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“If You’re LOOKING For An EXCUSE, You’ll FIND ONE!” – Denzel Washington – Top 10 Rules

you son got shot in the face that’s
difficult making a movies is a luxury
it’s a gift if you’re looking for an
excuse you’ll find one in race you can
find it wherever you like
you know I’m an ordinary man with an
extraordinary job right not the other
way around
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in your potential and I want
to see that thing that you’ve got inside
you explode out into the world to have a
big impact for you your family and the
world so to help you on your journey
today we’re gonna learn from actor
director and producer Denzel Washington
and my take on his top ten rules a
success vol 2 rule number 5 is my
personal favorite and I’d love to know
which one you guys liked the best and as
always guys as you’re watching if you
hear something that really really
resonates with you please leave it down
the comments below and put quotes around
it so other people can be inspired and
when you write it down it’s much more
likely to stick for yourself as well
I was a garbage man like Troy huh you
get eight hours worth of work but you
can do it in three so you can go home as
soon as you finish post office you get
three hours worth of work and you make
it last eight I did both I like being
the garbage man better but they weren’t
bad jobs it’s like a people’s hole the
difficulty of making a movie I’m like a
send your son in Iraq that’s difficult
it’s just a movie
it’s like relax I don’t play that
precious nonsense oh whoa get out of
here you know you son got shot in the
face that’s difficult making a movie
this is a luxury it’s a gift
it’s an opportunity and most importantly
it’s a gift obviously everybody here is
talented enough to do that but don’t get
it twisted it’s just a movie it ain’t
that big a deal you can shoot me but you
can’t kill me you hear often that black
actors black movies don’t play well
overseas is that the truth or is that an
excuse I’ve heard everything
and what I hear keeps changing because
they used to say it didn’t sell over
here then it does then I say it doesn’t
sell in the south then it does
well–there’s doesn’t sell in Europe and
it does so I just keep pushing it well
what an opportunity I have to prove them
wrong there is no ceiling for you really
there’s nothing you can I don’t think
there’s I mean I’ll call are you selling
one there’s no ceiling you know because
I mean you’ve proven that you can you
can cover the whole water front in terms
of kinds of characters yeah whether the
it’s a boxer or a quadriplegic or
someone it was a brilliant lawyer the
whole range of stuff hmm you know with
the training that I had that’s the way
we were trained you know to play any
partners there’s no such thing as you
can’t play a party Megan I’d be right
for a particular part yeah but I don’t
think there’s a part I can’t attempt to
play I could at least analyze and try to
break down and put a performance
together may not be any good yeah but I
was taught one of the things that I was
taught that sticks in my mind was a
gentleman by the name of Bill ball who
was the artistic director at an American
Conservatory Theater in San Francisco
and he always talked about failing big
so if you’re gonna fail fail big and I’m
like I like that fly to – thank you no
I’m not a fallback mentality kind of
person people would say well you know
you better have another career to fall
back on I’m like I don’t want to fall
back I want anything
if I fall I’m gonna fall forward I want
to see what I’m hitting or fight you
exactly you know what I mean I don’t
want too bad I never understood that
mentality neither I never understood it
I’m like I’m going that way yeah yeah I
mean if you worried about being safe and
secure and you know security well its
security is your by word then you know
you’re gonna you’re never gonna reach
out and do anything I don’t think that’s
gonna protect you that’s right you know
it’s gonna give you any kind of genuine
you know if you could be worried about
that then you know it was in other words
if you’re a sailor you would never leave
port right I only care about security
there was an IQ question I think was
where they had nine dots yeah and you
had to connect the dots I think with
five the lines without lifting the
pencil the only way you could do it was
to go outside the box yeah you know when
people sit there within to go out man
that’s right you can’t do it what you
can’t nobody said you can’t go outside
the box yeah you know this is no
democracy it is a dictatorship I am the
law did say I did a show called when
chickens came home to roost by Laurence
holder right he will walk on stage and
the orders will uh cuz it was like he
played Malcolm X and people thought
Malcolm X said come back to life right
and then at the new federal at the new
federal theater and the brother at the
Schomburg say a man Denzel being here
man looking at these clips man I needed
all this stuff and he had to have the
right glasses on and uh he got to walk
down you know you got to walk down and
so what I discovered and in those early
years is no one worked harder on the
stage to find his character than his L
and then when he transferred it to the
film it might be act as I tear who
claimed but no one works harder now when
you say that it hardest working actor
there and you were researching Malcolm X
I mean you went and you what you’ve
studied films you yeah look at all the
footage you could get all of his albums
yeah yeah you know I would listen to and
listen to in fact by the time we did the
the movie I didn’t I would just I would
spike with just like load the camera up
and I just started talking cuz I could I
could I could pick I could just pull
from things I’d learn and memorize and
new you know you could talk about the
table these oh that’s a black table you
know you know you can do anything you
could just improvise so I just go and go
and go weapon
and it’s more powerful in a fist can
empathy becoming one of Hollywood’s most
bankable stars he’s favored to get a
seventh Oscar nomination for fences this
is all happening at a time when the
Oscars are being criticized for lack of
diversity I’m just wondering what he
what do you think about that I don’t
have to think about I have lived it I’ve
been the guy at the Oscars without my
name being called I’ve been the guy at
Oscars when my name is call I’ve been
the guy to Oscars when everybody thought
it was won’t call my name they didn’t
God lived it so what would you say to
the people who are looking at this
process and saying it’s unfair yeah and
so what give up you’re looking for an
excuse you’ll find one in race you can
find it wherever you like
you can’t live like that just do the
best you can do
King Kong and I did the scene with
Denzel when he’s like I’ve been you know
it’s hard for me to say I’ve been
standing the same spot for 18 years and
I said well I’ve been standing with you
in the rehearsal hall and and Denzel
he’s very sweet but he was looking at me
like the hell are you doing and I said
well I’m just not I’m trying not to be
too big he said well do what you think
is too big and so I was like I’ve been
standing with you he was like I don’t
think that’s too big
you know all actors out there there’s no
such thing as film acting
forget webbot no disrespect to the
teachers I’ve done it a little while
there’s no such thing as film acting the
truth is the truth for the person way
back there in the back this is the truth
for the person right up here in the
front this is the truth so if the
cameras this close is still the truth
the truth is the truth as little as how
I have to agree no you don’t you have to
be honest the camera will catch you lie
captain I’ll relieve you of your command
of this ship Cobb has caught the captain
to his stateroom I’m assuming command
did you think you might do something
other than acting and directing in
everydays oh you mean other directing
yeah I tried everything yeah I was
really professional yeah I was pre-med
in college then I said I’d be adopted
and I was political science I said I’d
be a lawyer then I studied journalism so
I actually was working my way toward the
arts without realizing that’s why I told
my children a liberal arts education is
okay you don’t have to know at 17 I was
17 when I started college you don’t have
to know at 17 what you’re gonna do the
rest of your life so I worked it out I
found my way to this theatre I started
with you Eugene O’Neill’s m4 Jones
well first world ii roles a fellow so i
was most important thing in business is
charities hard work I had a real
momentum going from college on through
all these roles and plays that I just
mentioned right up until doing Carbon
Copy in 1980-81 and I didn’t get any
work for about six months and I thought
as always work at the post biology I
better go back down to the City Council
meeting and but I got a small play a
one-act play about two guys when they
named Malcolm and the other named Elijah
I was even saying Elijah when I first
better I’m looking at you I’m like yeah
yes Malcolm a good part big big big big
role and that really jump started my
career again because the play went over
very well we did it down at the new
federal theater Henry Street Settlement
and that led I went right from that play
to a soldier’s play off Broadway and
right from a soldier’s played to st.
elsewhere you know I’m an ordinary man
with an extraordinary job right not the
other way around
so it’s all gravy for me you know when I
was younger I used to coach a lot and
nothing made coach kids sports
nothing made me happier than seeing
other people do well well that’s sort of
my nature and it and directing was the
perfect job for that because I loved
seeing others do well I mean I’m okay I
did pretty good I’m good I’ve done all
right but to see others do what you know
they’re what they’re capable of gives me
great joy I’m the police you just clip
it I was in the studio with Lenny
Kravitz and he was doing something with
with Jay Jay Z and he seen how I talk
yeah I’m gonna play this for you did ya
you know put your song for you man
just tell me what you think it was and
it was change clothes are you serious
he played it I was like chase goes oh
Wow so he’s like so what’d you think D I
was like wait out again in the nuclear
world the true enemy is war itself
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because Orion Dark
Knight asked me to if there’s something
you’d like me to cover in a future
top-10 check out the link in the
description and go and cast your vote
I’d also love to know what did you learn
from this video what lesson really hit
home the hardest what are you going to
immediately apply somehow to your life
or to your business leave it down the
comments below I’m really curious to
find out I also want to give a quick
shout out to best you pro thank you so
much for picking up a copy of my book
your one word taking the picture posting
it online I really appreciate the
support and I’m so glad you enjoyed the
book thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
you have been in so many great films but
what would you say is your hidden gem
the film that you’d like your fans to
have watched but for some reason they
haven’t I mean you know people ask me
what’s my favorite film I always say my
next one because I don’t go I don’t look
back you know the joy for me is the
process of making it dreams without
goals remain just dreams and ultimately
fuel disappointment so give yourself
goals you know and remember that between
your goals and achieving your goals you
must apply discipline and consistency
and put your slippers way under your bed
at night so that when you get up in the
morning you got to get on your knees in
order to reach them and when you’re down
there say thank you for that you’ve been
given like the breath of life family
friends the most important work ever if
you had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
so it would be like a little beacon pay
believe nation if you want to know what
the most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details
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