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“I Would Pick NINA Too!” – #LifeWithEvan

happy weekend believe nation today we
are going to play the one we playing
happy weekend nation today we’re gonna
play the would you rather game
all right Selena and I are doing our
usual March Break trip we’ve got a whole
bunch of family with us and you’ll be
seeing some of our videos over the next
couple weeks come out highlighting some
fun things it’s been unis birthday too
so we had some fun we’re on a cruise
ship celebrity Equinox and that we are
filming from our cabin to make a video
for you guys last week I asked you for
your questions we like playing a game
called would you rather and just a fun
thing to learn more about yourself
listen I just woke up to learn more
about yourself as well as learn more
about each other where you get posed to
kind of impossible questions and try to
figure out what your answer would be
and so I asked you guys last week to
give us your would you rather questions
and would answer them for you
and so this is it we are inside our
cabin Nina’s wearing sunglasses because
she is so bright yeah check out my
sunglasses on if you want I like that
okay would you rather wear sunglasses or
not okay so let’s get to your would your
others V reacts my question is would you
rather take a break from YouTube for a
year no interaction whatsoever or be
stuck with no channel growth or progress
for two years
do-do-do-do-do to the question what do
you answer first I’ve heard the question
let me read the question and you are
answer okay that’s easy I would I would
break from YouTube said the idea of
having two years of no progress or
growth on something that I’m working on
I don’t like I think even even when I’m
doing now my Instagram I’m starting from
nothing I’m starting i had 6,000
followers about a month ago i’m up to
8,000 something now that’s minor
progress right
you know 2,000 subscribers is not until
them follow is not a huge deal but it’s
still some growth i like the growth i
like to climb like the progress you
don’t to be hitting huge numbers but
just the idea that you’re getting better
than you were yesterday i would hate to
be stuck in a play
where for two years I feel like I’m not
making progress and so as painful as it
would be to leave YouTube for a year I
would go off and do something amazing
with that year somewhere else and then
come back with a whole bunch of new
experiences and lessons learned and
crush YouTube again I’ll keep this first
one to stop for a year so I why it’s not
because of yeah okay anyways it’s not
because of hammer I don’t really do much
on my youtube channel right now but if I
have one year break I will think about
how to make it better and then yeah okay
soccer is now ready would you prefer
helping people or billions of dollars I
will prefer helping people when you help
people you grow but I think you still
gotta talk louder me too but that the
helping people leads to the money by
helping people that’s how you make money
that’s the most important rule of money
if you want to make a lot of money you
have to help a lot of people you want to
make a lot of money quickly help a lot
of people quickly provide value help
people it leads to money Carol would you
rather spend the day being the opposite
sex or another race woo I’ll probably go
to another race which race didn’t ask
which raise it up another race I don’t
want to be another opposite bank for a
day for one day you know I like both
options to be honest I would like to be
a woman for a day I think that’d be
pretty cool I wouldn’t want to be a
woman forever but I would pick another
race and I would pick I would want to be
a black man in for a day yeah why
because I made it I made the series on
my channel we had we did girlboss we did
black Excellence and we did so most
right just trying to highlight different
communities the Latin community the the
women entrepreneur
are you yawning over my answer
and all the series did that okay but the
amount of negativity on the black
excellence video was crazy compared to
the other two unless in this belief
nation is a positive environment in
general but the black excellence video
the first one that I put up I had to be
in the comments pretty much the entire
day just moderating eliminating people
who have just really nasty terrible
things to say and it was quite shocking
we didn’t get that kind of backlash for
the Latin series and we didn’t get it
for the women’s series we got a lot of
it for the black excellent series and
you know I grew up in Canada and so we
have maybe a little more accepting
culture than the United States but it
was really shocking to me how much
negative either was towards the black
community and towards me for making a
video about the black community if I had
this option I would I would pick another
race and I would just want to walk a
mile and black person’s shoes for a day
in America see what that’s like I think
if we could all do that we would solve a
lot of these problems you know to
realize that we’re not all that
different build you tomorrow would you
rather be bored home or be on vacation
in a new country and have forgotten all
your credit cards passport and cash I
would not want to be ignored at home I
hate sitting at home doing nothing so I
wanna just go up you should do something
but what you don’t have you don’t have
passports cash or credit cards that’s
fine I like it there are some is that’s
I agree I would immediately hit up you
guys believe nation I would I would make
a youtube video and some Instagram posts
in a newsletter I would massively blast
it out and say hey guys I am in
fill-in-the-blank City who wants to meet
up dinners on you because I have no
money but I will give you a lot of
encouragement advice wisdom and believe
and it will totally be worth so yeah
that’s an easy Ally would you rather be
completely hairless or be hairy from
head to toe
I don’t I would I would go hairless – I
just don’t
I can’t imagine hair on like my nose and
cheek and you know what not hearing it I
knew my wig oh there you go
I like that I’d like that okay good that
was an easy one hope we disagreed yet
not yet
nice to meet you Nina you guys have a
lovely family a new subscriber my
question would you rather spend a year
in the coldest country and still be able
to post YouTube videos or spend the year
traveling to your most desired
destinations but have to take a break
from YouTube for that length of time for
me this is really depends if I have a
YouTube channel like you I will rather
stay in the coolest country and just
keep going doing my YouTube thing but if
I don’t have a YouTube channel then I
just man whatever well first time we
live in the cold has convinced me it’s
almost the coldest country we live in a
cold country this is this is I would
stay where I am and film you know impact
is much more important to me than than
just traveling if you told me traveling
for a Cause or traveling for a specific
reason then maybe but I’ve been to a ton
of countries and I actually don’t like
traveling just for the sake of traveling
I’ve been to my most desired
destinations for the most part and if I
wanted to go somewhere else I could go
but I already choose every day to stay
in Canada and make videos so I’m always
even by impact whatever’s gonna lead to
more impact is what I’m gonna be doing
would you rather make Steve Jobs alive
or Henry Ford alive I don’t know okay
I’ll pick Steve’s job because of you
because you like Steve Jobs
yeah I would pick Steve Jobs I don’t
know enough about Henry Ford this
history I think the advice to be more
valuable from Steve Jobs it’s just more
of this era than before we need to
disagree on something
would you rather save Nina or Timo
that’s a question for you know for you
too would you rather save yourself for
your dog oh I have to save myself first
before I can save other people or animal
if I can’t save myself just drown Who am
I gonna say well but Timo would save
tema would be alive but how could if I
could if I don’t save myself how can I
save Timo no nobody said but you could
save team oh it doesn’t say drown Timo
will live Timo will die and you will
live or you will die in team a will live
by sacrificing yourself you save Timo
you save yourself look at you with just
that’s it you say love yourself a just
she just throws tomorrow just like that
Wow Wow who said you’re ending nobody
say anything with drowning because we’re
on a cruise ship right now okay I would
pick Mina to that season easy question
forget team Kathryn would you rather
your words positively influence your
children and not the rest of the world
or influence millions of people around
the world and not your children Wow
I would probably pick millions of people
over over my children in terms of the
advice leave an impact I just I care
more about mass I care more about the
bigger impact and I think there’s some
people who who love hitting people in a
microwave and a lot of people who
there’s other people who want to help
like the 10 closest people to them and
that’s the impact that they want to have
I’ve never been the 10 closest people to
me kind of person I do a ton and I try
to help a lot the people who are closest
to me but if I had to compare
pick them I would say bigger impact I
would say help the world over help help
one person you have to pick I think I’ll
pick my children Yeah right
good someone needs to look after them we
disagreed on I love it
who is that Catherine you rock next up
Panama would you rather be able to talk
with animals or speak many foreign
languages I want to understand animals
so that kiss always when I whenever I’m
with anyone’s approval they think oh
they be thinking right now
I would pick animals too because I think
that the the foreign languages are
quickly being commoditized it’s getting
a lot easier to be able to communicate
with people there’s I just saw a new a
new thing that you can put in your ear
that like auto-translate it’s becoming a
commodity and so first top-secret
animals is pretty cool
understand that was pretty cool nobody
else does that maybe Cesar the dog
whisperer but yeah just because language
is in general though I picked team human
/ team animal right like I picked Nina /
Teemo I would pick I would pick people /
animals all day long but I just think
that knowing multiple languages isn’t as
helpful as it used to be because you
have translators you have technology
it’s all gonna become easier and easy
and easier and nobody knows how to
connect with animals so would you rather
lose everything and have to start from
zero or never struggle to achieve
something ever again
I don’t know I think I’ll go from start
from zero because when you start from
zero you get to learn the process you
get to learn a lot of stuff but if you
don’t have struggle you just don’t have
that motivation
like to go forward but should everything
will be like this
that’s the entrepreneur answer this is a
great question to figure out if you want
to be an entrepreneur or not who is this
Sam this is a great question yeah but
but four people want to be entrepreneurs
if you if you want an easy life if you
just want to never have struggle for the
rest of your life you’re not going to be
a great entrepreneur
I love the struggle I kind of hope like
I’m so excited by Instagram because I am
starting over I am starting from nothing
and I’m liking the climb you know I
secretly wish I could start over on
YouTube sometimes right it’s like oh my
channel got destroyed okay let’s start
over right now launch a Spanish channel
recently nobody wants to run against
three year olds and so that’s what I
that’s what I think of it as I like to
struggle I embrace a struggle I don’t I
don’t kind of seek out the struggle but
I like it when I’d like it when it’s
hard I think that’s a good chance to
show yourself and the world what you’re
made of and so that’s a good question I
like that name Nick if you could only
have one because you could only choose
one would you rather live your dreams or
help someone else live theirs have a
great day and I think I’ll go for help
someone else to lifters because I think
when I help people makes me happy that
I’m helping people
I would pick live my dreams I have a
selfish and an unselfish answer my
unselfish answer is living my dreams
means I’m helping other people do what
they want that’s you know my dream is to
have a huge impact and so by doing that
I am helping others that being said the
selfish answer is I pick I pick me over
any one individual I want to be happy I
think you have to love yourself first
you got to do the things to yourself
first and then from a place of being
full you can go help others do what they
want as well so if you if you put if you
said me versus a million people then
maybe I would start thinking about it
but if it’s me versus one person
making me all day long we disagreed on
that hey Nick good question
Elaine my question is would you like to
witness a ghost or a UFO Wow Elaine we
needed Hayden for this one where is it
we should get eaten okay it goes to your
folks I hate that word so you pick your
phone yeah because when I was little so
I live in a small village and this small
village just add like little halt not
halt it kind of Holly people walk by and
then every time when someone pass away
they will put the deaf people tech
person in the carpet and in that hallway
so and my room is really just long walk
war like one way between us I think well
I was very scared every time when
someone died so I think I was just about
to figure you yeah I would go UFO – I
think ghosts are scary if I saw a ghost
I don’t know I feel like a UFO is flying
off and descend somewhere or we’ll take
off a ghost I feel like haunts me Zino
would you rather travel through space or
visit the deepest parts of the ocean
assuming you survive space me too
would you rather lose all your memories
they’ll be able to make new ones or keep
your old memories but lose the ability
to create new ones
I like old memories even though probably
right now thinking back to when I was
younger cuz that were traveling with my
family right now so I will have a
flashback oh this is what I did with my
cousin’s when I was younger I like old
memories I would I would go new memories
all day long I don’t look in the past if
I had to pick
I’m always present and forward last
would you rather speak the truth so we
disagreed me would you rather speak the
truth all the time while people think
you’re lying or lie all the time and
have people thinking telling the truth I
will speak the truth
I don’t like buying a hate line me too I
need to and I don’t care what other
people think so that’s easy
ya’re ya’re if you are an athlete would
you do swimming or running no run
because I don’t know how to swim well
but you could learn how to swim I think
okay then I’ll go swimming because I
don’t want to drown
what because you don’t want to drown
yeah cuz you’ll learn a new skill so you
faked it I think running because I could
I could do something while I run like
listen to music or listen to us not
there’s a lot a lot of proof you can
still do stuff in the water really yeah
you listen hold on in the water you have
your phone in the water you can’t listen
to how do you listen to so now that you
will get better okay I think running
would you rather have endless energy or
endless concentration I think I’d like
image me too
yeah energy Troy would you rather be on
a diet and workout your whole life or
just not care about your finger or what
society things I like to work out and go
on my diet yeah me too but it’s not
because I care what society thing’s good
yeah it’s myself
and I want to live I want to live for a
long time Alexandra would you rather
live with without one leg or without one
arm Alexandra come on
Wow holy cow okay would you rather live
without a leg or without an arm one leg
yeah I think using more with arms and
legs yeah yeah I think like you can get
a replacement leg we can get one of
those fake legs but an arm the Hanes do
so much you can get a fake hand but it’s
uh I think it’s harder yeah okay wow
thank you Alex and we’re both one legged
creatures now crafty B would you rather
have the power of flight or the power to
heal yourself this is great power
powered onions you can fly you can heal
yourself I’d rather hear myself yeah me
yeah me too so if I am only one leg like
a human Ralphie would you rather be
broke and attractive or super rich and
look repulsive to anyone who looked at
you and attractive yeah me too
I don’t super care what other people
think but if I can’t like if I come on
and make a video and your first few
actually shut my video off and then that
pie wouldn’t help me reach my goal of
helping a billion people so so yeah Paul
would you would you rather never being
able to post online videos anymore or
lose your voice for life I would hate to
lose my voice for life
I would never post a video when you
don’t have your voice you can pee you
can pick it up people can read it no I
want to do that I want my voice I see
great things forever you’re gonna lose
your voice yeah cuz I stood tight you
can still display those characters I
wish maybe I should try that how about a
week with no Nina voice activate would
you rather be hated by the world for
doing the right thing or loved by the
world for doing the wrong thing I’ll go
for doing the right thing
me too and I don’t care about being
hated by the world and I care what the
world thinks I care what I think I know
I think I’m great for doing the right
thing and I would hate how it would eat
me up doing their own thing life and
sunny st. George my son says would you
rather eat super hot sauce or do ten
backflips on the trampoline I don’t know
maybe I’ll go for dasu
hot sauce hi I hate hot sauce and I
would freak out super is super hot sauce
10 backflips I can’t do but I would try
I would try to do the trampoline first
and if I couldn’t do it then eat the hot
Genevieve would you rather live like a
child mindset with crystal pure heart or
elders mind with full of wisdom
I like child mindset because they’re
pure they have no like pot they undo
politic and stuff they’re very pure GB
child I probably go wisdom feel like I
would go wisdom ya get were different
again nice Clifford would you rather
play fetch with Teemo or jog with Teemo
either Teemo gets exhausted after a
block of running you can’t really jog
with Teemo is I’m a jogging dog paints
that so I would play fetch and we do we
play factor them every day basically all
right that’s it well guys thank you so
much for all the questions that was fun
we got to explore ourselves a little
more and learn more about each other and
hopefully I don’t get hit with Nina’s
new robotic leg Alexandra thank you for
that I hope you guys had an amazing
weekend thank you for joining us here
stay tuned for some travel vlogs that
you get to hopefully enjoy our trip
alongside us and see all of our crazy
adventures thank you for your all those
who participated thank you for the
awesome questions I’m curious to know
how you guys would answer some of them
maybe we’ll do this again this is a test
little mini episode of would you rather
we find it fun just as a way to get to
know each other a little bit more and
sometimes I’ll bring them up on our
weekend so thank you guys for letting us
be a little more introspective today
on on this Sunday we believe in you
continue to believe no that’s not it no
that’s not it
continue to believe and whatever your
one word is much love see you soon
but what was that oh it’s a blow kiss I
thought I’m gonna do one of those okay
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