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How to build a full time income around #AWESOME ft. @robertoblake

all right welcome everybody to know the
Google+ hangout I’m super excited to
have a friend of mine roberto blake on
with me and he is all about awesome and
we’re talking today about how to build a
full time income around your one word
and he is around awesome Roberto has an
amazing YouTube channel I should say an
awesome YouTube channel it’s in the
description you can check that out and
we have been connected a little bit
we’re doing some collab videos on each
other’s channels and I think I think I
met you Roberto uh when you were leaving
some comments on gary vaynerchuk’s
channel um that either also we’re a
member of some of the same communities
in facebook and some other places so
yeah okay I’ve been senior your name
around making making the headlines so
it’s good I’m well welcome welcome to
the I was just here the podcast welcome
to the Hangout ya know um I have trouble
keeping track of everything I’m doing
too so yeah no it’s a lot of fun but
yeah I’ve been watching like your
content for a while evidence uh it’s one
of those things I actually do to pump
myself up into stay motivated encouraged
and that’s like a big challenge for
creative people so I love what you’re
doing and I just think that is awesome
that you help people believe in
cool man thank you um let’s talk about
awesome where why are some where did
that come from
awesome is one of those words that when
you say it people have no ambiguity
about what the level that you’re talking
about is it’s not like you know there’s
good there’s great and there’s awesome
Awesome’s on that level with epic and
tremendous and so on and so forth
anything is when we’re talking about
creating awesome we’re talking about
creating value when you want to talk
about the value of something once you
want the value of anything that you’re
putting out or anything that you’re
receiving to be awesome I agree but so
I’m curious and you know I like creating
awesome stuff too and that’s why I was
attracted to your your Chan on the stuff
you’re posting you know most people were
the crazy people we’re the crazy people
who have our one word and apply
everything and see the lens through you
know see the world through that lens I’m
wondering for you where were that
started like what why did you want to
start awesome what happened in your life
that led to saying hey I’m all about
awesome what look tell me about that
story I think that it’s everything
really I think it’s a long I think it’s
a lot of things but there came up there
came a point in my life where I realized
that I was dissatisfied with the
direction things were going and it
wasn’t that was dissatisfied with any
one thing it was that I felt like okay I
like what I do as a job I like that I am
a creative person that my designer them
a marketer I like those things um you
know I like the execution of it I wasn’t
necessarily dissatisfied with things in
my personal life but I felt like this is
not my full potential and this is not
the version of that execution that I
want and I asked myself well if you were
going to be locked in a room for all
eternity what do you want to do and I
was like I want to create amazing things
awesome things share them with the world
and I want to teach other people how to
do that and that’s what I want to do now
for eternity and so I was like okay okay
so you just want create awesome and then
that’s where the phrase and the shirt
came from and focus is you know create
awesome and you know why I tell people
create something awesome today it’s
because that’s become my life philosophy
it’s become that every day has to be
about creating value for other people
creating value for myself creating not
just things but experiences moments um
you know doing things that I really feel
or matter and you know that are
impactful and that was about when I was
doing other things yes I was very good
at my jobs in designing marketing yes um
you know employers clients people love
the things that I’ve been doing for them
but do I love what I’m doing am i
enjoying the interactions am i enjoying
the experience of that and do I value
what the company or the person is doing
and do I respect it and do I think it
creates value for other people or is it
just selling something in making money
and that became very important to me so
um my focus was to get control of my
time and to put the things out into the
world that I think matter in terms of
information resources encouragement X
Oshin enable people to do what they
think is awesome and what they think
they do best so when did you come up
with this how long has Austin been
around roberto blake awesome it’s been
really going strong and more
definitively it’s like I’ve been doing
this granularly for a very long time for
many years I would say like became the
definitive thing and I defined what it
is probably in the last three years
three years so if you went back to like
roberto blake three and a half years ago
i’m wondering what what was happening
your life that made you want to take
this you know massive change sharp
change of the side that led to that
thinking where you’re saying hey if i
was locked away for a hundred years
what would I want to do what led up to
those what left of that thinking because
a lot of people haven’t gotten there
well you know how people say for me it
wasn’t so much a um it wasn’t so much a
rock-bottom moment like some people have
to you know have some tremendous quote
unquote failure in their life hit rock
bottom to then go in a different
direction and change their life I was
doing a lot of what I was thinking about
but I wasn’t scaling and I wasn’t going
to my full potential I always thought
well maybe someday maybe someday but I
had a very unfortunate experience I I
was um I was mugged Believe It or Not um
you know um outside of you know a bar
that been going to for years knew the
owner personally and it um it really put
perspective that wow that could have
went very very different for me um and
if it did then what have I left
unfinished or whatever left undone and
so then the mandate of every single day
I have to maximize exactly what I’m
doing create awesome every single day
and know that that day was the best day
it was going to be it was going to be
the most fulfilling day it was going to
be in that the legacy of what I’ve done
had an impact on a meaning it was like
what’s the meaning what what do I leave
behind what was my contribution to
making the world a better place I didn’t
feel satisfied with where I was at like
you know three years ago with what that
represented so then I made the drastic
change going all-in on that and really
defining what it is
and shifting my full focus and attention
to what my legacy goals are and working
literally backwards from the afterlife
of what do I leave behind I love how you
took that really negative experience and
turned into something powerful and
empowering for you to go and now have a
huge impact on the world and change your
life so what were some of the first
things that you changed you know like
okay I’m all about awesome you know
this terrible thing happened every day
now has to be awesome what then change
in your life in your business when you
said you went all-in what what did you
do what how did you shake up your life
um I one of the things was I took a hard
look I did a self audit I looked at how
I was spending my time I looked at what
I do I want to do and what excuses am i
personally making for why I’m not
achieving my legacy goals or I haven’t
done this thing why am i reading the
book why am i reading a book yet I’ve
know I’ve had a book in me for the
longest time and to think about what is
stopping me from finishing the outline
and really deciding out all these ideas
that I have what is the was the most
important book that I could write and I
feel that for now that that is the just
great awesome book and so I you know put
that okay and you know do an outline for
that do these things um what is the
focus of what I want to do for Krait who
do I want to help I want to help other
people like myself artists musicians
writers anyone who wants to create
things and bring them to life and bring
them into the world
who else do I want to help I want to
help entrepreneurs because I believe
that entrepreneurship is if anything
it’s going to be what rights and change
arm changes the country I’m not very
political person but I don’t think that
you can legislate the changes that
people need I think it has to be a
cultural shift in people investing in
themselves and bringing things into the
world that they think are valuable I
think that that’s the future and I think
that that’s tremendous and we’re seeing
a shift of entrepreneurship and a
freelance economy I want to be a part of
what Spurs that forward and I figured
that there’s a couple of ways you can do
it you can do it with enabling people by
giving them resources giving out free
things you can educate people and make
that education accessible you can set an
example if you’re doing something
successful and share that with people
and obviously you can encourage people
who need it so I feel that by doing
those things
I kind of refer to the ease of
mentorship and leadership that you know
by doing that you can create maximum
value so I started looking at well every
day what can I do to hit those four
things five things what can I do to hit
those things so I started looking at
what am i doing in social media am I you
know commenting on cat pictures or am i
creating Vout am i you know uh what am i
putting out there and who am i
interacting with and how am i helping
people can you can you I’m just curious
personally what were you said you had
you know you had this idea for a book in
you and you had these limiting beliefs
that were holding you back from from
doing it what was the story you were
telling yourself of why you couldn’t do
it before and then had it awesome
suddenly changed that for you um I think
that and this goes back to why I said
about doing an honest self audit which I
don’t think enough people probably do
was I I kept saying things like well I
don’t have the time was one limiting
belief that had to overcome it’s like no
I have the time I’m leaving that time on
the table I can stop playing video games
per se I can you know um I can sleep an
hour less I can you know not do this
other thing that’s not creating that
value are not getting the book done I
could make it a priority and I could
really say that the time has to be put
into this and into developing this idea
it’s that oh I’m only doing the one
YouTube video a week why am I not doing
two or three or five oh I don’t have
enough time now I had enough time I was
leaving that time on the table or I
hadn’t thought of a strategy to maximize
the time effectively and say well I’m
not playing in the time to get faster at
editing well I’m not putting timing to
get better at this or get better at that
thing I addressed what were my limiting
beliefs I was honest with myself about
no that’s not real limitation I’m making
excuses um and I just overcame those
things and just went to execution
execution execution I love it you’re a
new man um so when I came up with the
leave you know I thought it was too big
a word I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t even
fully believe and believe yet and I
wanted to test it out and the first
thing that I did was I I changed my
newsletter and I made my newsletter
about believe it was
different news than what I had before
and and it ended up being the most
response I ever gotten in the newsletter
my sister wrote to me and said hey I
actually read your newsletter hope it’s
is like you’re my sister you’re supposed
to care about my stuff anyway and that
was like the one small thing and then I
tested more and more and more and then I
went all-in I’m curious you know when
you came up with awesome what was the
first thing that you then did to apply
it to your life or to your business that
kind of gave you the confidence to then
go deeper into it it was my personal
philosophy and it wasn’t something that
I even made like a thing for public
consumption yet I think I really started
doing that within the last um 12 months
and that’s had a huge impact but I think
like it was that literally kept telling
myself the mantra of you know create
something awesome today create something
awesome today
I started you know finding myself using
the word more often word awesome I
started using it as a descriptor for you
know what was happening in my life and
why I was doing or the changes that was
seeing or what the hope of what I was
doing would be and you know it made a
difference because reinforcing that to
myself into I also did the shirts cuz
initially the shirts were not meant to
be like product placement or even
branding initially they were initially
meant more for myself as um a self
motivator and a prop and a reminder and
I’m thinking of like getting the
wristband done as well because I thought
you know why I look in the mirror I want
to see him I idealize myself and might
think about I want to project and see
and remember that message because I
think that people have a message in them
and sometimes they forget I think that
it’s important uh to really take
ownership of that and then it’s also
this great conversation starter because
then people ask me about or they say
where can I get one or what’s that shirt
mean and then I tell them that oh it
means you know create awesome it means
create awesome things share them with
the world create value for other people
and create the things that you want to
see come to life and then that starts
this huge conversation of someone
telling me what they’re dreaming goals
every single time I walk out of the
house I have that conversation now I
haven’t seen the risk friend I want to
see it can you bring that close
I haven’t haven’t made the wristbands
yet it’s that I want to I just have some
plain black rich brands right now but I
want to make the wristband so that
or I say or do anything I want to look
down that wristband and say am I about
to do something that’s creating awesome
or am I not am I going to be a jerk
right now am I gonna create awesome I
wonder I have right there so that I can
do that until even now you just wanna
block wristband
kind of visualizing it being created
awesome until you have it I like it man
that’s cool um what process would you or
what advice would you give for people
who want to go down that journey and
find out what it is that that they stand
for that they believe and their one
words going to be what kind of advice
would you give others so that’s actually
what the entire thing of the just great
awesome book is going to be the great
awesome book is not about me it’s about
everybody else um who hasn’t defined
that part of their journey yet and it
starts with finding and aligning your
purpose and your passion in life is
literally the first chapter after the
hoodoos book is four that’s literally
first thing I think it’s the most
important thing because again it starts
with asking that question of what are
you willing to commit to you that’s not
torture if you were locked in a room for
all eternity because I feel like so many
people whatever they’re doing right now
is not what they what not what their
passion is or not the purpose and
fulfillment of their greatest value that
they have to offer the world or anybody
in it and I think that it’s important to
define that for yourself
understand what it is and then start
attacking the limiting beliefs of things
like waiting for permission like oh I
can’t do that if I don’t have a degree
in it I can’t do that if I don’t have
you know money uh there are so many
things and it’s the questions that
answer the most on my channel is how do
I start where do I start
and it’s I ask people what do you want
to do who does that serve you know what
is it that you care about the most um
you know when did you how long have you
been thinking about this how long have
you not been doing this and I literally
go with them and tear down everything
that’s stopping them from execution say
no you got something you can literally
today that goes toward that that goal in
that purpose so my advice comes down to
be honest with yourself and know exactly
who you are what you care about what you
stand for who you care about and who you
want to fill that that hat
empty or half full glass for whether
you’re it’s irrelevant I just said this
in my podcast it’s irrelevant whether
you see the glass half full or half
empty take the opportunity to fill the
rest of the glass create that value fill
that void and then think about what that
means and who it benefits beyond
yourself you have to I don’t think that
I could be as successful as I am it’s
things I do if I only cared about myself
is that whatever my struggles in life
were I want to give somebody a five year
head start on getting past that a 10
year head start on getting past that I
want somebody to then be able to take a
year and execute and reverse-engineer
and take apart whatever they feel like
oh I did the wrong career for last 10
years and it’s too late for me to start
over nope executing 365 days add this
year will completely turn that around
and if you’re committed you can create
the value that catches up to UM you
doing something halfway that you didn’t
care about for 10 years as much you can
turn it around in a year if you want I
love it man I love it and that’s led to
uh you got your create awesome YouTube
channel you’ve got the t-shirts you’ve
got the bands coming out you’ve got a
book coming out you’ve got a podcast
that has just started going just started
going the critic was again to create
awesome podcast create something awesome
today create something awesome today
iTunes it’s already there up to episode
3 as of today on it’s not meant to be a
daily podcast but I want to create so
much value and I want to get good at
podcasting so I’m literally using this
first month or two to literally put out
um you know as much as I can maybe every
day even with the podcast just like I’m
doing on YouTube to really just create
as much impact as much value as I can
and go deep with people so that as they
get introduced to it they have something
to help look forward to and that they
can rely on and once I get enough
content then I’ll go to a weekly
schedule you know as per usual and you
know do that but the main thing is is
like I felt like I needed a challenge I
need something new I got I got good
enough that you know the YouTube stuff
to be able to do that on a consistent
basis podcasting is this new fun
challenge for me
I’m enjoying it so much in the response
has already been tremendous from the
people that you have got involved with
it you know even very quickly this week
so you know it and for me it’s just an
awesome experience I love it man you got
to do the awesome um listen people
writing with questions I don’t want to
get to those chefs TV is running about
building a team of graphic designers
he’s trying to create a digital creative
agency so how do you do awesome hiring
how do you work with awesome people what
would you advice be so that’s actually
something that is a plan as I scale in
the future to right now I’m doing it as
a one-man band but I have collaborated
with other designers before and I use an
interesting vetting process so I would
say about the hiring process is to focus
on a couple of things I use a principle
that I call on people over profits and
it’s its pop principle and you can
substitute profits with a lot of other
things people over profits but if your
designer also people over pixels ha so
think about the fact that you have to
rely on and work with this person either
day-in day-out or weekend week out and
that they have to deliver value for the
clients you guys got an absolutely um
Wow the clients think about not just
what that person can do for you as a
desire and creative but how they benefit
you as a human being can you work with
them on that personality level and can
you guys collaborate do they supplement
a weakness that you have in some way
really look at the personality and the
person that you’re working with and then
secondarily their portfolio and then
also look at what motivates them and how
you create a win-win and it’s not down
to just money at the end of the day this
is someone whose passion is to create
things and bring them into the world so
always look for how you can go deeper
what their goals are and how you can
help them accomplish that and that will
help eliminate tension and conflicts
going forward and you’ll have the most
awesome experience between you that you
can and you’ll be a better team yeah I
love it IIIi think the hiring process is
broken for most companies right now
absolutely is you know for me I I always
would believe in all the job postings
that I’m putting out and I mean you
could do it with awesome to and chefs
whatever you stand for and and that
helps self eliminate
people might look at Roberto’s stuff and
say awesome that’s stupid come on man
like really awesome and that’s great
like you don’t want that guy there’s no
way he’ll work not with you right don’t
look not the people who are on board
with your thing because do you really
want yeah you literally think about it
is like you’re on a ship you’re part of
the crew it’s like you really want a
mutiny do you really want to be with
people aren’t a hundred percent with hey
Alexander we’re gonna sail off the edge
together if that’s what it is about you
know D that’s what you got to want you
got a arm you really have to think about
the culture of the team that you want to
build and when you’re not execute on
together cuz you’re only going to get
there together I mean I plan in a couple
of years to have a team on board and my
thing is if you want to be part of my
team in the future over the next two to
five years you have to be willing to get
on YouTube every weekend on podcast and
on blogs and you have to be willing to
put out the content that’s going to
allow someone to take your job you have
to literally be about if you’re gonna
work with me and be that that animator
that’s on my crew you’ve got to be
willing to teach all the other animators
they’re struggling out there how to be
successful every week in two years you
gotta like I’ll help you but you gotta
put out that book and tell them how
that’s gonna go and got you know put out
the fruit the content on YouTube make it
accessible you have to be willing and be
so comfortable that you can enable your
so-called competition because I believe
we’re only competing with ourselves
you’re only competing with the most
awesome version of yourself and you’re
only competing with who you’re trying to
be better than who you were yesterday I
don’t worry about what another designer
is doing except to say that’s cool and I
want to support it and I want to create
value I want critique and tell them how
to improve I’m not worried about
competing with anyone else that’s why I
have so much great relationships with
people like Stephen Looney Sean Barie
will Patterson other designers on
YouTube we’re about to do some hangouts
and collab and you know do a lot of fun
stuff and I always support what they’re
doing in the creative community because
I love the value to create I love their
personalities and that’s why we became
friends don’t compete if you’re not
willing to say I can be transparent
about my process and I’m so dead on that
I’m going to over deliver on customer
service and that I’m so good about that
then you know how are you going to be in
business anyway I mean that’s just what
I feel but
you know whatever I love it man Roberto
is on fire today next one comes in
essence racing to say she’s a
stay-at-home mom has a few business
ideas who wants to act on it not sure
about how to go about funding it doesn’t
have a lot of extra money what would you
what would your advice be find something
simple today that at zero cost you can
do that you’re going to be proud of
reach out to the people that you
immediately know and tell them what
value you want to create for them look
for problems to solve for them and ask
them that in return to invest in you and
that doesn’t have to be money completely
if they have something they can do for
you that enables your business let them
create that value um look for
opportunities to do trades look for
people who might want equity in what
you’re doing
um just find things that you can
immediately execute on and scale when I
started I literally just used up the
like a cheap $100 camera because that’s
what I could afford when I first got
started into everything and then it was
the webcam that came with the computer
and then eventually I did a DSLR camera
I funded that with my Amazon credit card
bought my youtube set up invested like
for me that was like a thousand dollar
investment which at the time was a lot
of money for me that’s literally paid
itself back over time in the last two to
three years 50 old I’m not kidding about
that um at all um and it brought me
relationships that do other things by
writing relationships so look at
something look in a way that for zero
dollars you can invest in yourself your
stay-at-home mom you can leverage your
time you can leverage your effort you
can leverage your energy look for small
things you can do that you can execute
on today at zero cost and look for
people who are willing to invest in you
and who believe in what you’re doing
yeah I mean and to add to that I hate
spending money till I’m making money
it’s so easy to spend money Indian
entrepreneurs always think I need to buy
I need this any business cards in an
office I need inventory right use
service start small just put your hustle
in you don’t need top you don’t need you
don’t need to spend a lot of money to
launch a business you got nothing but
just your hustle you want to video
marketing on YouTube you want to do it
for under $100 buy the Logitech c920
webcam is the webcam is producing this
quality right now HD quality arm it’s a
tremendous web depth is 70 bucks it’s
under $100 that puts you on YouTube with
video marketing and it’s got an
attachment a bottle you can put on a $10
tripod you’re done use your iPhone $10
accessory put it on a tripod $15 for the
tripod $10 for the accessory you’re done
yo the audio is not great you buy a $6
newer microphone buy a $15.00 Sony
microphone you’re done free advice we
don’t even have an affiliate link down
there we’re getting nothing just go get
a question from John and and he he made
it specific that this question is for
so I guess isn’t what my feedback on it
but John writes in to say ah he’s crazy
about your podcast he wants to know how
are you going to get exposure for your
podcast okay a couple of things but one
thing I’m already on in YouTube with
over 36 thousand subscribers that I
built in under two years so I’m waiting
until I have a certain map inventory to
welcome the YouTube audience to that
podcast because in the same way that
they are a binge watch my content I want
them build a binge listen to it in the
context before after work or you know
when they’re jogging or whatever it is I
want I don’t want them to be able to
just like get through it in like a day
and be done with it and then be on the
hook waiting waiting waiting I want to
create that value of here it is before I
bring it to that audience and what
they’re expecting but the exposure
I have Facebook I’m in facebook
communities of thousands upon thousands
of creative professionals that I talk to
you in that create value for a night
chime in critique their stuff so I can
introduce it there and I’ve introduced
into the smaller communities I’m a part
of already I have my own create awesome
community on Facebook of about 200 of my
closest uh you know Facebook followers
and I cannot remember if I sent you the
invite or not Evan but if I didn’t I
will right after this but it’s a new
community I started literally five days
ago I think uh we’ve already got you
know about 200 people in there sharing
things with each other it’s not just me
putting content out there it’s all of
these people helping each other with
their creative endeavors and problems
and just talking things out so that
community is there the Facebook rep
designers group the Facebook
photographer groups I’m a part of that’s
where the plan is the share market it’s
gonna cost zero dollars to be
human I have 5,000 followers and Twitter
that you know gonna be sharing it with
so I already have an audience built up
which is the interesting thing uh the
podcast is really more about giving
giving giving it’s not trying to funnel
up to necessarily YouTube channel
although I know it has that benefit I
know that eventually one great awesome
book comes out that there will be a
value there but it’s that for the people
that I’m already connected with it’s one
way I can go deeper with them because
not everyone can sit down and watch a
YouTube video at work or when they’re in
the car or what-have-you but they can
listen to a podcast so it’s another way
to create value love it uh I’m curious
because I see you on some YouTube
channels and you’re leaving comments on
like every video on in depth you know
not just like great video you’re you’re
answering questions and then helping
people responding how much of your time
this is just me I’m curious how much of
your time do you spend on social media
I’m just trying to help people on other
people’s channels and and do you have a
schedule for that or is it just whenever
you have time it’s my own personal
so the thing that’s scheduled is their
Twitter chats and I’m not there’s only a
few that commit to on a weekly basis I
commit to millennial chat with Chelsea
crossed on arm believe it’s Wednesdays
sorry no Tuesday’s Tuesdays at 8:00 and
then a print chat at 4:00 uh Wednesdays
are the ones that weekly committed to
but then I get interview and I’ve been
in a couple of together so I commit to
those four social media I really don’t
know how much time I’m spending because
the thing is I’m using micro time
meaning that if I’m rendering a video in
the background I’ll go ahead and I’ll
take five minutes I type 90 words a
minute so for me it’s that maximizing
the speed that I have to do some things
in real time a YouTube video might be
uploading and um you know a video might
be rendering in the background something
else might be doing so with the
automated stuff I’ve got going on that
computers can do I get the time to be
human so I can do that or if I’m in line
at the bank or somebody else is driving
it’s time to answer comments time to
tweeted people I do that
um you know I’m sitting there in front
of microwave waiting for something come
out it’s like oh I’ve got I’m in 30
seconds to go I’m just gonna do that
so that that’s how I do it arm and why I
get more into and I’ve been doing lately
is I’m thanking people who follow me on
Twitter with Twitter video responses
directly yeah people really care about
that and also I want to start doing um
Twitter Q&A that way and it’s also gonna
be how I start participating Twitter
chats instead of just typing my
responses in the Twitter chats I’m gonna
type and then I’m going to do a video
response to it too so uh yeah I wish it
was available on the iPad man I don’t
know when that’s coming I did know I and
it is on Android phones
is it not available in that pen not on
the iPad you can’t do Twitter reply on
iPad huh interesting very frustrating
um meerkat yeah um okay another question
ideas on how to get exposure for a blog
do you do blogging yeah I do
I do just for myself either I I’m a
contributing writer to a lot of places
um creative Pro InDesign secrets how
magazine print magazine print media
center arm zillion designs arm design
juices and then my own blog reverb like
comm slash blog um so the way I idea is
for a blog my idea is for all my content
I have um I get new stuff all the time I
get it from my commenters believe it or
not my ax questions you can ask
questions you look for problems to solve
with hashtags and social media that will
generate ideas uh but another thing you
can do is you literally just ask people
of what do they wanna or what problem
are they trying to solve and that will
give you content for a while now what I
do is whenever I have an idea for
content I use some people use Evernote I
use Microsoft OneNote and it keeps all
my stuff in the cloud and sometimes I’ll
just use notes on either my iPhone or my
iPad as well but I keep an inventory and
for my video content people don’t
realize the way that I come up with the
ideas for the video content aside from
fresh stuff and comments and stuff on
the fly is I’ve made an inventory of for
this like 12 different types of content
that I’m doing I have no less than 200
pieces of content that I can do for any
and all of those each I have the next
three thousand pieces of content just
sitting in a file that I can say up
just pick one and what would you so
that’s like come up with topics and
creating the blogs what would you
recommend in terms of promoting it out
there in terms of promoting it I would
say um don’t sleep on Google+ because
the people who want to execute on things
marketers are in Google+ I know a lot of
regular people aren’t there but
marketers business people creative
people are entertainers a lot of those
people on Google+ so there’s a Google+
community for your niche share it there
uh if your professional share it in
LinkedIn and or write something native
to LinkedIn and neek LinkedIn post and
then use the pot the bottom to link to
corresponding or related content that
you’ve done on your blog so establish
yourself as an authority by being native
to that platform in that community write
stuff in like shared in
twitter and facebook and then from there
funnel up to your vlog uh use video
content because it makes a blog more
sticky and it lets you get those
research Google’s number one search
engine the world but it’s extremely
noisy video content for your niche might
not be as noisy in YouTube and you might
be able to bring tremendous value there
I already told you how cheap it is to
enter into that platform you do it with
your phone you do it with a seventy
dollar webcam in HD and you just go with
that turn that video into a blog post
write some supplementary content under
it and then they go watch the video it
increases the watch time on your blog
scales you and YouTube I’m sorry Google
scales you and Google I love it I know
we’re kind of already over the limit
lots of people running in saying thank
you so much for the question
for the answers uh somebody wrote in the
say they like your hat I know you know I
want to be conscious of time and wrap up
I’ve left the link to Roberto’s YouTube
channel in the description so you can go
there and check him out dams going to
ask me questions on Twitter at roberto
blake and you know I will respond I
respond to everybody as long as I can
see it as long as you know I’m running
an errand you get a response and if it’s
on Twitter you might get a video
response now we might get a video
response I want a video response of you
at the bank responding to something is
what I’m waiting for
yeah yeah next time I’m like you know
freaking dropping off
we’ll do it um but no uh you’ll get it
you’ll get it from me it’ll be like you
know I’ll be out on one of my walks I’ll
be you know sitting in the car waiting
on something I’ll be sitting here in
front of thing waiting for it to render
and you love so yeah I’ll do that
um no in fact what I will invite is
everyone from your audience um today if
I respond to them today I will try to do
a video response did it go check them
out on twitter at roberto blake alright
thank you so much for the time man and I
really appreciate it and we’ll talk to
you soon problem you know what I’ll um
rapidfire um give me any quick two
questions three questions you have Evan
for you yep rapid-fire rapid-fire um
favorite food um favorite food is going
to be a fruits gummy mangoes mangoes
I like mangoes but they’re too hard to
eat man I can’t I can’t handle the
cutting of the sea favorite song
favorite song I’m gonna go with one less
problem cool and then favorite person to
follow on twitter gary vaynerchuk hands
down alright cool that’s it thanks man
appreciate the time yeah no problem
Evan a and remember create something
awesome today I love it and believe and
believe bye guys later
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