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Have FUN! – John Paul DeJoria (@johnpauldejoria) – #Entspresso

good morning nation message over to you
John Paul DeJoria long term
entrepreneurship is liking what you do
who you do it with and who you do it for
if you’re not having fun then you’re
only in business to make some money I
still work I work every single day but I
love what I do sigh of fun so it became
a lifestyle when you’re working it
becomes work it’s not fun when you’re
working becomes part of your lifestyle
because you like it it’s fun I look
forward to calling on salons i look
forward to walking in someplace and say
thank you for using Paul Mitchell I look
forward to walking into a cocktail
lounge wow thank you for having patron
on the menu to people in the hip-hop
industry thank you for singing about
patrol in the country and western street
thank you for doing this in other words
I liked it so much that I appreciate so
much also the people that like it too
it’s a lifestyle and it’s a good one so
if an entrepreneur can make a lifestyle
that they like with the people they want
to deal with part of their business
it’ll be long term and it will prosper
because you are having fun everyone’s
that fun so this is really important
message because if you want to not just
be a happy person but also have success
in your business and you have to do
things that you have fun with somebody
recently asked my own youtube channel if
I always had fun of my business and I
don’t think anybody can always have fun
in anything that they do and it’s like
always being in love or always being
unhappy it’s something that you can
strive for and something that you want
to try to always have in your life in
your business but it’s not always going
to happen I think what’s important to
keep in mind though is that if you’re
not having fun for too many days in a
row then something should change right
if you started having a lot of fun when
you launch your business and now it’s
not fun anymore and every day you wake
up and you dress
into the office and you wish you could
do something else it’s not fun anymore
then that’s when you know if something
has to change you either have to inject
more fun into your business or maybe do
something out of something totally
different that brings more fun into it
when you have fun you’ll be a much
happier person and you’ll be a much more
successful entrepreneur movie so my
question the day for you today is what
makes your business fun I’d love to hear
from you leave in the comments below I’m
going to join in the discussion thank
you guys so much for watching continue
to believe and i’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot of an
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