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If you’re tired of starting over, WATCH THIS before YOU GIVE UP !

the truth will set you free but first it
will piss you off we live in a world
that we want to be as comfortable as we
can and we wonder why we have no growth
we wonder why when the smallest thing in
our life gets difficult we wonder why we
cower and we run away because we are
kind of living on I mean our whole life
except that way my whole life is a set
set up in the path of least resistance
we don’t want to suffer we don’t want to
feel discomfort so the whole time we’re
living our lives in a very comfortable
area there’s no growth in that people
who live with either anxiety or things
that are not complete have not yet made
a decision whatever it is that you’re
struggling with or anybody is struggling
with you’re probably really frustrated
with yourself because you know what to
do they lose weight but you can’t make
yourself do it you know what you need to
do in order to grow your business but
you can’t make yourself do it and so I
was stuck in that extraordinarily I
think human experience where I knew I
should get up on time I knew I should
look for a job I knew I should be
supportive of Chris I knew I shouldn’t
drink at night I knew that I shouldn’t
like that I should annihilate myself I
knew I should go see a therapist I
wasn’t doing we we had to make it happen
not getting it done was not an option we
had to make it happen and it was hard
and we didn’t know what to do every day
but when a door would close we’d find a
window you got to win you gotta take
responsibility for where you’re at
you got either sometimes even if it’s
not your fault
and then you’ve gotta go get after if
you are somebody that is sitting around
waiting for some external force to come
and do the work for you
that is such a losing bet it’s
unbelievable maybe you’ll get lucky
maybe somebody will come but more than
likely no one is coming
the only kind of force that will truly
create change in your life is you the
internal kind of force I hate to say it
but for those of you that feel really
really stuck and you keep thinking that
somebody’s got to pick me or somebody’s
gonna discover me or somebody’s got to
give me permission to write this book
it’s it’s ridiculous this is external
versus internal force and what you have
to figure out if you’re stuck is are you
the kind of person that is guilty of
meeting wanting and waiting for external
forces people an event some outside
force to kick you in the ass you’ll
finally do the stuff that you’ve been
dreaming about doing I want to tell you
something no one’s coming no one
was very uncomfortable was being on a
diet was very uncomfortable was trying
to face things that didn’t want to face
and I also realized when I was really
I had no growth why because I was living
comfortable so I realized we defined
growth I had to face all these different
things that made me very very
uncomfortable one thing I faced was
running I absolutely hated running but I
knew for me to grow I want I had to do
this thing every single day I want to
start Calais in my mind I wanted to
start becoming a better person and how
you become a better person how you gain
mental toughness how you become the
person you want to be is constantly
facing the things that you don’t want to
every one of us has an internal fuel
thing that is either empty or full and
if you’re empty you feel depleted if
you’re full you feel energized if you’re
lying in bed and the snooze alarm goes
or the arm goes off and you feel
depleted and you start reaching for the
snooze button that’s a really big sign
that you need to get out of bed you know
every day on the right side of the grass
is a good day and the older you get in
life the more you learn to appreciate
just every day you feel good every day
that you get up and you feed it the
floor and you’re still moving forward
enjoy every day cherish every moment
tell people you love them enjoy your
life act the way you want to feel and
soon you’ll feel the way you act life is
life is precious what do you wait now to
get happy have an attitude of gratitude
be thankful for each day and not just
one time a year carry that feeling
throughout the year I believe this is my
due season year this is my year to
accomplish dreams to break free from
this depression this is my year to meet
the right people this is my year to get
healthy and home anything you want
you can get but you you have to be
honest about it and this is really what
I encourage people to do in order to be
successful at anything it has to be what
you truly love because if you don’t love
it and you ain’t willing to die for it
don’t do it right sometimes you have to
do these transitional jobs to get you
where you have to go to but it’s okay if
you got a cell bed sheet sell these bed
sheets do what you have to do do it with
pride but at the same time do not let
any job that you do kill your dream
because the only thing that can make you
feel alive is your dream very important
I believe anything is possible right I
live in the world of possibility and I
also believe that anything we can
accomplish anything with our two hands
and just putting in the work with our
two hands and also you hear this often
but it’s really really true you got to
find something if you love what you do
and fight and be passionate about what
you do and find something that you could
be passionate like it really helps you
know it gives you that motivation when
you wake up in the way
sometimes it’s just I wake up and I
think what do I have to do to become
great what must I do different than what
I’m doing and what I’ve been doing to
get to where I want to be and then I
think to myself I’m not doing everything
that I know everything that I can
am I giving 100% every single day to
reach that point that I’m trying to get
to you because I can picture it in my
mind I can have that feeling I can have
those thoughts but then I think to
and I want to ask you today what are you
doing to make your next effort your best
effort are you reaching deep down inside
to fight through everything that you’re
going through right now or are you
settling to be where you are at this
current moment if you’re laying down you
need to get up and if you sitting down
you need to get up if you on the
treadmill running right now you need to
run just a little faster if you’re in
the gym right now working out you need
to put five more pounds on the rack and
if you’re starting a business you need
to work an hour longer that’s the effort
that’s the sacrifice that you have to
put in in order for you to get to the
next level that you need to be in but if
you just sit down and think about where
you’ve been and you told yourself if you
had the opportunity that you would put
in more effort you’ll put in more hard
work you’ll go that extra mile well now
is the time now it’s not the time to
complain now is the time to maintain
their dream open up your heart and be
something that you’ve never been before
they’re feeling you’re feeling right now
of inspiration a feeling of dedication a
feeling of not going back to where you
came that’s what you need inside of you
every single day in order for you to be
great in order for you to be remember
if you will change everything will
change for you you don’t have to change
what’s outside all you’ve got to change
is what’s inside why does changing
yourself and your life circumstances
seem so difficult
why do we hold on to relationships and
jobs that don’t work anymore if there’s
something in our personal lives that
makes us suffer why don’t we change it
to have more you simply have to become
more and then he said don’t wish it was
easier which you were better don’t wish
for less problems wish for more Skills
start working on yourself making these
personal changes you said it’ll all
the other thing that you have to learn
is when you hold on to your history you
do it at the expense of your destiny
every single thing you touch is impacted
by your story
everything around us that we call life
was made up by people that are no
smarter than you
you’re only confined by the walls you
build yourself do something today that
your future self will thank you for it’s
very likely that you felt attracted to
this video’s title because you aren’t
happy with the life you’re living and
change is a very powerful word and if
you choose to you can turn it into
reality for most people change in any
form can be difficult too many people
are stuck in situations that make them
unhappy but feel they have no other
choice but to suffer changing yourself
means changing your environment when we
change something in our life we do it so
it looks different than what it would be
if we hadn’t intervened changing
yourself means becoming different it
means not being what you used to be we
have changed our way of thinking our
actions our words our behavior and who
we are personal change implies a
conscious act of will and it usually
means that something is making us
uncomfortable enough to want to do
things differently
evolving needs overcoming the conditions
in your life by changing something about
yourself we can change so that we no
longer fall in those repetitive of
bitumen unhealthy reactions that appear
as a result of our genetic inheritance
and our past experiences but you have to
choose to change you have to want to
become successful then you have to adopt
the behavior of a successful person to
do what a successful person does
you have to let go of the old to make
room for the new change and evolution
aren’t comfortable processes for any
species to overcome our innate instincts
to modify our genetic programs and to
adapt to new environments requires will
and determination when we stop learning
new things or modifying old habits all
we have left is a life of routine during
our lifetime we are capable of learning
new things breaking old habits changing
our beliefs in our perceptions
overcoming difficult situations creating
new habits and mysteriously becoming
we can therefore change the way we see
things the thoughts that cause a
suffering and that hold us back you
mental exercising self-discipline
perseverance and exposure to new
experiences change is readily available
to everyone
a lot of people have changed history
through these efforts and even more
people have changed their personal
destinies this way we can create a new
life for ourselves a life we can share
with others but in so many directions
that you are a limited resource and if
you’re gonna spend all that energy
energizing where you’ve been Wow then
you’re not gonna have the fuel and the
fire and the tenacity and the
aggressiveness that you need to energize
where are you going
your life is certainly some sort of a
journey it’s certainly some sort of a
journey and we have to all be aware that
when we’re making journeys we’re not
going to always make the right steps and
sometimes you have to back up and try
again and if you’re in a position where
you can’t back up and try again
you’ve trapped yourself it means it’s
time for you to fight for too deep baby
needs a time to go on the warpath what’s
the biggest problem what’s causing the
don’t let your dreams be dreams nothing
[Music] [Applause]
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