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“I’m Often AFRAID that I Have NO IDEA What I’m Doing!”

whether you are successful or not
depends not so much on how perfectly you
prepared yourself sometimes success will
depend on what you do when you get
knocked off course do you give up or do
you find a way to keep fighting for your
dream I’m currently unemployed I’ve got
three kids and a wife looking to me to
take care of them and provide for them
my dream is to build a business as a
creator and influencer online I’m trying
to get at least one or two videos up
every day even though I’m just a one-man
show and I’m often afraid that I have no
idea what I’m doing
there will be times no matter how much
you plan no matter how much you have
laid everything out and it prepared
yourself for what’s coming
sometimes something completely out of
your control will come in and knock you
off course this is what happened to me
on June 29th this year as we were
getting ready to leave for a visit to
I was just sitting down to edit my video
and the power went out in my hometown of
Winkler Manitoba we had a huge
thunderstorm that morning everything was
down no power meant no editing it also
meant making sure that everyone in my
family was safe well the storm passed
and we waited for the power to return
this wasn’t how I planned this day I had
a lot of work to do
I want a timeline to give my business to
take off and provide for my family I had
to get ready to leave for this trip
running off a little sleep and exhausted
from working almost non-stop I could
have just shut down and given up but I
remembered a lesson that I teach my kids
every problem is a character-building
opportunity if you choose to see the
challenge as a learning experience it
was time to be the role model through
actions and not just words so I changed
my attitude I could still use my camera
while the power is out so I went and
shot some work footage for my video one
of my goals is to make my videos more
cinematic and what a great opportunity
would be to film the aftermath of a
major thunderstorm the video ended up
being way better than I expect
and I’m so grateful that I went back out
for that extra footage building a
business is tough being a parent a
husband a wife a friend can all be tough
things was so often not go as planned
maybe you’re facing something similar in
your life right now when the storms come
into your life if you can remember that
every problem is an opportunity if you
choose to see the challenge as a
learning experience YouTube might end up
creating something way better than you
expected hey my name is William Nelson
and you just finished watching one of my
videos and I’d like to explain to you
why this video is on Evans channel a
couple weeks ago Evan and I connected on
Twitter and he invited me to send him
one of my videos that best represented
what I’m all about on YouTube so I sent
him this one and he has helped me over
the last couple weeks to make little
improvements and he has really
challenged me and built into me some
skills that has helped me grow as a
creator tremendously over the last
couple of weeks and I just want to say
thank you to Evan for this opportunity
and thank you to Evans audience for
giving me this chance to present my work
to you I really appreciate it I’ll see
you around raise your standard Apple at
not one drop of my self-worth depends on
Europe it’s something serene if you guys
like this video and want to show William
some support help out a fellow
entrepreneur go check out his channel
and give him subscribe there is no doubt
that if you are a creator you have days
when you just need a little bit of a
boost you need someone to tell you that you can do it
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