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How to get ATTENTION for your business – TGIM #11 – Lunch & Earn

everyone people often ask me how I make
money what’s my business model and I
tell them that I like to kick up as much
noise in my industry as possible create
as much attention as possible and then I
capitalize on that attention and if you
want to make money you need to get
attention attention is the currency when
you have a tension you can then sell
product when Eve attention you can get
investors when you have attention you
can you can sell advertising you make
brand deals when you have attention
that’s what matters and so this is a
special video we’re going to be talking
about how i generate a lot of attention
from my business and it’s made for my
mastermind group members is the fifth
Monday in my online mastermind group
meets every Monday and on the fifth
Monday I have to share something an
issue a challenge and so I want to talk
about getting attention through social a
lot of people into think about social
media what they think about is the
content I need to have great content
right content is what’s going to make me
send out and yes it’s true you need to
have great content and yes most of you
guys aren’t doing a good enough job yet
because I’ve seen a lot of the content
that you’re putting out and and it’s
okay it’s okay but it’s not great and
you need to get better and that will
happen you know with time with practice
you know I’ve made it over two thousand
videos I get better every time as you
create more content you will get better
and as you make it a goal to get better
a content then you will get better at
content that’s on your priority list
then it’s going to happen but where most
people miss the ball is doing the second
part which is creating attention around
the content create attention for
yourself and the way to do that is to
reach out to people and be seen on their
networks the people who are super active
on my youtube channel and my twitter
account who are retweeting things
leaving positive comments sharing their
advice given their suggestions I check
those people out Greta might be from one
comment but is usually from the people
who are leaving repeated comments I’m
always curious to know who’s actively
engaged on my channel so that should be
you for other people the fastest way to
grow your business is the partner of
people make alliance of the people who
already have your target audience and
it’s so much easier to do now in the
social world where you can see who their
audiences I would go and find
who is a top who are the top five people
in my industry who are targeting my my
customer not doing the exact same thing
that I’m doing but they have my audience
and then how can I reach out to them
both the Creator that that individual
but also be involved in their community
most of the top youtubers they barely
aren’t engaged with their community most
of the top people on Twitter they barely
are engaged with the community they’re
not responding to tweets are not
responding to comments you know on my
youtube channel as many comments as we
get and I’m not like top top top yet but
getting there uh everybody gets a
comment whether it’s me whether it’s
someone on my team and my vision is
actually scaling up my team just as my
comments scale up just like in any
normal business customer support scales
right you don’t want people calling
somebody calling your business and
there’s nobody answering the phone right
that’s how I see comments on YouTube and
responses on Twitter you should be
giving people replies but I’m the
exception most channels people aren’t
paying attention as much their audience
you could be the guy or the girl who is
leaving the most comments who is
actively involved in that person’s
community and you’re not only going to
get that person’s attention but you’re
going to get the rest of the community’s
attention as well and so every time
somebody’s leaving a lot of comments on
my channel I go check them out and I’ll
often watch at least one video look at a
couple tweets and often honestly at that
point you lose me a little because a
part of the contents not there right so
back to the first problem improve the
quality of content make it better that’s
what’s going to make me want to
subscribe and follow you and watch more
your stuff but you got me there right
that’s the point you got me to come to
your page you got me to check out your
channel you got me to visit you right
that’s what you want more and more
people doing and so I would set a
personal goal to post at least 10
different comments is my challenge for
you guys at least 10 different comments
on other people’s channels whether it’s
one person that you go deep on you look
at one video and you’re leaving 10
comments and different people you can
save the Creator but more importantly is
get involved in the community everybody
in that community should know who you
are because you are super engaged you
will likely be more
gage then the content creator so I can
happen on my channel but on most other
people’s channels you will be likely the
most engaged person that’s great right
that will get you noticed by that
creator and by the community then people
visit your site then people check out
your YouTube channel then people check
out everything you’re doing on social
and then it’s going to come down to are
you producing enough quality content so
it’s both right it’s having the content
and having the attention creating the
awareness around it most people only
focus on creating the content and
nothing around the attention and so I
want you guys to start building up some
attention to community 10 posts per day
on other people’s channels good luck let
me know it’s working out leave in the
comments below and I’ll see you guys
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