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I HATE writing! – #EvansBook ep. 1

everyone so I’m right in the book and I
asked you last week I think if you
wanted me to do a seriously document my
process my journey writing my first book
and you said yes so this is the response
and my hopes was to do weekly account of
what I’m going through the ups the downs
and share with you my journey and
hopefully you can learn along the
process with me one of the things that
came up that I was surprised about was
people started asking me questions on
that video and so I thought that’d be a
cool way to integrate your questions
into these videos too if you have a
question about my book or the process
I’m going through then leave it in the
comments below and I’ll try to
incorporate them into this series and
into them here I think that’d be a cool
addition so i’m i’m doing this video
from where i write my book and that’s on
the floor of my living room I’ve got the
couch behind me I like sitting against
the couch or some back support and the
computer come up on the couch and I’m
sitting on the floor this seems to be
the best spot that I like the right so I
thought if I’m right in here might as
well make the video here because I’m
kind of in that zone so the thing that I
want to talk about this week is I hate
writing yeah I hate writing and that may
seem hypocritical because I’m always a
guy saying you gotta follow your passion
you gotta do what you love that’s the
only way you’re gonna create anything
great and I honestly believe that and
the the the juxtaposition you know the
battle that I face in my own head is I
hate the process of writing but i love
the end result I love what I’ve created
I’m really proud of the stuff that I’ve
written and I look at my news letters as
an example and I I hate writing my
newsletters and he having to write a
newsletter every week but I’m when I’m
in it and I finish it I’m really happy
with what i wrote and I know it’s gonna
impact a lot of people and that’s my
real passion right i want i want to
change people’s lives and I know the
newsletter does that for a lot of people
and I’m really proud of what’s been
created but you sort of joy the process
of doing it and I don’t know how to
overcome that you know I can’t give it
to somebody else or at least I don’t
think I can I’ve never had anybody right
for me you know on social media if you
get a response
what our YouTube or Facebook even if
it’s just a happy face that’s me right
that’s that’s me responding i don’t like
other people writing for me and i’m also
really good at it you know as much as
you may think you like my videos um I’m
a way better writer than am a speaker
I’m really proud of what I make I think
it’s really good um but I just don’t
enjoy the process I don’t know it’s a
tricky thing so now here I’m writing I’m
writing a book right I gotta have 60,000
words submitted so this is the challenge
that I’m facing so that’s my thought of
the week and I don’t know how to
overcome it but I’m working through it
now when i get to your questions so
first up is Pete for 725 who writes in
the say I have a question just for fun
do you have a cover made up yet or still
pondering ideas I don’t have a cover I
don’t even have ideas or cover yeah I
mean if you look at how long it takes to
write a book and then actually getting
into production that’s something that I
won’t have to think about for a long
time so I want it to be something
special that’s for sure I wanted I’d
like in general things that start off
strong and really hits people so I’ll
probably translate that somehow into my
cover I wanted to be something appealing
obviously but I have not thought of any
ideas so I’m open to them if you guys
have them okay next up dominant ask why
do you write a book can you still get
good exposure with the book on today’s
market everything is moving to audio and
video thank you this is a great question
i made a video not too long ago about
why you should have a book and if it’s
right for you because it’s not right for
everybody and the main incentive for me
was i don’t care about having a book you
know i don’t need a book to open up
doors i don’t need a book to get me
meeting so to get me speaking gigs would
get me partnerships i think a while ago
that used to be a requirement right to
get a speaking gig or corporate gig or
get on TV you had to have a book that
was your mark of authority now i could
just show people my youtube channel and
and that could open up doors for me and
so i think the world is changing in that
way that a book is not a requirement i
also don’t need a book for my own ego
right like i don’t need a book to say
I’m up I’m a published author i have my
own book blah blah blah
because if that was your goal you could
just write a book self publish it and i
also don’t feel like I need a book for
for like a life goal like you know some
people have on their bucket list I want
to write a book I want to get my story
out I don’t that’s not a sign of desire
for me so again if that’s your goal you
could always just saw publish something
and say hey I got my book I checked off
check that thing on my list time to go
bungee jumping or whatever the next
thing is on your list for me everything
i do i want to be able to have a impact
right i wanted to have the ability to
reach millions of people and so I had
zero interest in self-publishing one
because I hate writing and two because I
don’t necessarily need a book and so
what I did was I wanted to only write a
book if I had a major publisher on board
with a was serious backing who was going
to really help me with it um and I’ve I
didn’t land that major deal then I
wasn’t gonna write a book and I got my
deal so I’m writing the book so that’s
that’s just that’s the short answer yeah
so thank you guys for watching I’ll try
to continue to update you guys on the
journey in the process and if you have
questions along the way leave it below
and I’ll give you a video response
thanks for watching and you’ll see you
next week
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