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Here Is WHY Are Not Progressing In Life | What Highly Effective People Do – Vishan Lakhiani

I’m gonna be talking about how to be
unfuckable all of us as we grow up we
through the conditioning of our parents
of a society of media we develop these
holes within our being and unfuck with
the bow is really about going from these
holes to being hole
so unfuck with ability is basically this
extraordinary minds do not need to seek
validation from outside opinions or true
the attainment of goals instead they are
truly at peace with themselves and the
world around them they live fearlessly
immune to criticism or praise and fueled
by their own inner happiness and
self-love now the reason we need to be
unfuckable is because without disability
we don’t have the skills the
invincibility the power to go out there
and truly pursue life transforming goals
if we care what other people think of us
good or bad we limit our abilities we
fear for example I did not write my book
for many years because I fear what
people would think what if the book
sucks oh my god if the book sucks what
people really like continue buying line
value products I did not get on stage
for many many many years because I
thought well you know what if nobody
claps I remember in college I never
asked a girl I liked out for many many
many years because I was afraid of
rejection heck it took me two years to
ask my wife out because I was afraid of
rejection and so all of us go through
this this is what causes us to want to
dress up in a certain way to get that
six-pack because it you know apparently
it means something to buy certain cars
of things or vehicles just so we can
compensate for whatever we might find
lacking but the problem with this type
of attitude is that
the fear limits us it limits us from
really doing epic things because to do
something big you got to be prepared for
rejection you got to be prepared for
failure and the bravest people in the
world are able to do the incredible
things they do because these things do
not represent them
the attainment of the goal the
accomplishment the object the man of the
woman are just nice to house but they
say nothing about who you are but what I
found over the years is that there are
three ways to get to the state of unfuck
with the book to get to the state where
you know when someone compliments you
you’re good with that but you don’t need
that compliment if you give a speech and
nobody gives you a standing ovation
you’re cool with that you know it’s not
you it’s maybe the speech or it’s
something you said or maybe it’s it’s
the method that you use and you’re like
okay great I can hack that method I can
improve this way I can rethink how I
give a speech but it’s not you too many
people make it about themselves and this
is what causes the limitation in how
they grow forgiveness is about facing
your past it’s about looking at the
that happened to you in the past and
being able to heal that so that you can
move on now you’re unattached to your
past it’s about writing a new future for
yourself where you are enough so you can
go out there and not give a damn about
criticism or judgment or how people
think about you now this means that you
can do what needs to be done to fulfill
your mission in life without fearing
other people’s opinion you can accept
race that’s good but you don’t need the
praise you can look at criticism and
just see it as a simple way to improve
without seeing that criticism is wound
into your own soul so you have the past
you have the future and if you apply
these in your life people everything
changes these models have helped me make
the last year among the most successful
years of my life that notice how simple
they are you do not have to spend
thousands upon thousands of dollars
learning them in fact the illusion is
their simplicity it is simple to forgive
it doesn’t happen overnight but with
practice as I’ve shared in my stories
you can forgive even the most vile
crimes that have happened to you and
it’s directly within yourself you
forgive people think you need to get the
other person to forgive you no it’s
within your own power to forgive it is a
choice you can make you can feel enough
no one can do that to you but you can
hack your brain through the right
techniques to train your brain to make
you be enough all of us are born as kids
feeling enough Society is what pokes the
holes into us but you can reverse that
with the right technique and it can
happen incredibly fast and the third one
is simply be present you can do that you
can do it right now you can do it over
lunch you can do it in the cruise today
it is that easy and when you do this
welcome to unfuck with ability [Music]
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