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How to write an AMAZING credo – #EvansBook ep. 69

how to write an amazing credo so one of
the things that I talked about in my
book is obviously finding your one word
the one word that defines you that makes
app you are that you can make all your
important decisions through and one of
the most important exercises in the book
that I guide people through is how to
find their credo and the credo is is
basically your mission statement it’s
what you’re all about it’s a better
breakdown of how you see the world and
it always flows from your one word so
under your one word what I encourage
people do was find three things that
define what that one word is for them
and often there’s something that is
super obvious that is the general public
perception of what that word means and
then you need to add two things to it
that make it more meaningful for you
that turn your word into the hashtag
word from believe the hashtag believe
because it’s something that you are now
owning that is extremely special
important to you and then all major
decisions that you have to make in your
life and business flow through this and
so I’ve talked about it for myself I
wanted to share another example with
Alex who helps run Toronto dance salsa
with me his one word is belong and he
wants to create a community where people
feel like they’re welcomed he wants
people to feel like they belong at
Toronto dance salsa but also in his life
people around him should feel like they
belong with him and it stands from him
not feeling like he belonged earlier on
in his in his life under hashtag belong
for him comes validation comes
non-judgment and comes open arms and
that’s what makes belong for him and why
it’s so important is because it’s it’s
had a tremendous change on how he treats
people in his life as well how I execute
some business so validation is really
really important to him it makes up the
first arm of belong for him the more he
validates people the more he’s going to
feel happy the more he’s going to feel
like he’s contributing and so we worked
that into his phone script where every
time somebody calls he needs to validate
them and now practicing with every
conversation that he has that’s you know
of a certain length five minutes plus
you have a conversation with somebody
validate them for something that they’re
doing for
joining the class for taking the time
for having the courage to talk to him
whatever it is validation is so
important to him and makes up his one
word that consciously make an effort to
validate people not doing it by accident
allows him to have a greater impact and
makes him happier as well the second
part is judging being non-judgmental
right and so it’s super important for
now him to realize I don’t want people
to feel judged I don’t want people to
feel like they’re judging me and so I
shouldn’t judge others and I need to
make a better conscious effort not to
judge other people for the decisions
that they’re making in their life in the
third part is open arms welcoming when
you first meet Alex right he has a
positive vibe and he’s welcoming he
wants to learn he’s trying to create a
connection with you and so all these
things have helped a lot in the growth
and development of him as a human being
and we’ve applied that to the business
and here’s what happens when you figure
out what your one word is and you figure
out the Credo you figured the three
things underneath that then you kind of
explain and now that becomes the way
that you operate your life what often
happens is at first it’s scary and
almost disappointing because you realize
that that one word that you have is bold
is big is something that you you know
are but also aspire to and you’ll
recognize the sad part of it is you
recognize that there’s a lot of areas in
your life that are not congruent with
who you should be the reason why you’re
sad unhappy not getting the results that
you should be not feeling fulfilled
because there’s too many areas in your
life in your business that are not
aligned with your one word and with your
credo so if alex is not validating
people on a consistent basis he realized
that that that’s not congruent with this
one word he’s not going to be happy and
so whenever you do figure out your
one award and figure out your credo it
forces you to look at your life and the
business and the things that you’re
doing and immediately recognize the
holes and where you need to step up on
where you need to really make the hard
decisions to be true to what you’re all
about in your one word it’s an exercise
that I’ve taken a lot of the people on
my team through it’s obviously an
exercise in the book but one of the most
powerful things that you can do is when
you figure out your in one word
it and then the three things that define
it for you has believed for me means
three things believe for you maybe
something totally different that’s okay
but this is this should be the operating
manual now for how you live your life
with intent with purpose so you feel
fulfilled and so you have an impact
instead of just kind of floating through
life and reacting to what’s around you
so let’s get to the book and updates and
questions we are now at whether we are
174 we’re now at 174 pre-ordered sales
from audiobooks and ebooks and hard
copies I still feel like that’s not a
lot I still feel like we should be doing
way more of the people around there
saying well for where we are in terms of
the timing that’s that’s pretty good it
feels like a big letdown to be honest
but I’m hoping in that that last what do
we you know I almost any September as we
get closer to Christmas season and the
release date that picks up so little sad
disappointing but also you know I
believe I’m the thing that’s getting me
through all this is I love the content
of the book right like the book is solid
the book is so good and I know if people
read it and apply it’s going to have a
major impact on their life and so that’s
what’s getting me through but I
appreciate the support and helping build
it up okay to the questions or rest day
2103 heaven about your book can’t wait
to get it here in France I’ve looked at
the book web page and I think there are
really some issues on it I mean it could
be much better and your book deserves
that I think I’ve studied UX design web
design development so I’m sure this
comment will help you and he basically
goes on about all this feedback for the
website about the display on mobile too
much content to read you want it to be
fast and easy quotes at the top of the
page so it’s from Hugo Hugo really
appreciate it I think it’s probably too
much for me to digest right now but I’m
gonna go home and look at it and see
what me we might be able to do to apply
it and I really appreciate the detailed
feedback that you gave hear that that
can help I’m feeling the love Thank You
Man next up connect baton net baton I
pronounce that okay probably didn’t can
I get you work in German language or
your ebook and German please give me an
answer and thank you so much for your
YouTube channel I’m going to send this
to my publisher I
don’t so right now we’ve been looking at
open up the market so that you can buy
it the English version at least on
different platforms so Amazon in
multiple countries and the audiobook now
on audible multilingual we haven’t
really addressed yet so I’m super
curious to figure out what the plan is
for that thank you for that I’m going to
send it out to my publisher and see what
they have to say about it I don’t know
about the audio version because I want
to do the audio version and I know I
wouldn’t be able to do a good job in in
German yeah I don’t know if I want to do
a german audio version I need to find
the right person but definitely for the
hardcover if we’re opening up language
rights and options i’m going to forward
this on and hopefully we could do
something i can’t guarantee that this
will be ready pre-order but i’m going to
send it to them if you guys have
requests ideas again everything that
comes in that you want to change you
want to see happen i send it out to the
publisher and so I really appreciate the
feedback and that’s like your ideas help
move the needle right it’s because of
you guys that we moved it to December
instead of January is because you guys
that we got the audio book available is
because you guys have we’ve opened up
the Amazon in different markets so keep
sending the feedback and I keep sending
it to them next up choreographic arts I
want the audio book as well you know
what I just went back to ESL class so I
think we’ll be good to have my first
english book that i can make notes and
write on your book definitely will help
a lot Thank You Evan wow that’s that’s
pretty awesome chorea for my book to be
the first English language book that you
have that be a massive honour for me and
and I think given the life changing
nature of the book I think I think it’ll
be a big win for for both of us so thank
you for that that I’m I don’t even what
to say thank you for that honor and I’m
super appreciative and look forward to
you getting the copy and it changing
your life next up Sean it’s not about
the people you know it’s about the
people they know don’t worry about
selling a low amount of books person 102
might have a corporation that needs your
advice stay motivated I appreciate that
Sean if I’m sad or appear not motivated
I think it’s something that I mean all
of us go through if you have a product
that you’re trying to sell and you have
a goal and you’re you know you don’t see
that the the path is getting there fast
enough you get a little bit down
thing that gets to me isn’t person 10 to
work in a big corporation it’s knowing
that the people who pick this up are
going to make major changes in their
life because I’ve seen it from the
people that I’ve helped through the
process and I know that even if it
doesn’t spike in pre-orders once it’s
out and people read it it’s going to
have a big impact they’re going to want
to share they’re going to want to buy
copies for their friends are going to
want to use the information or I’m just
you know just so full of myself yeah but
I’ve seen it work and so I really
believe that it’s going to be a success
because they’ve seen it work but where
we are now in the process is getting the
pre-orders through and just like
anything else like if I want to get a
million subscribers on my youtube
channel and I’m not there by the
timeline that I set for myself it’s a
bit of a letdown but it doesn’t mean I’m
not going to keep going right this is
coming out I I work for this this is
going to make an impact this isn’t just
promote at once and then forget about it
there’s a lot of stuff in here that I’m
super proud of I want to walk through
you know with my kids and grandkids it’s
a legacy for me as well it’s something
I’m always going to be proud of I really
appreciate the concern because I know
that’s where it’s coming from and any
kind of lack of apparent motivation is
really just a little bit of sadness for
not reaching the goals yet but I’m still
very highly motivated for getting this
thing out and getting into the hands of
entrepreneurs next up safi ox by the way
i order three copies of the hardcover
version of the book not the audio
version I love that thank you so much I
don’t know if we’ve tracked that sale so
make sure to please email in the receipt
with all you guys buying I mean our
numbers that I update on are the ones
that people have sent in the receipt so
otherwise we don’t really have a good
way of tracking it so that’d be super
helpful for those of you who are buying
sending your receipts we can track the
numbers and also you get bonuses you get
shoutouts part of the benefit of doing
this so it helps everybody and for
anybody who’s bought and has an email in
the receipt please make sure to do it
soon next up dear Han or Diahann bought
the audiobook at audible also will
purchase a hard copy thrilled to be able
to support you directly you are anointed
to do what you do god bless you and
yours richly thank you for that thank
you for buying the audio version looking
forward to buying the hard copy I
appreciate that support it really really
a lot to me I’m excited because in two
weeks i think i’m going to go in and
start recording the audio version and so
i’m already getting ready I’m fired up
and ready to go and record it you know
thank you for that and all you guys like
knowing that you guys have bought the
audio version fires me up more so when I
go into the studio like all of these
people accountant on me I insisted on
doing this myself I gotta bring the fire
I gotta bring the fire so your your
comments are in my ears I’m already
writing i’m already psyched up to go and
do it so you guys are firing up but i
really appreciate it next up relaxing
sleep station when I see a specific
bonus ends the top of the page it has no
relevance to me is I look as a warning
because I don’t know what package it is
a part of and I don’t want to go
searching through other packages to work
it out because of that I’m not as
concerned about the fear of missing out
because I don’t immediately connect with
that bonus that relates to me so I think
this reference to at the top of the
landing page there’s a there’s a time
bonus that expires every day so on
different days or different bonuses that
come out that if you buy you know within
that day you get that bonus and if it’s
a different day you get something else
so that’s some good feedback it’s
something that we’ve tested I put up
stuff like how I got Gary Vaynerchuk to
endorse my book some other you know
super important questions I’ve coming
from entrepreneurs that I spend time
making a good video about just answering
that question and going deep so people
who have that problem can benefit from
it we’ve gotten pretty good feedback on
those bonuses but I it’s great like I
love that it’s not working for you it’s
great to get that kind of feedback and
hopefully turn it into making the page
even better so that’s it for this week
thank you guys so much for your support
for your feedback I love to know from
you questions that you have about my
book about the book writing process
about the topic that I started with
about Korean accredo and find you one
word making it really meaningful and
powerful for you leave that in the
comments below and I’ll do my best to
answer next week for you I also want to
give a quick shout out to Hugo Hugo
thank you so much for buying a copy of
my book and for the awesome feedback you
gave me about UX design in the comments
I’m going to check that out again when i
get home for those are you watching if
you want your chains and a shadow in a
future video make sure to pick up a copy
and email in your receipts that we can
track thank you so much for watching
thank you all for your amazing support
continue to believe or whatever your one
word is and I’ll see you soon
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