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“Have the COURAGE to TRY!” | #LifeWithEvan

just do the thing you love so important
any we’re gonna go have some fun these
people ready to go home
what’s up belief nation day six of my
trip to Philly Palm Springs I am
speaking today it’s the last day of the
actual events before flight home to see
Nina tomorrow super excited about that
got some decent sleep about seven hours
or so
feels feels great to get almost regular
sleep now I’ve had some rough nights
just with the jetlag and just with the
energy and everything that’s happening I
just wanted to be a part and help and
give back and I haven’t really felt it
that much like when I was up for 23
straight hours I started don’t you to
keep going the people rambling we’re
crashing so when you’re doing this stuff
that you love you know you can let that
energy flow through you
you can usually push harder and and
start to win and I think if you feel
like you always need a break if you are
always getting tired if you need our
lunch break every day you know you’re
down on energy most likely you’re doing
too much stuff that you don’t enjoy
we’re the work that you do should bring
you energy I love helping entrepreneurs
it fuels me I wake up and I want to do
it I want to do it I want to do it and I
just get more energy throughout the day
doing it and I get it I understand the
people who it’s most people wake up and
drive to a job that they hate and end up
having low energy and needing the lunch
breaks and then bringing all that home
after a drive-thru traffic that’s
frustrating and then you’re not your
best self when you get home you know
you’re not bringing your best to your
husband your wife your girlfriend your
parents so just do the thing you love so
important anyway gonna grab some
breakfast meet up with some local
youtubers creators influencers and see
where today goes
first one here again gonna grab a seat
my breakfast by myself and answer your
DMS on Instagram Twitter snapchat
that’s part of the day interactively
Denisha alright
sessions are about to begin first up is
Ryan buddy mine has a company called
super BAM he’s doing a thing on
monetization which will be interesting
waiting for Leo to show up and start
learning digesting new ways to grow my
next up Tim Schmoyer getting ready
you’ve got a cheer Mon show some love
all right sessions are done got to grab
some quick lunch feet the belly a bit
and then got half hard eat then I’m
going to go on stage and do a panel
discussion about building a business off
I’ll miked up ready to go add some value
home tubers my man Shawn yeah drops
acknowledge video influences go check
interviews need a couple more
entrepreneurs Leo Scott kitchen content
he missed Leo missed most of the
interview because I went to the bathroom
we she caught my panel discussion any
we’re gonna go have some fun meet some
people and hopefully I get some b-roll
that we can splice in between do you
have one piece of advice for any
youtuber starting out their journey
today expect to see what entrepreneurs
need to know the biggest thing
entrepreneurs need to do is adjust their
mindset I think knowledge you can always
pick up yeah that’s a super geeky
scientist way of talking next up another
interview video influencers get ready
gonna sit here I got so caught up in
interviews and talks that I forgot my
backpack it’s been sitting out for a
couple hours
there it is I love my backpack I forgot
it got it right here yes there’s a lot
of important stuff on here computer and
leave it
I don’t know what’s left about the
closed up shop maybe do some more
meetings take some I be role and then I
got we got to make vinspresso videos you
got to make more videos well we have
like 17 videos like so still make so
lots of work lots of work lots of work
these guys are going to go up a party in
play I’m gonna work alright set our
final goodbyes people are packing up
hanging up going home going to relax
we’re gonna make videos more videos and
so we filmed zero although come to a lot
Leo Leo yes and you guys will discover
Leo is a very inquisitive guy with lots
of great questions and asks us things
that lead to insightful answers so we’ll
see how he turns the 18 hours of footage
of he’s recorded into into videos we
recorded zero ants press o’s we just
spent four hours chatting or however
long that was and we’re probably gonna
get some food I got to wake up really
white pizza for me look at that and
eggplant parmesan with one of those
donuts what are those things
pretzels that’s a pretzel no prints Oh
bread I’ll just spread all right we’re
gonna eat we’re gonna eat up YUM
all right heading back to the hotel had
another long convo with Leo great dinner
stay tuned for some potential great
plains to come hopefully got enough
content for you guys enjoyed the trip
tomorrow I’m heading back home go see
Nina got I wake up at 7:30 I know I
gotta meet Leo at 7:30 you gotta wake up
it earlier seven I’m gonna go home go
back to my apartment hotel back get
ready rest up
I’m ready to go home it’s been usually
went going travel and do these things
it’s not this you know it’s in and out a
couple days it’s been a week being away
I miss Timo missing Hayden missing Nina
so whole day tomorrow is on on airplanes
I leave it
while we leave at 7:30 being picked up
and then I’m gonna get home at 7:30 at
night or something I’m excited to be
good morning believe nation happy day
seven as this last day of the Phillies
Palm Springs extravaganza I’m pumped to
get to go home get to see Nina basically
spending the whole day on flights today
I am waiting for my ride Leo to pick me
up got my bag ready
got my little Hulk ready for Hayden and
I need Leo because the swag boxes he’s
got some games here for his nephew and
he’s got more boxes here so I can’t take
all this stuff myself so I need some
help but we’re gonna head up to the Palm
Springs Airport fly out to San Francisco
then fly back to Toronto do some work on
the airplane hopefully they have Wi-Fi
ain’t go home and see Deena Leo made it
he forgot his jacket but he found it
trav leo here we got some stuff to talk
about and then go
the biggest thing I’ve learned actually
there’s too many things and I look one
thing for sure is never take the guest
away from anyone just have the curse to
at least try and communicate and be
honest would you like to share leo is an
awesome dude I don’t love Leo yet well
he’s coming it’s coming
you’re not committed to the airport
Uncle Leo over here I’m gonna head in
we’re getting something for the vlog
what are we doing oh yeah Leo’s filming
for his vlog no forgot don’t forget this
my bag is stuffed with swag and I’m also
taking the Incredible Hulk or Hayden I
had to leave some stuff with Leo so this
is the only stuff I’m bringing back
hopefully Hayden likes this because I
got a ticket on and off multiple flights
and all the stuff in the gym bag
backpack jammed back jam-packed backpack
jam-packed backpack yeah got to get back
on bring home this stuff for Hayden
worth it I hope I hope I always like
traveling light and I’m especially glad
that I did today so I can figure this to
have to big at home
okay let’s see what we’re going Tehran
Oh turn
Carano which one am i I think I’m the
one o’clock on time gate gate int L
all right flight to Toronto was 110 was
one fucknut one ten ten minutes late not
that bad
deep gene 91 let’s go get it
we made it back to Toronto heading the
line first one off the plane got to go
through customs and then meet Nina
hopefully don’t give me a hard time
about my Incredible Hulk customs are you
there super quick curse super slow so
we’re hoping we’re super quick so I can
see Nina go home see Timo it’s nine
o’clock at night
just past the 920 got up at 6:00
something in California to get ready to
come here based on the entire day
traveling and I’m so so so so so so so
so excited to be yeah coming home
all right I made it out super quick told
Nina not the park from the outside cuz I
got out quick so yeah let’s go see me
Nina left when my plane landed and it’s
usually not that big a drive but I got
out so quickly that I have to actually
wait here 15 minutes for her to show up
so I’m gonna go to gate F or at least us
hello this is stop F and we needed to
come excited
I see her I see her I think I see her
I think I see the Nina I think I see the
Nina there she is and she bought Eve oh
hello mister oh my goodness who is this
who is this going who’s in there who’s
in there
it’s very hello Timo did you miss me did
you miss me huh did wife miss me give a
message to believe nation but how much
you missed me oh my god a long week we
get ever stressful
listen I’m back now look at this guy oh
what’d I miss – hello Timo all right
I’m gonna drive us home there’s the mo
there’s the way everybody’s happy
final message from Nina be safe Wow be
safe all right thank you guys for
joining the doors lock us on a the
week-long adventure
hopefully it was entertaining or
inspirational you got something from it
I hope you had a fantastic weekend as
and you made an account I believe in you
I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’m going home and I’ll see you soon
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