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“If What ENERGIZES You is Amassing WEALTH, Go For It!” | Mel Robbins (@melrobbins)

if what energizes you is amassing wealth
go for it
finding your purpose guys is not that
difficult I don’t think people are
deeply passionate about something that
they really suck at rise and shine it’s
expresso time what’s up believe nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s start
your day off right together grab your
coffee and sip on today’s message
chase energy over to you Mel Robbins
also if you want to know what Mel and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence link to join it in the
description below everybody’s problem
comes down to one pattern you’re
repeating that you can’t see and if
you’re somebody that’s watching this and
you have no clue what you want I’m gonna
say that’s total bull I think you should
chase what energizes you everyone talks
about passion legacy purpose yeah yeah
the one word to pay attention to his
energy I love that that’s it let’s
simplify this okay
so whatever energizes you naturally
expands you feels like possibility is
exciting to do and maybe scary that
doesn’t matter it has to do with how it
makes you feel right when you were in
your 20s money made you feel good it
expanded you it energized you chasing
the money that was the game that was
your passion that was your perfect
there’s nothing wrong with that nothing
wrong with that and I particularly want
to say that to the women that are well
yeah because it is socialized into women
not to chase success like that not to go
after the money and so if what energizes
you is amassing wealth go for it but
what happened and and the reason why I
say that is because people talk about
the word passion yeah or purpose
and the truth is it’s not a person place
or a thing it’s not it is the feeling of
being expanded and energized right if
you’re pursuing your passion it means
that you wake up every day and are
energized so instead of trying to think
what’s my purpose what’s my passion was
my purpose what’s my passion
yeah instead of thinking like that I
want you instead to ask yourself what’s
what could I do today that would
energize me what energizes me if it’s
making money
figure out how to make money if it is
making a difference figure out how to
make a difference it could be in any
single shape or form but if it energizes
you that’s what you need to follow and
what happens is that passion also
because it’s energy it dissipates over
time because when you first start making
money it’s thrilling yeah
thrilling there is nothing more
exhilarating than making your first
million yeah nothing more exhilarating
but what happens is once you learn how
to do something once you can do it over
and over again and so it starts to
become routine yeah which means it’s no
longer energizing right which is why
every entrepreneur out there goes
through the mode of chasing the money
and then you hit the money that you need
to make then you’re like I’m not hell
yeah I do that finally you know I do
that yeah and it’s because you were
energized by the money and now you’re
not yeah now you’ve got to be energized
by the next thing yeah I’m gonna go in a
different direction on this one
there’s definitely something more
exciting than chasing your first million
and you don’t have to keep chasing the
next thing and wondering what the next
thing is and keep chasing not having
clarity finding your purpose guys it’s
not that difficult it’s not that
difficult it’s one of the most common
questions that I get here’s how you do
it you think about the time in your life
where you felt the most worthless think
about the time the lowest load that
you’ve ever experienced in your life
what was that moment your purpose now
where you will get the most fulfilled of
all time will be helping people who are
currently going through the thing that
you went through
that’s it think about the most painful
moments of your life the thing that you
would never want to experience ever
again think about the thing you would
never wish upon your worst enemy
definitely not your friends your family
your kids think about that moment your
greatest purpose your greatest enjoyment
your greatest fulfillment in life will
come from helping people who are
currently facing that thing that you
faced that is your purpose for life it
will never get old helping those people
will never
get tiring I love helping entrepreneurs
why why do I spend so much time helping
entrepreneurs why am i doing my tour why
am i posting three times a day on
why are posting six times a day in
Instagram why do all this work helping
entrepreneurs because I struggled so
much as you’re not true to myself
because when I was 19 and started my
business and I was struggling and I was
failing and I was making $300 a month
and it was too embarrassed to tell my
friends that I couldn’t barely survive
that was making no money when I turned
down these high-paying jobs I was
embarrassed I was ashamed I told my
business partner once that I quit
I felt so bad about myself as a human so
once I made it
I built my business I sold it I had
success the greatest joy in life for me
comes from still helping those pure
startup entrepreneurs I love helping
people who’ve already made it get to the
next level I love helping somebody who
has a million revenue and help them get
to two and five and ten it’s great but I
resonates so much more where the
person’s just getting started
who’s struggling who’s afraid who’s
putting in tons of work and not seeing
results and that will be my purpose for
life you can find your purpose the exact
same way and then have clarity for the
rest of your life and you don’t have to
chase one thing and then another thing
and then another thing and now I’m gonna
for money and I’m in for this you don’t
to do that here’s where I really agree
with Mal on chasing energy I love the
idea of chasing energy within your
purpose so you found out your why right
that’s your why the next step is you
figure out your how the how is how are
you gonna fulfill it so it’s great that
I love helping entrepreneurs amazing how
am I gonna do that there’s a lot of
different ways for me to do it and that
will change and that’s where I can chase
energy so as an example I started with
my website I started with my website I
loved the idea of having a place for
people to come to and consume content
and have I had a hundred thousand plus
pieces of content on my website and then
I started experimenting with YouTube
just as something to test and play
around with and I love that even more
and so eventually I shut down my website
I closed my 8 people who were on that
team brought them all over to YouTube
then scaled my team to have 24 people
who’s helping me with my YouTube
business because that was where my
energy was going the website could still
work there’s lots of ways to win but my
energy was over here I love YouTube I
love making videos much more than
writing content recently in the past six
months I felt a lot of energy going to
my Instagram why did I pick up Instagram
why have I gone so hardcore on Instagram
because I went on and I did an Instagram
live session and I realized that when
you did Instagram live you could bring
people in picture-in-picture that I
could be coaching and helping somebody
from my place in Toronto to somebody
here in Columbus where I’m at now or
Chicago or Zambia or anywhere in the
world and I could see them because when
you get text questions on a YouTube live
you can’t go deep you can’t get the
context you can’t ask back and forth
because it’s very rarely the question
somebody comes in at with the actual
question that’s buried deep below the
thing they actually need to work on but
when you have them picture-in-picture
and I’m a visual learner so I’ll be able
to see people’s reactions when I can see
them there I can help them a lot more
and that Instagram live alone is the
thing that got me to play a much bigger
game on Instagram in the past six months
have grown my account from 8,000
followers or soda a hundred thousand now
my energy is going there and so where
the energy goes right results will
follow but it’s still within my purpose
of helping entrepreneurs and so you
don’t have to stumble around through
life chasing one thing and then the next
and the next
when you have your clarity of purpose it
makes everything so much easier but then
chase the energy within that purpose
because the how will change a million
times because YouTube for me won’t be
around in ten years maybe it’s still
here but it won’t be the same thing
eventually be Evan coming to you in
holographic format you know or it’s
gonna be VR Evan coming at you but it’s
my purpose for life to help
and you can figure out yours just as
easily go to that deepest moment go to
the most painful moment that’s gonna be
your purpose forever helping other
people never have to experience that
thing that you felt worthless for that’s
it now I’ve got a really special bonus
clip that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day I want
to know what was your deepest darkest
most painful moment and how has that
transitioned to your purpose I’d love to
hear from you please leave it in the
here’s how you develop a passion it
starts as a minor area of interest you
gain areas of interest by encountering a
lot of stuff so if you haven’t countered
a lot of things in your life go out
there and encounter stuff go sailing go
take a dance class go study neuroscience
like whatever it is just encounter a
whole bunch of very broad diverse things
from that you’re gonna get sparks of
interest like oh I actually found that
interesting I want to learn more dive
deep through engagement not through
pondering through engagement you’re
going to realize whether something is
gonna turn into an area of fascination
so as you go deeper into it you’re gonna
either become fascinated or you’re not
if you’re not fascinated move on if you
are fascinated then that’s an area where
you’re gonna ask yourself one very
simple question do I want to become the
best in the world at that thing if you
do if you want to become truly
extraordinary in that thing then go down
the path of gaining mastery now the
reason I think that it’s wise to ask
that question going in is when you frame
it up I’m gonna become the best in the
world at this immediately people
understand the amount of time energy and
weight that it would take to become
truly great at that thing and I don’t
think that passion can happen unless
you’re becoming truly great at that
thing that’s part of passion I don’t
think people are deeply passionate about
something that they really suck at and
I’ll give you an example I love video
games I absolutely love playing
first-person shooters I learn a lot from
them I get a lot out of them
I really just intrinsically enjoy the
time it has both that sense of eating a
cake because it’s just fun in the moment
and it I pull from it life lessons
business lessons I practice getting out
of the sympathetic nervous system into
the parasympathetic nervous system it’s
literally gamified so I’m getting better
I have points I can you know have my
improvement turned into metrics it’s all
of it I really really enjoy but I won’t
say that I’m deeply passionate about it
I’m just not that good at it so it’s one
of those things if I really wanted to
develop a deep passion for video video
games and put it at the center of my
life that then I would set down that
path of really practicing now this is
like this is the most important thing
that passion will do for you which is
it’s gonna pull you through boredom it’s
gonna pull you through the hard times
and that’s why it’s really got to be
that you just are prepared to become
great at because when you’re prepared to
become great there’s just these insane
moments of boredom repetition and all of
that and if you have this burgeoning
passion coming out of that that’s what’s
going to give you the energy to get
through it so it’s this symbiotic
relationship between a developing
passion and how hard it is to actually
really get great at something so the
things you get great at need to be
something that is this developing
passion so there you have it that’s how
you do it and that’s why you do it and
if you want more Mel Robbins check out
the five hacks and strategies to
transform your life video the link is
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there my name is very simple
completed today and leave no tasks that I have to finish
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