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How to reach a new market – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome
transition of ask Evan today we’re doing
another Telus talks business challenge
question where we’re getting the
feedback from our users and today i’m
answering a question from jason who
wrote insane thanks Evan okay so I’m
currently in the middle of reposition my
brand and tweaking my sales process I’m
aiming to connect with ambitious
creative financial types analyst brokers
lawyers and so on we’re looking to rise
up to a new level it’s an unfamiliar
nice for me but I’m learning fast I’m
new to Telus talks new to tell us
business and I’m wondering if it can
help me somehow connect with these types
of people any suggestions
Jason starting a new business or going
after new market is tough scary and
requires you to push yourself beyond
your comfort zone when I was 19 instead
of my first real business I had to bring
in sales from market I had never been
close to scientific researchers here are
my fears I was half their age most of
them weren’t in my city and I had zero
science background I job science as soon
as I could in high school it’s scary but
possible and if I could do it so can you
here are three suggestions to help you
number one hang out where your customers
are if you’re unfamiliar with your
target market then the first thing you
need to do is start hanging out with
them find out what keep them up at night
and how you can help understand what a
day in their life looks like and the
struggles they go through the better you
can speak their language and address
their specific problems the more likely
they’re going to want to work with you
I’d start off flying and in person as
much as possible so you can increase how
fast you learn find out what events they
go to and be there introduce yourself
tell them what you do and get some
practice with your pitch it’ll get
better with each person you talk to as
you learn about them and how they react
to what you’re saying it shouldn’t take
more than a few weeks to have a finely
tuned message if you dedicate the time
the going out and network game with your
target audience number to partner up
with connectors one of the fastest ways
to grow a new business is to partner up
find someone who’s already selling to
your target market and find a good way
to work together it’s typically not
going to be a direct competitor although
this is sometimes possible think about
the buying cycle of your customer who do
they go to and work with before they buy
from you for example if you’re targeting
young professionals think about the
schools that just graduated from or the
tailor’s a visit to get their new suits
or trainers were teaching them skills to
further their professional development
anybody who already has your target
market as a customer can be a great
referral source for you but they have to
know you exist pick up the phone sound
at an email or go meet these people to
see how you might be able to work
together you can create a formal
referral program where they earn money
every time they pass a client to you or
just leave it as an informal arrangement
where you try to help each other out if
they have clients who could use your
services then they’re doing their
clients a favor by referring them to you
and it makes them look good as long as
you do a good job of course
number three be the expert this takes a
little more time to get going but it’s
even better when you can get ideal
clients coming to you the best way to do
this is to position yourself as an
expert as entrepreneurs we should be
experts at what we do and amongst the
best in the world in our niche showcase
your talents you should be the world’s
leading expert on helping ambitious
financial types fill in the blank with
your pitch speak at events do interviews
publish press releases make youtube
videos we doubt thought leadership
pieces blog craft related facebook posts
and so on if an ambitious financial type
in your city hasn’t heard of you it
should be because they’re living under a
rock don’t worry about massive exposure
in national media yet just hone in on
your local market and build your base
get past the survival phase and then you
can worry about taking over the world
good luck Jason I hope this has helped
and keep us posted with your progress
thank you for joining me for another
edition of ask Evan if you like the
video you want to see more please give
it a thumbs up below I would also love
to hear we got to think if you want to
get involved with the discussion on
facebook and look forward to reading
your comments into replying there so
thank you and I’ll see you on the next
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