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Have more COURAGE – Tai Lopez – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
messages have more courage over to you
ty Lopez increase your courage harden up
a little bit take a cold shower don’t
always take a warm shower acclimate your
mind and your body to doing things that
are harder you know one of my friends
who’s one of the most successful people
in the young startup but made a
billion-dollar valuation on company of
five years whenever we’re talking about
new ideas we’re going to do next if I
say oh that’s going to be easy why don’t
we do that he says time there’s no money
in what’s easy focus on these
intangibles you know the ability to have
a ton of courage a lot of people think
that you have to be your daredevil to be
a successful entrepreneur that you need
to quit your job and mortgage your house
to the max and go all in and burn all
your boats and bridges and just commit
yourself a hundred percent to being an
entrepreneur and that’s simply not the
case you don’t need to be a massive risk
taker and they’re able to be successful
in business and most i would say of the
most successful ones aren’t that kind of
personality but at the same time you
have to have some courage you have to
have the willingness to be a little bit
uncomfortable and stretch outside your
comfort zone and I think that’s the
recipe not just for business success but
but success and happiness as a human
being if you are doing the same thing
over and over again every single day
you’re going to get bored it’s tiring
people need to feel like the growing
personally and whether that’s picking up
a new language learning how to salsa
dance trying a new business mustering
the courage to ask somebody to go out
with you or to marry you all of these
things all the great moments in your
life happen when you have the courage to
step outside your comfort zone and do
something a little bit greater than you
were before and I encourage people to
think about what can you do in your
business and your in your life to
constantly stretch yourself to
constantly grow to have a circle of
people who push you to be more
courageous and
you feel like you can accomplish your
big dream and do something bigger and
better than what you are right now so
you don’t need to be a daredevil but you
have to have some courage and i
encourage you to find ways today to step
outside your comfort zone and do
something more courageous so my question
the day for you today is what are you
going to do today that pushes you to be
a little bit more courageous what action
are you going to take leave it in the
comments below and I’m going to join the
discussion thank you so much for
watching have an amazing day continue to
believe and I’ll see you again tomorrow
morning for another shot of an espresso
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