that people do wrong is say
well I don’t like to have follow a
schedule it’s like well what kind of
schedule are you setting up well I
should I have to do this then I have to
do this then I have to do this you know
and then I just go play video games
because who wants to do all these things
that I have to do
it’s like wrong set the damn schedule up
so that you have the day you want that’s
the trick it’s like okay I’ve got
tomorrow if I was gonna set it up so it
was the best possible day I could have
practically speaking what would it look
like well then you schedule that and
obviously there’s a bit of
responsibility that’s gonna go along
with that because if you have any sense
one of the things that you’re gonna
insist upon is that at the end of the
day you’re not in worse shape than you
were that then at the beginning of the
day right because that’s a stupid day if
you have a bunch of those in a row you
just dig you know you dig yourself a
hole and then you bury yourself in it’s
like sorry that’s just not a good
strategy it’s a bad strategy
so maybe 20% of your day has to be
responsibility and obligation or maybe
it’s more than that depending on how far
behind you are but even that you can you
can ask yourself okay well I’ve got
these responsibilities I have to
schedule the damn things in what’s the
right ratio of responsibility to reward
and you can ask yourself that just like
you’d negotiate with someone who is
working for you it’s like okay you got
work tomorrow okay so I want you to work
tomorrow and you might say okay well
what are you gonna do for me that makes
it likely that I’ll work for you well
you could ask yourself that you know
maybe you’d do an hour of responsibility
and then you play a video game for 15
minutes I don’t know whatever turns your
crank man but you know you have to
negotiate with yourself and not
tyrannize yourself like you’re
negotiating with someone that you care
for that you would like to be productive
and have a good life and and that’s how
you make the schedule it’s like and then
you look at the day and you think well
if I had that day that’d be good great
you know and you you’re useless and
horrible so you’ll probably only hit it
with about 70% accuracy but that beats
the hell out of zero
right and if you hit it even with 50%
accuracy another rule is well aim for
51% the next week or 50 and a half
percent for God’s sake or because you’re
gonna hit that position where things
start to loop back positively and spiral
you up stop doing the things that you
know are wrong that you could stop doing
right so it’s it’s a fairly it’s a
fairly limited attempt first of all
we’re not gonna say that you know what
the good is or what the truth is in any
ultimate sense but we will presume that
there are things that you’re doing that
for one reason rather you know are not
in your best interests there’s something
about them that you just know you should
stop they’re kind of self-evident to you
other things you’re gonna be doubtful
about you’re not gonna know which way is
up and which way is down but there are
things that you’re doing that you know
you shouldn’t do now some of those you
won’t stop doing for whatever reason you
don’t have the discipline or maybe
there’s a secondary payoff or you don’t
believe it’s necessary or it’s too much
of a sacrifice or you’re angry or
resentful or or afraid who knows so
forget about those for now but there’s
another subset that you could stop doing
it might be little thing well that’s
fine stop doing it and see what happens
and what will happen is your vision will
clear a little bit and then something
else will pop up in your field of
apprehension that you will also know you
should stop doing and that you could
stop doing because you strengthened
yourself a bit by stopping doing the
particular stupid thing that you were
doing before that just puts you together
a little bit more and you could do that
repeatedly for for an indefinite period
of time and you know that doesn’t
necessarily mean that you’re going to
ever be able to formulate a clear and
final picture of what constitutes the
truth and the good but it does mean that
you’ll be able to continually move away
from what’s untruth and what’s bad and
you know well that’s not a bad start
you know oh I can’t sleep at night
because I’m thinking about something and
usually what I’ll do is go write it down
I have some writing to do so I get up
and I go write down what I’m thinking
and that usually does the trick but
because I’ve been playing with YouTube I
I’ll try making YouTube video and
telling people what I’m thinking about
and see if that performs the same
function as writing and to me the
function of writing well it’s twofold
one is conceivably to communicate with
although the fundamental purpose for me
is to clarify my thoughts so that I know
too you know because if you’re if
something is disturbing you what that
means is that it needs to be articulated
it what it’s the emergence of unexplored
territory something that disturbs you
that that’s the right way to think about
it it’s unmapped territory that’s
manifesting itself it’s like a Vista of
threat and possibility and you need to
articulate a path through it and so
that’s what I was doing it’s like I was
thinking well this is bothering me and
this seems to be why and here’s what I
think is going on and and so I made the
videos and in some sense I didn’t think
anything more of it will have to
necessarily have done anything wrong for
things to get completely out of control
it’s a terrifying doctrine but it’s not
a hopeless doctrine because it still
says that there’s a way forward there’s
a pathway forward and the pathway
forward is to adopt a mode of being that
has some nobility so that you can
tolerate yourself and perhaps even have
some respect for yourself as someone
who’s capable of standing up in the face
of that terrible vulnerability and
suffering and that the pathway forward
as far as the existentialists are
concerned is by well certainly by the
avoidance of deceit particularly in
language but also by the adoption of
responsibility for the conditions of
existence and some attempt on your part
to actually rectify them and the thing
that’s so interesting about that is
there well – as far as I’m concerned and
some of this is from clinical experience
you know if you take people and I’ve
told you this and you expose them
voluntarily to things that they are
avoiding and are afraid of you know that
they know they need to overcome in order
to meet their goals their self defined
goals if you can teach people to stand
up in the face of the things they’re
afraid of they get stronger and you
don’t know what the upper limits to that
are because you might ask yourself like
if for ten years if you didn’t avoid
doing what you knew
you needed to do by the Deaf by your own
definitions right within the value
structure that you’ve created to the
degree that you’ve done that what would
you be like well you know there are
remarkable people who come into the
world from time to time and there are
people who do find out over decades long
periods what they could be like if they
were who they were if they said if they
spoke their being forward and they’d get
stronger and stronger and stronger and
we don’t know the limits to that we do
not know the limits to that and so you
could say well in part perhaps the
reason that you’re suffering unbearably
can be left at your feet because you’re
not everything you could be and you know
it and of course that’s a terrible thing
to admit and it’s a terrible thing to
consider but there’s real promise in it
right because it means that perhaps
there’s another way that you could look
at the world and the number another way
that you could act in the world so what
it would reflect back to you would be
much better than what it reflects back
to you now my experience is with people
that were probably running at about 51%
of our capacity something mean you can
think about this yourselves I often ask
undergraduates how many hours a day you
waste or how many hours a week you waste
and the classic answer is something like
4 to 6 hours a day
you know inefficient studying watching
things on YouTube that not only do you
not want to watch that you don’t even
care about that make you feel horrible
about watching after you’re done
that’s probably four hours right there
know what you think well that’s 2025
hours a week it’s a hundred hours a
month that’s two and a half full work
weeks it’s half a year of work weeks per
year and if your time is worth twenty
dollars an hour which is a radical under
estimate it’s probably more like fifty
if you think about it in terms of
deferred wages if you’re wasting 20
hours a week
you’re wasting fifty thousand dollars a
year and you are doing that right now
and it’s because you’re young wasting
fifty thousand dollars a year is a way
bigger catastrophe than it would be for
me to waste it because I’m not going to
last nearly as long and so if your life
isn’t everything it could be you could
ask yourself well what would happen if
you just stopped wasting the
opportunities that are in front of you
you be who knows how much more efficient
10 times more efficient 20 times more
that’s the Pareto distribution you have
no idea how efficient efficient people
get it’s completely off its off the
charts well and if we all got our act
together collectively and stop making
things worse because that’s another
thing people do all the time not only do
they not do what they should to make
things better they actively attempt to
make things worse because they’re
spiteful or resentful or arrogant or
deceitful or or homicidal or genocide
allure all of those things all bundled
together in an absolutely pathological
package if people start really really
trying just to make things worse we have
no idea how much better they would get
just because of that so there’s this
weird dynamic that’s part of the
existential system of ideas between
human vulnerability social judgment both
of which are our major causes of
suffering and the failure of individuals
to adopt the responsibility that they
know they should adopt it isn’t merely
that your fate depends on whether or not
you get your act together and to what
degree you decide that you’re going to
live out your own genuine being it isn’t
only your fate it’s the fate of everyone
that you’re networked with and so you
know you think well there’s nine billion
seven billion people in the world we’re
going to peak at about nine billion by
the way and then it’ll decline rapidly
but seven billion people in the world
and who are you you’re just one little
dust mote among that seven billion and
so it really doesn’t matter what you do
or don’t do but that’s simply not the
case it’s the wrong model because you’re
at the center of a network you’re a node
in a network of course that’s even more
true now that we have social media
you’ll you know you’ll know a thousand
people at least over the course of your
life and they’ll know a thousand people
each and that puts you one person away
from a million and two persons away from
a billion and so that’s how you’re
connected and the things you do there
like dropping a stone in a pond the
ripples move outward and they affect
things in ways that you can’t fully
means that the things that you do and
that you don’t do are far more important
than you think and so if you act that
way of course the terror of realizing
that is that it actually starts to
matter what you do and you might say
well that’s better than living a
meaningless existence it’s better for it
to matter but I mean if you really ask
yourself would you be so sure if you had
the choice I can live with no
responsibility whatsoever the price I
pay is that nothing matters or I can
reverse it and everything matters but I
have to take the responsibility that’s
associated with that it’s not so obvious
to me that people would take the
meaningful path now when you say well
denialists suffered dreadfully because
there’s no meaning in their life and
they still suffer yeah but the
advantages they have no responsibility
so that’s the payoff and I actually
think that’s the motivation say well I
can’t help being nihilistic all my
belief systems have collapsed it’s like
yeah maybe maybe you’ve just allowed
them to collapse because it’s a hell of
a lot easier than acting them out and
the price you pay is some meaningless
suffering but you can always whine about
that and people will feel sorry for you
and you have the option of taking the
pathway of the martyr so that’s a pretty
good deal all things considered
especially when the are when the
alternative is to bear your burden
properly and to live forthrightly in the
world well what Solzhenitsyn figured out
and so many people in the 20th century
it’s not just him even though he’s the
best example is that if you live a
pathological life you pathologize your
society and if enough people do that
then it’s hell really really and you can
read the Gulag Archipelago if you have
the four tit fortitude to do that and
you’ll see exactly what hell is like and
then you can decide if that’s a place
you’d like to visit or even more
importantly if it’s a light if it’s a
place you’d like to visit and take all
your family and friends because that’s
what happened in the 20th century I
started to pay very careful attention to
what I was saying I don’t know if that
happened voluntarily or involuntarily
but I could feel a sort of split
developing in my psyche and the split
and I’ve actually had students tell me
the same thing that has happened to them
after they’ve listened to some of the
material that that I’ve been describing
all of you but split into two let’s say
and one part was the let’s say the old
me that was talking a lot and that liked
to argue and that liked ideas and there
was another part that was watching that
part like just with its eyes open and
neutrally judging and the part that was
neutrally judging was watching the part
that was talking and going that isn’t
your idea you don’t really believe that
you don’t really know what you’re
talking about
that isn’t true and I thought that’s
really interesting so now I’ve and that
was happening to like 95% of what I was
saying and so then I didn’t really know
what to do I thought okay this is
strange so maybe I’ve fragmented and
that’s just not a good thing at all I
mean it wasn’t like I was hearing voices
or anything like that I mean it wasn’t
like that it was it was well people have
multiple parts so then I had this weird
conundrum it’s like well which of those
two things are me is it the part that’s
listening and saying no that’s rubbish
that’s a lie that’s you’re doing that to
impress people you’re just trying to win
the argument you know was that me or was
the part that was going about my normal
verbal business me and I didn’t know but
I decided I would go with the critic and
then what I’d tried to do what I learned
to do I think was to stop saying things
that made me weak and now that I mean
I’m still trying to do that because I’m
always feeling when I talk whether or
not the words that I’m saying are either
making me a line or making me come apart
and I think the alignment I really do
think the alignment is it I think
alignment is the right way of
conceptualizing it because I think if
you say things that are as true as you
can say them let’s say then they come up
they come out of the depths inside of
you because we don’t know where thoughts
come from we don’t know how far down
into your sub structure the thoughts
emerge we don’t know what processes of
physiological alignment are necessary
for you to speak from the core of your
being we don’t understand any of that we
don’t even conceptualize that but I
believe that you can feel that and I
learned some of that from reading Carl
Rogers by the way who’s a great
clinician because he talked about mental
health in part as the coherence between
the the spiritual or the or the abstract
and the physical that the two things
were aligned and and there’s a lot of
idea of alignment in psychoanalytic and
clinical thinking but anyways I decided
that I would start practicing not saying
things that would make me weak and what
happened was that I had to stop saying
almost everything that I was saying I
would say 95% of it as a hell of a shock
to wake up and I mean this was over a
few months but it’s a hell of a shark to
wake up and realize that you’re mostly
dead wood it’s a shark
you know and you might think well do you
really want all of that to burn off it’s
like well there’s nothing left but a
little husk of you it’s like well if
that 5% is solid then maybe that’s exactly what you want to have happen
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