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If You FEEL LOST, You Must WATCH THIS ((This Could Change Your Life))

most people only commit to action if
they feel a certain level of motivation
and they only feel motivation when they
feel an emotional inspiration people
only become motivated to study for the
exam when they’re afraid of the
consequences people only pick up and
learn that instrument when they feel
inspired by the people they can play for
and we’ve all off for lack of motivation
before especially in times where we
shouldn’t we feel lethargic and
apathetic towards a certain goal that
we’ve set for ourselves because we lack
the motivation and we lack the
motivation because we don’t feel any
overarching emotional desire to
accomplish something emotional
inspiration leads to motivation leads to
desirable action but there’s a problem
with operating under this framework
often the changes and actions we most
need in our lives are inspired by
negative emotions which simultaneously
hinder us from taking action if someone
wants to fix their relationship with
their mother the emotions of the
situation hurt resentment avoidance
completely go against the necessary
action to fix it
confrontation honesty communication if
someone wants to lose weight but
experiences massive amounts of shame
about their body then the act of going
to the gym is apt to inspire in them the
exact emotions that kept them at home on
the couch in the first place
past traumas negative expectations and
feelings of guilt shame and fear often
motivate us away from the actions
necessary to overcome those very traumas
negative expectations and negative
emotions it’s a catch-22 of sorts but
the thing about the motivation chain is
that it’s not only a three-part chain
but an endless loop inspiration leads to
motivation leads to action
leads to inspiration leads to motivation
leads to action leads to etc your
actions create further emotional
reactions and inspirations and move on
to motivate your future actions taking
advantage of this knowledge we can
actually reorient our mindset in the
following way action leads to
inspiration leads to motivation the
conclusion is that if you lack the
motivation to make an important change
in your life then do something anything
and then harness the reaction to that
action as a way to begin motivating
yourself I call this the do something
principle and I developed it on accident
back in my years as a consultant helping
people who were otherwise immobilized by
fears rationalizations and apathy to
take action it began out of simple
pragmatism you paid me to be here so you
might as well do something I don’t care
do anything what I found is that often
once they did something even the
smallest of actions it would soon give
them the inspiration and motivation to
do something else they had sent a signal
to themselves okay
I did that I guess I can do more and
slowly we could take it from there
the more time goes on the more I realize
that success in anything is tied less to
knowledge or talent and tied more to
action supplemented by knowledge and
you can become successful at something
without knowing what you’re doing you
can become successful at something
without having much particular challenge
at it but you can never become
successful at anything without taking action ever
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