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“Have An UNWAVERING BELIEF In Yourself!” – Lee Daniels (@leedanielsent) – Top 10 Rules

if you’re looking for ways to push
yourself more not take no for an answer
and hook people in then this video is
for you this girl that I was dating the
only girl that I’ve ever dated gave me
seven dollars so I had seven dollars and
a bus ticket and a dream I’m gonna give
you something I mother was like I don’t
understand you why are you always making
these freak show movies like I don’t get
it why can’t you make movies like Tyler
Perry look they tell me I can’t do
anything everyone everything I’ve ever
done I’ve been told by everybody that it
should not be done need motivation watch
a top ten with believe nation what’s up
it’s Evan my one word is believe and I
believe in you I believe you got
something special inside here that I
want to see burst out so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
on today’s lessons to a man who went
from looking as a receptionist in a
nursing agency and having his father
tried to beat the gay out of him to
producing monsters ball and having his
own Hollywood star on the Walk of Fame
he’s Lee Daniels and here’s my take on
his top ten rules to success
so what first rule number one is follow
your dreams in eighth grade
the vice-principal told my mother I
wasn’t going to amount to anything
there’s not a school for what it is that
I have had you know I didn’t go to film
school I’m a filmmaker how did I get
there when I was a young kid I didn’t
know that there was such a thing as a
forget about white or black but that
there was such a thing that a director
was my dad was a cop that was killed in
the line of duty
my mom was left to raise me and my
siblings on her own I knew that I was
drawn to Hollywood I still didn’t really
know that I wanted to direct this girl
that I was dating the only girl that
I’ve ever dated
gave me $7 so I had $7 and a bus ticket
and a dream
when I came to Los Angeles I was
actually homeless and I didn’t think
much about it I was okay and I snuck
into the back of a church and I stayed
there and the pastor discovered me and
said if you want to stay here you got it
clean I said okay I’ll see you know and
then notice that there was a theater
that was there I knew I could write I
know it was a storyteller
and I said you mind if I put on one acts
here that’s my first time actually
directing and I knew that that was meant
for me that whatever was my destiny was
on the stage that will change my life
I learned from the streets I’ve used my
life experiences and everything you see
up on that screen is my life and I’m not
afraid to tell you my life
is eNOS with an artist does wasn’t until
I felt comfortable with my sexuality and
my color that my dreams were becoming
fulfilled I love that message and how
often do you hear about people who came
from nothing had zero resources seven
bucks homeless and just drove and got it
and when you embrace who you are right
your one word your values what you stand
for your sexuality your color all of
that that’s when things start to take
off I love this much is a great opening
clip let’s keep it going – rule number
two push yourself more what did you
learn that influenced brushes after
shadow boxing after precious I said okay
I’m gonna give you something unexpected
which is paper boy after paper boy I’m
gonna give you something my mother was
like I don’t understand you why are you
always making these freak show movies
like I don’t get it
why can’t you make movies like Tyler
Perry Miss Johnson down to church says
something was wrong with you
hence the butler so I made miss Johnson
happy and my mother happy so it was like
okay so I did that got that PG out
the way and then I wanted to surprise
him even more and I said okay let me
really him up by going into TV
primetime not you know like and you know
not with that HBO stuff that’s easy for
me to do lee daniels so i really it’s
about it so what have I learned I’ve
learned to push myself even further as
an artist and um as a filmmaker to train
myself to do different things because
doing Lee Daniels I can do Lee Daniels
and so the cows come home that’s just
about you know the tripping people up a
little bit another great clip man 1 & 2
are solid come from Lee Daniels
it’s another constant theme you got to
push yourself to do more to go harder
it’s a drive not just keep in that box
that everybody wants to put you in your
family your friends your past experience
or clients keep driving I love it Lee
Daniels hittin it up next up rule number
three want it badly enough what advice
would you have for a becoming
screenwriter and director producer for
like younger generations
run in the other direction is this a
drug and unless you want to breathe it
live it get rejected be being told no
constantly day in and day out beat down
to the ground stomped if you can take
that then go but I would say run in the
opposite direction because you keep your
head on and by the way that’s the same
for every industry if you are not
insanely passionate what you’re doing
you’re gonna get beat down run towards
the thing that you love love love do we
rule number four it’s got to be my
favorite you know I’m gonna love this if
you know I haven’t seen it yet believe
success is a combination of
determination confidence and really a
belief in a higher power I’m sure
they’re far more talented directors than
I I know there are it’s touches about
talent it’s about your drive with that
talent that I often get asked what does
it take how do I get in and I think that
the only answer for me is an unwavering
belief in myself I think that’s what
separated me from the people that I grew
up with you know to dream is a big thing
I keep dreaming you know I love that one
guys believe believe believe not stop
every day okay number five don’t take no
for an answer
I’ll never give up on your dream and
never ever take no for an answer as I’ve
never taken no for an answer any a lot
of had to do with me being gay because
you know I have been everybody at just
like I I think when you think of me
being someone had said that was a force
of nature and how do you get movies made
and how do you just it their
impossibility and that was because I was
told that you know I was nothing and
then I would be nothing so I have
nothing to lose you know what I mean so
I think that taking no for an answer is
absolutely not acceptable ever from you
know that so I think that that is just
it’s something that lives in me I love
that and and honestly the more that you
surround yourself with people like Lee
Daniels weathers videos and books or
whatever and they repeat that message to
same with you that you are actually
stopped taking no for an answer okay
number six just do your work you went to
for broadcast networks with Empire yeah
– immediately liked it mm-hmm and said
they were very interested in it and the
other two didn’t but one of the other
two was so brutal in their criticism
that he said you guys were in the
elevator after the pitch and you were
practically crying all of Au
I wasn’t I’m used to pretty look they
tell me I can’t do anything everyone
everything I’ve ever done I’ve been told
by everybody that it should not be done
and starting from monsters ball to the
brother laughed me out of precious I
mean I’m used to being laugh so does
that not used to being mocked I’m used
to being laughed at I’m used to being
laughed at offices because that’s my
career literally I’m not an laughed out
of offices so does that make you does
that make you much more aggressive and
much or just more passionate about let’s
figure out a way to make it happen do
you want to prove them wrong no I’m not
here to prove anybody wrong mostly I get
my work done so you’re just in your
bubble doing your work and the other
stuff just is yeah so I really like that
approach a lot of times people want to
use the negativity and the haters to
prove them wrong and like I’ll show you
and he just lets the water go off his
back like a duck and moves on and just
keeps doing the work I love it all right
rule number seven hook people in I’m
struggling to figure out like how do I
show my audience what I want to say in
my scripts how do I like show it like
this is where I want to start where do i
overall begin I begin from a place of
okay what’s gonna grab people in their
seats like how do you look them in from
the from the first five words hook them
in yeah I just keep thinking hook them
in hook him in what oh no hook them in
what can you do to hook people and I
think that we are so safe I think that
that’s the other thing we find ourselves
so safe with with um we’re so edited
homogenized Americans
beatdown told no to so you become afraid
of yourself and your thoughts another
great point I think I think you all have
ideas that you know you want to go off
and chase that could be amazing that
could hook people in but you’re afraid
to do it you’re afraid of rustling the
feathers and rock and bowed and being
so again watching more this kind of
content surround yourself with people
like Lee Daniels in video form book form
whatever will inspire you to let that
come out alright rule number eight is
live your truth how do you deal with
pushing the envelope to sensitive
subjects in this blip particularly in
this political climate you know your
oscar-worthy friends showing up at you
know the parties and whatnot yeah you
know corning you in the corner
leave wide you mentioned this so why’d
you talk of it yeah you know I’m just
gonna do me and I think that we’re in
for some interesting times right now not
interesting times some trouble times and
I think that it’s my obligation as not
as this I think some of the best
literature some of the best art some of
the best movies will come from and
theater will come from this trouble time
that we’re in I think this is the only
place to go and express ourselves is
through the art it’s hard to live in
your truth you know it’s I get lots of
haters for it you know from celebrities
even and but that I live in my truth and
I will die in my truth yeah I think
doing that takes an insane amount of
courage and most people don’t have the
courage to go to do it and that’s why
you play small people who have the most
success the ones who do the thing that
is authentic to them even if it ruffles
feathers and even if it’s not popular
even if it gets them a lot of haters
because that’s the only way that you win
rule number nine be on a journey of
learning how I’m learning all along this
is all a new experience for me
I didn’t as I mentioned earlier melody I
did not anticipate for this show to be a
I didn’t I I wanted to you know I wanted
to say okay check that’s off my bucket
you know I didn’t anticipate it to be a
hit at all I just wanted to step my feet
into a world I wanted to learn as an
artist and so what was your question on
in what was the question I want to make
my question was do you feel a
from these topics and then all of a
sudden I’m like you got to have this
responsibility you have to have this you
know I have to feel and then I’m all of
a sudden I’m accountable I’m accountable
for does that feel extra pressure yes
does that it does it feels extra
pressure because I’m just a man I’m a
flawed man and I’m and I’m a flawed man
on a journey to learn more I want to
learn how to be a better father I want
to learn how to be a better man how are
you learning that from your art mm-hmm
it’s therapeutic the actual writing and
creation because what I do is that
everything you see is what I’m living
you know another super important message
and one that you see amongst high
performers constantly driving to learn
more to improve and when I love about it
too is bringing it as a message to other
people through the art that you’re
creating right like you you have
something that you learn it’s not just
for you but you want other people to
digest it too and learn through your
experience I love it last rule number 10
love music Paula Kelly affected me so
deeply and she represented this and
sophistication whose jaw-dropping all of
the work that I do has been sort of as
you really study the music even when
it’s not musical music has always been a
part of the world that I’m into so all
of the work that I do it plays a very
strong part of the telling of the story
you’re drawn and sucked in by music
because music I believe is a healer I
know what makes my heart beat fast or
gives me goosebumps
for me it’s about making you feel that
way to give you goosebumps to give you
feeling but one of my favorite numbers
ever here’s the great part about it now
in star they are in the exact same
outfits when they can sing that song I
can be there in the exact same outfit
that Paula Kelly sent down to the shoe
artists like she have paved the way for
me to be here so I honor what I love
about this is not just love and music
but really honing your craft right like
if he’s a director if he’s a producer
he’s creating art to know all the
different pieces he may not be able to
make music himself but he knows what
sounds good he’s trying to bring out the
best and he’s paying tribute to the
people who’ve come before him and I’m a
huge fan of this rule
so thank you guys so much for watching I
hope you enjoyed I think from these
rules I gotta go with real number four
believe is my favorite you know I’m
always gonna pick believe I hadn’t
honestly heard of Lee Daniels before
this video I’m not really into the
Hollywood scene and he hooked me that
was one of his rules hook people I
really liked his vibe I really liked his
mindset I really liked his toughness and
attitude and not trying to hurt people
but still sticking true to his vision
and what he’s trying to accomplish and
honestly after watching this video and
making it I want to learn more about him
I wanna I want to see more his
interviews I might make some more
content around him so thank you guys for
suggesting him and allowing me to be
able to make this tribute video for him
if there’s somebody who you want me to
profile in a future top-10 check out the
link in the description you can go and
cast your vote and we’ll see what we can
I’d also love to know which of the top
10 rules was your personal favorite what
did you learn from me then you’re going
to apply immediately to your life or to
your business somehow leave in the
comments below I’m really curious to see
what you have to say thank you again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love see
you soon
and I remember when I was a kid when I
was a young kid I stole my mom’s car I
was 16
and I stole my mom’s Eldorado and I
drove from Philadelphia to Manhattan to
see Dreamgirls and I remember the
original production and who you gonna
assume and I swear to God I got tingles
down my ass it was like it was tingles
tingle Tina and i reaiiy wanted people
to feel the same way that I felt when I
saw that show it changed my life it was
the reason why I got into I had never
seen black people like in glitter and
blacktop you know so for me I wanted
Americans to feel what helped Paris is
burning influenced me how Valley of the
dolls influenced me and how Dreamgirls
influenced me I try to be a good guy you
know I aspire every morning to figure
out how to wake up and be a better man
so that I don’t embarrass myself in
front of my kids or I don’t say
something that you know and I live in my
truth in the moment I try but I don’t
mmm I follow my ass I embarrassed myself
I picked myself up and I just try to do
it again the next day and I think that
my cinema gives life to that grey area
that we walk every day in black it ain’t
white is gray it’s right in the middle
and I think that we all are as much as
you do you want to be a good guy you’re
not you know and that’s what makes you
human and I think that’s what I try to
tap into you try to be a good guy you
want to be a good guy you know you are a
good guy you were born a good guy but
here comes some that makes you a bad guy
right and you know that is this the most
challenging thing you’ve ever done
yes yeah hardest thing ever yeah only
because I’m not the ultimate
decision-maker yeah if something is on
my names out there you know it’s my name
and if I’m not the only one making
decisions I have to collaborate and and
and I as in in in the world of film the
director is God and I’m and especially
in the world of indepen
cinema there is no that the buck stops
here so everything that you see on that
and on that screen I’m responsible for
it doesn’t work like that in television
in that everybody has to say so yeah and
so you’ve got to navigate around and
sort of you know you got to make you got
it and they all want to help they all
want they all want the best for the show
but you know it is what it is the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
that sums you Apple so it would be like
a little beacon they believe nation if
you want to know what the most important
one word is for Tony Robbins Gary
Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and
Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the
description for details
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