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“I Love You Nina… If We Don’t Make It…I LOVE YOU!”

I love you Nina if we don’t make it I
love you in the cold too don’t forget
the cold how do you feel Nina thank you
didn’t die you’d be as tall as a Sun
bear oh the Sun bear okay welcome to day
three of our West Coast adventure today
it is raining in Vancouver we’re going
to spend the whole day outside and we’re
gonna do something that might be a
little scary
so we’re packing up our Airbnb my usual
philosophy is you got to leave the place
as clean or cleaner than when you came
in so we gotta clean up we got to make
beds Haven you make your bed is it
really good for sure let’s take a look
let’s go inspection time that’s okay
hating but there’s still wrinkles
wrinkles need to be fixed why do we do
this because these are entrepreneurs and
I love entrepreneurs and my goal when
they come back and see their spot is
holy cow this place is insanely clean we
got to do nothing that’s what I want I
want to surprise them too late
entrepreneurs so clean up time including
Haven fixing the wrinkles on your bed go
get it go after it go do it mister go do
it clean up and then go
okay that’s it for this Airbnb thank you
for the memories
thank you but the fun we are checking
out and heading to our first destination
Tim Hortons for coffee Starbucks you’re
cutting the coffee I said what I said
yes yesterday after Wow
as of today Nieman is kind of coffee
Hayden said to cut out all sweets to all
right well you guys didn’t it be on your
no coffee no sweets diet first stop is
importance for me she got some
high-quality umbrellas for us high
quality you look like a little Red Robin
Hood the Chinese version
let’s see these umbrellas yeah look at
alright that’s Hayden’s horse mind God
the same
though I’ve got us some coffee what’d
you get what’d you get you got yourself
something that’s a coffee that’s worse
than a coffee that’s coffee with sugar
oh my god what happened okay Dean is
officially off of her coffee fries that
lasted an entire eight and a half
minutes but we love you Nina
all right let’s drink up and head to our
first location all right we’re here
we’re the only ones here cuz we’re early
and because it’s raining okay first stop
is the Capilano Suspension Bridge it’s
this huge bridge that goes across a big
valley because Nina well and I who was
afraid of heights it’s gonna be kind of
a little scary Hayden’s excited we’re
gonna go on a bridge in the rain it’s
extra slippery in the rain too so be
careful don’t fall off the bridge
anybody what do you think Nina you’re
cold you’re so cold embrace the cold
yeah where’s your wallet where’s your
bear hat this is in the car okay good
you didn’t leave it there baby okay good
all right here we go look at that left
graphic Nina’s where we’re going
we’re gonna go under the middle that
what do you think she’s very excited
that’s the yawn of excitement we got
Nina her non-coffee coffee
we got hate in his bear hot and I
realized that these are these are not
waterproof at all on the top that’s
gonna be some cold treat Evan all day in
the rain outside yep my toes are already
cold and wet flash like the cover my
shoes plastic bags it’s okay I’ll be
okay I’ll be okay guys I’ll be okay all
right they’re opening up you have it
here we are
Capilano Suspension Bridge since 1889
Wow old bridge
is it wobbly no it’s pretty wobbly
wobbly Nina don’t fall over
what are you doing inna why are you
running get a Hut them for hitch the
bridge is falling
you’re good Nina that’s what we came
across how do you feel Nina you didn’t
that’s a win that’s a win all right next
up tree top trekking adventure whoa
your legs are tickly why cuz you’re
afraid of heights
talk to us Nina
how you feeling you’re feeling great
we’re back on the land Nina yeah feeling
good you like the land wait til the next
next up is the cliff walk let’s go cliff
I love you Nina if we don’t make it I
love you are you guys doing tired
how was are you guys afraid of heights
how was it pretty cool come on that was
pretty cool huh okay next up I think we
need to get something warm something
warm inside us and then stop number two
grouse mountain no gross
drop the cross not gross gross gross
gross another must-see attraction
mountain in Vancouver in the rain
go breech house let’s get our hot
it’s cozy in here nice I hope so I’m
probably going to get some fudge guys
is it good yeah me alright
they have a Starbucks here if we get
inspired on the way out
alright let’s get our tickets
about to get better good day so far
pretty fun
you leave as you got a grizzly bear in
your head yes
I am getting above the clouds put it in
Kaden cool pretty cool it’s foggy we’re
above the clouds pretend ghosts you want
ghosts to fly around and attack us what
you love the outdoors are you
complaining in the cold – don’t forget
the code
yeah these feet are soaked and frozen
embrace the cold embrace the cold
gisli bear habitat grizzly look out his
clothes no she said the chairlift was
closed but the grizzly look out is
and the cafe is closed all right not
much to do here guys just take in the
scenery I guess no grizzly bear lookouts
but we got our own the grizzly bear here
I see up here oh okay
well things are kind of closed makes
sense cuz it’s freezing and what and
it’s not a horrible day alright that’s
Nina’s cold so we’re gonna go back to
the we’re gonna go we’re going she’s
going for a photo op it’s photo op and
then back to the chalet to get some warm
drinking food what do you think inside
let’s go it wouldn’t be one of our
vacations about without the rain right
it always rains in our chips it’s the
best Nina how big would you be standing
next to a bear go you’d be as tall as a
Sun bear oh the Sun Bear
Nina looks like you have a little tail
there you have a little tail you’re sure
it’s kind of hanging out yeah she’s a
bunny it’s got a tail I’ve never seen a
bear with an umbrella before look at
how you feel Nina dead how do you
feeling hated cold let’s get something
where’d you get Nina soup of course
fish and chips oh look at that fish and
chips for Haven
Oh into oh you’re gonna love that it’s
warm you know it’s warm it’s sooo yummy
and I’ve got Hawaiian pizza and the
pepperoni stick covered with cheese you
just fry my pepperoni stick covered in
cheese different
okay this is our last meal before we
take Hayden back to Kelowna Moe’s a
highlight of the trip mr. Granville
Island Granville Island okay Nina
highlight of the trip not to be in the
rain Wow that’s easy good to spend time
together I I second that it’s nice it’s
nice spending time with the Heyman boom
that was fun let’s go – lets go get a
Starbucks and then we’ll head to Kelowna
save it Nina save it Nina save it save
faster than my bullet all the little
kids with your Pumped Up Kicks you
better run better run faster than my
bullet Oh
so we’re about half an hour early before
Hayden has to go so it was going to take
us in a little tour of Kelowna and some
I’m gonna get some pizza antico’s pizza
right here go in and get something wood
fried pizza nice look at this
alright downside they only have entire
pizza as you can’t get the slice so
we’re gonna find something else in our
last half an hour together you have a
what’s your message oh my god oh alright
Nina I found the Starbucks oh it’s a
safe bet what did you get there
bagel they go to cream cheese all right
I like it you’re gonna make it for well
she goes to the bathroom
alright do a good job
all right that’s it good that’s it
thank you for the three days it’s been
fun yeah we’re gonna miss you
we’re gonna miss this guy oh my gosh I
thought we came out yeah we came out and
I’ll see you
we’re gonna see you in 52 days gonna see
you for Christmas Christmas Toronto yeah
okay highlight highlight final highlight
of the trip Granville Island spend time
together spend time together it’s been
okay we’re gonna take Kayden back and
then get to our baby me right we got one
last night in Kelowna then tomorrow
morning we wake up and Nina flies to
it’s night time we got to order air BnB
we settled then we went back to have the
pizza at that Italian place that we
stopped by delicious pizza really
awesome and then came back here back
there B&B we’re gonna settle in and just
get ready for bed it’s been a I didn’t
film any of it it’s been a no I wouldn’t
say rough just processing everything I’m
introverted so when I have a when I’m
hit with emotion talking about it
doesn’t help with other people I need to
I need to just process it I process it
myself and then I grow from it I figure
it out in and then I’m better so it was
sad even Hayden for the next I’m gonna
see him in two months I’m gonna talk to
him everyday on skype but I’m gonna
physically see him in two months and so
I’m gonna miss him but I’m super good
full that I’m keen it was tough fitting
it in because of all the travel that
I’ve been doing but I’m glad I’m glad
that we spent a couple days together
it was awesome to to reconnect and and
have fun again and so I haven’t really
filmed the ending of today even this
feels weird but I want to end the video
so it’s not just b-roll or how I
finished filming the last bits of this
film everything will be okay it’ll be
just need to process more take it all in
and and continue on so thank you guys
for joining if you want to see the
episode last week where we explored
Vancouver and have a ton of fun and
found our favorite spot Granville Island
check out the link next to me thank you
guys again continue to believe and I’ll see you there
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