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“If You Want SUCCESS, You Must REPROGRAM Your MIND!” | David Goggins

our mind wants to protect us the mind is
like honestly it has a tactical
advantage over us it knows our deepest
darkest fears or insecurities it knows
where we start to feel we start getting
that doubt creep in that says hey man
you know what man maybe this isn’t good
let’s go back home to the wife let’s go
back home to the kids this is not
comfortable so in that moment the mind
directs us it’s a protective mechanism
it saves us for doing bodily harm or or
it really saves us from discovering that
demise like I want to be in charge of
you I don’t want you to be in charge of
me so it tells you that’s to stop right
here but once you start breaking through
that barrier and start breaking down
that governor the governor that you’ve
put in your mind because we forget we
are in control of our mind we believe
it’s the other way around no we put in
our minds what we should do but we
believe our mind is telling us it’s
giving us all this feedback we have to
reprogram it and tell us no no we’re
good we’re good we got it this sucks but
it’s okay you need motivation watch it
these dandy doggin and here’s my take on
this top 10 real success vol 6
joy rule number 2 turn darkness into
power when you really sit back at your
life and you in that dark room and
you’re looking at where you started from
and you tell yourself ma’am my mom is
this way my stupid stepdad got murdered
my dad beat the out of me I can’t
read and write to save my soul I’ve lied
about it to everybody I’ve cheated on
all these tests my god man and then you
put a goal in your mind how you gonna
feel man when you accomplish this goal
coming from that coming from the hell
you came from a lot of people start from
a good starting point they have a good
foundation what if you can surpass all
these with everybody who was way up here
started up here and you had you started
with no legs he had a growth legs to
even start walking and then crawling
then running and then you start passing
people and all this give it to him I had
to use all this negative that was making
me weak and horrible as a person I had
to use this as a power that now whew and
we had to flip it on his head and say
hold up this might be exactly what I
need the darkness is exactly what I need
is how you look at your situation and I
was looking at it all up rule number
three visualize the end result I have
the ability to see the end before the
beginning even begins and what that
means is I know that to get to the very
end I can see it right now so before
with the buds and I was lose lost weight
I saw myself walking across the stage at
191 pounds got so I had to get to get
into the door I saw myself six months a
year later whoever’s going to take me to
do it I saw myself walking across that
stage getting that certificate of
graduation from buds and I was able to
be there 300 pounds
and that feeling that I was nowhere near
that feeling I was able to put myself
there a million times
everything that feeling of like oh my
god that is gonna feel amazing that’s
what made me suffer that’s what allowed
the pain to be real and say this is
worth it I want to feel for this next 18
months get took me 18 months to finally
come on a visa find me you know just get
do but 18 months is six months took me
18 that’s what woke me up every morning
was I don’t put myself through this much
pain and suffering for a few seconds so
it is a few seconds of joy it’s so worth
it man and so people don’t get so I’m
able to put myself at the finish line
you know I have no finish line but at
the finish line of an event before I
even start them they say how are you
gonna fill it into this visualizing this
is my biggest tool of life that’s why
I’ve been able to put myself in cold
water put myself in a hundred mile race
millions of times before I’ve done it
and I’ve able to go through the race and
see I’m gonna feel at Mile fifty almost
to the almost to the exact Zac feeling
right so when it comes up it’s no
surprise no surprise I’ve already done
this a million times
rule number four build mental toughness
seal training became pretty hard and a
lot of guys were getting through it
so they designed a Silpat prep program
hmm like a boot camp for the boot guess
right yeah and it was two months in my
last two years before I retired to the
military they sent me there to train
these kids Wow
to get ready for you know kids so when
they get to Navy SEAL training man they
were physical stunts they were running
swimming I mean they were they were
hybrids Wow
but they get two buds and the same
amount of people would quit why is that
this is why we were training bigger
stronger faster quitters hmm it’s not
about Malcolm on that’s right
we weren’t diving in to the sewer
everybody’s got a story
we don’t share on social media we share
our nice life on social media we have we
all have a dungeon I’m just willing to
talk about mine yeah most of us don’t
really talk about it I’m gonna talk
about my dungeon I wasn’t getting into
the dungeon of these guys mines
I wasn’t building that so-called mental
toughness mental toughness isn’t
something that you sample it’s something
that you live in everyday so when
something hard would happened to these
kids like in hell week it would draw on
something that made them very insecure
and they look for comfort
whenever hardness comes and you know
what it is it may be different for you
than this for me but you go back to your
insecurities and then when you go back
to your Security’s you then look for
comfort within those insecurities and we
all look for that cookie that your mom
used to give you mine when you were sad
when you were sick we look for our wife
or a husband we look for comfort it’s in
those moments you must retrain your mind
hmm to think differently in hell I
wasn’t training them to do that why
weren’t you training I wasn’t training
myself dick because at that time I was
doing I was told these guys need to be a
standard physical standard a physical
standard the physical standard is not
what they need to meet it’s a mental
standard you must meet in life if you
want to build confidence and excellence
like David gagas and others check out my
free tools for program the link is in
the description below you will never
learn from people if we always tap-dance
around the truth everything I didn’t
want to do is what got me to where I’m
at today rule number five take
accountability it doesn’t go from like
one morning on this way next when I wake
up and presto the you know five steps to
greatness no it ain’t that brother you
read my book this is hard work as every
day like right now I had to be honest
with you man I’m even shaking right now
being on this show I’m a big time
introvert how you address it is you face
it you face it every day you face it
single date of your life where you say
okay like if you’re fat and these lose
weight it’s patience it’s patience in
this fact of accepting who you are right
now I’m fat I don’t like myself
accepting the fact if you lose 3 or 4
pounds that’s a huge accomplishment you
have to live in your own world you
cannot judge yourself that’s why social
mean always think is a horrible you
can’t judge yourself off of the
so-called competition that we have made
up in our mind the things that how
people look how people act awesome or
someone is this is a race that you run
completely alone and you’re all by
yourself I had tons of sticky notes all
over my mirror it wasn’t like be better
than John or be as fast as whoever okay
David yesterday you did this today our
next goal for the week is this so I had
a year goal weekly goals daily goals
hourly goals and the big goal was I lied
a lot growing up I wanted to be accepted
one though was let’s go one day without
lying let’s go one day and then when I
would lie to somebody I would say hey
man now go had to go back now and
apologize a man I lied to you know hard
it is to go back somebody say I lied to
you hey may know it back there I lied to
you dude I that was really jacked up so
I figured out these ways of total total
accountability like right now I had to
run this morning before I talk to you
cuz why that’s what about I’m about mine
mad body fitness a lot of folks talk so
much about hey I’m gonna change your
life I’m going to do someone do that are
you accountable for what you’re doing
are you accountable and I mean to the
tee for what you’re saying I am and
that’s where it started started with
that total total tone ability of let’s
not lie today let’s tell people the
truth about who you are and where you
can get on and tell someone like I’m
doing right now exactly how up you are
that’s the goal in life to put your life
on a billboard on the busiest road
in the busiest highway in the world and
say this is how up I used to be
take it or leave it rule number six is
being present I have to be very present
and everything I do like right now I’m
with which role I’m not thinking about
but ritual and with the coming out of
your mouth right now that’s what that’s
what gives me a huge advantage in life
especially today in this day and age
with so much going so fast and everybody
wants to keep everything going
everything up and everything I want to
be the grace you know the greatest
multitask of all time not me if I put my
hundred percent into what’s in front of
me I will destroy it
if I’m out here just multitasking I’m
gonna half-ass everything I do so that’s
it is the most important thing the world
of me is being focused at the task at
hand rule number seven staying hard
there’s so many times in life you don’t
want to be doing what you’re doing you
can’t just quit remember this this isn’t
a hobby it’s in the joke it’s a
lifestyle so what you say to yourself is
important there’s no coach there’s no
trainer to keep your doors only you so
think about this you’ve been working
your whole life to get up and sit at the
table to see the table which wouldn’t be
the best amongst all the best people in
your career field
so you finally get that letter it steak
lobster it’s a big dinner everybody
showing up dressed to the nines make
sure you saw soaking wet for getting
after it working out hard time on your
neck you respect the event so make sure
you put that towel over that nice chair
seal it up the whole thing is this don’t
say a word
stay uncommon amongst uncommon people
you’re never done don’t stop when you’re
tired stop when you’re done stay hard
rule number eight fix yourself first and
the book you tell people to make a list
of everything working against them every
real valid excuse right why do you have
them do that there’s a lot of power in
that list so in that list of who you are
what makes you up all these are are
it goes back to once again accepting you
have to first accept it before
can fix it a lot of people walk around
oh man I’m good I’m good
no you’re not you have to accept which
you’re not you have to and people don’t
want to do that that’s the only way you
can fix it you have to accept it first
before you can go on the journey a lot
of folks never even start the journey
Mahan never start to join me because I
live in this fake life that who they
want to be they act like they are but
they’re not because they haven’t fixed
all this stuff yet you gotta fix this
first before we can start our journey in
life so that’s why I haven’t make this
list you fix these problems now your
journey can begin because you no longer
care about how people are judging you we
when you care more about how someone
judging you you’re gonna stay right
there there’s no forward momentum so
that’s one thing about that list rule
number nine control your mind I
understand that you lost some friends
and Operation Red Wings how did what did
that feel like to you being that went
through I was in three whole weeks I
knew a lot of the guys I knew every guy
that died on the operation so the story
touched me so much I wanted to find a
way to raise money for the families so I
found a Special Operations Warrior
Foundation if you’re a special operator
and you die it will give a hundred
percent tuition to your son or daughter
to go to college great foundation so now
I gotta find something to do to raise
money for it so I started googling all
these different races I found the bad
water 135 so it’s 135 mile run through
Death Valley in the summertime had no
idea about ultra running I’m 250 pounds
in a big meathead so here I am calling
the guy up on Wednesday he goes hey you
got qualified for this race I go how you
qualify he says you gotta run 100 miles
in 24 hours or less I’m like that
impossible I haven’t run over 20 miles
the whole year going through buds I
started realizing that you had to learn
to control your mind in these situations
so at Mile 70 when I was in the worst
shape of my entire life I was able to
draw on being calm
I was able to finish the race and rule
number 10 the last one before a very
special bonus clip is commit fully I was
a fat guy trying to be a Navy SEAL now
in my life had come to this crossroad so
I’m like man you have to go right and no
one was going right everybody was going
Levin like you have to go right and to
know that pain and suffering I was about
to endure by going right the amount of
accountability and failure I’ll hit the
witness and suffer by myself alone on
this journey it was daunting so when I
finally got to the ASVAB test and I was
taking for my very last time to get into
the SEAL Teams or to try to team tryout
they were supposed to tell me my score
and I went back out to my car that took
I was on some computer tests and I know
I used computer I was wigging out about
that because the first time I took it
was like some like notebook we open a
scantron and you bubble a name with it
number two pencils you turn in
I saw a computer I was like oh witness
what did oh my god
like it’s on a computer so I wigged out
there and I had to get a 50 on
mechanical comprehension and I just like
the third time you taking the test right
this is my second time so I took it
three times for the Air Force and twice
for the nature so this is my second time
for the Navy and they’re like hey this
is it man you know you’re done you’re
too old you have a limited amount of
time to lose 106 pounds and you have to
take his ass Bab again there’s so many
things that’s crunched down my head and
so when I took the test I knew I had a
good enough score to get in the Navy but
to be a seal had to score high on
mechanical comprehension of 50 so the
first time I got a 44 on mechanical
comprehension so I’m sitting there not
take the test and I hit Send sentiment
is out in outer space somewhere and but
I knew it popped up at the
administrators desk and he’s not
supposed to tell me he tells you sit
down take your test and you leave I
walked out got my car or I was walking
around the car whatever doesn’t I got
going to find out man so I went in I
literally sat through everybody taking
their tests nothing this guy he’s
telling me I can’t tell you
it’s against government is guess rules
everything he opened it up it was okay
he said you got a 65 I said no man I
know I got a mechanical comprehension
and he scrolled the page down
it was exactly a 50 and I literally like
what came through my body because it’s
easy to talk about now to you but no one
knew at the time and energy I put into
getting half 50 I put everything on
David Goggins to be a Navy SEAL it’s
like going to the crap table with with
your last thousand dollars you say know
what I don’t put everything on this on
black and hopefully I live now I’m broke
I put my whole life a guy that was
scared of water
I got it honest I’ve had a reader right
on being one of the hardest on the plan
think about that a guy that came from
nothing I put my whole life and I’m
gonna go out here and put everything on
David God has to be a Navy SEAL not to
go be a you know you know Boy Scout or
some Navy SEAL and I look at that and I
did all this just to get the opportunity
to succeed
that’s what that’s what people don’t
understand man and people see that the
end result I remember that guy say my
god man I can’t believe what I’ve just
done I put everything ruin relationships
ruin this ruin that put everything on
fact I have to become someone in this
world or I’m no good for anybody and
I’ve got a special bonus cup with David
and how to create open-mindedness that
you really could enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three point landing
questions time to move from just
watching another video to taking action
in your life for business here we go
question number one where do you need to
fix yourself first number two where do
you need to take more accountability in
your life for business and number three
how can you turn your darkness
when you come from a small small town
and you come from a place that a lot of
people don’t want to come out of it and
get out of it and all you want to do is
become somebody when you have the small
town mentality real mentality you’ve got
to be able to get out and let your mind
see open-mindedness
because a small town what it does to you
is it closes your mind completely closed
your mind not everybody
this isn’t everybody a lot of people you
have to be able to go out there and
create open-mindedness you need space
you need space to see the world like a
lot of racism a lot of a lot of
ignorance in the world it comes from
people not being out and seeing other
things seeing other people seeing all
kind of well that’s what we judged so
harshly because our minds are so close
if you want more David Goggin check with
the top fifty rules video made on him
the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there
it’s so easy to be great nowadays
because everybody else is most people are weak you can outwork anybody
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