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#GratitudeJournal Live Stream #15

what is up everybody happy Friday I’m
rushing today I’m rushing today you can
see that the motorcycle helmet lines
there I have an appointment downtown
this morning and gotta make it back for
the gratitude journal live stream number
15 happy Friday uh good to see you guys
so let’s talk things that we were
grateful for the idea here is ah it’s a
daily practice it’s something that we do
consistently hopefully do with me every
morning otherwise you’re doing on your
own but do it daily if i’ll make you a
half your entrepreneur a healthier
entrepreneur a more successful
entrepreneur and i highly recommend it
and the second part is that you are
doing it with feeling that you’re
actually you know attached to it and a
good reason to do it is always ask
yourself why so instead of listing out
all the things you’re grateful for
instead of just ramming through three
things and then getting on with your day
just ask yourself why on each one i find
that it makes a big difference so i’m
grateful for this and then why just that
little 30 seconds of thought can make a
big difference a big impact that’s how
you’re going to feel the benefits of
gratitude so i’m going to start with
mine my three for the day the close of
the week for those of you in the live
chat share it on the side there are
three things your people for you’ll get
some shoutouts and then after those
you’re watching afterwards leaving the
comments below three things you’re
grateful for today do it consistently
and you’ll feel the benefits I promise
so I’m up first hmm I am grateful for my
city I love Toronto nth city there’s so
many great things here we only met some
great people downtown today I’m just so
I feel so blessed that I have so many
I’ve access to so many things here in
the city I you know world-class
but I get to also look out and see a
forest from my view and I get to see the
CN Tower from my view so many great
restaurants in wonderful people I just
you know about a baseball team that I
hope makes the playoffs just so grateful
for this awesome city I’ve traveled
around the world but I couldn’t imagine
anywhere else being my home uh number 2
i’m grateful for alarm clocks i woke up
at six something this morning to get
downtown so i can get back here for you
guys and that probably wouldn’t have
been possible without an alarm clock and
so I’m grateful for alarm clocks the
they might be annoying but they help us
get on time for the things that we need
to get on time for so yeah super good
for alarm clocks I’m sure some of you
might have set an alarm to be here today
live so I appreciate that two and number
three for me number three for me I’m
grateful for sushi last night uh Nina
was coming home late she had an
appointment and came home late and I
decided go and buy some sushi so she had
some yummy food to enjoy which he got
back and she walks in and the first
thing she says is all I’m so hungry and
if she looks down to go you got food and
we open it up and we had a great sushi
dinner and I love sushi I’m thankful
grateful for the invention of sushi so
now over to you guys we got five minutes
left I want to know what your people for
could be something big like your city
could be something as small as sushi or
alarm clocks let me know leave in the
comments let’s do some call-outs first
up we should cut TV what do you Greek
before today LOL Thank You Rishi for
getting us started while i was on my
best but coming back mahal ville hey
Evan in the last episode you asked me
how to pronounce my name oh yes it’s
with a short oh oh I’m not doing it
right it’s not my hovel mahoba mahuva
now I’m getting mohave oh
let me know how to parent a man just
tell me if that’s close one of the I
have to get it moving I’m going with
Marvel now but make sure that that’s
right ah what else we got what else you
got Antoine hey believe nation welcome
bro welcome back Philemon no one love
your videos hi CIM Indonesia what’s up
welcome back kelly morning good morning
kelly going to see you here when you
grateful for Marvel this is writing
hashtagging from in this community it
really makes my day I feel you bro I
feel you I wake up every day get to
spend time with you guys I love it too I
did all had keem hey man hey man back at
you Antoine really enjoy the ants presso
episode this morning i love it glad
you’re feeling it I’m trying to turn up
on those I’m glad you’re glad you’re
liking it we’ve before the retro gaming
community on Twitter I’m not sure what
the retro gaming community is and it’s
interested in people are calling out
Twitter that’s haven’t haven’t seen much
love on Twitter recently so that’s
that’s good to see Chris hi from
Transylvania hi back Chris welcome
aboard Rishi grateful for my beautiful
nieces if I’m ever down I just see the
beautiful smiles at all as well I love
that number two people for YouTube
double ! love YouTube another ! i love
that greasy we should i do a series
after this in a couple minutes on the
business QA while we play league of
legends or i play league of legends
users jay rise and one of her favorite
answers is always around YouTube so I’m
grateful for YouTube as well we should
all be we’re all here on YouTube right
now doing this and number three she’s
wrinkle for netflix they are that Bob uh
we have netflix i don’t really do a lot
with it although we have been enjoying
the Tony Robbins I’m not your guru I
recommend checking that out if you guys
have netflix much welcome aboard 6am for
her I’m people for Evan and J rise and
Rishi who all talked to me this week and
gave me amazing ideas thoughts and
support for me and my biz so much love
to you
love it I love it welcome Jen oh it’s
growing fast with we got Kelly I’m
grateful for my friends for my
ex-mother-in-law for all her help
assisting me picking up my daughter from
school I love that you don’t really see
a lot of gratitude for my ex in-laws I
love that and I’m also grateful for
meditation great hi from Odessa Ukraine
I’m sorry I don’t know how to pronounce
your name but welcome great to see you
here Antoine also give prefer youtube so
many cool content and a great way to
express yourself I agree up youtube this
stuff scrolls so quickly what else what
else what else read I hello hello
welcome back Nutella and sushi the
tellun sushi who’s having to tell in
sushi that sounds wrong I don’t know but
I’m i tried much give him for heat and
blankets because OMG it was hard to get
out of bed today was so chilly all right
all right sherry grateful for my former
boss of 30 years Wow a lot of these like
former I like it my ex-mother-in-law my
former boss series people for her former
boss who called last night just to chat
has given me more than you can imagine I
love that cougar gaming I’m grateful
because all my friends support me in
whatever i’m engaged in i love that
that’s great what else what else what
else I’m people for the new version of
blob bebo y’all gotta give it a try I
haven’t heard of bebo bebo so uh that’s
cool Jimmy grateful for some bleep on
you and your encouragement really
appreciate your perspective love that
Jimmy thank you for the love everybody
else Jorge Sarah Israelite 98 zaino the
kill Dwight’s AJ Darren hurry tube tick
love you guys it’s nine ten Jay rises
showed up what is up he’s ready to go
we’re going to get off on a league
sqa jr. is going to join in have an
amazing day guys close out the week
strong continue to believe or whatever
your one word is show some gratitude
today peace out I’ll see you soon
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