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people say you you have to have a lot of
passion for what you’re doing and it’s
totally true and the reason is is
because it’s so hard that if you don’t
any rational person would give up it’s
really hard and you have to do it over a
sustained period of time so if you don’t
love it if you’re not having fun doing
it you don’t really love it you’re gonna
give up and that’s what happens to most
people actually if you really look at at
the ones that ended up you know being
successful unquote in the eyes of
society and the ones that didn’t
oftentimes it’s the ones that are
successful loved what they did so they
could persevere when you know when it
got really tough and and the ones that
didn’t love it quit because they’re
saying right who would want to put up
with this stuff if you don’t love it so
it’s a lot of hard work and and it’s a
lot of worrying constantly and if you
don’t love it you’re gonna fail young
people nobody wanna be like Ella moss
what’s your advice with it I think that
probably they shouldn’t want to be you I
think it sounds better than it is okay
yeah it’s not as much fun being me as
you’d think I don’t know you don’t think
so yeah this definitely it could be
worse for sure but it’s I’m not sure I
want to be me
but if you know I think Madhvi I mean if
you want to make progress and things I
think the best analytical framework for
us and in the future is physics
I’d recommend studying the the thinking
process around physics like not just not
the equations I mean the equation is
certainly they’re helpful but the the
way of thinking in physics is the that’s
the best framework for understanding
things that are counterintuitive and and
you know always taking the position that
you are some degree wrong and your goal
is to be less wrong over time and one of
the biggest mistakes people generally
make and I’m guilty of a two is wishful
thinking you know like you want
something to be true even if it isn’t
true and so you ignore the things that
you ignore the real truth because of
what you want to be true this is a very
difficult trap to avoid and like I said
it’s certainly one that I find myself in
having problems with but if you just
take that approach of your oyster some
degree wrong and your goal is to be less
wrong and and solicit critical feedback
particularly from friends like your
friends particularly friends if somebody
loves you they want the best for you
they don’t want to tell you the bad
thing so you have to ask them okay you
know it said really I really do want to
know and then they will tell you
diversified identity in some fashion I
think this is important so that your
self-worth isn’t only associated with
your startup that’s probably a
controversial recommendation what that
means is you should actually spend time
involved with other skills so in San
Francisco for instance many startup
founders I know who are very efficient
and effective have their startup rock
climbing they get outside they do a few
things so that if one goes well they can
they can remain optimistic each week
which is very difficult if you’re only
directed at your startup I refuse to
follow those rules that society is set
up and the way that they control people
with low self-esteem would improper
information with branding with marketing
I refuse to follow those rules it’s
about truth it’s about information
it’s about awesomeness and the only
luxury is time the time you spend with
your family that’s the only luxury so
this concept of luxury is improper to me
when I compare myself to Steve Jobs or
Walt Disney Howard Hughes David Stern
Michelangelo da Vinci Jesus or whatever
as I’m saying these are my heroes these
are people that I look up to this is the
type of impact I want to make on the
earth if I could make this type of
impact up to this point what can I do if
if you call Bob Iger and say yo give him
a shot if you call Oprah and say yo back
this kid let’s just get this kid this
kids a kids were his parents were
educators he wants to educate he wants
to look at curriculums and say how do we
simplify that exactly what I did in
music I want to apply to product I want
to apply to education this is what my
company Donda is about you gotta have a
plan everybody’s got a dream
everybody’s got a goal what’s the plan
and your plan has got to have something
I call the c5 complex your plan has got
to be clear concise compelling
consistent and committed you’ve got to
have a plan and when you’re trying to do
something that you’re truly passionate
about there is no plan B okay Plan B
okay so it’s as simple as that you gotta
have a plan I mean think about that for
a second mm-hmm three examples Michael
Jordan won six NBA championships with
the Chicago Bulls because he was
committed to playing a not plan B Oprah
Winfrey became the queen of all media
because she was committed to plan a not
Plan B whatever your politics are Barack
Obama is sitting in the White House
because he was committed to plan a not
Plan B okay Plan B sucks have so much
intelligence in your body right now I’ll
prove it to jump up and down a little
bit and make little feet make a little
space from the person next to you if you
can so if you went like this you’re
ideally not gonna take anyone’s eye out
or anything like that okay now stop stop
bouncing I love the energy though notice
where your feet are I want to keep your
feet stationary the entire time and what
I want you to do is with your right hand
just point forward with your right hand
your other right hand sir sorry I know
all right
Oh weird with your right hand and what I
want you to do is out moving it without
moving your feet just turn to your right
clockwise as far as you could go and
notice where you’re pointing as you take
your neighbors eye out notice how far
you go notice where you’re pointing
those the exact spot come back Center
now put your arms down now I’m going to
take you through a really quick
visualization exercise so take a deep
breath exhale and close your eyes put
your arms by your side out of your
pockets by your side and breathe
normally and with your eyes closed or to
play a game I want you just to imagine
just imagine that you’re raising your
arm again
but this time imagine you’re turning
twice as far two times as far like
you’re getting good stretch its Pleasant
feel that in your body and if you can’t
imagine it just imagine that you’re
imagining it and then again raise your
arm point forward and this time no no
with your eyes closed imagine just
imagine just imagine just in your mind
see and feel yourself turning three
times as far
just feel it in your body which are arms
by your side just imagine turning around
three times and then one more time with
a smile on your face thinking what does
this have to do with learning faster see
and feel yourself turning four times
around in your body see and feel
yourself turning four times around like
your Gumby like you’re made out of
rubber great great stretch all right
open your eyes now raise your arm again
point forward with your right hand now
turn to your right now as far as far as
you can now go Wow raise your hand or
make some noise if you went further a
second time have a seat have a seat
now some of you went further some of you
went 25% further some of you went 50%
further yes raise your hand if you ever
went further a second time now here’s
here’s the magic question right that you
know I’m gonna ask you even before I ask
it were you physically capable of
turning that far the first time like
nobody took a yoga class and my eyes
were closed right you’re physically
capable of it where was the block or the
limitation if there was one where was it
in your minds right in your mind and
you’re like Jim I didn’t have a belief
on how far I could turn how many beliefs
do you think we have millions and
zillions of beliefs right because here’s
what you want to write down all behavior
is belief driven all behavior is belief
what some of you want 25 50 percent
further with no anything remember vision
was talking about how it’s not just
what’s not working hard but it’s you one
day when you’re in a certain state of
mind you could just go further and it’s
effortless how many people aren’t have
experienced this state of flow before
that’s data flow where you lose track of
time where your attention is right there
and you’re in the moment and it’s the
your challenge is really matching your
level of capabilities and you’re
stretching yourself and you’re in that
zone right like that athletes talk about
that steven kotler talks about and the
rise of Superman and stealing fire and
so on how many people are familiar with
Steve’s work by the way I’m just curious
as context okay so how do you get into
those state
one of the ways is just believing that
you can because if you believe you can
or believe you can’t either way you’re
right because all behavior is belief
driven some of you went 25 50 percent or
more what if you could go 25 50 percent
more in your business that effortless
what if you could go 25 50 percent even
more in your body or in your
relationship did you work harder the
second time when you turn the second
time yes or no no because it’s a state
right so behavior so believed in August
of 87 we had 11 stores and a hundred
employees in a dream to create a
national retail company around the
coffee experience good coffee in America
but there was another dream I had and
that was to build a different type of
company a company that potentially could
achieve the delicate balance between
profitability and the fiscal
responsibility of building shareholder
value but the balance of also having a
heart benevolence and integrating a
social conscience in everything the
company would do and hopefully one day
remember this was 87 the company would
be known as much for its values its
culture its guiding principles as it
would the quality of its coffee fast
forward from 87 to 89 and 80 and 1990
the company was beginning to get some
traction we had about 50 stores we still
were not making money and I think we all
realized at the time that we were not in
the coffee business serving people but
we were in the people business serving
coffee that if we wanted to exceed the
expectations of the customer we had to
first exceed the expectations of our
people we made a very important
strategic decision early on that
franchising could not maintain the
culture and values of the company that
all it would be would be an access to
cheap capital and so we continued on
track of opening and building a company
own system
work for me regarding balance between
family and business opportunities was
always to be mindful of in a Thai family
comes first
my child always came first if you’ve
managed your relationships properly the
business presentation you’re so
concerned about the big conference call
that cannot happen without you on the
phone all those things can be
rescheduled but your son is gonna have
one first baseball camp is gonna have
one first dance recital and you’ve gotta
be there in a tie
family wins I only invest in things that
I understand and things that I use or
would use myself this is really really
really important anytime I step outside
of that is usually when the universe
kicks me in the nuts really hard and I
lose my money I think it’s it’s critical
to as an entrepreneur scratch your own
itch it increases the odds of success or
the probability of success and then it’s
as an investor I look for people who are
scratching their own ass a lot of us on
the circumstances when you’re starting
where they ain’t no plan B gotta
work don’t work what’s gonna happen you
know so if you’re in that point in
position you go what’s working and you
start to get influenced so you sway to
what’s actually working at the moment
and your music changes and starts to
sound a little bit like what’s happening
on the radio right now I’ve heard demo
tapes from ten different little Wayne’s
there wasn’t Lil Wayne you know I was
like that’s just sound like what what
you do and then it stuff like how do you
say that it’s not good if was working
right now is that you know I’m saying so
you go yeah it’s good but it’s hard for
me to really embrace it because you
ain’t Lil Wayne
but you want me to invest money in a
copy she ain’t gonna work man
made in my mind as a young guy I wanted
to become world-class at something I
just had to find out what that something
was going to be and the very first time
that I walked into a Wall Street trading
room I knew this is it the ticker tape
is rolling
the phones are ringing off the hook
people are screaming and shouting out
orders bodies are flying all over the
place it will look like chaos to anybody
else I could see the natural rhythm in
it it was like I was reading a sheet of
music and I knew this is where I’m
supposed to be I kept coming back I wore
one branch manager down to the point
that he says to me Gardner based on
persistence alone we go give you a shot
man I quit my job that was all I wanted
I went home and I told my ex you know
what you said I couldn’t do it but guess
what I started two weeks hey someone has
horrible names right but let’s say that
there’s a suitcase $100,000 cash if you
just remember the name of the next
stranger you meet how many people are
gonna remember that person’s name
remember everyone and so that’s the
thing the M stands for motivation so
it’s interesting so all of a sudden
everyone’s a memory expert but it had
nothing to do with their capacity or
their potential everyone could do it
it’s just what they decided to do or not
if they wanted to it’s all it’s almost
like if it’s worth it enough where the
consequences are you know that big was
ready for that big we’re gonna miss out
I’m not right the motivator exactly
because one of the things to learning we
know with human motivation because I did
this presentation and Bill Gates was
there he liked and we’re talking about
wealthy individuals right and so you
know he uh afterwards I talked to him I
was we’re talking about the the bridge
between education and technology and I
was like what’s missing with the future
of learning and he was like Jim you know
is human motivation really understanding
what drives people I was like wow you
know that’s really right because you
know there’s people go out there and
they could buy courses you know but a
lot of never open it exactly because it
has everything to do with Drive and
reasons because motivation is like you
know like what is your motive for acting
sure right what’s the fuel and I believe
there’s a success formula I caught
that goes from your head to your heart
to your hands the people can visualize
and affirm and see things here all the
time and think about it but if they’re
not acting with their hands you know
actually doing something about it then
usually what’s missing is the second age
which is the heart the emotion the
energy of motion and a martial arts
instructor teal and tell me years ago
you can’t steer a parked car
you know you need fuel you know where’s
the energy that’s gonna do that and so
with people’s more fractious so simple
when people are remembering people’s
name to ask yourself why do you want to
member this person’s name because
reasons reap results I’ve always found
that in life reasons reap results
because you needed big enough why sure
get out light like Simon cynics book you
know start with why and so you want to
get that drive first we had absolutely
no idea what people were gonna do these
things when we started out matter of
fact the two people it was designed for
was was in my simple time because we
couldn’t afford to buy it a computer kid
on the market so we liberated some parts
from Hewlett Packard and Atari and
worked on a design for about six months
and decided that we would build our own
computer so we built and once was up
till 4:00 in the morning for many moons
and we got it working we showed some
girlfriend it’s immediately everybody
wanted and it turned out to take about
40 hours to build one of these things
and about another 20 30 40 to debug it
and we had a lot of friends at work that
similar companies who could liberate the
every spare moment of our time helping
our friends to build computers and it
was just getting to be a tremendous
drain on our lives so we got the idea
one day that we could make a printed
circuit board without the parts and it’s
Lu blank printed circuit boards to our
friends and probably cut the assembly
and debug time down to you know five ten
hours so Wasel is hp6
calculator and I sold my band we got
1,300 bucks together we pay our friend
of ours who is this PC board layout
person 1,300 bucks to do us a layout and
decided we’d sell printed circuit boards
at twice what it costs to build him and
hopefully recoup our calculator and
transportation assimilative day so
that’s what we did and I was out trying
to peddle PC boards one day and walked
into a bike shop the first by chopping
Mountain View and Paul Terrell then
owner of the bike shop said he would
like to take 50 of these computers and I
saw dollar signs in front of my eyes and
but he had one catch which was that he
wanted them fully assembled and tested
ready to go which is a new twist so we
spent the next five days on the phone
and distributors and convinced the
electronics parts distributors around
here to give us about 10 thousand
dollars worth of parts on thin air
this time enthusiasm so we got the parts
and we built a hundred computers and we
sold 50 of them for cash in 29 days paid
off the distributors and that’s how we
got started so we had 50 computers left
over while that meant we had to sell
them so then you started worrying about
marketing worrying about distribution
got on the phone of the other computer
stores around the country and gradually
the whole thing began to build momentum
and at that point in time we had some
feeling that we were onto something but
the feeling was so different than the
experience of actually seeing it happen
right now it’s entirely different and
sometimes a lot of a lot of people ask
well did you know it was gonna
to this phenomenon and you can say yeah
you know we planned it out we had led on
a piece of paper but different than the
experience of seeing five hundred people
working at Apple Computer it’s very
different than the experience of seeing
a five-year-old kid who really
understands what he’s the tool that he’s
gotten from the Jones had I would not
even say an important role I would say
the role in my acting career Quincy
Jones discovered me and it’s so
interesting to me because when I was
working as a television news woman in
Baltimore and really all I wanted to do
was be an actress but I was doing
television and I felt at the time well I
I can’t quit this job because this is
what everybody else wants to do
and if I quit this job what am I going
to do and I was going to a speech coach
at the time that the station had sent me
to they you know they ever the
broadcasting school they sent everybody
the same woman and I was telling her you
know I really don’t want to do this what
I really want to do is act and she says
my dear you don’t want to act because if
you wanted to act you’d be doing it what
you want to be my D as a star because if
you wanted to actually be waiting tables
in New York you didn’t I thought now why
am I gonna wait tables if I’m already
working in TV so I said well what I
think is going to happen is I will be
discovered because I wanted so badly
somebody’s going to have to discover me
and she said you just dream your dream
your dream ur so when it happened I
called her up I said you will not
believe this discovered and it really
was a discovery it’s like one of those
Lana Turner stories only I wasn’t a
drugstore he was uh in his hotel room
saw me on TV it was unbelievable the
interesting thing about that is that I
I truly believe that thoughts are the
greatest vehicle to change power and
success in the world everything begins
with thoughts I mean the chairs that
were sitting in the room that we’re in
all started because somebody thought it
so I thought up the color purple for
myself I know this is gonna sound
strange to you I read the book
I got so many copies of that book I
passed the book around everybody I knew
if I was on the bus I’d pass it out to
people and when I heard that there was
going to be a movie I started I started
talking it up for myself I did know
Quincy Jones or Steven Spielberg or how
on earth I would get in this movie I’d
never acted in my life but I I felt it
so intensely that I had to be a part of
that movie I just I really do believe I
created it for myself
I wanted it more than anything in the
world and would have done anything to do
it anything to do it are you looking to
instigate a change in your life there’s
no better or worse time than right now
hey I understand change is scary with
the status quo you know what you’ve got
and you shake things up there’s no
telling what you might end up with but
two of the things that are true about
change one it’s absolutely necessary for
first of all and two is gonna happen
either you could pick the time to
instigate the change you want or the
change and the time will pick you so if
you happen to be one of those people
who’s standing on the sidelines of your
dreams waiting for that perfect moment
if you want to make that change but you
just don’t know if you’re ready this
life lesson is for you it’s time to stop
digging your potatoes and jump my
parents immigrated here at the United
States from Asia we grew up like a lot
of a lot of individuals that work really
hard grew up in the back of a laundromat
and they had many different jobs and you
know I think one of the things that
that’s important for all of us is just
the work ethic you know to be able to
put in like you do the incredible hours
as an entrepreneur or as a visionary to
do whatever it takes because I don’t
believe that there’s a necessary magic
pill but I think there’s a process and
doing the doing the work is very
important you know I don’t want people
to believe that there’s a silver bullet
all sudden you have a great memory or
you have this great success or great
relationship or health and people always
ask what’s the one thing I could do and
I always tell people that you have to do
you have to do most of it right and be
smart about it but you have to put in
because you know a lot of times people
see on social media they see all of the
success but what they don’t see is the
hustle and as this garyvee talks about
and the I think what you as they say
what you practice in private they say
you rewarded for in public the gif do
you have to do the work and I think
that’s where I got my work I think the
challenges is growing up with the brain
injury and labeled the boy with a broken
brain I had to work so much harder as
everybody else and you wonder why that
while you’re not getting those results
and so um so I got my my discipline from
my for my parents and I and I love them
for my really say that they are my pair
of my superheroes and anything good
that’s come out of me it was really a
product of them people have you met in
your life who have said things like I
had that idea I knew about that or I I
was so close but I gave up I think
sometimes the difference between success
and failure winning and losing is a very
fine line between those people who will
continue to move forward have to remind
yourself that it’s okay to feel the way
you feel when you’re going for a
difficult time it’s okay to feel weak
it’s okay to want to cry it’s okay to
feel overwhelmed just reminding yourself
that it’s okay this is my number one way
of how to find strength in difficult
times is reminding yourself that the way
you feel is okay to honor that feeling
to accept that feeling to actually be
okay with that what we see or what we
perceive to be a weakness what we
perceive to let us down or what we
perceive is a sign of you know
instability or insecurity we’ve got to
remind ourselves that when things are
tough it’s okay to feel that way there’s
nothing wrong with that any difficulty I
go to I look to moments in history where
people have endured the same pain if not
more extreme and analyze absorb and
connect with how they got through it I
like to see what they were thinking I
like to see what they did I like to see
how they structured themselves I like to
look at how they organized I looked like
to look at
they were speaking to I like to look at
what was going through their mind at
that time because you’ve got to remember
that any challenge we’re facing today
we’ve faced it before as as humanity
right beyond ethnicities beyond color
race creed beyond backgrounds beyond all
walks of life as human beings we’ve been
through challenges before and we’ve got
through them and therefore reconnecting
with how that’s been done before
is a beautiful way of learning how to
overcome current challenges so you can
either look at your past but real wisdom
lies in looking at the past of people
who made a difference you look at people
like Martin Luther King you look at
people like Gandhi you look at people
who made world-changing differences not
single-handedly but influenced from a
single perspective from a single point
of view and really connecting with the
powerful moments in history I’ve said
this quote many times I’ve read it many
times and this quote actually is is
unbelievable and the quote says that
they fought they buried us they didn’t
know we were seeds right it’s a Mexican
proverb they thought they borrowed us
they didn’t know we were seeds and I was
thinking these when you tell yourself
that story
you start thinking much more differently
right a seed is buried – it’s incredible
that the seed goes through the same
process as anything else it’s put deep
underground right all of this mud is put
on top of it it gets rained on it gets
snowed on all these kind of things but
it knows that it’s a seed so it knows
that it can grow so there anything’s
possible and it grows through and you
see even plants going to concrete
sometimes right it’s unbelievable how
much power a seed has so changing the
stories we tell ourselves we can either
look at challenging situations as
opportunities for growth as an
opportunity to learn as an opportunity
to change be the change we can look at
them and and really fool down now that
that second part is okay we can even
feel like that right but we have to
recognize it’s not permanent
we’ve gotta accept that none of our
feelings are permanent they don’t need
to be permanent it’s a choice so if you
need to vent then I was saying to
someone yesterday if you need a vent
vent if you need to run run if you need
to complain complain if you need to
share how you feel do that
but recognize that those feelings are
not permanent and it’ll be amazing when
we realized we are seed right that is
the most powerful way of finding
strength there’s one skill to master in
the 21st century it’s the ability to
learn rapidly it’s if you know what it
is they call it in the military a force
a force multiplier is like an input goes
in but you get exponential output from
it it’s like optimism being positive as
a force multiplier right you know I
called Paulo said that and so certain
things like learning how to learn like
meta learning or improving your memory
improves everything improves your
business and proves like you know you
can remember people’s names you can
remember sales presentations you could
remember things about a people because
like for example it’s hard to show
somebody from people were watching this
they’re entrepreneurs right and they’re
wearing a business development hat you
know it’s really hard to show someone
you’re gonna care for their business
their future their family their health
or fitness whatever you’re selling them
if you don’t care enough just to
remember things like their name your
name you know or somewhere that or their
or their kids name or their birthdays
you know so that’s a memory as a
multiplier their memories a multiplier
in their relationships
you know like relationships just
remembering those those moments you know
like you know not even just murmuring
anniversaries remembering to take out
the garbage that kind of stuff but
remembering you know the first time you
and your loved one you know took that
walk on that beach you know what I mean
those kind of moments that make
everything worthwhile yeah but it’s it’s
wonderful for every area so memory I do
believe that tomb of the most costly
words and business for example or I
forgot you know I forgot to do it I
forgot to bring it
I forgot I mean I forgot your name it’s
the words like did you get those
forgetting someone’s name and I’ve seen
this time and time again it could hurt a
relationship it could kill deals I’ve
had people call someone by the wrong
name and they’ve lost multiple million
dollar deals just on that my message to
people whether it’s on stage or in the
podcast or anything is that you know we
are more than what we’re demonstrating
that we’ve been sold this lie that
people are taught through school like
when I do these demos and I understand
stage memorize 100 names and words and
numbers forwards and backwards and it
appears effortlessly I always tell
people I don’t do is impress you I do
this to express to you what’s really
possible because the truth is everyone
can do is too and so much more
apply towards creativity and focus and
flow and problem-solving
and thinking and in really overcoming
the biggest challenges of their life and
maybe even the the world the challenges
we were taught a lot we were taught a
lie that somehow our intelligence our
potential are learning or memories
somehow is fixed our creativity is fixed
or thinking is fixed like our shoe size
and what we’ve discovered you know as
you know more vehement about brain
science in the past two decades we
discover more than the previous two
thousand years and what we know is that
we’re grossly under estimating its
capacity to be able to grow to be able
to contribute to improve our
intelligence and our influence and our
impact and I’m really I want to kind of
pull the veil behind and just say hey
this is about transcending you know this
is about ending the trance ending the
trance that you’re that we’re not good
you know that we’re not smart enough
that we you’re not this genius and and
telling the truth and and the truth is
people could we’re faster and we’re
smarter than we think and not just to be
able to rote memorize things but be able
to really solve significant challenges
and maybe that these challenges that
we’re going through or the lessons that
we need to to learn the most and then
some people who learn those lessons feel
compelled to be able to share that voice
with other people so it’s not just one
candle see everyone uses a search engine
like Google every single day but a lot
of people they use it ten times a day if
I ask them are you willing to bet your
life you know what colors the letters
are because that’s that’s an observation
sure you know there’s a difference
between looking at something and seeing
it really seeing it there’s difference
between hearing something and really
you know like leaders like for example I
had this whole escapade with the x-men
which was insane but I had to leave the
set because there I had to go to a
charity event and one of the people that
I think the leaders the independent of
your political bent who has an
incredible memory as President Clinton
every single time I’ve met President
Clinton he’s remembered my name
you know what he does and how many
people does he’s very very to them yes
you how many people does Kling meet on
regular basis right and so that’s a
leadership skill though right and so FDR
was incredible with names also he would
walk around the White House and point
people out and say hi to them say saying
hi to their spouse and using by name I
mean that’s cuz I think about the
sweetest sound of person’s ears right
America’s their name right and said so
anyway I asked him what’s memory tricky
uses he uses no memory tricks at all and
he tells me this you know this is the
memory to go yes and so he tells me this
incredible story about how he knows his
grandfather you know in Arkansas but to
get all the kids around tell stories to
them but then he would quiz them they’d
really need to listen to be present and
it’s funny because I noticed that like
he’s Bill Clinton is an inquiry cardless
Authority how you feel politically
incredible communicator yeah incredible
charisma incredible connector right
and he also this memory I find you know
he’s this incredible president powerful
presence but I find that his powerful
presence sense memory comes from being
powerfully present his powerful presence
comes from being powerfully the
president and here’s the thing when
people are networking because I know a
lot of people there’s they’re
entrepreneurs or social entrepreneurs
and politico’s either going out there
meeting people because really it’s it’s
what you know and it’s who you know but
that’s all memory what you know glad
people go to seminar two days later
they’ll forget everything right 80%
there’s a big forgetting curve but also
who you know and who knows you right but
what are the challenges is they’ll be
networking and how many time do you find
yourself talking to somebody and then
looking over their shoulder yeah he
would people tell you that it’s like
annoying cuz you’re just tracking
yourself at all times more if you’re not
just dragging yourself externally you’re
like talking to yourself what am I gonna
say Mayer exactly so the people aren’t
even listening that this is so key when
people are communicating most of the
times you find that they’re not even
really listening what they are is
they’re thinking about how they’re gonna
respond oh yeah you know and if you look
at the word listen and you scrambled the
letters it becomes the word silent no
yeah as an expert people would just do that
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