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How to UNLOCK Your BRAIN for Limitless POTENTIAL | #Becoming

resource was being able to use your your
brain to figure out problems I think if
you were able to unlock your brain right
like the most resourceful person of all
time like you’re really smart dude you
just use your head against you instead
of for you we’re like that’s a top at
the top level you say okay I can’t do
this and then you use your brain to
figure out all the reasons why you can’t
do it I can’t do it because I’m that
resource with the most resourceful am I
thinking – thanks word intentions come
in and then your head your your smart
brain is just as looking for answers –
just up to the wrong question exactly
yeah right you’re justifying why you
suck you use your smart brain to tell
you why you suck and then you come up
with the amazing reasons that your
brains gonna tell you what you saw
cuz here’s my person right see that’s
what you need to flipped
you’re a good problem solver yeah you
just solving the wrong problem the
problem yourself is why do I suck I make
goals for this year but so I haven’t
achieved most of them and that’s that
bothers me you know there’s nothing
wrong with my execution pattern and
don’t want to fix that it’s because I
don’t want to be in the same place again
next year and then say oh I had these
goals for this year but I didn’t execute
I didn’t achieve anything I don’t even
get halfway towards it you know and but
there’s still time mm-hmm and you could
go and likely crush most of those goals
before the end of year if you wanted to
mm-hmm so you could go and make a
youtube video like if you’re worried
about the judgment of making YouTube
video then you have to go make a youtube
video there’s no other way either the
only way to get youtube video is degree
you have to be your biggest critic and
your biggest fan right I feel like I’m
still learning then I can’t really help
but you know no but that’s not true
so you your biggest critic but you’re
not your biggest fan we got to say I
know a lot like I can help a lot of
people if a freshman if a freshman came
into university coming from an all-boys
school right out of high school is like
never did anybody you could teach that
guy a lot mm-hmm
you could help them I have some
experience so I have a failures which
actually my failures happen to be my
biggest teachers in that sense as well
like I learned what to do and what not
to do point forward so in the moment
like you’re you look at it’s like oh the
world is over you know I’ll never be
able to succeeded this again but you
look good in hindsight you like this is
such a great experience because maybe
going on today rates and you know I can
say that a lot about a lot about the
things that happen to me the person you
know it made me who I am and I’m proud
of this I don’t look back on it with
wrist have been a regrets I’m happy that
it happened
yeah great the way did you know but then
so you need to share it you know help
like you want to help you’re you’re
being selfish by not helping
your fear is selfish it is because you
could be helping you may not be helping
a billion people but you could be
helping hundred people or thousands of
people where they can take your
knowledge and it prevents them from
making a big mistake
where they take your knowledge and they
they get more confident they they take
that first step and instead of it taking
other three years they do it today but
because you’re too afraid to put up the
YouTube video they don’t see that
content I think what happened is every
time that you in that decision-making
powder where you choose not to do what
you know you need to do it just gives
that sphere more strength and that’s
what’s been happening yeah every time I
get in the thought process of should I
do this should I not – it’s also the
time end up not doing it and so for the
exact same reason but you know it gets
harder every time you give it more power
and now it’s gonna be hard to break away
obviously but you know
I got to chip away at it somehow you
know I was are somewhere so you start
today right right make me to video today
all right I will man yeah that’s it
right so it they’ll let some what so
like today you can if you to video by
the weekend you can go to a skate park
and fall to train yourself that
limitless severe is taking off what you
want to do is find one of the busiest
times if you go with like Nathan
Phillips Square a huge to excited I know
Nathan Phillips Square pick pick the
busiest day let go on a Saturday and not
at like 5:00 in the morning like
Saturday at two o’clock
who you know this would be a lot of
people and there’s going to do this yeah
yeah exactly they’re yourself you’re
used to being around a lot of people no
because it if you you know this is a
fear that you want overcome of course
don’t mail it in by avoiding people
going out yeah yeah five in the morning
they I did it but you know you didn’t do
it right let’s you know you’ve been
doing some some some old guys doing
hiking the party or something exactly
like when there’s people around when
there’s kids for eight years old who are
skating better than you right next to
you and like doing fancy tricks right
and then you there and you’re like
faceplant I’ll be honest is like when I
think about going to skating classes I’m
like all these are the kids are so much
younger than me and I’m in the class I’m
the oldest guy there yeah it feels
really weird
yeah but that’s great like I’m out of
there you know demographic but that’s
awesome yeah I did I’d never learned
this skate until later I started
learning the skate when I was like 13 or
something and so I was in the same
situation and I learned figure skating
at the start cuz my sisters were doing
figure skating so I’m like 13 can’t
skate all my friends are doing hockey
I’m I have figure skates I love hockey
right but but it was super like that’s
that’s the thing that trains you awesome
I’m gonna sit here and crush it with
these seven year old girls like let’s go
yeah let’s see your axe oh come on
what’s up is the sort of expectation
because you all do the other before but
whose expectation like stop living by it
that’s the whole point
stop leave my other people’s
and it starts by going off in doing the
thing so don’t don’t let yourself down
by going when there’s nobody there the
whole point is in front of somebody but
more important is learning the skill is
learning to beat the judgment because as
long as you’re ruled by other people’s
judgments you’re always gonna lose and
play small you know what I realized like
because of that alone I haven’t done you
know yeah I’ve I haven’t lived my life
to my full potential
yeah I listen if you got what 20 cares
to me that you know I’m 24 yeah at you
might think like this is super late in
life to learn it but you’re ahead of the
game because this most people never fix
it most people are like 70 and still
worried about other people’s judgments
and never have lived their life you
still have a long window ahead of you I
mean I’ve done some pretty scary things
like I mean I was at the gym the other
weekend you know I approached this girl
that I really thought was attractive on
the most beautiful woman there none I
got rejected but I was happy that I did
it you know yeah like wow you mean
though I dig Tara Jackie was like damn
that feels good yeah yeah it’s like I
got over you know and you know it’s it’s
tinier so mention you know it’s great
tying your self-worth to the effort not
the result mm-hmm this is getting better
a bit each day that’s all I’m looking
for you know and eventually you might go
to the skating rink and fall down the
whole day and like never make it never
learn how to stop and you just fell a
thousand times but like I go on I pat
myself on the back right that’s awesome
because I did it because if you keep
going you’ll figure it out
exactly but if you’re only tying your
your self-worth to the results that’s
how you get caught up in in losing of
like hey how many likes do I have and
how many subscribers do I have means
like no like are you enjoy the process
of doing the thing I don’t think I’m
actually focus on that like a lot of
people I’m just focused on creating
quality that’s it’s my time for my focus
just creating quality content if I can
do that and that’s what matters okay so
be persistent with that first is
releasing yourself from other people’s
expectation right and that’s not just in
YouTube that’s in everything and arrive
yeah whenever you feel judgment you have
to go off and do that thing you have to
not let yourself against judgment and
then to what is quality content like the
quantity leaves that subjective too
right so more you do the better you get
expect to suck at the beginning of
everything expect your first youtube
video to that’s gonna suck it’s gonna
suck people look back on and use it and
you know like I’ve come so far go back
and watch my first video I’ve seen a few
they SIA you’re at like rude hair back
then – I had hair but I was the message
hasn’t honestly been changed that my way
my opinions haven’t changed that much a
little bit but the energy the delivery
the college production quality all of
that has gotten way better right but I
love that the first one sucked
like I love people look back because if
you ultimately want to help people
showing the journey showing how much you
suck at the beginning it helps you
relate to them helps them relate to you
yeah it’s amusing
right because nobody wants to learn from
only the perfect person because they
feel like you know they’ll never ask if
you put out your first youtube video and
it’s fire yeah it actually hurts the
connection to you
that’s interesting actually like oh this
guy like he’s just born with like a
viral video so I’m just born with it
right Wow look his first video was so
amazing I can’t you know his first he
got he got a supermodel to say yes on
the first right date right man this
guy’s just born with something I can’t
really do that guy people don’t want to
learn from the perfect person right they
won’t see the guy who came from nothing
and made it looks like them yeah you’re
like there’s like your average person
yeah yeah like oh he went off and did it
that’s my goal like I’m not better than
anyone you know I’m just trying to show
that you know I think anyone can be that
you know like you don’t want to learn
from Shaq had a dunk exactly
he’s indifferently you his own he
doesn’t need that like dunk
yeah right he’s too tall there’s no
effort for him to jump it’s like it’s
hard for that so if you’re learning how
to dunk like that’s one of your goals
you you’re not gonna look up a shack if
you didn’t have a dunk because he’s –
you see him as superhuman compared to
you and and he is like the own 7-foot
whatever it’s easy to dunk someone who’s
talented versus someone who’s not that’s
that’s the thing right so like I love
that you can look back at my videos and
that they sucked
oh yeah all days and so make I
appreciate all of it though like you
I can see like wow this guy’s come so
far course but like you should have very
more yeah six months ago when you
thought about this I agree yeah I mean
another thing is like in terms of like
focusing and finding out why my careers
that’s like what I was talking to you
about um like I’m not happy where I’m
right now in my you know professional
life I want to get there and like make
some progress this year but um you know
all these interests I have if actually
pursued them and like try them out one
by one it could probably lead to a
career path that’s some pretty simple it
will be – it probably will it will but
it but the but you can’t connect the
dots looking forward for it only
backwards that’s it right you won’t know
until you do it you won’t know which a
girl is gonna be the girl for you
just by looking at a dating app you have
to talk to them you won’t know until you
get into it and you see I see a lot of
successful people but sometimes I know I
shouldn’t feel this way but sometimes I
feel a bit of not envy but it’s like a
bit of sadness like I feel happy for
them but the same time I feel like how
the hell am I gonna get there you know
it’s like I feel like I’m different from
them I know it’s not true because you
know everything can it be cheap but at
some point like I feel like how do I get
access to this sort of success you know
it’s like do I know who he knows or do
like how the information that he has
like how do I get to it and it’s like
I’d spend my time researching but I
never really get enough of what I wants
and that’s a problem it still comes down
to overthinking right you still just
overthinking like if you’re looking at
other people I try to use them as a kick
forward not down mm-hmm so if you look
at someone like Tony Robbins you know
sure yeah I just maybe I never get the
Tony Robbins level right but I use that
as an inspiration like that’s what’s
possible mm-hmm so I’m gonna work hard
to get there not like I’m never gonna be
Tony Robbins and so horse then you don’t
take any action mm-hmm you use those
people as inspiration to say that’s
what’s possible a lot of people started
way later than you in life even if you
did nothing for the next six years as
people who started in their 30s or
teasel thought well but light should be
yeah but if you’re comparing like if
you’re comparing yourself to other
people there’s somebody who’s always
gonna be better and you don’t anyone’s
life story either
thing of course right but you’re still
just thinking instead of doing exactly
too much thinking you would have already
figured it out mm-hmm if you just
started taking action it’s like do you
need a mantra to do these things or you
just go in like at first but like both
like don’t wait stop waiting right and
and if if like mentors always help kind
of course yeah I mean you avoid more
failure but most of the people that I’ve
learned from from a mentorship
perspective or people on my own channel
it’s not somebody I’ve never met like
Bill Gates saved my company but I’ve
never met him
mm-hm I use his strategies that work for
Microsoft right right me grow mm-hmm but
but I looked at a store and then I did
it emulate their success yeah and try it
you have to do it mm-hmm I totally agree
yeah like you’ve I realize like I
haven’t tried so I don’t have any
results even if they’re better good yeah
it’s been three years and it could be
another six years not getting that time
back man it’s just it’s sad great but I
want other people to know like if you
have something you know you want to go
for just figure it out now like this but
here’s the hope you know but then is but
it’s doing it like the ultimate is you
want to inspire people right right do it
do it like guys I’m pissed like it’s
been three years I haven’t done this I
don’t want to be 40 and still hemming
and hawing and in the job I don’t like
and like nothing I’m so pissed at right
yeah I use that for your future regrets
so much I love that like I don’t want to
speak in the same position when I’m
thirty years old because I was too
afraid to take action and then so I’m
doing I’m doing I know what I want for
myself but I don’t have the roadmap of
how to get but there’s no robot right
you figure out the road man yeah roadmap
is still overthinking right oh yeah it’s
like my subconscious almost like it’s
but treating yourself as soon as you
find that like I’m hey I’m delaying I
have to go off and do mm-hmm
the roadmap will change a million times
I think if you have a five or ten year
goal for yourself you’re thinking small
it’s an over you’re gonna be in five
years as ridiculous
well there’s no way there’s no way you
know we’re gonna be in five years when I
started this show this show is it was I
had a great time in LA meeting
entrepreneurs and then I want to find a
way to keep doing this
I’m gonna do a morning show I don’t have
the time to the morning show so when did
you start did you really know where this
was gonna be headed no the whole thing
you never know where it’s heading
the I think you should have a lifetime
mission I want to solve the world’s
biggest problem it’s never gonna happen
untapped human potential never gonna
happen and then what I’m doing right now
because that’s a fascinating area for me
like peak performance of you and
potential like I love that stuff so do
something about it like what does it
look like for you I know it looks like
for me in my life but I’m obviously
working towards getting there like it’s
all for me everything like every other
year of my life I want to make sure it’s
you know it’s you know it’s where I
wanted to be it’s up to my potential you
have to run back your effort right
you’re not respecting your effort okay
your goal might be to get a girlfriend
Oscar and gray you may not get the
girlfriend like girl getting the
girlfriend is still just the result do
you respect your effort in trying to get
the girlfriend did you do enough are you
proud I can’t say I did enough
are you proud of yourself for how much
work you did to try to do that kind of
people you approached of you know
learning reading books watching videos
mm-hmm so if you’re not proud of
yourself then make yourself proud sought
to be my biggest fan yeah it anywhere
but by doing the work you’ll be you’ll
be your biggest fan by doing the work
but putting in the effort to say I went
up and I asked that girl out of the gym
and I got rejected but I’m so proud of
myself for doing it if you keep doing
that and you keep getting better
someone’s gonna say yes I realized I
respected myself more one I did what I
needed to do yeah when I didn’t go for
it then I lost respect for myself nobody
wants to win a race against
three-year-olds right if you want to
race against three-year-olds you
wouldn’t pat yourself on the back and
say I’m exact I’m a winner there’s no
competition I’m a winner
yeah falling on your face and Nathan
Phillips Square or my lassen Square
where there’s nobody around you doesn’t
it’s a win but you know it doesn’t feel
like a win yeah cuz you don’t respect
yourself for the effort you put in it’s
not a real challenge so you got to
respect the effort so make the video
make the YouTube video and post it go
and research marketing on YouTube and
create your first product in business
next week yeah
I think though for perfectionist and /
thinkers you get an idea and then you
make it bigger bigger bigger bigger
right and it’s fun it’s fun to think
about where this could go on how big
this could be and how life-changing is
gonna be fair because the strategy is
amazing I love I love living in that
land – mm-hmm but then it becomes too
scary it’s too big I need capital I need
a team Maya who I can’t do all that
stuff so it’s great to have the big idea
but you you need to bring it all the way
back down to what can I do right now
today get used to like starting projects
and and stopping projects if they don’t
work out like when I started this it was
right now we’ve got three cameras on
less than fancy lights and microphones
and all this stuff but but like episode
one was me and my phone mm-hmm face up
pretty much like here we go like it was
me one person sat here and shaky camera
press record that’s when I started
waking up even now yeah 24 people on my
team mm-hmm and I’ll still do new
projects right all myself right so I had
this question for you like sometimes I
think I’m not resourceful
what um I guess like sometimes a book I
can’t figure out the answers to certain
things and like you know I have like
this mental role like roadblock like I’m
trying to figure this answer but I’m not
and then I’m getting frustrated do you
feel like that’s like that’s true or do
you think it’s just the way I look at
the situation yeah I think I think if
you were able to unlock your brain
you’re like the most resourceful person
of all time like you’re really smart
you just use your head against you
instead of for you mm-hmm weird like
that’s a top at the top level you say
okay I can’t do this and then you use
your brain to figure out all the reasons
why you can’t do it I can’t do it
because I’m that resource with am i
resourceful am I thinking – that’s where
nations come in and then your head your
your smart brain is just as looking for
answers – Joseph put the wrong question
exactly Yeah right you justifying why
you suck you use your smart brain to
tell you why you suck and then you come
up with the amazing reasons that your
brains gonna tell you why you sucked his
ears my person right see that’s what you
need to flip yeah we said I’m doing this
okay brain tell me how to do it
emanuelle and then you’ll find answers
now some people aren’t as smart as you
and that will have an actually harder
time to be resourceful resourceful being
able to use your your brain to figure
out problems like I research questions I
have all the time you’re a good problem
solver yeah you just solving the wrong
problem the problem yourself in is why
do I suck right in second circles for
three years yeah so you’re really good
at that I would use the limitless right
almost as a mantra Leia I want to be
limitless that’s I guess that’s my one
word whoa I’m like what are you doing in
the car like if you’re having that
internal conversation all you’re doing
is putting limits on yourself mm-hmm
all those reasons are just limits right
I don’t have enough fix it seems ironic
no much listen no but no no it’s not
like it’s always your your one word
comes from pain like if limitless is a
thing is because you put so many limits
on yourself when I did and then you know
but you still are and you still will
it’s just bigger limit yeah right like
the monster never goes away you just
they’re just bigger monsters that you
can now fight and you’ll inspire other
people to be limitless as well mm-hmm
but that reminder like I want to be
limitless I want to are limitless
these are just limits again whenever you
catch it yeah I think a lot of the times
I just I let the thoughts do and it
becomes stronger you know it just
becomes reality yeah that’s a problem so
I want to be a little challenge it
enough that’s the issue and then it
becomes it becomes life for me ends you
know okay so you’re gonna go home you’re
gonna make youtube video you can host it
I mean you’re gonna create a channel how
do you create a channel just create it
just create a channel
how about the perfect suffering name
repair title like whatever you know say
hey it could be whatever I mean you can
always change those things later but you
know just gonna start rights it can be
like you know like mom like my goal was
to create a channel that’s focused on
like yes self mastery whatever it’s
gonna change it it’s gonna happen
eventually self mastery just add
everything put together which is good
because that means I can start anywhere
if my channel is based around that stuff
master could be on you but doesn’t
matter to you it doesn’t matter don’t
worry about it worry about how it’s
gonna work out mm-hmm you might post one
video and then never post again and all
the thought process
whether I call it self-mastery or what
my top it’s gonna change your your work
has to change and evolve as you grow and
evolve that’s true I agree with that
otherwise you’re gonna stay doing the
same thing right and you’re not the same
person you were five years ago by the
way you do things are different and
you’re interested different like when
you’re when you’re 50 and have three
kids and a happy wife and light like
maybe you don’t talk about dating
anymore right maybe you maybe do so
maybe it’s dating forever or maybe you
know what like I don’t know I don’t want
to talk about date I want to talk about
VR dating you know I don’t get it I’m
not into VR dating or whatever however
or dating holographic dating you know
it’s a future so so don’t worry about I
need to have this channel and here’s
what it’s gonna be all about and you
start start worried yeah build momentum
I didn’t do my top ten series until
three years ago three four years ago
so how do you get the inspiration till I
create new series and all that stuff and
I go I get an idea and I act mm-hmm I’ve
had my channel for ten years but there’s
a long time yeah
November is it’s almost a member a lot
of memory giving up already November 20
2008 I had my channel and only four
years ago so if I cheer for ten years
only four years ago that I start three
four years ago the top ten series
YouTube was still a baby back then you
came out early it was good time yeah but
I’m not saying like it’s adjusted and
series that I’m most known for most
iconic right on the channel didn’t exist
until six years into the evolution of
the channel mm-hmm and you can’t plan
for that right the first top ten I made
was because a buddy of mine was hating
on Kanye West and I said hey you can
learn from Kanye West as I made a top 10
showing the good side of Kunduz true you
can learn from everyone and then that
took off and then hey I should do more
of these and I didn’t think I could do
it five times a week I thought once a
week like fifty two people a year okay
this is probably fifty two people a year
I could do and it just became this thing
but I would if I had planned for it and
I tried to make it some big production
from the start it would never have
Knopf right because I would never have
started mm-hmm like this show in a year
right will either be dead or will be
like eight people in here filming all
sorts of crazy stuff I don’t know but
you start exactly that’s true so don’t
worry about if the channel is about
mastery or whatever put it off your name
limitless heared like that’s the name of
the channel mm-hmm and it’s all about
being limitless and right now you’re
gonna talk about dating and in in five
years you might switch and talk about
dogs or salsa dancing has you become an
expert salsa dance or skating that’s
true because being limitless will never
change for you of course but but salsa
dancing and those specific goals right
right well I haven’t gone snowboarding
in two years it was like my obsession
and now I’ve stopped he’s falling out of
love with it yeah and that’s one – yeah
yeah I can evolve even if you navigate
in like you Sean to worry about that
like when you come off the limitless is
forever but right specifics the
specifics are different and always
change okay so don’t worry about
figuring out the specifics cuz it’s
gonna modify and evolve anyway right as
you grow and evolve but it still always
about being limitless so make your
videos ready so make your first video
post it tonight right send me the link
thanks Evan I love you
it means a lot the most important word
ever if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you Apple that would become like a
little beacon this interview is done as
a part of my Toronto workshop if you
want more details on the next one to
sign up check out the link right there
next to me continue to believe and I’ll
see there
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