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“Have PASSION Behind Your WORK!” – Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) – Top 10 Rules

if you’re looking for ways to find your
path focus and keep going then this
video is for you I don’t know how I knew
I had it in me but I knew that it was
what I was supposed to do I don’t like
to waste time I don’t like to take
forever on an album I thought you know I
wanted to take a break but then I got
nominated for a Grammy and I felt like
it was God’s Way of saying like you’re
on the right path don’t take a break
keep going the motivation watch a top 10
believe nation what’s up it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have an amazing gift
inside of you that I want to see explode
up to the world so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and
chillin today’s lessons from a woman who
grew up having an eating disorder and
being bullied so badly by her
schoolmates that she asked to be
homeschooled to having five albums hit
gold in the US and setting a Guinness
Book of World Records for being the
youngest ever judge on the x-factor TV
she’s Demi Lovato and here’s my take on
her top ten rules of success enjoy
kicking us off rule number one is find
your path we started off doing pageants
and I started to realize that Demi I
guess was gifted talented not human when
I came to her voice but she was five
years old she had the nerve to go up in
front of the entire school to seeing
Celine Dion’s my heart will go on and it
was a beautiful that was the first time
I thought okay this is probably what
she’s gonna want to do the rest of her
life we tried really hard to get an
agent we couldn’t get an agent
it was auditions like all the time I
just remember a lot of auditions and a
lot of car rides I have so many memories
of Demi getting a phone call and then
not getting the job we would be really
upset for a few days and then one day
it’s a band here not yet
she got Barney after I booked Barney I
was constantly working on music and
I was taking lessons any chance that I
could Demi good luck I love you we had
been working really hard at it since the
pageant days and all of the headshots
and lessons when Debbie walked in the
room I knew that she was a flat-out
entertainer it’s you’re standing by my
piano and she said can I sing for you
and I should you bet you can
she started this song
I just said oh my gosh where’d she get
this boys when I was very young I wanted
to be like Shirley Temple somebody that
could sing and act at such a young age I
don’t know how I knew I had it in me but
I knew that it was what I was supposed
to do rule number two is put out
positive energy well it’s always
important for me to think about the
roles that I’ll be playing or the
messages that I put in my music you know
I always want there to be some sort of
strength behind every song that I put
out or character that I play and I want
people to feel empowered I’m a firmly
and believer and what you put out in the
universe is what you get and in return
and I put that energy out there and I
feel like that’s what always comes back
rule number three be driven by passion
my work ethic and my desire to create
comes from honestly passion I always
have a goal and I always have a dream so
whether it’s you know creating a song
that’s going to be a single or it’s
going to be an album that I’m most proud
of or a really high note on my album
that I really want to be able to sing or
a Grammy one day or nomination one day
like I don’t care be awesome um I I
always have passion behind it so
whatever it takes I’m gonna work hard
and just continue to follow my dreams
because I have the passion behind it
rule number four is focus there are
times where I only have an hour and a
half to record a song or just to finish
writing a song I don’t like to waste
time I don’t like to take forever on an
album for heart attack Danny took a look
at the lyric and she’s really trying to
focus in right from the beginning
say there’s a guy and this is how I feel
about him and by the time you get to
that first chorus you know exactly how I
so she really focused in you know those
ideas made the song really pop it’s all
about prioritizing things in your life
when I was doing x-factor at the same
time I knew that x-factor at that point
became a priority I feel like I work
best when I focus on one thing at a time
rule number five be authentic I think I
was so focused for on the album
confident I wanted those radio hits like
that’s what my intention was like I was
working with the producers that create
the radio hits for people and and I
wanted songs that people would sing at
my concert and know every word – even if
they weren’t a fan of mine and I think I
put that in front of the actual music
and I had a moment where I realized
that’s not who I am I want to make music
that represents me and is authentic to
who I am and that’s what I created with
this album rule number six is follow
your gut
so fill us in open up your mind like
where your thoughts would where your
head up my thoughts are it’s always been
about heartbreak or struggles and when
they think of my music they think of
it’s heavy and I just want to like break
that mold sorry not sorry is lighter and
I think that’s a part of me that
nobody’s seen before I just want you to
feel supported to make the decision that
you feel best about I feel like coming
out with a song that’s fun that I’m
passionate about it just feels right to
me I follow my gut my gut told me to
choose sorry not sorry as my first
single and I did and I believed in it
from day one when other people thought
that it shouldn’t be the first single
but I knew that it should rule number
seven keep going
Danny what made you change your mind
about taking a break this year well not
only did I not want to let the haters
win I wanted to continue to share stuff
with my fans and I started working on a
project that I was really proud of but I
got really discouraged and and I you
know went through a period of time where
I just felt like the media was kind of
like attacking me for certain like
whenever I would tweet or things I’d say
in interviews and I just felt
overwhelmed and so I thought you know I
want to take a break but then I got
nominated for a Grammy and I felt like
it was God’s Way of saying like you’re
on the right path don’t take a break
keep going so I’m for a break well it’s
not that there’s no time it’s just I
chose not to because I felt inspired
rule number eight pour your heart into
your work I think that my music has
always had emotional weight to it I’ve
just always poured my heart and soul
into whatever I’m doing whether it’s
writing a book or performing on stage or
recording in the studio or writing songs
like I’m just always making sure that
I’m pouring all of my emotions out into
whatever I’m doing rule number nine my
personal favorite inspired
back at my way I feel like if I didn’t
have music I don’t know what I would
have I have my friends and my family but
music gave me a purpose when I was
bullied in school it gave me the
motivation to keep going and prove to
everyone that didn’t believe in me that
I was gonna be something someday I look
back and I look at someone who slept 18
hours a day used drugs every day and
then you see someone today who’s
inspired to make better music to talk
about her own story to help other people
and to make the world a better place and
that’s a miracle she has lived through a
lot of stuff and she tries to put that
stuff into her art because she’s so
authentic and that’s why people love her
she doesn’t come in and go well I need a
hit she comes in with a passion for this
is how I’m feeling right now and this is
how the people that I know listen to my
music or feel there’s other great
singers out there for like Demi’s voices
Timmy’s voice Debbie’s attitude is
Denny’s attitude
I know what music can get you through I
know what music can do emotionally for
somebody because I’ve experienced it
myself and I wanted to create that for
other people there’s nothing more
beautiful than being able to connect
with people through music and my eyes
and rule number ten the last one before
the bonus clips perform amazingly
now I’ve got some special demi lovato
bonus clips for you but before getting
to those my question of the day relates
to rule number six for her which was
follow your gut I want to know do you
make decisions based off of your gut or
do you think them through are you
logical are you emotional I’d love to
hear from you leave it down the comments
below thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I hope we
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever you’re one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
bonus clips
what advice can you give us about being
confident in ourselves the advice I can
give you would be sometimes you have to
just look yourself in the mirror and say
I’m beautiful I’m beautiful I’m good
or you’re beautiful if you’re looking in
the mirror and you have to do small
things like gratitude lists and things
that are positive and and that will help
you become more confident in yourself
and just more grateful and your
perspective on life and yourself will
change just have been dating
affirmations they look daily
affirmations what is it about you that
makes you a good collaborator
I am very honest so if I don’t like what
you’re saying how am i doing so far oh
you’re doing great okay good right
disturbing if I’m writing with you and I
and I don’t like the lyric necessarily
that you’re putting together I can say
well can we say it like this or can we
do it this way and I’m not the type of
person that makes everybody right for
them like I really get involved in the
writing process and I also am the one
that has the stories to tell and I lay
out my heart and soul in the studio it’s
like therapeutic for me and I share that
with the producers and the songwriters
and then we put together a song that
ends up being on an album that ends up
being performed and a Grammy Museum and
an awesome day like this if you are
obviously a lot of young girls are
looking at you and and seeing that that
you went through stuff that maybe
they’re going through right now and how
how can you in a quick sound bite how do
you talk to those girls and say you know
what what advice you have for them well
one of the reasons why I became so
outspoken when I decided to come out of
treatment and talk about my issues was
because when I grew up and I was dealing
with the pressures to be thin there was
it was the time in the tabloids when
very very skinny girls were on the cover
of every magazine and that’s what I was
looking up to so that’s what I had to
idolize I don’t want that for young
girls to idolize nope
and there was nobody out there for me to
look at and say you know what maybe this
is unhealthy
maybe starving myself isn’t the answer
so I want to be that for a thirteen year
old girl at home deciding whether or not
to eat dinner or a 18 year old girl
deciding whether or not to keep her
breakfast down you know there needs to
be a role model out there and for the
first time in my life I actually feel
like one the most important work ever if
you had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
so it would be like a little beacon
table Ignatian if you want to know what
the most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details
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