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HARD WORK Motivation | How to OUTWORK Everyone! | #BelieveLife

you know people talk about working hard
and working smart the answer is only
both man if you got to get up every
single morning remind yourself how hard
you need to work I need to choose a
different profession but you’ve got to
what’s that belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s help you
live your best belief life and learn how
to outwork everyone also if you want to
know what garyvee Kobe Bryant Mel
Robbins and others have to say about
building unstoppable confidence check
out my 250 for confidence series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence to link
to join is at the description below the
reason people don’t put themselves in a
position to fail the reason people
aren’t patient is they value other
people’s opinions too much or to go play
someplace else to try to chase a
championship that’s not me man that’s
not being that’s not what my career has
been about when you set goals when you
have an intention on something that you
want to change about your life your
brain helps you
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one utilize your time better with Gary
Vaynerchuk how much time do you spend a
month you said those four things how
much time do you actually spend on it in
a day zero
sometimes I assume in a week how much do
you spend two hours great now is the
most important part of this meeting
great so I love the way you said it I
have to have seven so if I wanted to say
go to six so that you pick up five
you’re gonna say to me Gary I have to
have seven right now let’s go somewhere
else I have to know what you’re doing
the other 17 hours I would bet the house
that we can find an hour every day I’m
guaranteeing because you might be
working all 17 hours but you might not
be working on something smarter than
spending an hour a day on the thing that
you’re talking about do you understand
that’s I mean look that’s the answer the
answer is time you know people talk
about working hard and working smart the
answer is only both you have to work
hard and smart based on your ambition if
you want to build a business for
yourself that is like a 1% life most
people understand what building a
business for yourself is it’s very
it’s very special trying to build a
business for yourself everybody’s doing
now pulling it off
trying to play basketball everybody can
try being an NBA player trying to be a
rapper or a singer
everybody’s doing pulling it off trying
to be a footballer and actress got it so
you’re trying great pulling it off is
hard it takes everything time and smarts
you mean seven I’m glad you said it that
way because this makes this piece of
content more valuable
it’s the 17 other hours I’ll give you an
example a lot of people drive to work
for 45 minutes if they took a bus for an
hour and 15 minutes they would save
money and get more work done
but do you have the humility to take the
bus where she’s driving your car
rule number two find your true passion
with Kobe Bryant did we talk about hard
work all the time this night you know
man if you had to get up every single
morning remind yourself how hard you
need to work your I need to choose a
different profession you know because
that shouldn’t be there is that I wake
up in the morning excited to get to it
you know if I’m not training I’m missing
it I’m not watching the game of bass I
miss it you know there’s no place I’d
rather be
and if you have that feeling then you’re
truly doing with God has put you on this
earth to do I think the best way to
prove your value is to work is to learn
is to absorb to be a sponge you always
want to outwork your potential as hard
as you believe you can work you can work
harder than that
and that’s what I try to do when I first
came in lead but you know basketball is
such a direct competition sport that me
coming in at 17 I needed when like my
teammates would say you know I did hit
with an elbow right shack with it they
would elbow in practice like you know
the big bad exit will come up and say
are you okay Tamar you okay hell’s wrong
with you you know so like I always had
that extra chip on my shoulder so like
every day I practice for me was really
trying to annihilate everybody that was
that I was playing against rule number
three win the morning with Mel Robbins
so here’s what we’re gonna do it’s
actually simple and it’s not gonna be
easy cuz you’re gonna create all kinds
of excuses and drama for yourself okay
you’re gonna set your laundry stuff and
when the alarm goes off that’s what
happened that gap is gonna open up and
you’re gonna feel all rolling I don’t
feel like it I’m over I don’t want to I
don’t feel like writing a song anyway
you know like that’s when you have to
take control you have to take control
you have to get up every morning it
begins by getting up because if you let
anxiety excuses self-doubt all the win
in that first decision the rest of the
day is hijacked so when the first
decision then exercise I don’t care
about the eating as much
I know it’s important not to put garbage
in but I would rather see you first
master getting up on time do that for a
week then let’s add in exercise every
day 10 minutes don’t start with like 2
hours because then you’re gonna find an
excuse not to do it get up at 7:00
exercise for 10 minutes then the third
week you’re gonna add in like I’m
actually gonna eat clean this week or
whatever the diet is that you want to
eat right I’m just gonna add in things
as you master the little things but
you’ve got to get up on time it starts
right there rule number four be
relentless with David Goggins well
everybody is Groundhog Day again for
David Gardens if you pan it down here
you see about three o’clock in the
morning and there’s not a car or a
person in sight if you pan over here
it’s the same thing not a car or a
person is like people don’t know where I
find my strength that where I get my
strength I get it from a lot of places
though right now this morning I’m
getting it from there’s nothing that’s
up there’s not a car there’s not a
person everybody’s in their bed sleep
dread and that is a Monday hate is a
Monday and I’m loving it I’m loving that
wire bond is getting weaker I’m getting
stronger it’s not about the running the
swimming to push up to sit ups it’s
about what those things do for your
mentality you don’t get better on a
daggone couch you get better by coming
out here and getting after every daggone
day I often talk about taking Souls this
this person I usually train alone for
someone to run with me I said 5:15 this
morning comes this doors coming in this
way and the person calls and said hey
why don’t we do it tomorrow
taking souls is when I told them I’m
gonna run 15 today and I run with you
again tomorrow
that’s what taking solace is about don’t
worry about the elements and what’s
going on you gotta get out there and get
and that’s taking souls and obviously he
wasn’t the only one I fell about taking
the day off because the storm is coming
in right now and there’s not a soul out
here but me and rule number five the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is be willing to do it all with
Mark Cuban some people just they get on
the show and they think you know I don’t
have to work anymore I don’t have to
work as hard or if I get an investor
it’ll be easier and it never works that
way or they just they stop paying
attention to detail yeah right I’ve had
a couple companies where it’s like all
right you know I’ll hire people to do
all the work it’s your company it’s your
baby you’ve got to do you you know if
you’re not gonna do the work who is and
I’ve always felt you know in terms of
leadership that my job is to put
everybody around me in a position to
succeed and if I’m walking around the
arena here I’m picking up junk on the
ground I’m you know helping customers
I’m trying to you know convey to
everybody that there’s not a job that
you would do that I wouldn’t do myself
and a lot of entrepreneurs that fail
they lose they lose track of that they
think you know I’m the boss I mean I had
a job one time and I was a horrible
employee where you know the the
president the company spent more time
telling me how I should dress then
trying to help me close sales yeah you
know so you’ve got to do the work and
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with Tom bill you on how to out work
talent that I think you’re gonna enjoy
but before that I decide for the three
point lighting questions time to move
from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
business and if you’re feeling bold
answer these questions in the comments
below here we go question number one how
can you win the morning number two what
will you do tomorrow to make sure that
you do it and number three who can hold
as Henry Rollins said I don’t have
talent so I just get up earlier the
thing that people think about becoming
great about doing the extraordinary is
that it’s just meant for some people and
not meant for others and they spend
their time making other people
extraordinary as a way to let themselves
off the hook because if somebody is just
gifted if they were blessed by God if
they were touched by an angel and they
just have something that you don’t and
something that you never will have then
it’s fine for them to be great and you
to be ordinary but the reality is it’s
not how it works
but somehow the cultural narrative has
become one where we celebrate natural
talent that if somebody is graced by God
that if they have something divine about
them that they’re somehow better that
it’s more beautiful than the scrappy
person who’s had to work for everything
they’ve ever had
the guy who simply acknowledges like
Henry Rollins that he doesn’t have more
talent than the next person he’s simply
willing to work them he’s willing to set
the alarm to get up to do whatever it
takes to find his path to create that
skill to outwork talent to show that by
putting in that energy and that effort
there’s a magnification effected as far
greater than anything that can be given
to you bestowed upon you you have to
grab it you have to
you have to have a level of intensity in
your life to be able to leverage it and
create something amazing and as Warren
Buffett said intensity is the price of
excellence if you want to be great
you’ve got to cultivate that intensity
you’ve got to understand it’s not about
what you were born with it’s not about
what you were given where you started or
even where you’re going it is entirely
about what you plant at the center of
your soul how hard you’re willing to go
after something how much focus you’re
willing to put in your life and how
often you come back to that level of
intensity for who you want to be because
if you want to meet excellent you will
have to pay a price and that price is
eternal vigilance vigilance over how you
spend your time vigilance over the
demands you make of yourself vigilance
over what you allow yourself to think
and believe and when you get to the
point that you only allow yourself to
think and believe things that move you
towards your goals that every day the
actions you take are things that are
designed to get you there and then you
have the intensity to follow that
through to shape yourself to create a
new version of you capable of doing
something extraordinary
then your life is gonna be what you want
but not until then it’s never gonna be
anything if you just make other people
extraordinary and say I could never do
the reality is you could and you’re just
not so the thing you have to face right
now is that it is within your grasp you
just have to go after him the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple
that would be collect a little beacon
if you want to learn how to stop wasting
your life away check out the video right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there I want to say something right here
you all might this might make ya’ll
thing the fact that you’re full of faults doesn’t mean you have to stop
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