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HOW the World’s Most Successful ENTREPRENEURS Think – #SuccessClues

if you want to learn the keys of success
from entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs Bill
Gates and Elon Musk then this video is
for you in business a lot of things or I
call it folklore they’re done because
they were done yesterday and the day
before if you’re gonna start a company
it takes so much energy that you know
you it better overcome your your feeling
of risk if you wish you think well I
feel fear about this and therefore I
shouldn’t do it it’s normal to be to
feel fair like you’d have to definitely
something mentally wrong you shouldn’t
feel fair what’s that belief nation it 7
my one word is believed and I believe in
you I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see explode
out into the world I started the success
clues series because I believe that
success leaves Clues and the more we can
follow people who’ve had success we can
find some of those clues and apply to
our own lives and businesses so today
we’re gonna learn how the world’s most
successful entrepreneurs think enjoy
number one is question everything with
Steve Jobs throughout the years in
I found something which was I always ask
why you do things and the answers you
invariably get are oh that’s just the
way it’s done nobody knows why they do
what they do nobody thinks about things
very deeply in business that’s what I
found I’ll give you an example when we
were building our Apple ones in the
garage we knew exactly what they cost
when we got into a factory in the Apple
two days the accounting had this notion
of a standard cost where you’d kind of
set a standard cost and then at the end
of a quarter you’d adjust it with a
variance and I kept asking why did we do
and the answer was well that’s just the
way it’s done and after about six months
of digging into this what I realized was
the reason you do it is because you
don’t really have good enough controls
to know how much it costs so you guess
and then you fix your guess at the end
of the quarter and the reason you don’t
know how much it cost is
because your information systems aren’t
good enough so but nobody said it that
way and so later on when we designed
this automated factory for Macintosh we
were able to get rid of a lot of these
antiquated concepts and know exactly
what something costs to the second so in
business a lot of things or I call it
folklore they’re done because they were
done yesterday and the day before and so
what that means is is if you’re willing
to sort of ask a lot of questions and
think about things and work really hard
you can learn business pretty fast
that’s not the hardest thing in the
world not rocket science it’s not rocket
no number two is have energy with Bill
Gates when I started Microsoft I didn’t
think of it as all that risky I mean I
was so excited about what we were doing
it’s true I could have gone bankrupt but
you know I had a set of skills that were
highly employable and in fact my parents
were still willing to let me go back to
Harvard and finish my education if I
wanted to you’ve always got a job with a
bellman and the only the thing that was
scary to me wasn’t quitting and starting
the company it was when I started hiring
my friends and they expected to be paid
and and then we had customers who went
bankrupt customers that I counted on to
come through and so then I got this
incredibly conservative approach that I
wanted to have enough money in the bank
to pay a year’s worth of payroll even if
we didn’t get in heat any payments
coming in and you know I’m almost fruit
of that the whole time we have about ten
billion now which is pretty much enough
for the next year anyway you know I if
you’re gonna start a company it takes so
much energy that you know you it better
overcome your your feeling of risk I
don’t think that you necessarily if
you’re gonna start a company should do
it at the start of your career I think
there’s a lot to be said for working for
a company learning how they do things
you know if you’re young it’s hard to go
lease premises they made that hard for
me you couldn’t rent a car when you were
under 25 at the time so I was always
taking taxis to go see customers people
would you know people say well we’re
gonna go have a discussion in the bar
well I can go to the bar
and you know that’s fun because I’ll
tell you
when people are first skeptical and then
go this kid doesn’t know anything then
when you show them you’ve really got a
good product and you know something they
actually tend to go overboard and they
think whoa
you know they know a lot let’s really do
an incredible amount with these people
so our youth at least in this country
was a huge asset for us once we reached
a certain threshold it is hard it’s hard
to hire old older people because they’ll
be a little bit conservative about
whether they should come in and take the
risk and it took three or four years
before we could go out into the normal
sort of employment pool but those those
problems that come with starting the
firm you better think of those as as
part of the the pledge or part of the
the the challenge that that is part of
the the excitement
number three is act despite fear with
Elon Musk you are unusually fearless and
willing to go in the face of other
people telling you something that’s
and I know a lot of pretty crazy people
you still stand out where does that come
from or how do you think about making a
decision when everyone tells you this is
a crazy idea
where do you get the internal strength
to do that I’m office well I’d say I
actually think I think I feel feel fear
quite strongly so it’s not as though I
just have the absence of fear I’ve I
feel it quite strongly but there are
times when if something is important
enough you’ve leave it enough that you
do you do it in spite of the fear so
speaking of important things like people
shouldn’t think III
I should if you should think well I feel
fear about this and therefore I
shouldn’t do it it’s normal to be to
feel fair like you’d have to definitely
something mentally wrong you shouldn’t
feel fair so you just feel it and let
the importance of it drive you to do it
anyway yeah you know actually we’re
something that can be helpful as
fatalism some degree if you just think
it’s just accept the probabilities then
that diminishes fear so my starting
SpaceX I thought the odds of success
were less than 10%
and I just accepted that actually
probably I would just lose lose
everything but that maybe would make
some progress if we could just move the
ball forward even if we died maybe some
other company could pick up the baton
and move and keep moving it forward so
that we still do some good yeah same
with Tesla I thought your odds of a car
company succeeding were extremely low
number four is out work everyone with
Mark Cuban most people do a lot of
talking and most people don’t put in the
effort there’s nothing you can
accomplish in life with the right amount
of work the challenge is you know are
you willing to do the work and the
reality is most people aren’t but that’s
the opportunity right is I mean it’s
like people you know at school
most people are lazy right they they
just they barely get through it and and
so that creates opportunity I tell my
kids that a if they want something
they’re gonna have to earn it
yeah and B if they don’t work hard
enough to earn it I’m gonna sell them
off as medical experiments that’s the
line in our house you need money okay
we’ll set you off as a medical
experiment we can get you money that way
give blood dad I’m seven I don’t care
number five is work on yourself with
Oprah Winfrey I say to the my girls all
of the time that your real work is to
figure out where your power base is and
to work on the alignment of your
personality your gifts that you have to
give with the real reason why you’re
here that’s that’s the number one thing
you have to do is to work on yourself
and to fill your self up and keep your
cup full keep yourself full now I used
to be afraid of that I used to be afraid
particularly from people who say oh
she’s that she’s so full of herself
she’s so close herself and now I embrace
I I considered a compliment that I am
full of myself because you only when
you’re full I’m full I’m overflowing my
cup runneth over
I have so much I have so much to offer
and so much to give and I am not afraid
of honoring myself you know it’s
miraculous when you think about it
number six is be creative with Richard
Branson I think the important thing to
think about business is is the business
isn’t really business business is
creating something that you believe in I
mean the most successful entrepreneurs
are people like Larry Page and Sergey
who had an idea in their garage and felt
they could create something called
Google in all of these examples they are
filling a nation in in different areas
and just making making living for most
people a lot more pleasant than it was
before I think it’s a mistake when
people think of business like they’re
ringing up a till in a in a shop for
most entrepreneurs business is very
creative and a great adventure number
seven is just start with Mark Zuckerberg
ideas don’t come out fully formed they
only become clear as you work on them
you just have to get started if I had to
know everything about connecting people
before I got started I never would have
built Facebook movies and pop culture
just get this all wrong the idea of a
single Eureka moment is a dangerous lie
it makes us feel inadequate because we
feel like we haven’t had ours yet and it
prevents people with seeds of good ideas
from ever getting started in the first
number eight is build your company on
people with Sam Walton our company is
built on people the success we’ve had is
because of our people and I believe that
you believe it from the beginning all of
our associates believe it we’ve made
partners out of our folks rather than
and they know that we’ve been sincere
and trying to share the profits with
them and they in turn have worked harder
than our competitors we’ve kept our
prices lower than our competitors prices
we’ve led the nation in in in cost of
doing business in sales per square foot
in all the measurements you can imagine
over about a 15 year period in this
business that that we’ve all put
together here in Bentonville Arkansas
number nine is think things out for
yourself with Larry Ellison think things
out for yourself come to your own
judgments don’t simply conform to
conventional ways of thinking
conventional ways of dressing
conventional ways of acting that a lot
of this a lot of things are based on
fashion even morality at times is based
on fashion it was once fat you know
slavery it was once not because they’re
not to be immoral you know people are
you know people are shocked that the
ancient Greeks had slaves that that we
had slavery in this country as recently
isn’t you know 130 hundred forty years
ago so there are moral that you have to
really go back to first principles and
think things out for yourself whether
they’re scientific principles or moral
principles or business ideas or product
ideas you have to think things out for
yourself and number 10 is make a
difference with Sergey Brin the
challenge of a problem are the
importance isn’t that related to how
likely you are to achieve it and and in
fact even when you go after a more
ambitious goal even if you fail to
achieve that one all the side effects
that come along the way can be that much
more rewarding and significant in their
own right
and so you know I feel lucky that I fell
into doing something but I feel really
matters you know getting people
information around the world about
anything I I wish there was a way to
convey that to you know to the world at
large obviously all of you already have
this religion but it’s very rewarding
when you work on something you think is
going to make a big difference and
yeah it’s a little bit harder but I
think I think the passion that one might
bring with it brings so much more energy
to that that you’re more likely to
succeed thank you guys so much for
watching I hope you enjoyed I’d love to
know which of the clues had the biggest
impact on you what did you learn the
most from leave it down the comments
below I’m really curious to find out but
also when you write it down it’s much
more likely to stick and you’re much
more likely to take action so leave that
comment down below I also want to give a
quick shout out to Trevor ham and Trevor
thank you so much for picking up a copy
of my book your one word and taking the
picture and post into the Twitter I
really appreciate the support and I’m so
glad you’re enjoying the book so thank
you guys again for watching I believe in
I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one where it
is much love I’ll see you soon if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be to like a little beacon
hey believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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