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Greatest Motivational Speech Compilation EVER – YOU CAN – 30 Minutes of the Best Motivation

I feel very strongly that we are who we
choose to be
you’re not going to outwork me it’s a
it’s a very is such a simple basic
the guy who is willing to hustle the
most is gonna be the guy that just gets
that loose ball
in order to be successful at this game
it needs 24/7 and the warmth is the hard
work pays off and number two is that
dreams come true if other people are
putting in 40-hour work weeks and you’re
putting in 100 hour work weeks then even
if you’re doing the same thing you will
achieve in a month but it takes them a
year to choose you step one is obsessed
get totally focused unleash your desire
that gives the energy step two is not
waiting it’s massive action he changed
your approach until you find effective
execution because success at big bowls
in life don’t just fall from the sky you
got to take steps you got a plan you got
to be progressive about what you’re
it’s Hall
easy it’s not an option it’s hard living
life is hard
nothing is impossible you just have to
kind of keep running through the walls
it’s always want to take to work if you
want to be successful you want to own
things you want to control be in control
of your life you want pointy and light
it’s always going to take work and it’s
gonna take planning and thinking things
can’t get around that you can’t get
around that
be responsible be successful
be productive realize that having a
light that is great
did not be done without Florida work how
long would you have to average kids to
learn how to walk before you turn the
kids said dude it’s never gonna happen
you’re not a walker just give it up what
are you crazy but it’s gonna keep trying
until keep changing your purchasing fund
think it just comes down to like you
just got to want it want it really bad
it’s strictly based on being out work is
strictly based on missing crucial
opportunities I say all the time if you
stay ready you ain’t got to get ready
you have to have an emotional investment
in what you’re doing if you don’t love
what you’re doing
failure is pretty much guaranteed
success is not guaranteed by any means
but failure is much more likely if you
don’t love what you’re doing building
really great companies just takes a
while and it’s good to not try to do it
too fast it’s really really really good
to be ambitious of this way
but it’s not that great of you too hasty
but as you’ll go through the challenges
of lying and you look at it and then
place whatever comes to you don’t run
from it
step rewarded don’t try and duck it like
most people do see most people wanted
if you’re running East looking for a
sunset I don’t care how positive you are
you’re not going to see the sunset is
the wrong strategy it’s just not gonna
life is gonna whoop you until you
that couldn’t understand its bid but
after I got through it then I saw that
that was preparing me for bigger and
better things do what you love at least
a little bit and if you have to do
something else in order to support what
you love do it he’ll work at McDonald’s
and if you really love something you’ll
do whatever it takes to support that
and don’t ever let fear or the little
demon that says you ought to do this and
you shouldn’t do that ever keep you from
pursuing what you love
if you know why you’re doing something
and what it is that you’re trying to get
then it’s a question of being very very
open to failure trying again and again
and again until you get it the Chinese
bamboo tree takes five years to grow
you’ve got to believe in yourself you’ve
got to believe in your abilities
unquestionably we didn’t give up at that
point but you know what life is that you
have embrace life you know it’s hard but
you did it huh
look your ass off
nobody ever stumbled upon success by
accident you never want to fail because
you didn’t work hard enough
I always believed no stone unturned
work your butt off that’s what I always
believed the matter what you do work
work work
no pain no gain
when people say I don’t have time to
work out or I have worked so hard all
day I’m tired I cannot work out anymore
oh I cannot read another book oh I
cannot improve myself oh I don’t have
time oh I work so hard that I cannot
really improve my business or I cannot
grow as a person or any of those things
I mean today is 24 hours you sleep six
hours so you’re 18 hours left it’s hard
to do it huh listen man I came to the
United States
I remember that I trained five hours a
day every day and I was managing a
construction business levels of
and I went to college also and I took
acting classes from 8 o’clock at night
to 12 o’clock midnight all that in one
every day I did that I did not worry
about it I knew that at 24 hours and
they didn’t want to waste one single
hour they early to bed early to rise
worked like hell
just remember you can’t climb that
ladder of success with your hands in
your pockets
and some people ladies and gentlemen
they stopped because they don’t see
instant results it doesn’t happen
quickly they stop oh you’ve got to keep
on watering your dream and when it began
to happen when you working at your dream
somebody said the heart of the battle
the sweeter the victory you must work
your ass off it said simple
the Chinese bamboo tree takes five years
to grow when they go through a process
of blowing it they have to water and
fertilize the ground where it is every
day and it doesn’t break through the
ground until the fifth year through the
ground within five weeks
it grows 90 feet tall because at any
time that person stopped watering and
nurturing and fertilizing that dream
that bamboo tree would have died in the
ground there was a day that I became
wealthy I’ll take me a day I know that
day I was rich I was broke I was pissed
I was angry at everybody else but who
I had a friend that I loaned money to
when I had barely enough and I knew he
needed it and I gave him $1,200 and I’m
here not able to eat I’m down to like 25
26 dollars and I’m sandy him calling in
and he’s not returning my call and I
just need some money he’s ignoring me I
didn’t you’re an enzyme test I’m
frustrated they miss them all this I’m
also pragmatic I got 25 and change call
$26 what the hell am I gonna do I don’t
have any plans for economics
I got overhead that’s crazy I’m living
this little tiny apartment in Venice
I should’ve been freaking out how am I
gonna eat but I didn’t
I flew because something inside of me
had finally got past scarcity I finally
realized there’s something inside of us
more than our limits especially run this
thing called money that I had let
terrorize me I got home and the mailman
came that day and had no idea I was
gonna have my next meal if weather comes
and it’s from the guy I loaned the money
to handwritten notes saying I’ve been
avoiding you
it’s wrong I’m so sorry you were there
when I needed you
here’s what I owe you plus a little bit
more and the 12-under was there that’s
not a 100 for the time that had to take
and I cried
and then I decided what does this mean I
this means that whenever you give it’s
always gonna come back so you don’t have
to ever think about that
but again just give I don’t know if
that’s coincidence but I decided to
believe that day was a blessing when I
became rich and I can tell you honestly
I’ve had tough days of my life
economically emotionally like all of us
but I’ve never gone back to the scarcity
I never will the secret to living is
giving do it when you don’t have it but
I promise you
scarcity will leave your life
I’m not afraid to fail I’m not afraid to
fall over make a mistake that often time
cripples people on the onset of getting
too into anything the first time ever
picked up a DJ decks was horrible
horrible now but I’m not afraid of that
I’m not afraid of that feeling it
actually propels me it works quite the
opposite I can do 18 in 22 hours a day
easily with veteran at being able to
look at an opportunity and go that gonna
take me forever or not some people don’t
have that you won’t is something you
develop you know that’s why most times
out of 10 any head of a company has been
doing it for a long time because they
inherently can make a decision and a
blink of an eye you have to learn that
my breakthrough was actually decided I
wanted to be an actor the other thing
that’s important I think is to keep your
head down you know keep your head down
like night swim in 25 laps come into if
I look up and start counting those laps
and pick it out by 15 if I put my head
down I keep walking away and work a
technique work it internal rhythm and
work it mmm I hit that length I don’t
even know what length from one guarantee
of look happy to 20 and to more free
more to go
I think people find themselves
incremental checking how far
now you know when you compare to anybody
else or whatever it’s just it’s a recipe
for disaster just keep banging on that’s
the most important mountain climbers
would probably tell you the same thing
there’s no point looking the difference
between climbing a hundred feet and
climbing silently is a point of view you
don’t know you’re at the top until you
get there pal and that’s what you need
to remember just don’t look down
they changed my life it turned my dreams
into a reality
it gave me an actual tangible target to
go oh actually I could do this that was
my that was my biggest breakthrough of
course they’ve been numerous
breakthroughs over my career in my life
which I’m all proud of but none so much
is that realization that I am want to be
an actor
know what your target is don’t guess it
because Crudup is the next man because
that’s that’s that’s your petrol that’s
your fuel to get you moving if you don’t
know where you’re going what your
targets are you’re never gonna get there
work hard sleepless moment consider the
things your mind is about you everything
you have your work relationship with
your family and that is your philosophy
of life all come view as he’s out of
using your mind
now consider the estimate made by
experts you have probably been operating
on less than 10% of your mental
capacities much less man is using a very
small fraction of his capacity
neurological research at the UCLA brain
Research Institute points to enormous
abilities latent in everyone by
suggesting and incredible hypothesis the
ultimate creative capacity of the human
brain may be for all practical purposes
they pointed out infinite
man is a vast storehouse of data but we
have not learned how to program my
selves to utilize these data for problem
solving purposes man under average
conditions of working life use only a
small part of his thinking equipment if
he were able to watch our brain to work
at only half inch capacity we could
without any difficulty whatever learned
40 languages the reason that people
don’t do stuff one is it’s hard and two
is it’s risky
I think history belongs to the doers
and I think you should take a risk
risk actually looks like is not doing
something that you will then spend the
rest of your life regretting
I think most people give up on things
wait zero so the mistake that most
people make is they try something it
does not immediately work
living successfully getting the things
we want from life is a matter of solving
the problems which stand between where
we now are and the point we wish to
be the person that does more for others
no one is without problems they’re a
part of living life we’ll just be any
one thing you want out of it really is
what it is and so the way to do that is
every day work harder than yourself
anything else because if you become more
intelligent more valuable more skilled
you can add more value at other people
yeah I think if you don’t actually
believe what you’re doing is really
important if you don’t derive
satisfaction from what you’re doing then
you will not be able to sustain all of
the bad things that happen an incredibly
long period of time that the bad things
happen over
and so the only motivation that I have
seen work for people over a long period
of time is enjoyment and what they’re
doing and an intense belief it matters
it’s totally cool when people start off
saying well I want to make money or I
want to be famous I think a lot of
people start that way and then I like to
admit it but pretty quickly or Reese in
the first few years
I think a lot of people find a
deeper mission for why they do what they
do and the dot drives them in for the
rest of the time they work
so the point is is you don’t have to
wait in line you don’t have to do it the
way everybody else has done it you can
do it your way you can break the rules
that’s rule number one
it is the generally accepted theoretical
view of man’s mental potentialities now
how can we tap this gigantic potential
well it’s a big and very complex problem
with many ramifications but as Herbert
Otto point out it is clear that persons
who live close to their capacity who
continue to activate their potential
have a pronounced sense of well-being
and considerable energy they see
themselves as leading purposeful and
creative lives but believe me when I say
that your mind can be compared to an
undiscovered goldmine
look at it this way your goal is in the
future your problem is to bridge the gap
which exists between where you are now
and the goal you intend to reach this is
the problem for some successful people
are not people without problems
they’re simply people have learned to
solve their problems nor people telling
you your idea is bad they may be right
but the only way to know is to actually
build it out
and in most of the rest of the world the
default response when you tell someone
your idea is to say oh that’s not going
to work and this is really toxic for
startups because you have to believe in
and and the good idea is because they
sound like that ideas are so fragile and
so killable that you have to be really
careful to insulate yourself against
we don’t do anything without an idea so
they’re beautiful gifts desiring an idea
is like a bait on a hook you can pull
them in and if you catch an idea that
you love that’s a beautiful beautiful
day and you write that idea down so you
won’t forget it and that idea that you
caught might just be a fragment of the
whole whatever it is you’re working on
but now you have even more be thinking
about that small fragment that little
fish will bring in more and they’ll come
in in the hook on and more and more come
in and pretty soon you might have a
or a chair or a painting or an idea for
a painting
more often than not small fragments
I like to think of it as in the other
wings the puzzle is all together but
they keep flipping in just one piece at
a time after seven weeks they say you
know what I tried this thing it’s just
not meant to be and I have too many
other projects so they immediately give
up being on young and unknown and poor
that is actually a great gift in terms
of the amount of risk you can take
that’s a beautiful thing to think about
like a lot of people ask me like I was
where you were once can’t you help me
and I was able the difference was when I
was where you were never asked anybody
for help I just did it myself so it’s
always better if you couldn’t do
yourself you feel better at the end of
the day these things are really hard
they take a very long time there are a
lot of critics there a lot of people who
say this thing sucks it’s gonna fail
it’s stupid
most of the founders that I have spent a
lot of time with that have gone on to be
super successful spent a very long time
on their idea when a lot of other people
would have given up
there’s there’s always a sense that
people have that the art it’s really
hard to come with answers all the
answers have already been discovered in
one way or another and I think that’s
not the case and I I sort of um I sort
of divide things up into conventions
which are things everybody knows to be
true the other extreme there are
mysteries things that nobody can figure
out and in between are these things that
I call secrets which are things that you
could figure out they’re hard but if you
really work at it you could you could
figure something out
there are many secrets left to be
discovered I actually think that this is
a somewhat non-conventional view is that
most secrets have been discovered and
that there’s nothing new to find and so
I think there are a lot of fields where
new things can be found
we’re often discouraged by sort of a
version of globalization we think
they’re you know seven billion other
people in the world and there will
always be someone who will have already
thought of it and if no one will have
thought of it before us it must be
almost impossibly hard and so it ends up
being this sort of self-fulfilling thing
where we don’t even try and I do think
the only people who will discover
secrets are people who work at it
many of these um great companies have
something like this at the core
but let me show you how much time we
wasted worrying about the wrong problem
is a reliable estimate of the things
people worry about things that never
happened 40 percent things over and past
it can’t be changed by all the worry in
the world
thirty percent needless were is about
our health twelve percent petty
miscellaneous worries ten percent real
legitimate worries eight percent
92% of the average person’s worries take
up valuable time cause painful stress
even never anguish and are absolutely
unnecessary and that the real legitimate
worry is there are two times they’re the
problems we can solve and they’re the
problems beyond our ability depression
itself but most of our real problems
usually fall into the French group the
ones we can solve if we learn how the
only thing in the world that can take
you to your goals in life is your mind
it’s effective use and following through
on the good ideas it surprise you each
of us has a tendency to underestimate
his own abilities we should realize that
we have people in ourselves a reservoir
of great ability even genius they’re
still as a frontier left and the
frontier is not infinitely far away
but there are many places where you can
still get to the frontier
there are many directions you can go
where the frontier is closed and where
there’s a lot love to be loved to be
discovered now I’m going to assume
you’ve decided upon a goal your problem
is how do I achieve it your goal may be
a promotion greater income a beautiful
home it makes a little difference what
your goal happens to be but you have
your goal and you know that you will
become and you will achieve what you
think about that is if you stay with it
you will reach your goal but how well
it’s right here that your mind comes
into play what is your mind no one knows
for sure perhaps the best way to
describe it is to quote pulitzer
prize-winning playwright Archibald
MacLeish the only thing about a man that
is a man is his mind everything else you
can find in a pig or a horse the human
mind is the one thing that separates us
from the rest of the creatures on earth
in order to reflect just a moment on the
human mind consider what it’s
accomplished human knowledge is advanced
more in the past 50 years and in all the
preceding 10,000 years of human
civilization we’re entering an entirely
new age of man to the age of the mind
and you own one free and clear
pick one hour a day on which you can
fairly regularly count and during this
hour every day take a completely blank
sheet of paper at the top of the page
write your present primary goal clearly
simply then since our future depends
upon the way in which we handle our work
write down as many ideas as you can for
improving that would you now do face it
with faith and Bend all the great powers
of your mind toward solid to believe me
solve it you will
it’s like spending five hours a week
digging at a solid vein of pure gold
because your mind is all of that and
much warmth
– if everything you now have is a result
of using say five to ten percent of your
mental abilities you can imagine what
life will be like if you can increase
this figure to 20 percent or more
successful people are not people without
problems they’re simply people learn to
solve their problem just one great idea
can completely revolutionize your work
and as a result your life
just one great idea can completely
revolutionize your work and as a result
your life
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