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I #Believe Too

so I recently got an email from a
subscriber YouTube fan named Gary Gordon
who sent me this really moving email
talking about how I’ve helped him and he
included this picture of him with the
word believe on his arm and his
backstory is he has cancer and he’s
going through radiation treatment and
what he would do is before each session
write the word believe on his arm and
that kind of helped him get through the
treatment and he knows that it’s going
to work out and so he sent this moving
email and I thought I want to share this
with you guys and I asked Gary if he one
would be okay with it and two if he
would mind reading it himself and so
what follows is Gary reading his email
into his phone and he was nervous about
doing it so I hope you guys will show
him some love while you watch this video
to thank you heaven for all that you do
for us I believe our Creator gives us
challenges to help us grow and become
stronger sometimes these challenges are
difficult and hard to understand but I
think we should look at these not as
something that’s gone wrong but rather
is an important lesson to be learned
each morning before radiation that would
write the word believe on my form this
helped me to remain strong and positive
throughout the eight weeks of treatment
during treatment I searched for and was
soon able to find the lesson that was
associated with my challenge and that is
we’re not alone you’re not immortal and
life is a very stroke each new day of
life you are given is a precious
precious gift that will someday be gone
and true happiness is realized by being
thankful for all we’ve been given I can
now honestly say without reservation my
cancer experience was a great gift
I’ve grown wiser and stronger because of
this afternoon and I will receive my
final blood test results and though if
the radiation worked or not I believe
the radiation did work but if not I’m
fully prepared to begin searching for
the new lessons that out for me
be strong so it was a really moving
message in one Gary obviously I wish you
the best of luck and success in your
cancer treatment
I’m honored to be playing a small role
in that and I’m glad that we can all be
a part of it and encourage everybody
watching to send some love to Garry down
in the comments for him to get better
and maybe you can refer back to this
video too and get some extra love when
he needs to go in for his next treatment
or as he continues on his journey to be
cancer-free the second comment is more
for everybody and it’s when you are
doing something important with your
business it can have a tremendous impact
on people’s lives I know all of you guys
who are watching these videos regularly
you’ve seen an impact as you’ve changed
and as you’ve grown and developed and
learned new things but then you know
what Gary does it takes it to an even
higher level and that’s a responsibility
for me to know that you know the content
that I’m creating is having that big an
impact on people’s lives but also for
you guys that the business that you are
doing yes is providing value and yes is
helping people but for some people it
can make your content your product your
service could be the difference between
them you know still being here or not if
you give them the strength to keep going
and continue on and so it’s just you
know a lot of times when I see the
YouTube videos it’s the numbers and it’s
on mass and your comments and your
emails is what helps humanize it for me
and then maybe the third quick point for
you guys wasn’t planning on going into
three things but if somebody’s had an
impact on you let them know about it you
know if there’s another youtuber that
you watch or a friend or your mom or
whoever has had an impact in your life
just share it with them because it’ll
make you feel good and will make them
feel really good as well so thank you
guys so much for watching I hope you’ll
leave some of that in the comments below
send some love continue to believe or
whatever your one word is and I’ll see
you soon
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