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hello believe nation today I’m gonna
talk about how I stay consistent so I
recently got asked a question from one
of the people who bought one of my books
thank you guys so much for that 65 drums
who’s asking how I stay so consistent on
YouTube his question was just
pre-ordered can’t wait to read it love
what you do but I’m the most impressed
at the sheer volume of videos you put
out it’s really astonishing actually one
day could you make a video on your
method on how you set up a system to
pump out video with such consistency
just an idea thanks for all you do so
this is an awesome question and it’s
true I put out a ton of video there
aren’t that many channels there’s nobody
in my space doing this many videos and
there aren’t that many channels period
that are putting out so much video and
so I’m going to share with you today how
I do it why I do it and hopefully you
can model it to be just as prolific
in the work that you’re creating whether
it’s video or not because I think being
prolific in the creation of things is
the key ingredient to having success so
the first thing that helps me is that I
have a mission you know I love what I do
Jerry Seinfeld was talking about how you
need to you know find the torture that
you enjoy for a lot of people they look
at what I do and I think it’s torture
like I make at least five videos a day
if you’re looking at live streams as
well as the the videos that we put out
regularly it’s at least five videos a
day a lot of people look at this that’s
like five videos in a month is a lot for
me to do how do you do it every single
day I love it I love my work I love
making videos I love I love
impacting you guys I love seeing what I
love being shared and distributed and
touching people it’s my mission I
assuming you’re into drums somehow if
your name is sixty-five drums I’m not a
jump person you know sitting in a
basement playing drums for eight hours a
day would drive me nuts I would be
torture for you that may be something
that you absolutely love and you can’t
wait to go back on your jump set and do
it but for me it’s torture and so a lot
of people look at what I do and think
it’s torture but I love it and I would
look at what you do is torture and you
love it and so it’s finding that torture
that you love because nobody else is
willing to do it because most people
look at it and say that’s nuts
and so having the mission
me wanted to help inspire entrepreneurs
and believe in them and wanted to you
know reach a billion entrepreneurs that
that’s important to me and I love my
work that’s the key because if you are
forcing yourself to do something you can
only do that for so long before you quit
if you don’t love it you will quit it’s
just a matter of time so have a mission
number two I find it’s really important
to schedule it in anything that’s big in
my life that’s important that I want to
make sure I get done I schedule into my
calendar both personal things and
business things and so because YouTube
and making videos is such an important
part of my day the mornings I always
schedule in my livestream so my current
schedule is at 9:00 a.m. on my live
channel I’ll do a gratitude stream from
9:00 a.m. Eastern to 9:00 10:00 Eastern
will talk for 10 minutes with the live
community about three things that I’m
grateful for who things they’re grateful
for and I find it’s a great way to kind
of start off the day and then I’ll hop
into a league of Legends livestream well
where our answer business questions
while playing League of Legends every
single week there I’m doing those things
and that takes up you know I schedule in
an hour and a half of time for it almost
that every day and then on Wednesdays
basically my entire afternoon is making
videos so I’ll make all the videos for
the channel this video I’m recording on
a Wednesday I forgot the video that I
make we recorded on that Wednesday so
batching those things together right so
doing it once a week as well as
scheduling the time helps make it so
that I can keep the commitment to what I
said I was gonna do
number three is build a team you know as
you get more success as you want to
build up what you’re doing at the start
it’s all you at the start was on me I
was making every video myself I was in
front of the camera behind the camera
editing researching everything was doing
everything myself and I was still being
consistent with it but as I grew and I
had some success I started bringing on
people on my team to allow me to focus
on what I was best at and what I enjoyed
the most I’m not a fan of editing it’s
so important and you know Christina my
main editor and her husband Sam and
their friend do all the editing for the
videos on this channel so it’s like
two-and-a-half full time editors on this
channel but I don’t like doing that work
and the more time I spend there the less
time I’m able to make more videos and so
there’s how many people work on my
youtube channel there’s the three
editors I have Ivan who does
all the research so finding the clips
for the top ten and then stresses and
Buddha life and all that is Ivan and
then I have Jason who comes in and helps
me film so today I’m not using Jason
he’s off on something else but when I’m
at Toronto that’s also Jason’s the guy
doing my my filming and then Jay rice
comes in and helps with strategy and
ideas and concepts and art and then also
rich and chill panic who do the book
videos that you guys may have seen when
I’m reading passages from books so
that’s what eight people plus me nine
people who work on my youtube channel so
when you have a team you can be more
prolific as well focusing on what you
are best at right if your grant editing
then find somebody else to be in front
of the camera or find multiple people to
be in front of the camera or something
else like if you love jumping and making
jump videos and you’re the drummer great
or go film other jumpers or go make lots
of music like whatever it is that you
want to be prolific at build the team
around you to support the skills that
you have I don’t like spending money
telling making money so it’s a slow
growth at the start but as you start
having some success then funnel that
back into your team to help you create
more and number four is have goals I
think it’s important that you know you
have goals you know what you’re doing
why you’re doing it you know I want to
help a billion entrepreneurs it’s a big
goal for me having that as motivation to
keep going yes also enjoying the process
right you can’t just have the goal you
have to enjoy the work this is also an
investment in myself where I’m a firm
believer that the quantity leads to the
people ask me is a quality or quantity
what’s more important what’s both you
gotta do both but the quantity leads to
the quality how do you get good at
something if you don’t practice go back
to my channel look at how I started you
know I may have had a great message but
I couldn’t deliver it very well and as a
result I didn’t get a lot of views I
didn’t get a lot of comments and have a
lot of impact but I also didn’t deserve
it cuz I wasn’t good enough yet I’ve
gotten a lot better you know with 3000
almost 4000 videos later you’d expect me
to get a little bit better whatever it
is that you want to be great at drumming
singing creating software whatever it is
you need to do the work to get better
right yes you can hack yes you can model
success yes you can you know build bring
a team yes you can surround yourself you
know but people who complement your
weaknesses it’s all fantastic but you
still have
do the work being the smartest person
about how to make youtube videos doesn’t
help unless you’re actually out there
making YouTube videos and so I’ve gotten
better because as I practiced so much
and so one of my goals is with making
these videos that I try to get better
every day I try to get better than I was
last week better than I was last month
better than I was last year but I were
better than I was yesterday
and I may not be at the level that I
want to be yet yet you know I may not be
at a Les Brown level yet I’m working
towards it is one of my goals and
recognizing that being prolific is part
of the path to getting there so that’s
the process that I use those are some of
the tips that I have I guess I’d love to
hear from you what do you guys think how
do you stay consistent with the work
that you’re doing and never fall off the
train leave it down in the comments
super curious to find out thank you guys
so much for watching thank you for that
question 65 drums I hope that helps I
believe in you guys I hope you continue
to believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
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