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How to portray value to new prospects – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer a question
from one of my readers Blake who is part
of a young company they sell marketing
services to home builders and remodelers
they don’t have a lot of experience yet
and they don’t have a lot of client work
people to show off so he’s wondering how
he can promote his company and get new
clients because he’s 22 years old and
all of the responsibilities for
marketing the company allowing him so
Blake congrats on the new company I know
it’s a lot of pressure to be the one guy
in charge of sales in my first company I
had two partners and and they were kind
of the product people and it was up to
me to be able to go out and sell and I
was 19 years old and I know it’s
stressful and hard and it can work out
following the right strategy so for you
I think it’s really important they start
building some momentum so you need to
get some clients on board and get some
some work to be able to show off even if
that means working at a slightly
discounted rate at the start if it’s
kind of a branding client that you can
reference or perhaps a charity I don’t
know there are charities kind of related
to the home renovations building model
but just to build up some credibility
you may not be able to charge premium
price at the start because you want to
build up something you want to show that
what you do works and you let the know
that you know this is a trial period for
for them as well and they’re getting a
discount on it next I try to build up
some recognition with the media so if
you can get in your local newspaper if
you can write white papers and be seen
as an expert and you’re doing
presentations and seminars and speaking
and if you can be called as an expert in
the media that adds a lot of credibility
and you can reference those when you’re
going out in pitching clients and you
may get a lot of new clients because
they’ve seen you on you know whatever TV
station or they read whatever magazine
article a newspaper article doesn’t have
to be national scale right now think
about your local community whatever
local paper there is that’s a great way
to start and build up from there so that
adds some momentum to your business you
may consider also doing some kind of
risk reversal strategy so if
you have long-term contracts that you’re
trying to sign people offer some kind of
opt-out clause if they’re not happy
potentially some kind of money back
guarantee if they’re not happy with
what’s going on or way to cut the
project at a certain period of time to
make it easier for people to want to say
yes especially at the beginning to get
people kind of on board make them want
to do business with you get the ball
rolling now that no means you’re going
to have to actually deliver on on what
you say you’re going to do right if
people can get some money back or cancel
out of the contract you have to make
sure you’re actually good at what you’re
selling and then the last part is really
really really service your customers so
think about other ways I met bill to
really help them out explain the concept
of them a lot of the home builders and
remodelers are not really online savvy
tech savvy so explain to them and in
language they can understand about how
to market themselves what you’re doing
for them what are the things you might
be thinking about think of yourself as
an extension of their business not just
a service provider and really really
service your customer as well so that
they want to give you good testimonials
they want to give you referrals or other
potential customers as well and it’s a
great way to build your business it is a
little bit longer term strategy but it’s
a fantastic way to grow your business
because they’ll they’ll be repeat
clients and referred clients that come
through them will buy more easier to
sell well you know spend more money with
you and the the closing period is a lot
shorter so Blake I hope that helps if
you guys like the video please give it a
thumbs up I’d also love to hear what you
have to say if you leave a comment under
the video the thumbs up in comments
really helped motivate me to want to do
more of these videos for you guys so
hopefully hear from you soon down below
and stay tuned for next episode
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