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“IF You Have to GET MOTIVATED Every Single Day, You Will LOSE!” | Evan Carmichael

if you have to get motivated every
single day then you are in the wrong
business the people who win work the
hardest because they love what they do I
hate spending money till I’m making
money if you do not have money it’s
because you are spending your money on
things that are not making you money
need motivation watch a top 10 with
I’m Evan Carmichael and here are my top
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one change your environment when I was
growing up in grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 I
used to have a lot of nervous tics some
of them were really embarrassing I used
to blink a lot constantly I used to do
this with my neck and then have to
adjust with my shoulder when I was
walking I used to always have to step on
the lines or completely avoid the lines
on the sidewalk one of the most
embarrassing one was I used to always
try to kick my own butt where I would
always have the I’d have to push my leg
up and I wouldn’t be happy until the
heel hit my butt and I have to do that a
couple times before I can move on with
the rest of my day I was also getting
into a lot of fights at my school so
seeing this my parents are really
worried and they took me to go see a
child psychologist I didn’t know she was
a psychologist my parents said I was
gonna go play games with somebody and we
had some games together and she showed
me these ink blots and told me what are
you seeing these pictures and she asked
me a bunch of questions the immediate
recommendation was that I switched
schools right away and so in grade 5 I
transferred to a new school called
Crescent and ended up staying there from
grade five all the way to graduating
high school and the ticks got better for
the most part they went away completely
to this day I still have a few minor
ones where if I’m thinking or if I’m
stressed or if I’m tired you could see
my ears move but other than that they’re
gone what it really made me think about
was the importance of your environment
so your environment is either something
that builds you up that that lifts your
spirits that helps you go chase your
dreams or something that squashes you
down that makes you shrink that makes
you accept a lesser life so think about
the people that you surround yourself or
think about the the TV shows you’re
watching and the media that you’re
consuming and the place that you go to
work does your environment build you up
or squash you down changing my
environment had a dramatic impact on the
quality of my life and the contribution
to my success as an entrepreneur and
changing yours you can have the same
impact for you
rule number two add more value add more
value if you want to be able to charge
what you’re worth if you want to build
build a successful company you need to
add a ton of value the amount of money
that you make will be directly related
to how much value you’re providing for
your customers how much you’re helping
them out it’s a pretty simple equation
executing it is difficult but the
concept is simple to understand if you
want to make more money add more value
and stop competing on price when you
compete on price alone it’s a loser’s
game you’re not going to bring on ideal
clients you’re constantly going to be
struggling to get by you’re not gonna be
able to hire great people for your team
you have to stop competing on price
stock start adding more value and you
can love your business more you’re gonna
have more fun you’re gonna attract much
better clients you want to work with
people who understand the value provide
and not just cater to the guys who have
no budget who are barely paying you a
tiny profit for what you’re doing rule
number three find your one word I
believe everybody has one word that they
stand for and when you figure out what
that one word is your life and your
business will change and it’s not just
for marketing it’s not just how you
promote yourself but it’s who you
surround yourself with the team that you
attract yourself to the products and
services that you launch when I
accompanied and embraced believe as my
one word my business started to take off
my video started doing insanely better
I’m sort of attracting the right people
into my team I started launching
products that made sense for people and
people really embraced and so I’m a huge
believer in it and I’m gonna give you a
quick method to how to figure out your
one word the first step is you think
about what makes you happy what are the
things that make you come alive what are
the things that you love doing and you
just don’t even think about what your
one word is yet just think about all the
things that you love doing things you
can do all day long and things that fill
your life with joy write those things
down and this isn’t just a business
thing this is you personally because you
want to make this personal for your
business to be successful the second
thing is then look at what connects them
what are all the things that connect
things that make you happy what’s the
connective tissue and try to figure out
is there one word that can bring all
those things together so think about
what your favorite movie is your
favorite book your favorite your best
friend growing up what you love about
your parents
you know what businesses you’ve been
attracted to the hobbies that you love
doing what connects them all together
for me it’s belief you know I love
Seabiscuit as a movie which is about
this underdog horse an underdog jockey
an underdog trainer
underdog owner and how they all work
together to then win a whole bunch of
races the songs I listen to are always
the uplifting believe kind of positive
ones those are the ones that I gravitate
towards what I love about my parents is
that they always believed in me and told
me that I was a cost really Carmichael I
could do anything that I wanted even if
they didn’t give me them the ideas I had
a sort of business they always believed
that whatever I could did I would be
successful at and taught me to believe
in myself and so it’s really important
and so all of those things that I’ve
done across my life have been about
believe and when I encompass that it
allowed me to start living my life on
purpose with direction instead of just
being reacting to it
rule number four be unique the thing is
in every industry is competitive right
every industry is competitive and the
key is you got to be you the key thing
that’s gonna make you stand out from
everybody else is you I’m trying to
cross the street as I’m saying this
that’s a differentiator that’s your
market advantage and so you’ve got to
figure out yes you can model success yes
you can look at people who are big in
the beauty industry and look at how they
rose and those are great examples you
got to take what worked for them and
making your own you’ve got to find a way
to make this your business and people
will be attracted to your personality
not everybody but a certain group of
people and when I found the best way to
do it is to combine your passions so if
you love beauty that’s amazing that’s
awesome what else do you love and how
can you mix those two things so for
example say you love dancing right you
love dancing that’s your passion besides
beauty be the beauty person for dancers
right the next time I’m doing a photo
shoot the next time they’re getting
ready for a performance the next time
they’re out there getting into a movie
almost got run over by that guy holy cow
they’re gonna call you right you’re
making videos you’ve written blog
clothes you’re tweeting about makeup and
beauty and dancing and so that’s the key
that’s how you do it a couple examples
that I’ve used before in the video one
you know if you like being a
photographer then our covers are super
competitive too but say you love bowling
then you can be the photographer for
bowlers and you’re gonna be the default
person they go to because they need
people to take pictures and they want
somebody who’s passionate bowling if you
love dancing they need people who can do
makeup but they want people who are
passionate all dancing as well and you
can speak both languages that’s the key
I got a buddy of mine I’ve used the
example before named Steve who is a
financial planner they have a financial
planner how many financial planners are
there out there tons but he has a
passion for hockey he loves hockey he
obsesses over it he watches it you know
as much as he can watches the same
replay 20 times he could just watch
hockey day-in day-out he became the
financial planner for hockey players and
so when he’s talking the hockey players
now he can speak their language he can
talk about hockey you talk about
investments and he’s one of them right a
lot of these hockey players you know
that the goal and financial planning is
to target the high net worth individuals
right the people have a lot of money
those people who you want to work with
and so he’s able to do that by combining
his passions and so make it your own
right find a way to be able to tie
whatever other packages you have into
the beauty business and that’s how
you’re going to stand out I want to see
more or less I want to see your passion
I want to see your personality your
character what you believe in all of
that there’s got to be real it’s gotta
be you it’s got to be human and that
connection to you and everything that
you stand
or believing this was it’s what’s gonna
make me want to come to you as opposed
everybody else that’s how you stand out
also if you want to have success like
myself and other successful
entrepreneurs check out my 250 for
confidence series it’s free and the link
is in the description below if you’re
doing work that you love you’re more
likely to follow through you’re more
likely to do it because it doesn’t feel
like work because you love doing it
surround yourself with greatness if you
want to be more confident you need to
surround yourself with things that make
you feel confident rule number five
follow your flow one of the most
important lessons that I’ve learned in
business and I guess in life is you need
to follow your flow and sometimes there
are external pressures that force you
into following your flow you may get a
big media opportunity you may get a new
partnership you may get a new a big
customer that kind of is a huge big
opportunity for your business and
sometimes following your flow I find
comes from internal reasons internal
pressures maybe you wake up one day and
you really want to go try something out
or you’re on a walk or you in a shower
and a new thing comes to your mind and
and I found that by following my flow
and by following that idea it’s always
in my best interest one because probably
magic is gonna happen if magic is going
to happen it’s gonna come from a source
of inspiration not just being you know
doing your day to day to day to day and
to I didn’t want to live with regret you
know don’t want to have this big list of
to do is this big list of ideas that
just builds and builds and builds and
this Evernote file that just keeps
growing I never actually take action on
stuff right you have an idea you want to
try something go and take action on it
so yesterday because this relates to my
book yesterday I had a full date plan
Monday is my busy day I’m recording this
on Tuesdays Monday it’s our my my
busiest day of the week and I had a full
day plant in it and then I just it all
exploded on me from an external source
from 50 cent so I made a video and 50
cent saw it and he called it good and he
posts it on his Facebook page and he
posted it to his Twitter account he
posted a blog about it he kind of went
crazy promoting this and and as a result
the traffic explode
on my video comments were coming out of
everywhere people were tweeting me their
son it for my newsletter they’re
engaging with the video it was just
insane and I had a choice of hey I can
either go with this right or I could
just do all the work that I had planned
for the day and I chose to go with it on
top of it it was pretty cool right 50
cent likes my stuff and is sharing it
and I spent a good amount of time just
with my team just having fun in the
moment looking at the numbers seeing
where it was being shared it’s kind of a
big celebration and a win for everybody
on the team so we’re all kind of super
pumped and excited and I spent the day
responding to everybody and as a result
got nothing done that I was supposed to
get done for the day rule number six
expect to suck hello believe nation I’ve
talked a lot about on this channel how
when you’re first starting something
you’re gonna suck at it right any new
skill that you trying to pick up you’re
gonna suck whether it’s learning a
language picking up a new sport picking
up a new skill learning the video game
trying to understand marketing or
accounting whatever it is you’re trying
to understand you will suck at the start
and a story I’ve told a couple times on
these videos is looking back on my
channel look back on the old videos and
see the progress right twenty five
hundred videos later you can see how
I’ve grown and I’ve gotten better and I
sucked at the start and hopefully suck a
little bit less and now but one thing
that time that struck me as I was
watching through my channel was the ents
press’ll series I started out a couple
months ago and the first one that I did
was of Dame Dash and it was a selfish
project for me because I wanted
something in the morning to kind of get
me excited get me inspired make me think
bigger but when I started it I didn’t
have it all planned out and I think this
is something that’s really critical for
a lot of you entrepreneurs is you want
to not over plan and expect to suck at
the start and it’s okay because you’re
gonna get better and better and better
and better rule number seven model the
Masters I remember when I had my first
company I really struggled at the
beginning I was making 300 bucks a month
not enough to survive almost gave up
repeatedly and was willing to try
anything I felt like I tried everything
and and nothing was working out I had a
great product and I couldn’t understand
why this
so hard because the books I read and the
websites I visited and the shows I
watched everything seemed to be so easy
like followed these eight steps and
you’ll be successful while I follow
those eight steps a million times and
that wasn’t successful and one of the
big breakthroughs for me came when I
realized that I wasn’t the first guy to
try to do this before my first company
was a software company and I had no
background in software before apart from
using you know a computer but I wasn’t a
software designer and the breakthrough
moment came when I did realize that I’m
not the first guy to try to sell
software before and I went and I modeled
some of the largest and most successful
software companies in the world and one
in particular was Microsoft and again I
don’t care how Bill Gates makes money
now but how did he go from nothing from
that idea to getting his first customer
what did he do what did he say what were
his actions was what was his mindset who
did he need to connect with and I took
those strategies and applied them to my
business and I finally started to see
results for him I was through
partnerships so he made partnerships he
had software he partnered with hardware
companies his big deal came with IBM was
the 7 million dollar deal that first one
with IBM that really put the company on
the map but before that he still made
partnerships with other hardware
companies and they sold their their
products as a bundle and so I applied
that strategy and within the first month
I closed my first partnership deal and I
made thirteen and a half thousand
dollars now that may not seem like a lot
of money to you 13k but to me I’m making
three hundred bucks a month this was
this was like Eureka oh my god I struck
it rich this is amazing somebody
actually believes in what I’m doing
I’m seeing some positive momentum
finally after all this failure and
struggling and it just kept copying that
again and I applied it again and again
and again and closed more partnerships
and more partnerships and continue to
grow my business and eventually got
acquired by someone who was a potential
partner they loved us so much that they
wanted to buy my business and I wish I
had discovered it earlier I wish had
discovered the strategy so much earlier
because I almost shut down like I almost
quit my business and
maybe I should listen to my friends and
go back and get a job and I’m so
grateful that I didn’t but I came close
many times so having to do that and so
if you’re struggling with your business
right now if you don’t have a lot of
experience in in the field and it’s the
first time thing for you you can’t get
this thing off the ground model success
find someone who has done it who’s had
success in your field look at the
cosmetic lines companies see how they
did it
learn from their mistakes so you don’t
have to make all the mistakes yourself
and you crunch down your learning curve
so instead of it taking you years and
years and years to achieve success you
can do it a lot faster because you’re
modeling things that work rule number
eight have passion that’s the test you
know when you are excited by something
when you are passion about something
when you’re willing to send an alarm for
something and then wake up even before
the alarm goes off that tells you that
you’re on the right path because too
many people try to plan it all out right
trying to make make it make sense up
here in your head right it’s gotta make
total logical sense
before I launch and your assumptions are
always gonna be wrong and it’s never
gonna work out like you think it will
you spend so much time planning that you
don’t spend any time doing and what you
need to do is follow your passion even
when it sounds crazy you know I don’t
know how this business is gonna work out
I don’t know if it’s gonna be with
videos I don’t know if it’s gonna be
through an agency through tournaments
through representing players I don’t
know what it’s gonna be but what I do
know is if I don’t do anything nothing’s
gonna happen and so by following my
passion and by waking up early and
setting that alarm clock and get them
excited about something we’ll explore
we’ll try we’ll fail we’ll make mistakes
and we’ll get better and we’ll find our
path and you need to do the same thing
too but there’s something that you are
excited about something that you want to
try then start start even if it doesn’t
make any sense because by trying and
making mistakes and figuring it out
you’ll land on the perfect business
model to help you explore it and grow
when everybody else thought you were
crazy rule number nine impact people one
of the things that I fundamentally
believe is that entrepreneurs make the
world a better place this is we are the
people that drive forward
we’re the people that create the change
and one of the main reasons why I make
these videos and I’m so passionate up in
entrepreneurs is because you guys are
the ones that’s gonna go out and create
that better future for for my kids and
for my grandkids and so just as a
reminder if you’re struggling to I know
there’s like the short term cash flow
crunch and you want to make money now
you’re trying to figure out how to
survive and survival is important but
the way to get to becoming a successful
entrepreneur is by impacting people and
some people have a big vision like Walt
Disney and want to create new cities and
other entrepreneurs have a smaller
vision and all you want to do is help
your local community and help your
customers who are buying from you but at
the core of every successful business is
a desire to do good and to make the
world a better place
rule number 10 believe that’s what
drives me I wanna I want to have a big
impact and I know I can help people on a
small scale I know I can help you with
the videos and the videos are taking off
and everything I’ve done is you know
it’s growing quickly but I want it to be
bigger right I want it to be life
changing on a world scale and I don’t
always believe that I can do it because
I’ve never done it before because it
seems like such a big goal and I’m
writing the book right now and it’s I
wanted to be an important book I wanted
to be one of the the top 10 most read
most valuable business books of all time
and that’s an easy goal to say right
anybody can say I want to have this book
to be the top ten book anybody can say
that but who actually believes that
right do I actually believe that I can
write that book because if I don’t I’m
not going to write that book and when
I’m talking to people I’m not going to
get them excited and there’s a fine line
between confidence and an arrogance or
cockiness but that’s the challenge that
I’m going through right now it’s
believing that I can create this amazing
book and when I’m talking to Jessica
Alba and saying hey you’re you know
you’re a superhero in the movies but you
should be a superhero in real life as
well you could be a superhero for
entrepreneurs and and help them and be a
model for success through your honest
I have to do that with a lot of
confidence I have to do that believing
that this is truth rule number 11 chart
your start number one is chart your
start what you do in the first 15
minutes of your day matters chart your
start have a plan of action most people
wake up like an accident
most people wake up they’re tired you
pull out your phone you start looking on
your email and what are you doing when
you’re looking at your email or look in
the social media you’re responding to
other people’s emergencies you wake up
you’re tired and the first thing you do
is you start responding to other
people’s emergencies I want you to
control the first part of your day chart
your start understand what it is that
makes you come alive understand what is
the action it helps you feel bold
creative unstoppable we’ve all had it
you’ve all had moments where you have
felt bold courageous and unstoppable
what led to that reverse-engineer
yourself what led to you feeling bold is
it watching the video is it reading a
book is it having a conversation is it
doing a meditation is it taking your dog
out for a walk is it cutting the grass
like I don’t care there’s no judgement I
don’t care what the thing is that makes
you feel bold and courageous and
unstoppable I just want you to do it
daily I want you to start your day with
intention most people don’t start their
day with intention and that makes a
difference between the people who
achieve success and the ones who don’t
and so chart your start figure out the
thing that makes you come alive that
makes you feel like that big crazy idea
of yours is actually possible and put
that into the first 15 minutes of every
day if you did the thing that made you
feel bold courageous and unstoppable in
the first 15 minutes of waking up every
single day not every day will be amazing
but I guarantee you that your life will
look unrecognizable from where you are
right now chart your start rule number
12 focus more chances of success go up
in direct proportion to your ability to
one pick the right things to work on and
then to focus on executing those things
it’s so easy as an entrepreneur get
distracted we love shiny objects right
we love dreaming up new ideas and
chasing these different
projects but if you look at a typical
entrepreneur you’ll see that so many of
their projects start and stop and start
and stop and you take something 10%
through or 50% through or sometimes even
like 80% through but unless you’re
willing to take it to a hundred you’re
not gonna get the results you’re not
gonna get the fruit of your labor
because you’re just planting a whole
bunch of seeds constantly but you’re
never taking care of that seed
you’re never watering it right if you
want to grow a plant you got to plant
the seed you got to care for the soil
you got to add nutrients you got to
water a daily it’s got to have enough
sunshine you got to look after that seed
where most entrepreneurs they don’t
they’re starting soft by starting stop
inserting stopping
and you never actually get to where you
want to go people talk about
diversification you meet the
diversifying you diversify and well
that’s really great as an investment
strategy if you don’t know what you’re
investing into it’s good to have a big
portfolio of different things so that if
one thing doesn’t do well something else
is doing well but it really sucks his
business advice because if you’re trying
to do 10 different things at once
they’re all gonna be mediocre they’re
all gonna be below average because
you’re going up against people who are
doing that full-time and have their
focus on it and so it’s much better as
an entrepreneur to one pick the things
that you want to focus on right and then
to actually focus on it do that work
Andrew Carnegie was once the richest
person in the world and he had a great
quote saying how he likes to put all of
his eggs in one basket and then you
watch that basket carefully right it’s
only a major risk if you’re not watching
the basket if you if you take your eye
off the ball you start looking elsewhere
and then something happens to your
industry right and so being the expert
being the best at what you do will
always yield more results more value
more money to you than being okay at 20
different things be the best at one
thing focus rule number 13 bring value
first this is the secret to getting
ahead in business and in life bring
value first you want somebody to notice
you bring value first you want somebody
to pay attention to you bring value
first you want somebody to buy from you
to hook you up with a partner to talk
about you on and a speech on stage like
you want people to do stuff for you
bring value first don’t go to them
asking for help first go to them with
value first so that there
stumbling all over themselves to try to
find a way to help you out to bring
value first most people will never
figure this out most people will
constantly be begging other people be
tweeting at them and deeming them and
saying please help me please help me
please help and I feel so I feel so bad
I feel I feel frustrated and I feel so
bad for these people who are just asking
for help because you know that they need
help but they’re going about it all
wrong by spamming people and begging for
help you’re not going to get it instead
focus your efforts like you will never
get it you will never get it this way
you’re not gonna get to your outcome
you’re not gonna solve this problem by
begging people you’ll get a little bit
like even beggars on the street get a
little bit you’ll get a little bit but
you’ll never get to where you want to go
ever by begging instead flip it and
spend your time trying to figure out how
you can bring value to other people
first so they can’t wait to help you out
too rule number 14 enjoy the process if
I had to give advice to somebody to have
success in any field not just
entrepreneurship in any field you look
at the people have the most success in
any field they enjoy the process and too
many people are attached just to the
outcome if you want to make a
blockbuster hit if you want to make a
successful movie you have to enjoy the
process of making movies as an
entrepreneur if you want to have a
successful product you want to have a
great service that’s make a lot of money
you want to have a huge business
whatever you define is huge or
successful then you need to enjoy the
process of the work that you’re doing on
a day to day basis and not everything is
gonna be amazing you’re gonna have down
days but net net you have to enjoy what
you’re doing you have to wake up and
look forward to the day that is ahead
and too many entrepreneurs are spending
80 to 90 percent of their time doing
stuff that they’re not good at that they
don’t want to be good at that they hate
because they feel they need to do it to
grow their business and only 10 to 20
percent of their time on the stuff that
they can be genius-level at and you will
not have success in any endeavor if you
are only spending 10 to 20 percent of
your time or less on the stuff that you
have the potential that
the best in the world that and that you
enjoy if your goal is just to make a lot
of money and you’ll do whatever it takes
just to make that amount of money you’ll
never get there because you don’t enjoy
the work where the secret to success is
enjoying the day-to-day grind because it
doesn’t feel like a grind it feels
enjoyable rule number 15 take ownership
of your life you already know what you
want to do you’re letting the opinions
of other people get in the way of you
taking action people are not afraid of
they’re afraid of failing in front of
other people you will sing all day in
the shower but you won’t get on the
street corner in shame because you’re
embarrassed of the judgement and what
you need to do is inoculate yourself
against the judgement and learn to take
action on your ideas because the
alternative is a life filled with regret
you have to decide at what point are you
gonna take ownership for where you are
in life like at what point do you decide
my goals my ideas my dreams my ambitions
are important enough to me that I’m
willing to risk failure I’m willing to
risk embarrassment I’m willing to risk
having to go tell my friends that it
didn’t work out because this is my path
because otherwise I never get to do the
thing that I want to do at what point
are you gonna decide to step up and say
I need to do this for me I need to know
it may not work out I may be embarrassed
but I need to know I don’t want the rest
of my life to sit around wondering what
if what if what if
rule number 16 work hard and smart if
you want to succeed as an entrepreneur
you need to work both hard and smart you
need both everybody who’s had massive
success did both forget about trying to
work a 4-hour workweek forget about
passive income yes you can make a little
bit yes it might be supplemental income
to help you along your journey but if
you want to do something impactful you
want to have a big change in the world
you want to really be somebody special
and have a
a ripple effect out from you you gotta
do both you got to work really hard look
at whoever your heroes are whether it is
that you look up to they didn’t get
there by having things handed to them
and they didn’t get there by trying to
create passive income or work four hours
a week and I love the four hour work
week book there’s a lot of principles
you can use in there except the fact
that when you are committed to something
and you love it you got to go all-in on
stop being lazy lazy people don’t change
the world lazy people don’t have a huge
impact I want you to have a huge impact
and so hard work is just your ticket in
hard work alone is not the answer
there’s lots of people who work really
hard and they never rise up they never
reach their potential right you can work
really really really hard as a cashier
but if you’re not thinking on the bigger
scale and you’re not working smart as
well then you’ll just continue to work
really really hard as a cashier and make
whatever a cashier makes and that’s
where you stay hard work does not
guarantee your success but there is no
success without hard work period it
doesn’t exist
show me somebody who you really look up
to in really respect who hasn’t put in a
ton of effort hard work ain’t smart work
to make it happen and so I think if you
are just looking for shortcuts if you’re
just looking for ways to make that
passive income or ways to work four
hours a week and then spend the rest of
timeline on the beach you’re being lazy
and you haven’t really tapped into the
thing that you love doing because I can
tell you you get tired of lying on the
beach you may not agree because your
life sucks right now
because your work sucks right now
because you’re just trying to escape but
people want to do things that have
meaning after you’ve escaped your life
and you spent a year on the beach you’re
gonna get tired you’re gonna get bored
you want to do something that fills you
up we want to contribute human beings
want to contribute we want to feel like
the work that we’re doing matters and
we’d like to work
we’d like to feel like the activities
that we’re filling up our day with means
something that somebody else so you kind
of find that and when you do you don’t
want to just work four hours a week it
feels you up you want to do it a lot it
doesn’t mean you’re spending 24 hours a
day doing it you
find the balance for you but when you
find the work that you love you want to
go all in on it you want to keep going
because it fills up your soul so you’ve
got to work hard and you’ve got to work
smart it’s the only way to succeed as an
entrepreneur rule number 17 get used to
rejection rejection is part of life as
an entrepreneur you were gonna get
rejected over and over and over and over
again it’s just part of being an
entrepreneur and being a business the
first thing you put out won’t be very
good people will hate on it people give
some constructive criticism as well
people will say no because they don’t
know you trust you like you and so you
won’t get those first deals it takes a
lot of time to build up a business and
make it successful and even when you’ve
gotten to that point where you’re
feeling happy and you’re bringing on a
team and building the business you’re
still gonna get rejected constantly it’s
just part of life as an entrepreneur and
so if you can’t handle that it’s gonna
be a really hard road for you to be an
entrepreneur I can think the way to get
through ejection there’s two ways to do
it one is to use rejection as fuel kind
of like what Jack Ma did like I got
rejected ten times by Harvard one day
I’m gonna go teach there right when
they’re gonna go speak there they use
that as fuels like you turn me down I’m
gonna show you I’m gonna beat it I’m
gonna come back and be the teacher
they’re right you turn me down for this
deal I’m gonna go get a deal ten times
as big right so that’s one you can
either you can use rejection as fuel to
help me go off and do something bigger
and in motivation to I’m gonna prove
them wrong the second way is just to
forget about it just get used to it
that’s more what I do I don’t really use
rejection as fuel doesn’t really bother
me when somebody turns me down or when a
new series doesn’t work I was trying to
think when I was preparing for this
video what’s a recent rejection that I
have this has been so many but none
really stick out as being super
memorable the one that I came up with
was I tried a new series on the weekend
a while ago about the best of
Kickstarter and it was a new series that
I was testing of showing different
Kickstarter ideas that I thought might
be helpful for you and that video didn’t
do as well as I would have liked didn’t
do as well as other videos and we’ll
probably gonna kill that series but
that’s okay
like I’ve killed tons of series it
happens all the time on the channel and
I couldn’t even tell you all the series
that I’ve killed because they didn’t
perform you guys rejected them it’s okay
I just moved past it and so neither one
you have two strategies to go for use
the rejection as fuel to see I’m going
to show you how wrong you are and prove
it to them or just forget about it get
used to it it’s gonna happen it’s just
part of the game and you move on I just
think about the next thing that you can
go off and build use your the one of
those strategies but don’t get stuck in
the rejection
rule number eighteen be patient most
entrepreneurs aren’t patient enough most
entrepreneurs end up losing their
business they end up shutting down
because they think it’s gonna happen in
a couple months or even six months or a
year and really it’s gonna take them
four years five years before they hit
their mark they don’t have enough
patience they don’t allow enough time
for momentum to build up and they quit
and then I’ve going back to a crappy job
that they hate and maybe never ever take
a shot at getting entrepreneurship
because they feel it’s not for them or
really they missed out you missed out on
your destiny you missed some creating
something amazing because you just
didn’t have enough patience now I
believe in patience in the macro I
believe in patience and no one is gonna
take a long time I also think impatience
can serve you greatly but that’s in the
micro that’s in the daily the impatience
of did I do my best today did I do my
best today can I do better can I Drive
more can I Drive harder and knowing that
even if I give my best every single day
it’s still gonna take time it’s still
gonna take a number of years for
something that happened I wanted to
happen as soon as possible I’m gonna
drive from being patient as crazy to get
it going but I know it’s gonna take time
too it’s embracing both that’s when you
start to win I look at my my youtube my
Instagram my social media strategy
YouTube 7000 subscribers four years ago
1.2 million subscribers now four years
by making videos every day every day and
I mean patient
anything because I wanted to be amazing
I want to make every video better than
the last and looking for all the hacks
and SEO and thumbnail strategies and
title strategies and all the stuff that
we’re supposed to do right I’m on top of
it and I know that it’s gonna take me
four years to get there I know it’s
gonna take me a while to get to my next
two million five million ten million I
look at Instagram follow me on my
Instagram journey I’m starting from
nothing you can see how to build it up
from zero I had 8,000 followers many of
you already have more followers than I
do on Instagram but I’m gonna win I’m
gonna pass people I’m gonna get mine
because I’m gonna make daily consistent
content three to four times a day for
four years I’m gonna be in patience
anything than that the post today has to
be amazing has to be something that I
want to show my grandkids right that’s
the intent every time I create anything
my grandkids to watch this video on my
grandkids to watch the next Instagram
thing that I put up it’s the best that I
can come up with in the moment and I
know it’s gonna take me four years maybe
three years maybe two years but it’s not
gonna take me two months I realize it’s
gonna take working hard and working
smart together always
rule number 19 make no excuses
successful people don’t make excuses
successful people don’t complain if you
look at whoever you want to look up to
look at the most successful people in
the world in any industry look at the
top and look at how much they complain
they don’t complain when you complain
when you blame something else when it’s
the government’s fault or interest rates
fault or the bad economies fault or your
partner who screwed you over or the
customers who don’t care as long as you
can blame somebody else right the
education system your parents your
friends your upbringing there’s always
somebody else to blame and when you
blame somebody else when you’re in that
mindset then you never grow you make it
things easy on yourself it allows you to
Coast it allows you to play live super
safe because it’s not your fault that
you’re not more successful of course
it’s not your fault that would be
difficult that would be hard it’s
somebody else’s fault so you can just
stay where you are because people are
holding you back from accomplishing the
thing that you want to come
we’re successful people take
responsibility from where they are in
life and they say I don’t care about the
government I don’t care who is president
I don’t care about regulations that you
have or things that you’re holding me
back on I will still go out and get mine
and of course there are other factors of
course the country you come from matters
of course education you had any and the
connections you had growing up of course
it matters but so what you have to play
the hand that you are down you have
these cards you have to play those cards
and you can have success one of the
things I love looking at and this is why
I do all these profiles is successful
famous entrepreneurs there is always
somebody who has done way more than you
have done with way fewer resources than
you already have so no matter what
terrible situation you have an
empathetic maybe you have count of a
broken home maybe you have a really
severe just a building that’s physically
holding you back from doing some of the
things you want to do you know maybe
there’s a lot of pressure on you maybe
you have some disease maybe you have
zero money in your bank account these
are real pressures and on empathetic to
that but so what
the longer you believe that those things
are gonna hold you where you are then
they will there are people who have
worse conditions less money are in worse
situations and they came out of it and
accomplished amazing things because they
believed that they could and if somebody
looks like you has gone on accomplished
big things then you can too and it only
happens when you accept responsibility
for where you are in life rule number 20
stop using weak language you have the
power to control your world how you
think how you act your mindset with the
words that you speak when you use weak
language you signal to yourself that you
are weak you signal to yourself that
your goals aren’t important you signal
to yourself that you are not worth it
you lose respect for yourself and the
people around you don’t respect you
either we need to stop using weak
language and pay attention to the words
that you’re speaking to other
and to yourself now this is not an easy
task because most of the words that
you’re using the way that you talk to
others into yourself you’re on autopilot
you’re on cruise control
it just happens you’ve been doing this
for years or decades and so switching it
is not gonna happen overnight but if you
pay attention to the next three things
that I’m gonna share with you it can
have a dramatic impact on your
self-confidence and the goals that you
have for yourself and on the outcomes
you create for yourself in the world
let’s do it number one I can’t I’m not I
don’t what you say after those three
things shapes your identity it speaks to
how you think and speak about yourself
so I can’t I can’t be an entrepreneur I
can’t be a leader I can’t be a youtuber
I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t
especially this one when you say I can’t
pay very very very very very very close
attention to what follows and try and
try and try to shift it from I can’t to
either I choose not to or I can’t yet
I’m not I’m not a good salesperson I’m
not funny I’m not the kind of person who
follows through again pay close
attention and try to shift it to not yet
I don’t I don’t program I don’t know how
to make money I don’t think like that
switch I don’t do I don’t yet
I can’t I’m not I don’t those statements
are final those statements don’t allow
for growth those statements are how you
feel about yourself and don’t allow for
the stretch they don’t allow you to get
better and so either eliminate them from
your vocabulary or change them to yet
number two is catch your cruise control
the way that you have been speaking
about yourself the way that you have
been talking to yourself has been
happening using the same words for years
maybe even decades it’s so automatic for
you you are on cruise control you’re on
autopilot you think small and talk
negatively about yourself without even
thinking about it you need to catch your
cruise control and listen don’t be too
hard on yourself this is so ingrained
these patterns have been around for so
long you are just Auto defaulting to
cruise control that most of these times
you will not even
you will not catch 99% of these moments
of these words of these languages that
you’re using for yourself but if you
have the awareness if you have the
intention if you have the desire every
now and then you will catch it
another quick hack is to enlist a friend
and list the people around you your wife
your husband your team your kids kids
especially my son hate and loves calling
me out on things enlist their help tell
them this is where I want to play a
bigger game this is where I am
frustrated with myself this is where I
keep talking badly about myself and
putting myself down these are the words
the language that I need to change and
every time you hear me talking this way
I need you to bring it to my awareness
and let me know because I want to catch
my cruise control for me personally it’s
around complaining any time I complain I
want my wife I want my team I want my
son I want the people around me to say
Evan you are complaining right there
that was a complaint eat it okay I’m
happy for them to hug me with it to yell
at me with it I just want them to let me
know now when I told everybody they said
listen you barely complain you’re like
the least complaining person that we
know awesome thank you I’m humbled but I
still complain and I probably complain a
lot and a lot of the times I’m missing
it and so please please please please
please please please even if you think
I’m great at it if you catch me
complaining I want you to call me out on
it so enlisting your friends can be
really helpful because you will likely
not catch most of them yourself but it’s
imperative that you start working on
catching your cruise control step number
three is manual override you have caught
your cruise control you have found the
autopilot it’s about to happen again
this negative talk that you’re about to
speak out into the world about yourself
or your ideas you putting yourself down
is about to come out again or has just
come out what do you do about it because
this is really important if you catch
yourself playing smaller talking
negatively about yourself if you catch
it and you don’t do anything it actually
makes it worse it’s better that you
don’t even catch it at all if you catch
it and you recognize I am playing small
right now and you ignore it and you
don’t change your behavior you are
building that identity for yourself that
you are somebody who is playing small
you are consciously building that
identity for yourself and you need to
stop it makes it worse where when you do
catch it when you find yourself falling
into those patterns those behaviors that
you don’t want anymore whether you find
it yourself or somebody’s calling you
out on it what do you do you need to
kick your manual override into action
and take the action that you want cuz
that starts building the positive habit
that starts building the positive
respect this is how you build respect
for yourself this is how you start
building the muscle this isn’t just a
zero-sum game this isn’t just we go back
to neutral when you catch it you either
go sliding down or you go propelling up
the choice is yours
when you catch yourself playing small
when you catch yourself coming out for
cruise control you have to do the thing
that builds the self-respect up and
speak positively about yourself and do
the thing that you are scared to do rule
number 21 work the hardest the people
who win work the hardest because they
love what they do they put in the hours
and the hours any hours any hours for
days and days and days and weeks and
weeks and weeks and months and months
and months years and years and years
because they love it because it’s not
work for them the only way you’re going
to be willing to put in the work that is
necessary to win to be the best in your
industry the only way you’re gonna put
in that amount of work is because you
love what you’re doing and if you don’t
you’re gonna you’re gonna lose because
there’s gonna be somebody who will love
it who loves it more than you and will
crush you and you’ll be not even a
number two you’ll be mediocre because
there’s lots of people who love what
they do and there’s lots people grinding
it and working hard if you are looking
at your calendar like open up your can
look what you’re gonna do today or look
what you’re doing tomorrow what’s on the
schedule if you’re looking at it and
you’re like oh I’m gonna do all these
things if that’s your reaction you might
be in the wrong business now if it’s a
one-off thing if there’s a one day you
know you got to deal with the government
or something fine
but if that’s daily if that’s consistent
if that’s always happening if you
continue to look at your calendar and
you’re you’re upset and
oppressed and angry you’re in the wrong
business the work should feel like
something exciting to go and do where
other people might jump into your
schedule and say that’s crazy I could
never do that that’s great that’s why
you’re not crushing it like I am like go
go crush it in your field go do your
rule number 22 create your own path I
think too many people are trying to live
someone else’s path you’re trying to
follow your parents path you’re trying
to be the next Michael Jordan or the
next wing recipe or the next Steve Jobs
you’re trying to be the next somebody
else where if your goal is to be the
next somebody else you’re always gonna
fall short you can’t out Steve Steve
it’s not happening it’s not gonna be
possible so you will always fall short
if you are trying to follow somebody
else’s path the key is to create your
own unique path that’s where you’re
gonna stand out and that’s where the
magic is gonna happen
you already are unique you already are
the first and only version of you that
will ever walk this planet that has
already happened but you’re not the best
you yet you’re their unique you you’re
the first few but you’re not the best
you yet and that’s where you can pull
from people you can pull from jobs you
can pull from updates and you can pull
from Winfrey and you can pull from
LeBron you can pull from all these
people to make you the best version of
you that helped you go off on your path
and it starts by understanding what your
one word is living your life on purpose
knowing what your values are and having
the self-awareness to create something
that is important and then by embracing
the genius at the end we’re the unique
talents that you have it mashed up
together in a way that nobody else can
execute on and it often counts my I want
to do this or I want to do this or I
want to do this and you’ve got two or
three or four things that you don’t know
which direction to take and the real
answer is to smash all of those things
together because that’s the unique thing
that only you can do anybody can be a
banker anybody can be a salsa dancer
anybody can be a gamer anybody can be a
fill in the blank but when you start
combining those things together and then
combine it with your one word which is
your value system that’s something that
nobody else can do is something nobody
touch now you’re off creating your own
path and being the best version of you
and that’s where your ultimate success
happiness wealth and impact will come
create your own path
rule number 23 build self-discipline the
mind is getting in your own way if you
want to lose weight you know how to do
it you got to eat less you got to work
out more you will lose weight why are
you not doing it
self discipline your mind is getting in
your way what I see self discipline is a
I think self discipline has a really
negative connotation a lot of times I
think in a lot of the messages that
people are putting out it comes across
as this really negative thing like you
have to force yourself to do all the
stuff that you really hate and it’s
gonna suck but you have to keep going
you got to do it you got to be
disciplined if you’re not disciplined
you suck everything’s terrible it just
comes across as this really negative
forcing yourself to do stuff that
doesn’t resonate with me I see self
discipline as a really positive thing I
think it’s really helpful I think it’s
amazing and beautiful and golden let’s
look at weight as an example I am the
lowest weight that I’ve been all year
I’m on a routine it’s working the
specific strategies that don’t really
matter one ain’t made it fasting so I’ll
only have water and a coffee until noon
and then after that I’ll start eating I
do that seven days a week I run for
thirty minutes usually at night while
I’m watching the show with my wife seven
days a week and then six days a week
I’ll restrict my calories not really
forcing myself not to eat food just not
eating Doritos and not eating junk right
eating healthy food six days a week and
then Saturdays I get to do what I want
six days a week those are the strategies
that I use it may seem like torture but
it’s not and the thing that helps me get
through it is the mindset because the
positive of all of this is I’m losing
weight I’m feeling great I’m making
progress I’m super pumped that I’m
getting closer to my goal I feel amazing
about myself so I think self-discipline
usually it seems to focus just on the
action that you just have to grind your
way through it without and not focus on
the mission of what you’re trying to
accomplish and how beautiful and
wonderful that is and so yes some of it
might suck
right but you’re moving towards
something amazing and beautiful so I
think people just focus too much on the
negative part of it and if you force
yourself to do something that you hate
you can only do it for so long before
you give up if you can’t tie it into the
bigger picture of what you’re trying to
accomplish then you will give up and you
will quit and you will feel terrible and
then I think having other people yell at
you but how you need to have self
discipline doesn’t actually help I think
it actually makes it worse because you
develop the identity for yourself of I
don’t have any self discipline you can
build it it’s not that difficult to do
in my perspective in my view all you
need to do is make sure that you have a
really strong why make sure that you
have an outcome that you are really
looking forward to and you love doing
and then the process itself how do you
make the process as enjoyable as
possible how do you make the process
just not absolutely suck every single
day going in right if you figure that
out then you win rule number 24 don’t
focus on the money if you just focus on
the money you’re never gonna get it this
is what so many entrepreneurs do and why
so many entrepreneurs fail is their
number one goal is money now money is
important if you’re running a business
money is important you know even if
you’re running a charity money’s still
important money is important it’s just
not the number one thing it’s number two
or three there has to be something more
important than money for you to have
success ultimate success as an
entrepreneur sure you can make a few
bucks but you look at the people at the
top in any field money was never the
number-one goal look at the people who
are self-made millionaires and
billionaires and read their biographies
and read their story and understand why
they started their companies watch the
top ten videos on all of them it’s never
been about the money it’s always been
about making a profound change for the
way something is done in their industry
having a deep passion for their craft
that they needed to bring this thing out
into creation you know when George Lucas
created Star Wars he thought it would be
a flop he thought it would only be for a
select few geeks who really loved that
genre he never expected it to be this
huge thing that turned him into a
billionaire but he loved making the
video and he poured every ounce of
creativity had into making that that
and that’s a story over and over and
over and over and over again successful
entrepreneurs love their craft they want
to do the work and as a result of
creating something valuable because they
put so much love into it then they start
making money rule number 25 start now
there is no perfect first step there is
no perfect plan there is no perfect time
to get started a lot of people are so
held up on finally what the perfect
first thing is to do that they do
nothing and that’s the ultimate failure
the ultimate failure is doing nothing
and just sitting on this idea and never
taking any kind of action for it because
you’re worried about making misstep
you’re worried about making mistake
you’re worried that is not perfect your
perfectionism is killing you it’s
preventing you from doing amazing things
in your life and with the business you
take any step you have a vision here’s
what I want to accomplish here’s my goal
I want to write a book I want to start a
company I want to whatever it is
whatever first step comes to my goal and
do that and then adjust adjust adjust
adjust you can have the best plan in the
world right and I’m all for business
planning it’s not just I’m just gonna
throw an idea out there and see what
happens right you can plan you can model
success you can look at what has worked
for people but you have to go out and do
it because the best plan is obsolete as
soon as you start executing on it and
this is what almost killed my first
business this is how I’ve learned the
lesson because I was that guy I was too
perfectionist I didn’t want to do
anything so I had it all figured out and
you only later realize that what you
think you figured out you have no idea
what you’re talking about because you
haven’t gone out and done anything yet I
lost a 40 million dollar deal in my
first company I was making $300 a month
sucking in my company turns it around
started making an income and had an
opportunity to sell my business for 40
million dollars I lost it to my biggest
competitor because I had to have the
perfect plan because I spent an entire
summer working on the perfect plan and I
was too late to the table I was looking
the wrong way what made great sense on
paper wasn’t
actually what was gonna happen in the
market and I lost a 40 million dollar
dude because of it that kills that sucks
I was 22 years old it’s important to
plan what you need to do and don’t get
so hung up on having the perfect step
don’t worry what the first step is
people write in and say what’s my first
it doesn’t matter something do something
and then do something again tomorrow and
do something again the next day and
every day you get a little bit better
start taking massive action that’s how
you’re gonna get that idea out of your
finally and out into the worlds you can
start reaping the benefits and having a
big impact on this world like you are
meant to do rule over 26 find Mentors
I’m a big believer in mentorship one in
terms of you know face to face people
that you can go and learn from and to
from what I call aspirational Mentors
people who’ve done a lot more than you
who you may never meet who may have
passed on but you can still learn from
their success it comes from the core
understanding that whatever challenge
you have in front of you right now
somebody else has already solved it
whatever big problem you’re facing in
your life or in your business somebody
has already solved it and you don’t need
to come up with every ingenious solution
yourself this is one of the things that
saved my first business one of the two
most important lessons that I’ve ever
learned in my life was whenever I don’t
know what to do we never have a big
problem I don’t know the answer I look
for somebody who has already solved it
and I try to learn from their lessons in
my first business I had a software
company I was struggling you know making
$300 a month barely able to survive and
I was just trying to come up with all
these ideas myself like okay how about
we do this how we do this how many and
nothing was working
and I told my partner I quit and it was
the worst day of my life and when I woke
up the next day I realized I didn’t want
to quit I just couldn’t keep going the
way I was going and the lightbulb moment
was I realized I’m not the first guy to
try to sell software before maybe our
specific kind of software yes but in
general other people have figured out
how to sell software and make lots of
money and target lots of customers how
did they do it and I looked at Bill
Gates and how he got started and that
started the process to me be able to
build a real company
and that lesson that I learned that 19
years old has stayed true for the past
almost 20 years where every time I don’t
know what to do I look at who can I
model it it’s wide the name of this
channel is modeling the Masters it’s why
I try to showcase lots of different
successful people from all walks of life
because you can learn from them I’m
learning from that rule number 27
dream big it can be hard to keep
perspective when you hit a rough patch
it can be hard to stay sane and stay
motivated and stay optimistic when you
fall on top times when something doesn’t
go right when the market slows down when
you lose a big customer and that’s part
of the game of being an entrepreneur
we’re gonna have these highs and lows
but hopefully we’re moving forward in
the positive direction and part of
winning as an entrepreneur is just
sticking with it it’s just staying on
the path it’s just everyday getting up
and being consistent and moving forward
you only really lose if you give up
right and so you can lose little battles
but if you keep going you’re gonna win
the war and I think what really helps
you keep consistent and keep motivated
and keep on every day getting up and
fighting is remembering the wives
remembering your big dream the big goal
what you’re trying to accomplish and so
for me I think about untapped potential
you know I think the biggest problem in
the world is untapped human potential I
think if we can solve that we solve all
the major problems of the world and I
think the way to help untap people or
help the unlock them help bring out that
potential is through the environment
right you may not have that with your
friends and your family your parents the
people around you but you can get that
from the books and videos and the
resources that you watching consume and
so it’s why I created this YouTube
channel so what keeps me motivated on a
daily basis is thinking about that big
problem the biggest problem the world is
facing is untapped human potential and
if I can create content that slowly
moves people forward slowly helps unlock
a little bit of potential if you keep
hearing the same message multiple times
from different people slowly it starts
to seep in right the more time you spend
around successful people the more you
want to become successful the more you
adopt their mindset and positivity and
the more you hang around people who are
not accomplishing things who are
complaining and who
negative the more you’re gonna be like
those people and so my solution is to
create that for you for myself I want to
be around coober successful people and
have their mindset seep in to me
rule number 28 make the most of every
opportunity I need to hustle while you
if you can embody this advice and apply
it to your business on a day to day
basis this will be the biggest momentum
shift in your company this will move you
so close to your goals at an incredible
pace that is unbelievable just most
people don’t do it hustle
while you wait listen with every goal
that you have it relies on other people
you need other people to be a part of
your process right if you’re selling to
customers you need the customer to say
yes they have to make the decision
there’s a bunch of back-and-forth if
you’re waiting on a product to come
you’re waiting on your supplier to come
forward this there’s always things that
are outside your control that you’re
waiting on other people for and yes when
it comes to you you want to get it done
as soon as possible if a customer is
asking for a quote you want to get it
off your plate ASAP you should not be
the bottleneck in momentum happening in
your business that’s a whole other
problem as soon as that that comes to
you it’s getting taken care of and
you’re building momentum but you’re
still even at the most peak efficiency
waiting for other people to take action
that’s gonna happen so what do you do in
those moments you hustle you build new
momentum you build new clients you build
new relationships you maintain the
existing ones and get everything done as
soon as possible and then in the
downtime while you’re waiting for a
you’re not just twiddling your thumbs
you’re not just sitting on the couch
you’re not watching Netflix you’re off
hustling new business quick example I
was doing a photo shoot with Richard
this guy’s a celebrity photographer he’s
done lady gaga done the whole bunch of
rappers he came over and we did a photo
shoot together and in between his shots
he’s gonna set up lights he’s gotta get
his fog machine going he’s got to get
the right angle he’s got to set up the
green-screen and so when he needs me I’m
there I’m ready I’m posing I’m in
I’m ready to go but there’s a lot of
setup in between shots and so what am i
doing I’m pulling out my phone and I’m
responding to you guys I’m making videos
I’m doing responses I’m getting on
Twitter and Instagram I’m doing on
snapchat I’m sending out video responses
to you guys I’m working I’m hustling on
my down time while I’m looting for rich
for this project I am hustling
connecting with you guys and that’s the
approach that you need to take people
say well how do I find the time to
respond to people on social media I’d
probably have a way bigger cats and you
guys do and I find the time because I
make the time in between the other
things that I’m doing this is so
critical people are losing so much time
the answer is not to wake up two hours
early or think that’s gonna solve your
problem the answer is you’re losing time
every single day you are leaking
valuable time from your daily schedule
and so I highly highly highly encourage
you to take this message home while you
are working while people are waiting on
you for stuff you are doing your best to
deliver as soon as possible so that you
are not the bottleneck in your business
but then while you’re awaiting other
people you get your hustle on you
continue to build momentum it is such a
hack to get you closer to achieving the
goals that you have for yourself stop
sleeping while you’re waiting for the
people to get back to you
hustle while you wait rule number 29
always be positive I love the idea of
reframing a negative situation into a
positive one it can really serve you or
reminds me of what Tony Robbins said of
you look at the worst thing that’s ever
happened to your life and ask yourself
how can this worst thing ever be the
best thing ever how do you reframe it to
the most negative situation ever in your
life becomes your biggest strength
becomes your mission helps you follow
something that didn’t have the bigger
impact I really think that for people
who get through a negative situation it
makes them a lot stronger just as a
human being and quite often the mission
that we have in our lives with things
that we want to contribute and give back
is so that other people don’t have to
face the same consequences the same
suffering that
we faced so for me I love helping
entrepreneurs I love it it fuels me it
drives me what’s the big reason for it
was because I struggled so much as an
entrepreneur that I want to make it
easier for other people who are like me
and if you’re looking for your mission
just go back to previous pain that you
dealt with and how you’ve gotten through
it quite often what you want to do is it
is then make it easier for people to not
have to suffer through the same pain
figure out what you stand for figure
what your one word is figure out what’s
at the core of you figure out what your
mission is and then it’ll make it a
situation that happens you can only
frame it to one that’s empowering for
you the one that serves you the ones
that builds you up and can inspire
others around you as well
rule number 30 do not be afraid of
failure if you want to succeed then you
need to adjust how you see failure
failure is going to happen if you look
at the most successful people in the
world we’ve studied them where in the
book they’re all over the channel they
failed the most the most successful
person and you look up to these like wow
that person is so successful I can’t
believe it they have failed way more
than you even try not everything works
out most of the series that I put out on
this channel don’t work out we test
constantly and most of them never go
anywhere they just don’t get enough
traction there’s an experiment you
failed we move on to the next one we
have failed more than most people even
try and that’s why we succeed and that’s
a consistent habit around people who are
winning they win because they tried so
many other things and a certain
percentage make their way through and
most people are so afraid to fail but
they don’t even try and that’s the
biggest failure of all they’re so afraid
of it not working out there but not
being the big hit but they just sit on
their idea and then they watch somebody
else make tons of money you have a huge
impact from it get it out there may not
be the biggest version of what you’re
trying to do but start start small build
momentum see if you still even like this
thing or not see if you can get some
people interested in their line and
expect to fail failure is not the enemy
failure is normal
failure is welcomed right you’re gonna
learn from it you’re gonna build on it
you’re gonna make it better if you are
not feeling if you’re winning every time
think about it like if you’re winning
every time everything
touchwiz that means you’re playing a
tiny game it means you’re racing against
three-year-olds great congratulations
you want every single race because
you’re running against three-year-olds
if you want to be the best you want to
have an impact you want to make your
business a success you want to make
money you want to reach people you
didn’t have to race against people who
are a little more skilled and talented
you’re gonna have to risk losing you’re
not gonna win every race but the good
news is you don’t have to you don’t have
to win every race to succeed
you just have to win one you can run a
hundred races you just need to win one
and then they call you an overnight
rule number 31 develop valuable skills
most of the skills that you need to
succeed are not taught in school that’s
because these skills cannot be taught
from a textbook they need to be learned
by doing
they involve other people so today I’m
gonna give you the three most important
skills that I developed that if you can
get out there and start learning will
transform your business and your life
skill number one is learn to add value
if you want to have success in business
or in any relationship you need to learn
the add value you need to learn how to
understand what the people that you’re
working with what they want what their
goals are you want to be their chief
goal officer be everybody’s chief goal
officer you need to understand not just
what you want but what do they want what
are they trying to accomplish how can
you bring value to them how can you help
them get through whatever problem is in
front of them right now and the more you
add value the more money you’re gonna
the more partnerships you’re gonna make
the more people gonna want to work with
you talk about you be around you because
you are bringing everybody else up skill
number two is hustle while you wait this
is so important for success you will
find this in every single entrepreneur
who has success you hustle while you
wait there’s a lot of waiting in
business there’s a lot of waiting for
someone to get back to you there’s a lot
of waiting for someone to sign a
contract is a lot of waiting a lot of
waiting a lot of waiting you know on
Christmas Day you might be working
making videos you while other people are
waiting like you’re waiting you’re
waiting you’re waiting you’re waiting
you’re waiting so what do you do while
you wait you hustle you go work on other
things you start building momentum
somewhere else if you spend your life
waiting on other people and you’re not
doing anything in the mean time you will
fail here’s a good example you
today Alex came over yesterday was
supposed my mentoring day I trained Alex
I work with him I spend a couple hours
of him helping him grow trying to dance
salsa he couldn’t make it in time
because he had to go to a walk-in clinic
for a foot issue great
what would most people do most people
when something gets cancelled what do
you do did you go watch Netflix do you
go check out Facebook do you go consume
content you just take it as a break
that’s what most people do somebody
cancels on you what do you do you take a
break I deserve a break I’ve been
working really hard it has ever break
what did i do yesterday when Alex
canceled I went to work I started
getting ahead on YouTube day I start
getting ahead on my research I start get
ahead what I had to do today that’s the
key you send something now you’re
waiting for a response what are you
doing while you’re waiting for response
you’re hustling against ten other people
you’re growing you’re building momentum
you’re planning for the future you’re
doing your grinding you’re getting out
there and so that’s one of the most
important skills you can develop while
you are waiting for somebody to get back
to you while you’re waiting for yes or
no or your partner to do something you
are hustling on something else you need
to learn the hustle while you wait and
skill number three is put your goals
ahead of your convenience guys this is
important your goals will not be
convenient for you you going off and
doing that thing that is different that
is outside the norm that most people
don’t have success with you want to you
have the audacity to go say I want to be
successful here you’re waiting for it to
be convenient for you it will not be
convenient you will have to do things
that you are uncomfortable with you will
have to grow in ways that you never
imagined you growing because you have to
get outside you have to go and chase
things that are not going to be
convenient for you and so I look at my
my tour coming up as an example probably
the most common comment that I get from
people who are learning about the tour
is when are you gonna come to my city
when you’re gonna come to Florida what
are you gonna come to London when you’re
gonna come to New York when are you
gonna come to my city I’m not I’m not
coming on this tour I’m not maybe I come
next year maybe I never come if you’re
waiting for me to come to your city for
you to get the information you need
you’re gonna lose and it’s not just me
it’s anybody else you’re waiting for
Tony Robbins to come to your city you
waiting for somebody else to come to
your city don’t stop it you
lose you have to go out and put your
goals out of your convenient you’re
waiting for it to be convenient for you
you’re waiting for it to come to you
it’s not you have to go out and claim it
you have to go out and make it happen
rule number 32 love the climb if you
have to get motivated every single day
then you are in the wrong business if
you are in your business because you
thought it was a hot opportunity or a
path to make some quick money get out
immediately shut it all down you can’t
sustain motivation for that business
don’t start a podcast if you don’t love
talking or interviewing with people
don’t become an influencer if you have
nothing to say don’t start a daycare if
you don’t love kids it’s not worth it
and you’re never going to win the work
itself needs to be motivating most days
you’re gonna wake up and have a pile of
crap to deal with and if you don’t love
gin with that crap you will get crushed
by someone who does enjoy dealing with
that crap the trick is you need to do
work that you love that other people
think is crap that’s the secret so
looking at my channel as an example this
YouTube channel has grown from 7,000
followers subscribers to 1.7 million in
a matter of four and a half years and I
love the climb and I love passing people
on the way and I love the competitive
spirit of it and I know there’s still so
much room to grow but sometimes I
secretly hope that the whole thing goes
away so just so that I could start and
do it again I’m just short of sabotaging
myself although I have taken some some
risks recently if you look at my channel
last month or two months ago I did some
major changes that did not work I bet
everything on going down the premier
direction just because just because I
wanted to have some variety just because
I wanted to take a big bet and it tagged
hard and it was my worst subscriber gain
in in years and I loved it
I love it I mean they don’t love that I
lost but I love I love pushing I love
trying to get better I love climbing I
love trying to find a new way to be able
to go and build and get better and I
think you have to love the climb I’m
just short of massively sabotaging
myself and in closing on the whole thing
just to start over but I love the climb
that much it’s why I loved Instagram I’m
going hardcore Instagram right now
halfway through the year I had six or
seven or eight something like that
thousand followers and now now I’m at
almost 80,000 followers but still
posting six times a day and by going
live five times a week and by making
three to eight to 20 stories a day and
doing IG TV and all that I love the
climb I love I love when people look at
my YouTube channel and say you have 1.7
million subscribers but you only have
six thousand followers in Instagram like
what are you doing you’re a joke I love
it I love it I love I love looking at
everybody who’s ahead and and having the
ladder to climb up again I love it all
the people who I pass on YouTube are all
crushing me on Instagram and I love it
so much and it’s not doing it only to
beat somebody else it’s just a
competition I like the competition
I like frequent things out I like I like
the hustle and the grind to try to win I
don’t like being number one I like
chasing down number one rule number 33
take responsibility I don’t think if
people take enough responsibility for
where they are in life I think it’s too
easy to blame other people it’s too easy
to blame your government or blame your
family for not having the right
connections or blame your bank for not
giving you the money or you know blame
your circumstances it’s too easy the
thing that you need to do the taking
responsibility is painful it’s painful
it’s way easier to say well I’m not
successful because of this person or
this person or this person it’s not
because of you
no of course not it’s because of your
president that’s why you’re not
successful and it’s not until you
actually look yourself in the mirror and
realize that there is no cavalry coming
to save the day for you you know there’s
no fairy godmother coming down to grant
your every wish it’s on you and you are
responsible for where you are right now
you you may not be responsible for you
know where you’re born
but once you become an adult you know
you’re a salsa for your life you can
only blame your parents and blame your
upbringing for so long where if you want
to make a dramatic change in your life
you have the power to do it and there’s
tons of people who’ve done it and
there’s tons of people who who started
with way less look good most successful
famous entrepreneurs people that you
look up to people you think now are
living the big life you look at where
they started look at where they came
from chances are they had way less in
terms of money in terms of Education in
terms of resource and some connections
than what you already have right now the
difference is their mindset the
difference is that they took
responsibility for where they’re at the
difference is atha said if I’m gonna get
to where I need to go nobody’s gonna
hand it to me I need to do this myself
and so if you look yourself in the
mirror and you’re saying why am I not
successful and you’re coming back with
excuses then that’s what you need to
I recognize that as soon as you
understand that this is on you to change
your life it’s on you to build your
business and nobody’s coming to save you
and that you can do it once you accept
responsibility things start to change
rule number 34 develop will power will
power comes from setting goals and
keeping those commitments to yourself
when you set a goal and you complete it
you build more willpower you are
teaching yourself you’re training
yourself that you are the kind of person
who sets goals and sees them through and
finishes them which gives you greater
willpower to go off and take on bigger
and bigger and bigger goals but when you
set a goal for yourself and you don’t
follow through you don’t complete it
you’re teaching yourself you’re wiring
your brain that you are the kind of
person who doesn’t have a lot of
willpower you’re training yourself that
you are the kind of person who does not
follow through who quits when it gets
tough so that’s why it’s so important
that you are very careful about the
goals that you set for yourself because
once you set a goal you have to finish
it you have to follow through because
that will change your perspective of
if you finish it and you do it will
power grows if you don’t finish it and
you quit willpower drops so here’s a
quick example for my life I was
in a Boston I drove there with with my
wife of my film team we decided we go
for the weekend and it was a long drive
to get the boss how long was the Nina 8
hours 10 hours how long was a drug
something like in the 8 hours it was
late we got in super late we got into
what 2:00 in the morning
1:00 in the morning something crazy
after an entire day of me driving I’m
not sleeping in the car I’m driving
doing the whole leg myself driving the
team I arrived super late everybody’s
going to bed and I had set a goal for
myself that I was gonna run for 30
minutes a day I was gonna run for 30
minutes every day that was my goal that
was my commitment to myself now we get
there it’s late everybody’s going to
sleep it would have been very easy for
me to go to sleep it would have been
very easy for me to let myself off the
hook and say it’s ok it’s late you know
I’ll do it tomorrow I’ll do double
tomorrow it’s late it’s no problem it’s
very easy for the people around me to
say don’t worry about it I’ve been like
it’s late that you can do it tomorrow
everybody will let you off the hook when
everybody else will let you off the hook
and you want to let yourself off the
hook that that moment exactly precisely
is where you develop or lose your
willpower because when it’s easy when
your calendar is perfect when there’s no
interruptions when you have all the time
in the world to do something then you do
it it’s easy it doesn’t build your
willpower you don’t feel great about
yourself you if you win a race against
three-year-olds you don’t feel great not
sharing that victory but when it’s hard
when you don’t think you can do it when
everybody’s saying don’t worry about it
when you feel like you’re at your your
wit’s end when there’s every excuse and
every reason in the world why you
shouldn’t do it and then you still do it
that’s when you build willpower it’s
when it’s difficult and you do it that
you build willpower and so I did my run
at 1:00 in the morning on whatever time
it was and it was a brutal run it was
not my best run I did not burn a lot of
calories it was not my peak I’m tired
I’m gassed I’m doing my run and even
though I didn’t get a fantastic physical
benefit from it and even though the next
day I woke up and was more tired
compared to the people on my team
because I slept less
I’m giving myself Pat’s on the back I’m
giving myself high-fives like crazy I’ve
just built my willpower I’ve just built
my credibility with myself I’ve just
built my respect and confidence
internally because I did the thing that
I promised that I would do when it got
hard that’s the difference that’s how
you build willpower rule number 35 don’t
care what others think I think it’s
really important for entrepreneurs to
understand were your threshold is of how
much crap you could take from other
people how much negativity how much
feedback and criticism that you could
take without it impacting your psyche or
your self-worth I think in general as an
entrepreneur you need to be prepared to
get a lot of crap a lot of negativity a
lot of stuff coming at you and yes it’s
easy to say don’t care what other people
think but understanding what your
tolerance level is and where you kind of
fit on that spectrum can really help you
design the rules so that they’re in your
favor so it was an example this is a guy
on my team who doesn’t handle criticism
as well you know I’m a lot more
comfortable in the uncomfortable where
he can bounce around a lot more of who
be on top of the world like this is
great and then a negative feedback comes
in and it really impacts them hardly and
then the positive one comes in the jokes
back up and so for someone like him you
can’t design as much risk as much
negativity or potential negativity so
you got to take us a safe path up where
for me I’m more comfortable in the
uncomfortable I know that eventually
something’s going to work out and I know
that at the beginning of any project
it’s gonna be rough that it made a hut
workout then we’re gonna get some
criticism and so I’m more willing to
jump all in and play in that field even
though it’s painful at the moment
because I know the faster I get through
that pain the fast we’re gonna come out
the other side I want that feedback and
criticism negativity as soon as possible
so that I can make it better better for
you better for me better for everybody
and so understanding what your tolerance
level is of emotional stability how much
you can take from your friends and your
family and your customers and your
audience and the people watching you
before you break and then be able to
play just below that limit
because you can’t just play super safe
because that’s not gonna make you happy
it’s on entrepreneur but know where your
limit isn’t playing just below it so
that it’s uncomfortable it’s painful but
you’re still gonna be able to get
through it I think is really important
that self-awareness
I think it’s really important as an
entrepreneur rule number 36 master your
craft people put too much faith in the
tools it’s not about the tools it’s not
about the tools that you’re using it’s
not about the suit that you’re wearing
it’s not about the car that you’re
driving it’s about you at the end of the
day it comes down to you I was asked to
do a roundup of different entrepreneurs
of what your favorite tool was to help
you build your business and they asked
me and they asked 30 other people what
is the tool that you love most that
helps drive your business forward and I
was the only one who didn’t want to give
a tool everybody listed their tools and
I was at the end of the day I was posted
at the very bottom the tools don’t
matter it’s not blaming the tools and
tools are important don’t get me wrong I
love using tools I think YouTube is a
great tool I think cameras are a great
tool I use tools every single day in my
business to help spread my message and
help my company grow but it’s not the
reliance on the tools this is where I
think a lot of people fall down
I had an entrepreneur friend of mine
come to me says what tools you use for
your calendar how do you keep track of
your to dues because she had tried using
a notebook and using Evernote and using
OneNote and using all sorts of different
tools using her phone everything and
nothing was working you know what the
problem is not the tools the problem is
you write the tools can help you go
faster but if you don’t have the mindset
if you don’t have the ambition if you
don’t have the drive if you’re not
putting in the work then the tools will
never save you and I think people have
an over reliance on the tools and that’s
my biggest problem with it the tools can
help you do that last 20% but it’s 80%
you it’s 80% the hustle and the hard
work to get really good at the thing and
the tool can help you go further I see
tools as like pouring gasoline on a fire
you need to have a spark you need to
have a fire to get something going and
then the tool the gas thing can help it
explode but if you just pour gasoline on
wood nothing’s gonna happen I think the
same thing about suits and cars I think
a lot of people think you wear suit now
you’re gonna be successful
suit does I mean anything
clothing is an expression of self not a
place where you get your self-worth
somebody with no suit on could go in and
close a sale because they are who they
are they are confident they can close
that sale where somebody who’s only
deriving confidence from their suit will
never win and so yes tools are important
but stop relying on the tools get so
darn good at the thing that you’re doing
that you cannot be ignored and then use
the tool to help you take to the next
rule number 37 take your shot when I was
20 years old I missed my shot because I
was scared and I vowed never to do it
again I was in Paris I was on vacation I
was in University and I’m sitting here
with my map outside your notre-dame
Cathedral in Paris and a girl comes up
and asked me for directions but she was
a French girl and it didn’t twig until
later that why would a French girl be
asking me for directions in English
didn’t really make sense right and then
I thought you know what I should ask her
out if just see what she’s doing tonight
should take her to you know Astro for
coffee or dinner or something see what
she’s up to but it was afraid I was
afraid to do it I was afraid to do it
and I let her walk away because really
it was I was afraid of rejection and as
she’s walking away the note Radames on a
river and I’m on one side of the river
as she crosses over t other side of the
river and I was so upset at myself I was
so upset that I didn’t take my shot I
was so upset that I didn’t try at least
try and what I did was end up taking a
picture and as I took the picture she
actually walked behind one of the market
stalls and I didn’t actually get her
picture it’s fine so I had this
beautiful picture of this French you
know Riverside and what I did when I got
home I was still upset about it so I
blew the picture up and I put it on my
wall and I was actually trying to find
the picture to show you guys but I
couldn’t find anywhere in my files I
blew it up there when I put in my wall
so I’m in University I blow it up and
put on my wall everybody who walks in
ask him about the picture and it just
looks like a nice beautiful French scene
but I didn’t tell anybody what they’ve
really represented to me
why was really so important and I looked
at that picture every day because the
next time that I had to take my shot I
wanted to go out and do it I didn’t want
to be afraid I wanted to conquer my fear
and say yes and this served me really
well a year or so later when I had to
make the really tough decision do I take
this job that I always wanted I had
these high-paying job opportunities 80
$100,000 started salad with the
companies that I really wanted to go at
or continue with my startup that was
failing that was making $300 a month the
logical practical safe easy thing to do
would have been to take the job it’s
what I thought I always wanted so my
friends want is what you’re supposed to
do coming out of university I didn’t
want to live with the regret of not
knowing what happened with my business
and looking at that picture daily
reminded me to take my shot the next
time it comes around and so I gave
myself a year to say I’m gonna push off
those jobs they’ll still be there in a
year you can of us not those jobs at
some other job I’m gonna give this a
I can deal with the failure I can deal
with the rejection I can deal with that
not working out even though that’s a
really kind of short-term intense pain
what I can’t deal with is the regret of
not knowing because that’s not some
short-term minimal pain that’s forever
if I chose not to focus on my business
and I took that job I would forever look
back on that moment and think what if
what if I just tried a little bit harder
what if I gave it a little bit more yeah
you know but it wasn’t working I wasn’t
getting results but what if I gave it a
little bit more I did not want to live
with that regret and I’m sure you’ve had
moments during your life to what you
didn’t take the shot when you had an
opportunity right in front of you
and you didn’t go for it like Eminem
says if you had one shot one opportunity
to seize everything you ever wanted
would you take it and that picture on
the wall help me take my shot and I hope
sincerely that the next time you get
your chance at something that you don’t
shrink down that you don’t say no out of
fear that you don’t say no because you
find some practical reason why you can’t
do it that you take your shot and if
you’ve had those moments that you regret
where you wanted to take your shot and
you didn’t give yourself a visual
reminder like I did in my room to say
this is not happening again next time
I’m going to take my shot I hope you
take yours
rule number 38 don’t quit so I love the
storm Colonel Sanders is one of my
favorite stories and examples to give of
an older entrepreneur this guy didn’t
really start franchising his business
KFC until he was in his 60s and didn’t
really become an icon or someone super
well-known until he was in his 70s how
many people quit too soon on their
business I can’t tell you how many
people come up to me and say Evan I’m 25
years old is it too late to get started
like what are you talking about and
really just comes down to just your
belief system here was a guy who was 62
years old when he was franchising KFC
where a lot of people would be saying
I’m getting ready to retire I’m getting
ready to slow down I’m getting ready to
wind things up you know just ease into
the rest of my life I knew the guy who
said no I’m gonna I’m gonna crush it I’m
just getting started I want to build an
empire right and this really comes down
to whether you believe it can happen or
it can’t happen you’re right if you
believe at 62 years old that you’re too
old to get started on something new then
you’re right and you won’t take action
but if you believe that age is just a
number and 62 means you’ve got lots of
experience and you’re ready to go crush
some new project then you’re right as
well and so you have to be really
to pay attention to the story that
you’re telling yourself because a lot of
times we’re holding ourselves back with
these excuses of we’re too old or too
young we’ve come from the wrong country
we don’t have the right education you
know the right parents on and on and on
and as long as you believe that
reinforcing story then it’s going to
continue to perpetuate now in terms of
don’t quitting this is a lot of advice
you don’t quit don’t quit don’t quit
don’t quit you should not quit when it’s
your dream when this is something that
you really really really really want to
do then you can’t quit on it but if it’s
something that you’ve lost a passion or
you don’t feel energized by it anymore
it feels like work to show up then
that’s when you quit and so when people
ask me should I quit this thing or not
well is it still your dream are you
still passionate about are you still
excited about it because if you are then
you enjoy the process and yes you want
to get the results and yes you want to
win and yes you want to make the money
yes what I have that impact but you
still enjoy the process
I’d like making YouTube videos this is
fun for me it’s enjoyable for me I’m
growing through it and even if I wasn’t
on the path to hitting a million
subscribers I would still be doing it
because I love doing it and if I was on
the path that hit a million subscribers
and I stopped liking it then I would
leave I would sell it I would go do
something else because you cannot do
great things when you don’t love what
you do and so as long as it’s still your
passion as long as it’s still your dream
you have to keep going or you’re gonna
live the rest of your life from your
grass but you’ve lost that passion then
get out immediately and go do something
else that does bring you excitement joy
energy you fulfillment rule number 39
act despite fear fear is normal it’s
part of what makes you human you would
not be human or you’d have some crazy
condition if you never felt fear I think
the people who say don’t be afraid
aren’t giving you practical advice it’s
be afraid feel the fear and then step
into it and do it anyway and the more
you get used to taking on those fearful
projects that you’re scared of the
stronger you’ll get the more resistance
you’ll get the higher tolerance you’ll
get to do bigger better bolder badder
things I think the trick though is
spotting the fear here’s what I think
happens to most people there’s some
opportunity that comes along there’s
some moment that comes along with this
with a client or meeting somebody or in
and something comes along that you’re
afraid of you’re afraid of doing it it’s
gonna stretch you beyond what you’ve
ever done before and then what you do is
you rationalize saying no I don’t have
the money to go to that event I’m too
busy to go and do that thing right now
you find the reason why you can’t go and
do it you rationalize it but really deep
down the reason is you’re just afraid
and until you spot the fear until you
understand that it’s really just the
fear then you’re never gonna solve the
problem so step one is understanding
when there is fear
step two is then stepping into it and
doing it anyway and a lot of this stuff
is just so subconscious you know we as
human beings are kind of trained to when
we’re afraid something’s gonna go wrong
and to be safe and so it’s trying to
catch that subconscious action and
proactively change it so it’s an example
for me when I was starting my youtube
channel my agent would tell me you have
to go out and do videos in public I want
you to go out on the street I make your
video in public my natural reaction was
fear but I didn’t catch it initially it
was the gear won’t be as good in public
you know I can’t control the light
settings I’m gonna be bouncing around
with the camera it’s not gonna be a
great experience
for the people watching why would I do
that I’m rationalizing a reason why I
don’t have to do it we’re really I’m
just afraid right you could solve all
those problems and he told me stop being
afraid and just go out and do it he got
through it and let me see my own fear
and so I did it and when I first went
out and filmed in public I took out it
was my phone or my camera I don’t
remember and I’m walking on the street
and then the postman is there as so as
soon as I see the postman I quiet down
and I can put the camera away
just walking normally and then when the
postman leaves I’m back to filming and
that time I noticed like I’m I’m doing
it because
I’m afraid and I got pissed okay next
time I gotta speak up next time I gotta
do better and so I went out and forced
myself to go and do it again and I was
walking past and there were these
construction workers and instantly again
the the panic sets in like people are
watching the construction workers like
oh they don’t really even care about me
what I’m saying what’s happening on the
street but I forced myself through it it
was awkward it wasn’t great I think I
had to redo it again anyway but I I took
the step I got better at it I recognized
the fear and I jumped into it and now to
the point where I’ll make videos walking
down the hall I make videos when I’m at
Disneyland Disney World
you know I’ll make videos in the streets
of anywhere and there’s still a moment
even now after how many videos I’ve done
there’s still a moment of who’s watching
I think it’s natural normal it’s not as
strong as it used to be and more
importantly it doesn’t limit me from
doing the things that I want to do and
so spotting the fear and not
rationalizing it away and not just doing
what your subconscious always does that
keeps you down where you are is so
important being truthful that the reason
why you said no or you’re not taking
this opportunities just because you’re
afraid and the answer to say no should
never be because I’m afraid you want to
reject your system so whenever that’s
the answer because I’m afraid to do it
now you have to do it
rule number forty serve others if you
are not happy in life it’s because
you’re not serving enough I believe that
humans are good 99.999% of humans are
good there’s a tiny little fraction of a
percent of people who enjoy giving harm
and hurting others because they have
some chemical imbalance but apart from
that people are good and we are
connected to each other your highest
purpose in life will come from helping
others but the next question becomes Wow
how do I do it how do I find my higher
purpose how do I know what I’m supposed
to do how do I get Direction I’m gonna
give you the 3-step process that I call
the purpose planner that will give you
the clarity that you’re looking for I
break it down into your who your
and your how let’s start with the who
your who is your one word most important
core value everybody has a core value if
you’re a human being you have a core
value that you believe in more than
anything else and when you understand
who you are when you understand you’re
singing the most important core value
then you’re less likely to be swayed by
other people you’re less likely to live
somebody else’s version of your life
because they have clarity and you don’t
when you do not have clarity you end up
chasing everybody else’s clarity you end
up doing their version because they have
certainty and you have no idea what
you’re doing it’s like you’re walking on
quicksand and you’re constantly sinking
and you know this is something greater
for you your one word your most
important core value is the rock that
you stand on when the rest of the world
is crumbling around you so for me is
belief my one word is belief that’s what
I stand on if you love believed you’re
gonna be a huge friend of this channel
because I talk about it in some form in
every video every video should use
believe if you hate believe you’re
probably gone by now you hate my channel
and that’s okay go go do your thing
somewhere else you need to figure out
your who you need to figure out what
your one word most important core value
is that becomes the lens through which
you see your entire world and attracts
the goodness into your life step number
two as your why why do you do what you
do now I’m a big believer that your
purpose comes from your pain that
whatever your most painful moment was in
life whatever you struggled with the
most growing up in life whatever moment
in life you felt the most worthless as a
human being your highest purpose your
greatest joy and satisfaction will come
from helping people who are currently
feeling the way that you felt who are
currently facing that situation that you
were in that you hated the thing that
you would never wish upon anybody else
in the world lots of people are going
through that thing and if you can step
in and help those people that’s gonna be
so filling up your soul I can’t even
explain it to you for me my one word is
believed that’s my who my why is I
struggled so much as an entrepreneur I
hated my life I was struggling as making
$300 a month I felt worthless as a human
I felt like I was bringing no value to
the world and that was massively
frustrating I felt alone I didn’t know
what to do that’s why I love helping
I love believing in entrepreneurs why
aren’t you boroughs could be anybody
could believe in anybody believe is at
the core of Who I am it’s my one word
most important core value
could be believe it in anybody and I do
and I love it but entrepreneurs hold
that special spot for me and the startup
entrepreneurs not the ones who are
already making tons of money I love them
too but I resonates so much more with
the startup entrepreneurs because I
remember what it’s like eating at
McDonald’s and only being able to afford
french fries and set up an entire meal
so your why your purpose comes from your
pain figure out what that most painful
moment was for you and it’s hard cuz
entrepreneurs we like looking and being
optimistic and looking forward and being
positive but it’s in that pain that your
answer actually is find out what that
most painful moment was your why your
highest purpose will come from helping
people who are currently facing that
right now and in Sept 3 as the how so
how are you gonna do it there’s a lot of
ways you can help people who are in that
situation so for me you break it down to
who is my one word it’s believe the wise
helping entrepreneurs purpose come from
my pain so how do I help entrepreneurs
how do I believe in entrepreneurs is
that there’s a ton of ways that I could
be believing in entrepreneurs so the
example Yusuf is if you are moving your
office and you need my help to rent a
moving truck and to help you carry your
desks and all of that stuff I love the
end result of it I love that now you
have this great office where you can
build a business and have it flourish
and I’ll probably say yes to helping you
do that so if you’re a close friend but
I don’t love the process of moving I
don’t love the process of packing up
boxes I don’t love the process of
setting up cables and wires and putting
together an office I don’t love that
process I love the result because I’m
believing in entrepreneurs but I don’t
the process and so if you write down you
make a list of all the things that you
do the activities that you have done
that you’ve enjoyed the result make a
list of ten to fifteen times you’ve
helped somebody with that same pain that
you had growing up you’ve helped them
and you enjoyed the end result and then
circle the ones where you enjoyed the
process as well because when you can
enjoy the process and you enjoy the end
result it’s a home run now you’ve found
your higher purpose now you have clarity
now you have a plan that’s the point of
the purpose planner step one you figure
out your who your one word most
important core value step two you figure
out your why your purpose comes in your
pain the thing that you never want
anybody to ever have to experience again
because it was so painful for you and
then step three as a how the process you
need to love the process you figure out
those three things you are set for life
rule number 41 take
ownership of your life if you woke up
and did the thing that made you feel
both and unstoppable and powerful and
confident every single day if you
started your day with that thing your
life would look dramatically different
one year from today compared to where
you currently are right now the problem
is most people wake up like an accident
most people they wake up they check
their phone and they’re immediately
responding to other people’s emergencies
and demands on your time you’re not in
control you haven’t decided to take
control of your day that your day is
important that your life is important
and you are going to take ownership of
it and so you need to block off the time
in the morning it may be five minutes
maybe need 15 maybe need an hour and a
half whatever it is the thing that makes
you feel bold unstoppable powerful
confident fill your cup every single day
because other people have demands your
time and they won’t fill your cup for
you you have to say this is my ownership
right here nobody’s touching it I’m
taking charge now that looks different
for different people how Oprah does it
is different than how I do it is
different than how Dwayne the rock
Johnson does it Dwayne Johnson has to
get his four hours of workout in every
day when he’s working on a movie set and
he has to be in by 9:00 he’ll woke up at
4:00 in the morning so he can go workout
for four hours and then go back and
shower and get ready for his movie so
he’s only sleeping five hours a day when
he’s doing movies I think that’s crazy
but to him that’s balanced that’s him
filling his cup that’s him reminding
himself of what he’s doing he loves
working out that’s why I don’t look like
toiling there are tons and right there’s
a difference between us I would rather
sleep I would rather do something else
in the morning and so we tend to look at
what we’re doing against somebody else
you tend to look at Oprah and say well
she’s doing it this way I need to do
Dwayne’s doing it this way I need to do
that Ivan’s doing it this way I need to
do that you judge yourself against other
people’s routines and methods of filling
their cup and I think that’s actually
recipe for failure because you are not
that person because what works for them
is not gonna be the exact same thing
that works for you here’s the good news
you already know what fills your cup you
already know what makes you feel bold
and alive and full of momentum and
confidence you have had that happen to
you in the past
you’re just not living there
consistently you know what has helped
you feel full but you live in there one
percent of the time and 99% of the time
you spend reacting to other people their
demands their emergencies their issues
for your time and so reverse engineer
for yourself when was the last time you
felt filled up motivated confident bold
excited what happened what were you
doing what led to that thing to happen
were you watching a video will you
listen to a podcast we’re reading the
book we’re going to an event a seminar
were you outside you know I’m sitting
here on a swing here outside where
you’re outside you need to get out in
nature do you need to meditate you need
to have a shower do you need to dance to
music like what’s the thing without
judgment without caring if anybody else
has to do that thing maybe you need to
wake up every day and pet your frog and
that’s the thing that makes you feel
amazing great do that plan for it every
single morning because I guarantee you
if you did the thing that helped fill
your cup that made you feel bold and
unstoppable and confident and powerful
if all you did was wake up every day and
bid that thing your life would be
dramatically different one year from
today compared to where you are right
now you will not recognize your life so
please stop waking up like an accident
and put this into your morning routine
every single day
rule number 42 find your purpose finding
your purpose guys is not that difficult
it’s not that difficult it’s one of the
most common questions that I get here’s
how you do it
you think about the time in your life
where you felt the most worthless they
could put the time the lowest load that
you’ve ever experienced in your life
what was that moment your purpose now
where you will get the most fulfilled of
all time will be helping people who are
currently going through the thing that
you went through that’s it
think about the most painful moments of
your life the thing that you would never
want to experience ever again think
about the thing you would never wish
upon your worst enemy definitely not
your friends or family your kids think
about that moment your greatest purpose
your greatest enjoyment your greatest
fulfillment in life will come from
helping people who are currently facing
that thing that you faced
that is your purpose for life it will
never get old
helping those people will never get
tiring rule number 43 grow and improve
self-improvement is the answer to
whatever obstacle is staring you in the
face right now the only difference
between you and greatness is the
willingness to grow and improve it’s not
Talent it’s not smart it’s the
willingness to improve yourself the
difference between you and Tony Robbins
is he has spent more time constantly
improving himself than most people on
the planet here’s a guy who had multiple
fathers growing up had an abusive mother
who had 17 he had to run away from home
so he could become a janitor and never
go to college he then decided to be a
success he read 700 books in seven years
he studied under mentors like Jim Rohn
and today he’s the founder or owner of
companies with over six billion dollars
in annual revenue if Tony Robbins can go
from being an abused janitor with no
college education to being one of the
most influential people in the world why
can’t you the difference is he made the
investment to constantly improve himself
and you haven’t yet at that level so I
look at my channel as an example my
youtube channel and I’ve learned so much
over the past number of years in
confidence and growth and abilities and
skills by consuming the content because
I love the top ten series in the mint
amis series in the ants presses series I
make them for me and then I share them
with you and thankfully you guys like
them too and I can build a business off
of it and keep pumping out more content
but it helps me
I’ve grown I’ve learned and one of the
biggest moments that helped me realize
how much I’ve learned is when I signed a
three-year deal with sage I was working
with Steven Kelly who was the CEO and
every month we’d be on a call we’d be
doing a hangout on my YouTube channel
answering questions from people and I
was driving with my dad and I remember
him asking me how do you get the
confidence to be on a call with Steven
Kelly and be seen as his equal all the
time and he wasn’t asking me to put me
down he was asking me in ingenuine of he
was so happy for me that I was playing a
bigger game and it dawned on me that he
was right
the oven of five years ago wouldn’t have
been able to do that the oven of five
years ago would have felt less than the
oven of five years ago would have said
there’s no way I’m capable of doing that
and then when I’d signed the deal I felt
like it’s great I love Stephen he’s
amazing but I feel like I’m hanging out
with Oprah and Kanye and Steve Jobs and
Bill Gates and these super successful
people and they’re infiltrating my brain
on a daily basis right a daily basis
three videos every single day on this
channel and so bit by bit it pulls me up
now I’ve recognized I still have a long
way to go I still have so much more to
learn I still need to believe in myself
even more and every time I consume more
content it allows me to grow my comfort
zone a little bit a little bit a little
bit a little bit more and the funny
thing is all of these moments are little
tiny incremental parts of your growth
I couldn’t point you to one point in my
past where I said that was the moment
that I changed that was the moment that
I had more confidence but as I studied
every day every day every day I could
look back three months six months a year
and say wow I’ve really changed I’ve
really grown I’ve really learned a lot
but in the daily from today the
yesterday I’d say I didn’t grow at all
and so sometimes on your journeys are
trying to learn and get better you may
feel like the growth is really slow on a
daily basis but if you keep going you
keep investing you keep learning you
keep seeking out mentors you keep trying
to get better and improve not every day
will be amazing but if you try every day
to get better and learn I can guarantee
you that in three months six months one
year when you look back of the person
you’ve become compared to what you are
right now there’ll be a big change and
that’s because you continue to invest in
rule number 44 start small I hate
spending money till and making money if
you do not have money it’s because you
are spending your money on things that
are not making you money this is what
happens in so many entrepreneurs
businesses when you’re starting you go
and you spend a whole bunch of money on
different gear equipment samples
products and then it doesn’t work out
instead of going out and spending money
at the start find a way to get started
on the cheap investing your energy your
hustle your drive your new
she did but not your money here’s what
happens someone wants to start a t-shirt
business okay great
to get the price discounts that you want
to that on a per teacher basis it’s
cheaper you have to order 5,000 t-shirts
so you go out and you spend all your
money ordering 5,000 t-shirts or worse
you go take a loan so you can get your
5,000 t-shirts the t-shirts come in you
sell three of them and then you have
four thousand nine hundred and ninety
seven t-shirts sitting in your mom’s
that’s most people you’ll spend money
because you’ve got this ambitious dream
and vision you see in your head outs all
gonna work out but then when you get
started it never works out if you think
it’s gonna work out when I first started
on YouTube I had a team of eight or so
people are ready in my other business in
my main business and so I’m gonna try
this thing on the side just as a fun
thing and see how it goes
I did everything myself myself I did
everything myself invest my energy my
heart my hustle my drive my intuition
into making something happen and once I
started making some money then I could
invest into building a team into getting
gear into building this business up so
now we’ve got 24 people on the team when
I first started doing my Instagram live
morning shows it was me and my tripod
and a cell phone and a guest and we went
live on Instagram every day and then
people said hey you should get a
microphone okay great I got a quick
little microphone that connected and we
went now this thing might be the future
that maybe all I do I might even close
down YouTube when just do Instagram
lives and if that happens and I’ll
invest in the team and making that
happen maybe in three years if I’m still
doing it there’ll be 20 people in the
room from a producer and camera people
and editors and everybody’s in the room
guiding the show right that might be the
future but I don’t know I got to start
by just doing one show you do not have
money because you’re spending your money
on the things that are not working and
generating money back for you so stop
spending money stop it stop it right now
stop spending money on things that don’t
make you money instead invest your
energy your hustle your time your drive
as a default until you’re making a
little bit of money from that thing a
little bit of money from that thing and
then you can invest that money to make
more money
rule number 45
the process if you are thinking about
how many hours you’re working and you’re
frustrated and you’re complaining I
think you’ve lost like I think if you
are counting down as an entrepreneur how
many more hours to go until the day is
over until you get to go on your
vacation until the weekend is here I
think you’ve lost like I genuinely think
you’ve lost you have to love the work if
you look at look at all of the people
that have done profiles on across
entrepreneurship athletics singing
everybody they love the work you have to
love the process not just the results
it’s why you have to love it so much to
put through all the crap all the
negativity all the burnout all of the
stuff that happens to you as an
entrepreneur you have to deal with it
and the only thing that gets you through
is you love it
I love making videos I’m here in
Nina’s getting her nails done Danny’s
getting his shirt as phone charged in
the car and I’m making videos cuz I love
making videos because I can’t wait to
make videos I’ve done 6,000 plus videos
on my channel and I can’t wait to make
more I love it I love the process I love
helping entrepreneurs I love the result
and a little process and yes that can
cause personal issues that can cause
health breakdowns that can cause you to
get stressed out that can cause you to
push beyond your limits that can cause
you how issues again relationship issue
is a can and the does there’s so many
entrepreneurs and yes you need to guard
for that you need to watch for that you
need to be able to create an intentional
life not just working working working
working working working all the time and
then you die but you need to love the
work you need to love the process it’s
not painful to do it so you pay the
price it’s not painful to pay the price
for you separate into my schedule making
6000 videos you might think it’s really
painful for me it’s not like I love it
it’s great it’s amazing and that should
be the same thing in your business
people who say it’s a will do whatever
it takes you won’t do whatever it takes
because as soon as it starts getting
really hard you’re gonna quit or someone
who actually loves that thing will keep
going because they love it and you don’t
and whenever you’re up against somebody
who loves to work and you don’t they
will destroy you even if you have more
they will destroy you because they love
the work and you don’t it makes all the
difference in the world
rule number 46 stop complaining your
entire life changes when you decide to
take responsibility to where you’re at
for it for your happiness for your
success for you where you’re at in life
when you decide that I am responsible
everything changes we don’t want to
because it’s easier to blame somebody
else it’s easier to blame somebody else
we don’t blame the person in the mirror
and we don’t blame ourselves somebody
else’s fault right it’s Nina’s fault
that I’m not happy where are you Nina
it’s so good to put the blame on
somebody else because that means I don’t
have to do anything but when you take
the personal responsibility when I say
it’s my fault that I’m not happy it’s my
fault that I’m not more successful it’s
not my team’s fault that my company’s
not blowing up as big as I want to it’s
my fault I need to get better it’s not
my trainers fault that I’m not getting
results in the gym it’s my fault right I
gotta eat better I gotta work out more
it’s my fault it’s your fault you are
where you are because of you and when
you accept that then you choose to now
live a life I’ll be able to make
progress most people don’t want to do
that most people would rather consume
entertainment instead of education most
people would rather consume
entertainment and sit down and watch
Netflix and forget about their crappy
life and try to fix it most channels on
YouTube that blow up are not education
related they’re entertainment because
people want to shut up their lives
shut up their brain and just be
entertained instead of trying to
actually fix the problem if you’re a
subscriber here you’re probably on the
education side but are you the kind of
person who’s gonna take responsibility
and fix your life or just shut up the
world blame complain wait – you can’t
have that next vacation you can’t wait
till that next weekend do the evenings
are coming up because your life sucks
your life sucks is it your father’s
somebody else’s when you think ownership
that’s when life starts to change
rule number 47 surround yourself with
success the fastest way to grow is to be
around people who are doing what you
want to do period when you are around
who are building and growing and taking
on the world and trying to accomplish
their dreams and you’re in that
environment and you’re learning even
just being around them it’s gonna seep
into you and get you motivated and
pumped up and fired up to go off and
chase your dreams most people have a
pretty crappy environment most people if
you got an entrepreneur most people they
don’t have a bunch of entrepreneurs in
their family most people when they tell
their family and friends what they’re
doing they think they’re crazy they
think that you shouldn’t go off and do
that thing you should go and get a safe
normal typical job a lot of people have
a lot of negativity around them if you
are constantly surrounded by negative
people people bringing you down it’s
really hard to be the one person trying
to go off and make a huge difference and
so that’s you if that’s your situation
then you need to change your environment
you need to be surrounded by people who
are like-minded who are off chasing
their goals and you need to find some
mentors let me give you some quick tips
on how to do it because if you don’t
you’re never gonna get to where you want
to go you won’t stain right now where
you are needs to be unacceptable needs
to be unacceptable because you will
never get to the spot that you want to
be at if you stay exactly where you are
with the people in the environment that
you have around you step number one is
limit the exposure to negativity that
may mean you cut off some friends just
because your friends in elementary
school doesn’t mean you should still be
friends now it doesn’t doesn’t mean have
to be rude to them you’ve just grown
apart it’s okay it’s okay
it’s great you go get new friends we
need to limit exposure to negative toxic
people if those are your parents you may
not want to completely eliminate them
from your life although for some people
that’s an important step it may just
mean cutting off exposure to some topics
if you know that your friends or your
parents talk to them about your business
ideas is always going to lead to a fight
and negativity just don’t talk about it
say I don’t want to talk about that and
find something positive that you can
relate to and talk about step one you
have to eliminate the negativity or
limit exposure to it in your life you
will not do great things if you are
constantly bombarded by negativity step
number two now you have to fill the void
you gotta fill the void with positivity
and so that’s reaching out that’s
joining communities that’s going to
events that’s going to group so I’m on
my tour right now I’m in Albuquerque New
Mexico I’m doing event tonight here in
Albuquerque and when people come
who are like-minded all the people who
come to my events they’re all
entrepreneurs and they don’t want to go
off and do something amazing and for a
lot of the people coming out they’re the
only ones that they know who are off
trying to do something and now they meet
local people who are also similarly
you need to be around similarly minded
people and so check your local city
check your local groups see what’s
happening see what’s coming up get
involved get out of the house stop being
in your regular routine your your
current environment is not helping you
you need to get out and meet new people
and you may go to an event and meet only
one person that is potentially
like-minded amazing collect people I
like collecting good people collect them
I’ll even be super awkward about it
almost intentionally where if I really
like somebody and we have a great
conversation I’ll say you know what I
really like you that sounds weird I’d
like to find a way to spend more time
together maybe we meet up once a month
for a coffee and just talk about
business that’s how you do it you just
ask and if you had that with four or
five different people then every week
you’re meeting somebody on a regular
basis who fills you with positivity and
energy and so you have to go out and
find those people you have to say yes
and go to those events to meet to be
around the positive energy because it’ll
make such a big difference you
accomplishing your big goals and then
step number three is get more mentors
you need to get Mentors and one are
aspirational Mentors
and that’s what I see through what I do
right through my content I learned
through the aspirational mentors I
learned from Kanye I learned from Dan
upon me I learned from Oprah Winfrey I
learned from Mel Robbins I learned from
these people they make me better even
though I haven’t met most of the people
that are profiled on my channel I
learned from them they make me better
being around them and their energy and
their wisdom gets me fired up seeing
people going off doing amazing things
and I get that three times a day on my
channel right like it will shift you it
will if you are watching content you may
never meet done upon it but if you’re
watching his content if he inspires you
and you watch his content on a daily it
will shift you because now he’s a voice
of positivity in your life and then you
can get real mentors as well for those
of you who are following my path to ten
million subscribers series I’m
people who I respect to look up to coach
me on different things and I need to get
better at who they’ll watch my stuff and
say hey here this is where you’re great
but here you suck you got to get better
at this thing you need to make the
decision to change your environment you
need to make the decision that your life
is important that your mission is
important that being where you are right
now is not acceptable that you don’t
want to be here again in a year what one
year from today who can’t be in the same
environment you can’t be around
negativity and toxicity every single day
you need to follow those steps you need
to remove the negativity from your life
you need to seek out positive energy and
be around people who build and lift you
up and you need to start seeking out
mentors whether they are face to face
mentors or aspirational mentors to help
you get to where you go your life is
important your mission is important you
need to start treating it as so rule
number 48 change your mindset you’re
never gonna accomplish anything great if
you’re coming from a place as negativity
if you were just complaining and
negative and blaming other people you’re
never gonna accomplish anything it’s
just not gonna happen
you can’t create amazing things from a
negative spot it means that you have
zero resourceful Ness because there’s no
hope and so you need to flip it now I’m
gonna give you a wild mind trick that I
use that maybe is a little too weird
duck for you but I want to test it on
you because if one of you picks it up
it’ll dramatically change your life it’s
my philosophy of changing negative
situations and doing a quick mind trick
in my head to say is the best so
whenever I’m hit with a negative
situation something that is beyond my
control something that I can’t do
anything about I will complain I will be
unhappy I’ll be negative for 8 to 24
seconds and then I’ll tell myself it’s
the best then this is the best thing
that happened to me
and then I’ll figure out why it’s the
best so as an example I want an airplane
I’m coming from Vancouver to LA I’m
speaking at an event in LA I want to fly
it’s a 5
our fight I get on this is really smelly
dude next to me really smelly guy he
probably hadn’t been on you know in a
shower in a couple days probably had
multiple transfers and stopovers I have
empathy I’m not I’m not pissed at him
I’m pissed at the situation right
I’m sure he’s normally a nice smelling
guy and takes care of himself but in
this situation he was super smelly and I
had to deal with it so what am I gonna
do I got a five-hour flight what are my
options I can not go you know I could
miss my flight and then not do my
presentation I could sit on the airplane
and be upset for the next five hours and
then be upset for the rest of the day
and allow this minor situation to own
meaning to be better than me and ruin my
entire days or I could say this is the
best and that’s what I did for around 8
to 24 seconds I’m sitting there trying
to figure out my options what options do
I have how can I do that how can I fix
this there’s no option so I’m screwed
and then I’m upset
you know I’m set this sucks come on
really this is what I have to deal with
the next five hours and then this is the
yeah breathe it in breathe it give it to
me because this is making me stronger
this is the best this is actually the
best why because it’s my chance to show
myself what I made of that this smelly
dude is not gonna own me that I am
stronger than a little bit of smell on
an airplane and then the next time I get
faced with a similar situation I’m able
to handle it it’s easy it rubs off me I
think that’s how you actually build
self-confidence that’s how you actually
build self-esteem because when it’s easy
it’s easy when in the race against
three-year-olds is easy doesn’t mean
anything you’re not gonna clap that up
yeah I beat a bunch of three-year-olds
but when it’s hard and you try that’s
when you actually build self-esteem and
so flip it flip it in your mind flip it
this is the best but every negative
situation is funny right now
tell yourself it’s the best rule number
49 get attention people often ask me
what is your business but 11 how do you
make money this is it this is my
business model I kick up as much noise
in mine
I get as much attention as possible in
my industry and then I find ways to
monetize it that’s it when you have a
lot of attention in your industry people
will find you and throw opportunities at
you my biggest challenge is trying to
figure out now which opportunity to go
after I get speaking gigs because of the
attention I bill to my youtube channel I
get opportunities to connect with people
like Tony Robbins and have them be
interviewed on my channel I get brand
deals that people wanted to partner with
me I get book deals
it’s everything has come because of my
youtube channel because I built up a
quarter of a billion views because I
have one point whatever million
subscribers I just pick up a lot of
attention in my industry and then deals
come to me and that works really well
for someone like me because I’m
introverted because I’m much better at
marketing than I am at sales and so
instead of me spending time which would
be more wasted time going out trying to
connect with people trying to reach
people because I’m introverted I just
get to work on creating amazing content
and I have people then find me and fly
me out the places and pay me to do
things because I built up the marketing
attention machine and rule number 50 the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is have a mission when you have a
mission you’re not for sale when you
know what you’re doing when you have a
deep purpose and you are off chasing it
you are not for sale
money is really important but if you
look at the success of people look at
anybody who look up to who you respect
who’s your hero who’s your hero who’s
your greatest most famous entrepreneur
of all time that you love and you would
love to emulate money was not the most
important thing to them there was
something above money now money is
important money is important for every
business money is important for every
organization if you’re a charity money’s
still important but it’s not number one
and you got to figure out what you would
put ahead of your money so many people
are just chasing money money money money
and I get it it’s important I had a
woman who was at my seminar last night
here in Indianapolis who she has eight
different side households and now she’s
trying to get into real estate to try to
make money and the problem is none of
its purpose driven another hood is
she’s making her enough money she’s
making just enough just little tiny bits
from these side hustles that she can
barely survive it’s a wrong path the
people who only prioritize money never
make money they never make the real
money you make just enough to survive
because your will to win is for sale
you’ve got to figure out what your
purpose is you got to figure out who you
are you got to figure out what the
mission is that you’re on when you do
that then no matter how much money is
being thrown at you you’re not gonna
accept it because you’re on a deep
purpose for life now I’ve got a special
bonus clip on how to strive for
excellence that I really think you’re
gonna enjoy but before that it’s time
for the three-point landing question
let’s go from just watching another
video to taking action here we go
question number one what can you just
start small on today number two where do
you need to act despite fear and number
three how can you bring other people
value first life isn’t fair the family
you’re born into the country you’re born
into your religion your skin color your
gender there’s a lot of very real things
that exist in this world a lot of very
real prejudices that hold people back
life isn’t fair and chances are you
might not have the capital or the
education of the resources or the
parents of the family of the connections
or the right skin color or the right
gender any of these things you might not
have it all lined up for you perfectly
and so the next step is then what do you
respond to so yes you’re right and then
what are you gonna be like what most
people do is they just complain they
complain that life isn’t fair they
complain that they don’t have the right
circumstances and then they become a
victim of those circumstances or are you
gonna take the more difficult path the
one of taking personal responsibility
personal accountability and choosing
excellence in saying I’m gonna break
free of this mall I’m gonna break free
of the circumstances that were placed
above me I’m gonna set my own path I’m
gonna make the world better for myself
and the people around me I’m gonna
choose excellence if you look at the
people that you love the people you look
up to the people that I’ve profiled in
this channel where
your heroes are your role models the
people who you aspire to be chances are
they came from nothing chances are they
had tons of odds stacked against them
and they chose excellent and that’s why
they want look at Michelle Obama her
father was an employee at a city water
plant her mother was a secretary and
then once she had kids was a
stay-at-home mom so Michelle Obama is
the daughter of a city water plant
employee and secretary turn stayed home
ah and chances are again whoever you
look up to they have a similar story
it’s very very very rare and I’ve
covered lots of these people I may have
covered more than anybody online I’ve
covered lots of successful people it’s
very very very rare that the son or
daughter of a great person goes on to do
great things themselves it’s very rare
that the kids of people who’ve done
amazing things go on to do amazing
things themselves
it’s very rare it doesn’t happen that
often and you might think that sounds
crazy these kids of super successful
people have everything lined up for them
have the money the education the
resources all the time in the world
everything came to them on a silver
platter it’s so easy for them to win and
that’s why they don’t win because you
win through the struggle because you win
by overcoming the odds because that’s
how you develop excellence by going
after the difficult things the people
who have an easy life never win the
people will have a hard life and
overcome and choose excellence and drive
daily and refuse to be a victim with
those circumstances those are the people
who ultimately win and so that’s you
right now if you you feel like the world
is unfair first of all you’re right and
second there’s a book there’s a bunch of
things that are stacked against you then
I would highly highly highly encourage
you to surround yourself with the
stories of people who have made it with
the stories of people who look like you
who have the same background as you of
the same circumstances as you who made
it because if they could make it then
you can too and most of the people that
I’ve profiled most of the people who’ve
done videos on this channel
look at their stories chances are they
came from a worse upbringing than what
you have right now they had less than
what you have right now when they
started and one of my favorite stories
is Oprah Winfrey and she was so poor
growing up you know she grew up without
parents she grew up being abused by her
family she grew up with her grandmother
who had no money and put together
dresses made out of potato bags can you
imagine going to school in a potato bag
that was sewn into a dress like how the
ridicule would be from your classmates
at school wearing a potato bag as a
dress to school can you imagine that
and look what Oprah went on to do are
you gonna tell me that you have a worse
upbringing the what Oprah head or any of
your heroes spend the time don’t look at
how Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey or
any of these people make an extra
million dollars right now spend the time
to look at their backstory spend the
time to understand where they came from
and when they chose excellence and how
it had a massive difference and change
of trajectory of their life because if
they could do it you can too you just
have to decide that one life isn’t fair
and that’s okay and two I’m gonna choose
excellence I’m gonna stop being a victim
of my circumstances and I decide to make
things better for myself for my
community and for the people around me
if you want more meat check out this
song I made as a tribute to my mom on
Mother’s Day the link is right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there I always saw the world differently
than others my teachers they didn’t understand me
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