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#GratitudeJournal Live Stream #36

we broke it we broke it we broke it we
brought the internet all right look
everybody gratitude journal live stream
number 36 coming i had the halloween
edition we are looking amazing here
having tons of fun um so what do we do
we share three things that we’re
grateful for alex who helps run Trevor
that sells with me is dressed up as the
magical unicorn pds is official mascot
tedious is official mouse now right
right this moment I’ve got my ninja
outfit on and we’re going to show
through things we’re both grateful for
we’re going to bring it off to the chat
for you guys share three things and
hopefully in the life sorry the comments
afterwards you guys are leaving three
top three things below what your big
before it’s important that is consistent
that is daily not just once a month or
once a week it’s every day and that you
actually feel it that you actually ask
yourself why this is important to you
I’m realizing it’s harder harder to talk
with this crazy mask on so this will be
a fun one and let’s do it so we’re gonna
we’re gonna give it Alex to start us off
what do you get them for today okay so
the first thing I’m grateful for is
having a such a great work environment
so I was nervous about wearing this
costume actually for uptown loft outing
i thought i would look silly not
something i normally do that it was a
little bit feminine not professional so
I wanted to up download social and
everybody was happy to see me they love
the costume and just it gave me a great
feeling that I belong right and that’s
my one word so it was really important
to me so I’m gonna just have such a
great work environment a great friends
so that’s one too I’m grateful for my
future um my future obviously
father-in-law whatever my future in-laws
my future in-laws um so I’m getting
married next year September but um we
had you know since the beginning since I
joined the family when they when you
I met them they’ve always been loving
and caring and welcoming uh so it made
my life easier to date their daughter
and proposed ER and have her move in
with me so I’m really grateful for that
and another thing I’m grateful for is my
brother I’m grateful for my brother how
awesome he is how strong he is and how
no matter what happens no matter why do
he’s always there for me um yeah yeah I
love him yeah he’s nine years older than
me so he is my older brother I’m the
baby in the family if you can tell with
the unicorn costume but uh yeah I’m
grateful for my brother I love it there
you go um I’m I’m grateful for a
creativity and expression I’m glad that
we decided to do this today we’re the
costumes I’m glad ilex brought his over
and he’s gonna wear it tonight yeah to
teach wow he’s gonna teach three hours I
we need to feel I feel at ease me film
somewhere in to put some pines in the
costume recently films where no carbines
I’m grateful for creativity and
expression if you guys are joining us
later for the live at which stream Rishi
Cup TV is going to be doing that voice
costume so she’s going to impersonate
somebody so excited for that John which
is watching out or we’re encouraging is
putting her on the spot here as well
should be very exciting um but yeah you
know like a lot of people when with top
ten aloft had costumes on too and it can
be scary and it can be you know it can
be hard to express yourself through your
to your costumes and so I’m glad that
people we’re doing it and we’re doing
again here today and I hope you guys go
and join the kids if you have kids go
and join them in your in the Halloween
trick-or-treating we’re a costume too
i’m gonna go i’m gonna pick up aidan i
think in this nice i’m going to pick him
up today go trick-or-treating I’m gonna
make sure you get pulled over it’s true
who’s this I
I think I think it’s legit though I
think I think it’ll be okay yeah I think
today it’s okay okay well it could be
because you’re sick you’re wearing the
mask right if someone let’s say let’s
not say I lost my voice at you there’s a
lot of talking yesterday TG lines um I’m
speaking of yesterday gasps I’m grateful
for I had a really long conversation
with someone on my team uh three and a
half hours long conversation out is
someone on my team and so that ended up
really positive um and it was I didn’t
know how we go I didn’t know how they
would take it but I didn’t it up being a
super positive moment and so I’m
grateful that we had that time to go
through it and I’m grateful for hitting
100 subscribers on this new channel whoo
that’s what’s up I looked at the channel
this morning is like 109 subscribers or
something so nice but I’m excited for
this new channel in our in our growth
here so let’s get over to you guys here
do we got going on J reyez what are you
grateful for he’s kicking us off they
know i didn’t take d light savings into
account it ended for us this weekend i
gotta go somewhere it’s unfortunate we
here today super sad Xena you should
have left for your grateful for though
with daylight savings is it i’m thinking
is it no not October thirty-first that’s
November isn’t it spring forward fall
behind I don’t know when our daylight
savings is but I don’t think I said
Stephanie’s in Holland I guess you’re
smart daily savings today okay for us
mmm anyone get that now yeah I’m very
okay because I gotta go email classes
say no okay great move by putting
daylight savings on our edge air today
yeah J reyez thankful for beautiful
costumes and expression that’s what we
got for directors producers writers
actors who make up today’s storytelling
industry for easy elegant inspired
high-value solutions I’m liking that
Rishi can what everyone hashtag couple
of hahaha wow I’m assuming she’s
referring to our costumes they
the nice surprise happy Halloween from
much you future builder hahahaha good
morning next level cause flight ninjas
and unicorns happy Halloween we love
your costume Alex oh thank you yay Alex
that’s great look at that take a look
sky’s the limit 09 great rising and
happy Halloween everyone I love he
always starts with great rising oh is it
yeah he always writes great rising hmm I
like that what is that great rising
engine instead of good morning great
writing great rising I like the start
there love the costumes Adrian happy
Halloween together we rise adrian is
grateful for crisp mornings my dog and
YouTube is a crisp outside for us yeah I
was in the car I know you really should
walk here it’s not that hard I have a
brand new car I’m little four miles on
it okay and you know I’m favorite you
don’t want to scroll my god its scratch
I just found a scratch i watch the
carnage crest two months in its scratch
all right new future bibler see if you
walked it wouldn’t happen yeah ok so for
halloween rhesus candy what’s your
favorite candy Snickers I love Snickers
yeah man I’m probably go with all Henry
oh Henry is actually my top favorite to
you can I love holes I love cold Oh like
show you you know the mini Halloween
ones you put them in the I put them in
the fridge and when you take it out you
just it’s like crunchy we had that it
melts in your mouth after so take some
oh Henry put it in the fridge in in
either afters it Austin mouth like Alex
eggs let’s not set the buzzers eggs
Reese’s candy and haunted houses I love
it much I’m grateful for a day like
today we’re playing or play and dress up
is more embraced than usual yeah I love
that I agree good morning best you pro
good morning everyone grateful for all
the support of people that we work with
I love that rishi grateful for a new day
number one grateful Oh Flo I skipped a
bunch grateful for a new day grateful
for learning new things
things I have to learn the same things
over and over again and grateful where’s
for number three room number three
beautiful it’s not a race but life is a
process to be enjoyed like that sky’s
limit on people for sunshine that
brightens my mood my family and changing
best you probe grateful for beautiful
weather and definitely for another day
to create and share I love that nice
hayden picked up by ninja yes we’re
gonna go pick up hidden much gave them
from a beautiful daughter um Laura who
volunteered to bring joy to other kids
by being an outdoor school counselor
this week ooh that’s pretty cool i don’t
know what that is but i love it mmm let
the school counselor alright nine ten
guys that’s it happy gratitude happy
Halloween we’re going to head off to
twitch for the live stream to play some
league of legends and answer your
business questions if this is the last
time I see you today though hope you
have an amazing day Alex and I both
believe in you we hope you continue to
believe in yourselves and whatever your
one word is much love we’ll see you soon
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